(Copies of I Can’t Breathe: How A Racial Hoax is Killing America, David Horowitz’s book, exposing the crimes of BLM are free with any purchase from the Freedom Center store.)
Democrats desperately trying to spin high crime rates caused by their pro-crime policies began falsely claiming that crime was a Republican problem. The media began running articles with headlines like, “Red States Have Higher Murder Rates” and “Republicans Like to Talk Tough on Crime — But They’re the Ones with a Real Crime Problem”.
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who once claimed that the internet would have no more of an impact than the fax machine, argued that high crime was really a Republican problem and decided to prove it by claiming that, “Oklahoma’s murder rate was almost 50 percent higher than California’s, almost double New York’s.”
Krugman, who somehow has a Nobel Prize, failed to note that most of the murders were coming out of Oklahoma City and Tulsa. In last year’s gubernatorial election, Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt won most of the state while Oklahoma, Tulsa and Cleveland counties however went to leftist Democrat Joy Hofmeister. The ‘blue’ parts of Oklahoma are also red with blood.
“The fact is the rates of violent crime are higher in Oklahoma under your watch,” Hoffmeister had claimed in a viral gubernatorial debate attack. Oklahoma had 287 murders in 2020: 166 came out of Oklahoma County and Tulsa County, the two counties that supported Hoffmeister.
Oklahoma County and Tulsa are two of the 62 counties that were responsible for 56% of America’s murders in 2020. A groundbreaking study by John R. Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center, revealed that “1% of counties have 21% of the population and 42% of the murders” and “2% of counties contain 31% of the population and 56% of the murders.”
The 1% of bloody red counties include such Democrat strongholds as Philadelphia, New York City, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Dallas, D.C., Miami-Dade, Milwaukee, San Diego, St. Louis, Chicago’s Cook County, L Houston’s Harris County, Detroit’s Wayne County, Memphis’ Shelby County, Pheonix’s Maricopa County, Cleveland’s Cuyahoga County, and many others.
Biden won Cook County, the bloodiest county in the country, by 66%. He won Los Angeles County, the second bloodiest, by 71%, Harris County by 56%, Philadelphia by 81%, New York City by 76%, Wayne County by 68%, and Shelby County by 64%.
Shelby was not only one of the three counties in Tennessee to vote Democrat, it was also responsible for 311 of the state’s 682 murders. Similarly, Wayne County was responsible for 379 of Michigan’s 693 murders. Houston accounted for 405 of the 537 murders in Harris County and along with Dallas’ 251 murders, Austin’s 47, San Antonio’s 128, Fort Worth’s 99, accounted for around half of murders in Texas. Maricopa County made up 299 of the 423 murders in Arizona.
Marion County, where Indianapolis is located, accounted for nearly half of the murders in the state, even though it has less than 10% of the population. Milwaukee was responsible for 201 of Wisconsin’s 308 murders even though it also has less than 10% of the population.
There isn’t a red state murder problem, red states have a Democrat crime problem.
The CPRC study showed that while 2% of counties populated by Democrats were responsible for 56% of the country’s murders, 52% of counties had no murders and 68% of counties had at most one murder.
These numbers clearly show that America is not a violent country, that we do not have a crime problem and that gun culture is not the issue: crime culture in Democrat cities is the issue.
Democrat crime cities and counties have created a massive social problem that otherwise would hardly exist. As the study notes, “If the 1% of the counties with the worst number of murders somehow were to become a separate country, the murder rate in the rest of the US would have been only 4.31 in 2020. Removing the worst 2% or 5% would have reduced the US rate to just 3.71 or 2.99 per 100,000, respectively.” We could have the murder rate of New Zealand.
If it wasn’t for the Democrat crime counties.
America is not a dangerous or crime-ridden country. Unfortunately Democrat cities are overrun with criminals and the politicians who cater to them. The Democrats became an urban party and, after jettisoning the white working class and the small business middle class became the party of criminals. From police defunding to the Black Lives Matter riots to mass jailbreaks and the legalization of drugs and shoplifting in major cities, they embraced pro-crime policies that unleashed a massive crime wave. And now they pretend not to know what’s causing the crime.
