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“Only days after 9/11, Norwegian author Gert Nygårdshaug sneered at the idea that there might soon be an attack on ‘Oslo or Rome or Copenhagen.’ He was far from alone in his mockery. Then came Madrid, London, Bali, Beslan, Mumbai….The Western European elite played down, even denied, any connection among these events. Yet year by year the truth has become increasingly clear: though the U.S. was the target on 9/11, the front line of the war with Islamism is Europe.”
- Bruce Bawer, “9/11, Five Years Later: A View from Europe,” December 2, 2006
“If we’d had a president who had dared to speak the truth about our enemies and about the ideology (which is to say theology) that motivates them, and had done so eloquently and stirringly and repeatedly, à la Churchill…it might have made a huge difference….But perhaps not. Perhaps the poison of multiculturalism — the fear of acknowledging that our enemies were, in fact, our enemies — was simply too potent….The tragic fact of the matter is that ten years after 9/11, we are more ignorant, and more vulnerable, than ever.”
- Bruce Bawer, “9/11 and the Pastness of the Past,” September 11, 2011
“9/11 was a day of heroes and of villains, of stark contrasts between good and evil. Yet how quickly the politicians, journalists, and others in positions of power managed to make a muddle of it all. Instead of witnessing a democratization of the Middle East, we experienced a steady Islamization of the West. Instead of seeing freedom bloom in the Islamic world, we saw a rise in Western censorship and self-censorship on the subject of Islam.”
- Bruce Bawer, “9/11: Twelve Years Later,” September 10, 2013
“His enemies call him a fascist. On the contrary, he’s the first U.S. president since 9⁄11 who genuinely seems to grasp that Islam is fascism.”
- Bruce Bawer, “Remembering 9/11 in the Age of Trump,” September 11, 2018
“Twenty years on, under the disgraceful Biden, America feels like a damaged and diminished nation – its power weakened, its alliances shaken, its once-unshakable core beliefs largely shattered, not least by the suicidal compulsion to speak well of Islam.”
- Bruce Bawer, “Celebrating Our Enemies, Twenty Years after 9/11,” September 10, 2021
“America has been transformed very quickly into a country that’s so dramatically different from the one we lived in on September 10, 2001, that the twenty-first anniversary of that atrocity can feel almost irrelevant to our present concerns and calamities. But let’s remember that it was on 9/11 that the shock was delivered to our system that, responded to in precisely the wrong way, saw us wade deeper and deeper into the current muck of doubt, deception, and division.”
- Bruce Bawer, “That Day, Yet Again,” September 10, 2022
Sometimes it feels as if it happened just the day before yesterday, and other times it seems lost in the mists of time.
Time is like that.
At first there was intense shock. Then a sharply focused anger, a flourishing of patriotism, and a potent resolve. And then, over the years, increasing confusion, division, self-doubt.
No, we shouldn’t have allowed a thirst for revenge, and a desire to remind the monsters of the world who was boss, to turn into an exercise in nation-building in the graveyard of empires and in one of the few Middle Eastern states without a theocratic government. Some of us, who had some knowledge of Islam, sensed that we were headed down the road to disaster. But we were, after all, relative newcomers to the study of that faith, and we were naive enough to think that people with fancy White House titles, people who turned up on all the Sunday morning shows, smooth and glib, and who always seemed to have all the answers, might know better than we did.
There are many ways of looking at 9/11. Every year when the anniversary comes around, 9/11 looks somewhat difference, because the moment we’re looking back from is different. You can’t step into the same river twice.
One positive way of looking at 9/11 is to recognize it as the start of a road to wisdom – for some of us, anyway. Our country was attacked by devout members of a primitive death cult that had taught them to hate our freedoms; we retaliated by trying to democratize their undemocratizable homelands. Instead of kicking out of our own country the adherents of that religion who obviously held America-hatred in their hearts, our political leaders continued to let them come. Both Republicans and Democrats whitewashed Islam, saying that the jihadists had betrayed it. This was a big lie, an inexcusable lie, a dangerous lie, which in the minds of the 50% or so of Americans who actually bought it served to implant the idea that on 9/11 they had been the good guys and we had done something to deserve the attacks.
This notion, in turn, reinforced the toxic ideologies that were being peddled to the children of the elite in the nation’s Ivy and Ivy-adjacent colleges, thereby helping to turn a generation of privileged young Americans destined for positions of cultural power into America-haters.
As it happened, the turn of the century not only brought 9/11. It also marked a dramatic shift in the ways in which information was spread. CNN had been around since 1980; Fox News and MSNBC came along in 1996, solidifying a 24-hour cycle of both news and opinion. The World Wide Web, introduced in 1991, exploded during the years around the turn of the century, giving us access to alternative sources of information that contradicted official narratives. Eventually we realized just how much we’d been lied to over the years by our political and media establishment, realized just how far removed we were (and had been for a long time) from government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
We didn’t stop loving America, but many of us put a greater distance in our minds between the country we loved and the people who ran it.
By the end of George W. Bush’s presidency, the moral clarity and resolve of the immediate post-9/11 period had been lost. We were in Afghanistan and Iraq, and supposedly it all had something to do with 9/11, but what exactly? The refusal of both Republican and Democratic politicians, and of the mainstream news media generally, to honestly address the fundamental facts about Islam had made it difficult, if not impossible, to discuss the very meaning of the attacks or to formulate a sensible response to them. A country that after 9/11 had been (at least briefly) almost wholly united in patriotism was now, because of differing attitudes toward America’s response to 9/11, more disunited than it had been in a long time.
Then, in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election, along came a relative newcomer to national politics who had two distinct attributes, both of which ultimately helped secure his victory. For one thing, his father had come from one Muslim country and the candidate himself had been raised in another; for millions of bien pensant Americans, voting for him was a way of apologizing for whatever we had done, in our cruel colonialist past, to make the jihadists hate us so much. For another thing, Obama was black, and his campaign rhetoric about “one America” promised guilt-ridden white Americans absolution, suggesting that his elevation to the Oval Office would put the question of racism – which we’d been repeatedly told was America’s original sin – behind us once and for all. For millions of voters, Obama was nothing less than an answer to our prayers, a gift from the gods, a golden prince with a silver tongue who’d been sent down to take what had been broken and to put it all back together again.
Upon taking office, of course, Obama revealed quickly enough (although a few wise souls had been on to him all along) that he was nothing more or less than a high priest of America-hatred. With remarkable speed, he proceeded to turn what had, after long struggle, become essentially a post-racist society into a society centered increasingly on, and separated increasingly by, notions of group victimhood and grievance. The destructive power of this transformation was immense. A big part of the reason why so many children of white progressive parents have identified as transgender during the last few years is that they can’t bear thinking of themselves as members of an oppressive class.
It took the advent of Donald J. Trump to fully awaken many of us to the degree to which the Republicans and Democrats were a “uniparty,” run by an inside-the-Beltway caste for the benefit of themselves, their elitist friends and cohorts, their corporate benefactors, and, in many cases, nefarious foreign interests who made it possible for them to buy multimillion-dollar mansions on Capitol Hill salaries. As the scales fell from our eyes, more and more of us found ourselves pondering with deep distrust the motives of politicians of both parties who’d sent the brave children of patriotic Americans to fight in faraway lands.
It was Trump who spoke up powerfully against needless wars and who raised the issues that truly affected ordinary American lives. Bring back jobs. Build the wall. Deport illegals. For decades, in the holy (and misbegotten) name of “free trade,” both parties had let China become the manufacturing hub of the world even as they let America’s own manufacturing heartland turn into the Rust Belt. Utterly indifferent to the welfare of their own hard-working, long-suffering constituents, our leaders acted as if these developments were inevitable, irreversible – the product of cosmic forces.
Trump’s rise on behalf of those neglected Americans sent up a howl by the political and media establishment that was heard round the world. When he dared to make what should have been the self-evident point that the American government should first of all care about Americans, he – along with the criminally neglected patriots who cheered him – was labeled a racist, a xenophobe, an Islamophobe, a white supremacist. The establishment righteously savaged him for calling shithole countries “shithole countries” even as they cheered Hillary Clinton for calling the hard-working middle Americans whom they’d betrayed “deplorables.”
Even before Trump was elected, the D.C. swamp creatures conspired to take him down. Now, three years into his successor’s term, they’re still working their mischief, more and more nakedly, and are going not just after him but after an ever-widening circle of his supporters. Laws and practices and institutional changes that were put in place after 9/11, supposedly to protect our freedom, are now being used to restrict our freedom. After 9/11, the feds and social-media giants began working together to deplatform jihadists, but eventually were more focused on deplatforming opponents of the Democratic Party. The Homeland Security Department, which still oversees the ridiculous and intrusive security theater at our airports, is fighting climate change even as criminals flood across the southern border. The FBI, transformed after 9/11 into a domestic intelligence service, has developed into a chilling Democratic Party Stasi, targeting traditionalist Catholics, arresting friends of Trump, and hiding Biden family crimes. The Department of Justice smiles on left-wing rioters and vandals but has detained for years MAGA fans who walked peacefully through the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. As I write this, it is being reported that the DOJ wants to imprison Owen Shroyer, a journalist, for giving a speech that day in Washington, D.C.’s Freedom Plaza.