“Nationwide, violent crime rose substantially in 2020,” Krugman admitted. “Nobody knows for sure what caused the surge — just as nobody knows for sure what caused the epic decline in crime from 1990 to the mid-2010.”
Tough-on-crime policies cut crime in the 90s and the oughts: pro-crime policies boosted crime.
There’s no mystery here. Crime is caused by repeat offenders. In the 90s we began locking them up and then about 5 years ago, we began letting them go at the federal and state level.
In ‘I Can’t Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing America’, David Horowitz exposed the lies behind the Black Lives Matter pro-crime movement and warned of the pandemic of crime that was being unleashed. That hoax has unleashed unprecedented violence, but that crime wave largely remains confined to Democrat areas where criminals prey on members of the party.
More than an additional 5,000 people were killed in 2020. There is little doubt that the disproportionate majority of both the victims and the killers were Democrats. Democrat pro-crime policies are killing Americans, but mostly they’re killing fellow Democrats.
An added 5,000 murders alone means $85 billion in costs. That’s a fraction of the money, estimated at half a trillion dollars, that we spend every year coping with the criminal justice and social problems caused by Democrat crime.
America could be a safe and pleasant place to live. And the majority of its counties, which are mostly Republican, are. Unfortunately many of its Democrat counties are broken places, packed with broken families, criminal cultures and leftist politicians who pander to the criminals.
And the party and its media cover it up with lies about systemic racism.
As David Horowitz warned in, ‘I Can’t Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing America’, the consequences of these lies is more of the same misery, more crime and more death.
Dick Gripeman says
I don’t like murder nor criminal activity.
John Schwab says
Face the facts, Negroes, your race are a failed race because you’re a feckless, unruly, uncivilized horde of feral proto-humans. You never figured out how to live in a society bigger than one or two squabbling families. Starting thousands of years ago, everyone else on this planet without exception did – they invented religion, the idea of law, and the ideas of property and respect for the value of human life. This enabled tribes to coalesce into bigger groups and become organized. The rest is history, or rather civilization.
Larry Henry says
I remember as a boy the black men who worked at my father’s business. They were not educated and they were poor, but they were not bad men. In 1964 government meddling ( Democrats ) destroyed the nuclear black family. Welfare was given to pregnant black ladies, but the men were not allowed to live with them. Thus the sexes were separated.. That is why so many black kids today have no father. The demise of the Negro is the fault of the Marxist Democrats.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Great example of misuse of statistics by Krugman.
I was looking up Robert Peel earlier and he had some excellent theories about crime reduction. Basically prevent crime by having police foot patrols in high crime areas to deter crime, rather than catching criminals after the fact. Because there are too many criminals for that to be effective.
So having no-go zones and high-crime Democrat cities is disastrous, breeding grounds for criminals.
Nicolas Carras says
Nothing better than honest and armed citizens to clean up a city full of criminals. When the crime goes beyond a certain stage, only a war against it can change things. And many do not want to wage this war, in the name of political correctness. Another tale of cowardly bureaucrats.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Self-defense is also under attack. Even in states with castle doctrine laws, criminals are allowed to sue the homeowners who shot them.
David Ray says
That’s why you always finish the scumbag intruder off which an extra shot to the head.
Arizona rancher Nethercott made the mistake of showing restraint and detained two illegals trespassing on his land – rather than shooting them.
His restraint was rewarded with an activist judge ruling that his ranch be awarded to the two illegal scumbags.
sweetsuzee says
Definitely not true. I’m all for keeping the scum out of this country but Nethercott pistol whipped one of them almost to death when the group he was a part of had a policy not to touch but rather record. He went to prison for his unlawful conduct.
Michael Peinsipp says
Not in KY!
Outside of Jefferson County (Louisville) and Fayette County (Lexington) crime rates are damn near ZERO…and we CARRY…even our ‘elderly’ Ladies!
James Madison says
Hence in that type of situation. there are no survivors that broke into the house.
T says
That and effective use of propaganda. We’ve never seen such penetration of propaganda into American culture as we have, due to the fact that most people can’t even conceive of life without their smartphones attached to them at All Times.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Agreed. There is no such thing as misinformation (repeating a lie in stupidity) or disinformation (creating a lie to deceive). There are liars and fools. There is truth and falsehood.
Dana F Harbaugh says
What if creating “breeding grounds for criminals” is the goal?
The Left’s power also involves paying thugs to run their protection rackets. Think DEI and BLM… pay us, or we’ll burn your city down.
Terry says
Theory is just that. I prefer to deal in facts. Like Mr. Krugman. Big Dem cities can barely get Police on the scene with the mechanical advantage of vehicles,let alone hire enough officers to have them on hoof . The quick turn around solution is massive spending on large jails and then judges who will throw away the key.
Charles Casaburi says
A libtard can pull a statistic out of his butt proving the moon is made of green cheese. They don’t lie in any calculating sort way_ To then reality itself is just something you make up as you go along.
Mark Sochor says
The results of this study are surprising to exactly no one.
Kynarion Hellenis says
No one here, but these stupid claims have traction because we are awash in stupidity, especially in the college educated.
Kasandra says
And because the Left cannot deal with reality or their own culpability in creating these policies with their narrative rich, but factually bereft bases.
Cicero says
The missing relevant statistic in this article is the racial profile of the perpetrators. But then, we already know what that is. Greenfield just chooses not to mention it.
rocco barbella says
Well, we all know the demographic of people that commit the overwhelming amount of crime in these cities and counties. It’s not the blonde haired, blue eyed Norwegians.
We could take it a step further and be even more specific and say we don’t have a crime problem, but a demographic problem.
Kynarion Hellenis says
It is a culture problem. Multi-culti ultimately destroys all culture except the ones grounded in chaos and destruction. There is no multi-culti place with low crime and high social trust.
David Ray says
You have a point.
The culture of “Polar bear hunting” a.k,a. the “knockout game” is punks throwing a hard punch at whitey (women included) to try to lay ’em out unconscious.
The actor Rick Moranis fell victim to this evil garbage.
Kynarion Hellenis says
And there is little to no shame for polar bear hunting – as there would be if the practitioners were Asian or white. Quite the opposite. Footage reveals laughing gleefully and celebrating.
Maixiu says
It’s astounding that in 2023 articles like this still get trotted out when most intelligent people have caught on to the fact that biology is the prime determinant of where the crime takes place.
roberta says
”It’s astounding that in 2023 articles like this still get trotted out when most intelligent people have caught on to the fact that biology is the prime determinant of where the crime takes place.”
I would prefer to think that it is a matter of a (culture) gone to h-ll in a basket. But having been raised and lived most of my life in an agriculture zone, I have a knowledge of ”like makes like”‘
maixiu says
Culture is downstream from biology. I fully understand the difficulty in accepting that premise after a lifetime of being told otherwise, but there it is.
Kynarion Hellenis says
People are not the same. Many subspecies have widely different genetic and cultural expressions translating into different ways of being and living. This is natural and good. Equality is not sameness except under the law.
People tend to prefer living among their own, but love the comforts and plenty of western civilization. Even the Japanese and Chinese love our comforts, but do not wish to import a bunch of round eyes to live among them.
Envy of whites causes hatred of us and the desire for our destruction. When I watch movies set in Europe with black actors playing royalty, I do not wonder why. It is erasure. It is destructive to our story without which lose our people.
Michael Peinsipp says
In Louisville KY the Blacks and White criminals are pretty damn even Sir.
MyNameIsEarl says
Yes he chooses to say democrat instead of the true underlying problem, which has been referred to the problem race. Vermont is a democrat run state and does not have these problems, because it is 95% White.
John Bumpus says
Everyone is ‘tiptoeing through the tulips.’ O.K., since I am now well into my seventies, I will say it since I am too old for it to matter to me anymore.