By contrast, Muslims in America are above criticism. Nothing an individual Muslim says or does can change this. Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar – who, with her family, found sanctuary in the U.S. after her father, a longtime subordinate for Somalia’s Stalinist dictator, was forced to flee that country – married her brother for purposes of immigration and/or student loan fraud, has repeatedly expressed hatred for Jews and white men, has been involved in ballot harvesting, has committed multiple campaign-finance violations, has called for the defunding of the Minneapolis police, has defended Hamas and Iran, has described Angela Davis as her idol, has shared stages with people tied to Islamic terrorism, and has called America a racist nation. And yet because she is a Muslim, no mainstream media organ will dare to report honestly on all of this.
Back in 2015, Project Veritas reported on several leading universities where administrators or faculty had approved or aided in the formation of “Pro-ISIS Clubs” proposed by an undercover reporter. While the Muslim Brotherhood has a Facebook page, social-media censors routinely delete criticism of Islam and yank the accounts of repeat offenders.
Have I strayed far from the topic of 9/11? Not really. Twenty-two years after 9/11, the freedom that our attackers hated is slipping away from us with terrifying speed. And though we didn’t know it at the time, it was on that now distant September morning that we started down the road to this sobering moment of crisis.
THX 1138 says
America and the West are perishing from an orgy of self-sacrifice of — ALTRUISM.
The Trumpian idea of “America First” is a SELFISH idea. Capitalism is SELFISH. Private property is SELFISH. Selective immigration is SELFISH. Self-preservation is SELFISH. Earning and making money and keeping it for your own happiness is SELFISH.
The pursuit of happiness is SELFISH. Freedom and liberty are SELFISH.
Until Americans understand that SELFISHNESS, properly and rationally defined, is man’s highest and most noble virtue, and that ALTRUISM and SELF-SACRIFICE are man’s greatest evils there is no hope for saving America.
“America’s inner contradiction was the altruist-collectivist ethics. Altruism is incompatible with freedom, with capitalism and with individual rights. One cannot combine the pursuit of happiness with the moral status of a sacrificial animal….
From her start, America was torn by the clash of her political system with the altruist morality. Capitalism and altruism are incompatible; they are philosophical opposites; they cannot co-exist in the same man or in the same society. Today, the conflict has reached its ultimate climax; the choice is clear-cut: either a new morality of rational self-interest, with its consequences of freedom, justice, progress and man’s happiness on earth—or the primordial morality of altruism, with its consequences of slavery, brute force, stagnant terror and sacrificial furnaces.” – Ayn Rand
“Ayn Rand – Why Altruism Is Evil”
sumsrent says
The Falling Man… a tear jerker!
Some have compared 9-11 to the Tarot Card The Tower struck by Lightning and the person falling of
Jason P says
Indeed. This is why Americans can’t distinguish between the altruistic 20 year nations-building campaign and retaliation, which would have required our going after bin Laden as he went into Pakistan.
Indeed, we gave Pakistan billions as they hid Osama and rebuilt the Taliban. And treated Saudi Arabia, the ideological fountainhead of jihadi Islam, as a special ally.
We are blind to the philosophical causes and fund our haters.
THX 1138 says
Precisely. Thank you.
By what moral right does the American government steal from the American tax-payer and hand the loot over to fund their destroyers? Not by any rational, reality-based, moral right. But by the religious, mystical, code of self-sacrifice, by the so-called moral code of altruism.
“I’m after a man whom I want to destroy. He died many centuries ago, but until the last trace of him is wiped out of men’s minds, we will not have a decent world to live in. . . . Robin Hood.
It is said that [Robin Hood] fought against the looting rulers and returned the loot to those who had been robbed, but that is not the meaning of the legend which has survived. He is remembered, not as a champion of property, but as a champion of need, not as a defender of the robbed, but as a provider of the poor. He is held to be the first man who assumed a halo of virtue by practicing charity with wealth which he did not own, by giving away goods which he had not produced, by making others pay for the luxury of his pity. He is the man who became the symbol of the idea that need, not achievement, is the source of rights, that we don’t have to produce, only to want, that the earned does not belong to us, but the unearned does. He became a justification for every mediocrity who, unable to make his own living, has demanded the power to dispose of the property of his betters, by proclaiming his willingness to devote his life to his inferiors at the price of robbing his superiors. It is this foulest of creatures — the double-parasite who lives on the sores of the poor and the blood of the rich — whom men have come to regard as a moral ideal. And this has brought us to a world where the more a man produces, the closer he comes to the loss of all his rights, until, if his ability is great enough, he becomes a rightless creature delivered as prey to any claimant — while in order to be placed above rights, above principles, above morality, placed where anything is permitted to him, even plunder and murder, all a man has to do is be in need. Do you wonder why the world is collapsing around us? That is what I am fighting… Until men learn that of all human symbols, Robin Hood is the most immoral and the most contemptible, there will be no justice on earth and no way for mankind to survive.”