And of the 1% of Democrat counties which have the crime problem, how many of those counties have a BLACK Democrat county executive? Probably all, or almost all. And of those same counties, how many have a BLACK chief of law enforcement? Again, probably all, or almost all. And of those same counties, how many have a law enforcement force of almost all, or overwhelmingly a majority of, BLACK law enforcement officers? Again, probably all, or almost all. And now for the $64,000 question (are YOU old enough to remember THAT television program?), how many of those same counties have an overwhelmingly BLACK population? All—period—ALL! (continued below)
internalexile says
Guess you would last about three seconds on Youtube.
T says
Truth is Treason to Totalitarians.
Michael Peinsipp says
And +- 99% all have a György Schwartz aka George Soros DA…watch this video about Sorops in his own words… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8Id0-Lsyr0
John Bumpus says
(comment continued from above)
Something has gone dreadfully wrong in BLACK AMERICA! Single family homes where Mothers futilely try to control lawless teenagers. Adult immoral males whose sole joy in life seems to be procreating as many children as possible with as many immoral women as they can find—and then they ‘run for the tall grass’, never to be seen or heard from again! Education is not valued in these BLACK communities as it is in other communities so these children mature into adulthood unable to do anything to earn a decent, lawful living. Illicit drug dealing, and drug use, that is off the charts! Ditto for violent crime of every description. And I don’t want to hear the liberal schtick about ‘the poor’—trillions upon trillions of taxpayer dollars have been spent by all levels of government in and for these communities ever since I can remember! But the problem has steadily become only worse and worse. And I have NO idea what can be done about the problem except to just lock the violent offenders up and through away the key!
ReconRambo says
The problems with this element of society began way back in Biblical times with the “Curse” pronounced upon Noah’s youngest son Ham and his descendants. You can see and follow it down through the history of time. Look at Africa and the Middle Eastern countries from time past up until today. No amount of man’s remedies, like money and education are ever going to change the “Curse” and it’s affects on society, because God put no time limit or cutoff declaration to this Curse. Yes, there is hope for some of these descendants of Ham and that is only through Jesus Christ and him alone.
Michael Peinsipp says
I grew up in the 60-70’s and back than (early on) education was very important. Than later when Father Govt took over…well you know the rest.
Frank says
Time to change the saying “Guns don’t kill people people kill people,” and most of those people are Democrats.
Nicolas Carras says
There will always be those who believe that the gun has small legs and a small brain, and that it can come out of its box on its own to kill someone. Yet strictly no video surveillance has ever shown us that.
internalexile says
“Guns don’t kill people, Democrats kill people.” I lke it.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Succinct and to the point.
David Ray says
We can have alota fun with that one.
Here’s my play with it . . .
“Guns don’t kill people; abortion clinics do.”
Craig Austin says
It could lead to a very brief and extraordinarily violent civil war, where these particular zones are isolated and the inhabitants completely eliminated. Sounds rough but history is full of rough stuff. Believing it couldn’t happen in modern times is forgetting that everything happens in modern times.
Steve Chavez says
MUST MENTION ALBUQUERQUE, used to be #1 in crime, now #2. Mayor Tim Keller, whose wife studied in CUBA and Nicaragua and followed Che’s Motorcycle journey, (article in the Albuquerque Journal interview), was caught falsifying crime stats during a news conference with his own police chief revealing the true numbers. Keller then blamed it on a computer program and then hired UNM to fix it.
ABQ is a Sanctuary City and Keller even hired an asst. city attorney to help ILLEGALS with their court cases.
NM became the first Sanctuary state in ’86 with Gov. Toney Anaya. In a meeting with him, I detailed that the NM Peace Council, a front of the Soviet KGB’s World Peace Council, was aiding the Communist FMLN rebels in El Salvador and encouraging Salvadorians to come here. There was a Sanctuary Trial with a Reverend and a poet who ILLEGALLY brought two females from El Salvador and were caught. I asked the U.S. attorney if I could help him understand their movement, he declined, they made a fool out of him. They were acquitted even after I told him that one of the jurors was in one of the university fronts.
NOW THOSE ILLEGALS have taken over a major area in ABQ.. It’s called the War Zone, renamed by Keller, The International District. MAJOR CRIME. MAJOR issues with housing with barriers at every intersection to only make right turns. STILL, ILLEGALS are running drug operations, mostly selling MEXICAN BLACK TAR HEROIN.
Steve Chavez says
RECORD HOMICIDES and we’re already outpacing last year’s count.
“DEFUND THE POLICE” was promoted by Keller and Gov. Michelle Lujan-Grisham (MLG), who suddenly love Police for her re-election campaign.
When Trump announced OPERATION LEGEND, Keller and MLG called them Storm Troopers. It would seem they would welcome ALL support from everywhere. NOPE! BRAINWASHED BY THE CULT! To outdo Trump, MLG ordered FIFTY STATE POLICE to ABQ to help with the crime. All for a PHOTO-OP. “She cares for us. Oh golly!” After the media hype died down, they were gone. She did it again, photo-op, acting tough on crime, GONE!
Keller gives a speech at our local Peace and Justice Center, with other extreme radicals, and then they marched downtown and the thugs took over BREAKING ALL THE STORE FRONT WINDOWS. (I spoke to two police at our Growers Market and they told me Keller gave them STAND DOWN ORDERS, one was there.) When they tried to burn down the HISTORIC KIMO THEATER, due to swasti-kas on the building with them not knowing that they were Navajo symbols, the POLICE stopped them. Now the Kimo has gigantic metal barriers on the windows. Two years went by with plywood covering the windows, but at least artists painted them. THEN KELLER, GIVES THE BUSINESSES $150,000 TO FIX THE WINDOWS THAT HE ALLOWED TO BE DESTROYED! DOWNTOWN HAS YET TO RECOVER AND IT WILL TAKE DECADES TOO. HOW MANY OTHER CITIES ARE IN THE SAME BOAT? THANKS DEMOCRATS!
Algorithmic Analyst says
Good example. Everyone blames the police, but it is usually the mayors who give them stand-down orders.
David Ray says
Cops are indeed told to stand down.
Just like in Charlottesville . . . where AntiFa had been making trouble with the peaceful patriots (and repeated often such as on Jan 5th & 6th.)
Callmelennie says
Maricopa County contains almost 60% of AZ’s population, so of course, it will have the lion’s share of murders
Moreover, has every shade of political leanings on the spectrum to Deep Blue inner city Phoenix and college town Tempe to Deep Red outer suburbs like Chandler and the large # of retirement clusters in the North. You know, where Katie Hobbs “accidentally” screwed up the vote tallying system.
If you focus on minority heavy and poorer South and Southwest Phoenix, thats where you’ll find the murder hot spots
David Ray says
And as we found our, Maricopa also is flush with woke election fraudsters (also a crime).
The fraud they pulled on Election Day was laughably surreal, but they knew they could have fun committing it . . . they knew the press would run cover for ’em.
Spurwing Plover says
The Democrats answer t crime is banning and confiscating privately owned guns while rubbing elbows with Gang Members and posing for the 6:00 News that’s what the Stupid Jackass Party dose way too soft on Crime
Christopher Riddle says
Like that song from “Oklahoma!!!”,The DemonRat/LibTurds are just”Doin’ What Comes Natcherly”??????
Justin Swingle says
WE CAN’T RESOLVE the crime tidal wave until we set aside WOKE FASCISM and declare crime in america as BLACK.
Massive fight at Stonestown mall in San Francisco caught on camera
Houston teens arrested in caught-on-camera ‘jugging’ robbery that left woman paralyzed
The arrests of Joseph Harrell, 17, and Zy’Nika Ayesha Woods, 19, were announced at a press conference Friday, more than a month after Nhung Truong was brutalized the day before Valentine’s Day.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Good video, thanks.
David Ray says
If I were naive, I’d assume the Asian group is aware of the fact it isn’t mystical “white supremacists” that are targeting them. (They seem disinclined to comment on the usual suspects.)
As for these roving groups of thugs, cops should shoot them with rubber slugs.
Afterall; the DC cops had no reservation about using rubber bullets on a well behaved crowd in the ellipsis on Jan 6th. (Not so we’ll behaved after enduring half an hour of that provocation.)
DS says
I disagree. It’s not Democrats per se committing these crimes- the vast majority is committed by blacks. I would wager that the majority of them have no political affiliation.
David Ray says
Your wager would be a loss. BLM’s website had a place to donate to the *Biden campaign for a reason.)
DS says
Woke whites are the ones making contributions to Biden through BLM. Blacks don’t have the money or inclination to do so.
T says
I would like to hope for the better angels, as well. I don’t waste energy hoping for unreality, though. It is highly probable that the vast majority of them vote democrat, even if they’re dead. We aren’t dealing with civil Americans in democrats who run those mobocrat strongholds. They are communist militants in the vein of Mao, Stalin and Che.
Steve Chavez says
So True and it must be repeated.
I’m a fan of “First 48 Hours” TV show and 99% of the criminals featured are Blacks with long rap sheets. When the detectives roam the area for witnesses, hundreds roaming the streets, sitting on porches, unemployed, drug dealers, and no one speaks up due to A NO SNITCHING POLICY even if the victim is your own family member. Therefore, that person kills the person who killed his brother. Then that person’s family kills your brothers and sisters… IN A NEVER-ENDING CYCLE OF REVENGE! (Same goes for so many cities, run by Democrats. Revenge!)
A Black neighbor told me there are two types of Blacks: (SHE SAID IT NOT ME!) “One is the hard-working, church going, family oriented Blacks, and then there are the N******!” The latter lived above her and the kids were running around all night, playing basketball upstairs, with a real basketball, fighting, and the mother let her two older daughters use the home on Saturday nights to invite customers two at a time, three times a night. Their babies would stay there with the grandmother, a meth dealer, would let the babies cry for hours and then yelling, “STOP CRYING! WHAT DO YOU WANT? STOP CRYING!” She smoked meth with her grandsons.
BLACK LIVES MATTER except those in Chicago, Philly, Baltimore, etc since their Black Lives DON’T Matter because their lives don’t fit an agenda!
Algorithmic Analyst says
Also there is a revenge cycle that goes on between 2 black gangs, for example, each gang engages in driveby shootings with automatic weapons as they drive through the other gangs territory. That’s a major cause of black on black homicides.
Michael Peinsipp says
“(SHE SAID IT NOT ME!) “One is the hard-working, church going, family oriented Blacks, and then there are the N******!”
I had Blacks here in Rural KY tell me the same thing. Only ONE Black here is a useless criminal. All the others are God Fearing Conservative Gun Owning Americans who HATE the Democratic Party…the Party of Slavery!
Dan says
Yes, more crime incidents happen in cities where more people live. Crime per Capita is a better measure than nominal numbers for this reason. This is stupid.
Michael Peinsipp says
Stop thinking Dem vs Rep. Think Conservative vs Progressive and both of those Mayors are Progressives.
Don says
The truth hurts some people….like the Demonrats……..and they want to take guns away from everyone.
Jim says
Do you have link to the actual data by state & county?
Or an ArcGIS datafile.
Big G says
If they can’t eat it or f””k it, they wreck it.
T says
Read everything by the miracle that is Thomas Sowell.
Denton Scratch says
Coincidentally those same deep-blue counties are also responsible for the vast majority of vote fraud, homelessness, property crimes, blight, failed schools, arson, drug use, prostitution, etc. etc.
They also have the worst budget deficits, worst infrastructure and highest costs of doing business.
Total coincidence I’m sure /sarc/
Gamaliel says
Krugman won the Nobel prize for economics because the Nobel prize committee is leftist if not socialist and Krugman’s economics are very left. Economics and science should be pure apolitical disciplines but they’re not.