— Ragnar Danneskjöld in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, Part II, Chapter VII
Intrepid says
Yeah….altruism. I bet the Feds are just quaking in their boots when you hold up your collection of Ayn Rand books in their faces.
Anthony Dayton says
This attack on altruism is going to backfire. The firefighters and police who gave their lives teying to rescue the trapped innoce ts in th WTC on 911, thexsoldiers who stormed the Beaches at Normandy, were they not altruistic?
THX 1138 says
To Anthony Dayton,
I cannot tell you why each individual police officer, firefighter, or soldier chooses or ends up in their profession but the proper reason why a man should choose to be a police officer, fireman, or soldier is the SELFISH love of that profession and work. They should love their work for selfish reasons.
The proper reason for choosing any line of work should be because the work brings some kind of personal, selfish, self-interested, reward and value to your life. A selfless toiler is a serf or a slave.
“If a man dies fighting for his own freedom, it is not a sacrifice: he is not willing to live as a slave; but it is a sacrifice to the kind of man who’s willing….
You have chosen to risk your lives for the defense of this country. I will not insult you by saying that you are dedicated to selfless service — it is not a virtue in my morality. In my morality, the defense of one’s country means that a man is personally unwilling to live as a conquered slave of any enemy, foreign or domestic. This is an enormous [selfish] virtue. Some of you may not be consciously aware of it. I want to help you realize it.” – Ayn Rand, “Philosophy: Who Needs It”, address given to the graduating class at West Point in 1974
Intrepid says
Since you have never really worked at anything except cutting and pasting your Objectivist rubbish I wonder what SELFISH love you derive from wanting people to read your rubbish.
Intrepid says
Please, not that video again. Was it you that tied up the sheep?
The article, in case you didn’t notice, is about 9-11, not your childish pet obsession.
9-11 was a crime that was committed by Al Queda, which was enabled by a Leftist 5th column here in the U.S. No one has paid a price or spent a moment in jail, because we allowed all of the investigations to be controlled by the perpetrators. The result was 20 years of war, trillions of $$$s down the drain, thousands of needless U.S. casualties, followed by another pathetic defeat. And the Taliban is back. And your biggest concern, as with everything, is about how horrible we are as a nation.
Ayn Rand never knew what she was talking about. You never seem to know what you are talking about except to prattle on about altruism. Like that is going to solve any problems.
You probably cheered when the Towers fell and blamed the Catholics, the Jews and altruism.
Samuel Pope says
You can always tell when THX is losing it when he simply starts capitalizing words like “reason” and altruism. No THX, your confusion of word count with substance isn’t the problem here—the only thing standing between you and the Great Objectivist Awakening is a big yellow hi-liter.
THX 1138 says
That’s right a big yellow hi-liter American capitalism produces. $5.89 a dozen right now at Office Supply dot com.
Intrepid says
You couldn’t find capitalism or patriotism with two hands and a flashlight…..especially on 9-11
Elizabeth says
Founding Fathers established the U.S. on Biblical principles with caring for others. Christians started hospitals, & missions. They fought a war from G.B. to be free to choose & govern. Selfishness are Communist/Socialist Rulers or Islamic Socialists, Taliban rulers dominate nations & industries by cruelty, They subdue a society, by cruel dominating tactics. Capitalism allows people to govern with choice. It allows opportunity to succeed & have protection. It doesn’t regulate by a point system to keep achievers down to code. Like Climate Controllers making decisions for people to control them. Even to the point of food control. They regulate what you should eat or drive.
Under Obama, Islamic Socialists have taken control of U.S. ,City Councils to declare,” the Call of Allah.” They want to use Sharia Law to regulate lives.
V.P. Biden left Classified Documents at D.C. Biden Center. It gained millions to advance China in 350 CCP Projects. China advance in 70+industries, agribusiness with headquarters in U.S. & China. They dominate 2,000 products & Green Deal, slowly removing freedom & opportunity from U.S. Two opposing forces. Marxists Socialists use Communist Manifesto to alter history & culture. 1. Destabilize U.S. with high national debt & rise of dependents, They force people to pay high taxes to lose their homes, while housing illegals free. The Military, who fought for U.S. & many nations to be free, suffer homelessness. Socialists/Communists use racism, to divide. 2. Com. Manifesto alters culture-Demoralize by LGBQT. MN passed a bill, that parents don’t have authority over a child, if they choose, by vulnerability, to transgender. Authorities have transgendered children without parental permission. This is authoritarian, Socialist/Communist ruling. We know people, who fled Communist & Socialist, Islamic nations to come to U.S. to be free.
David Ray says
George W’s 1st acts were to take off his shoes & pay homage in a mosque, insist that islam was the “religion of peace”, and ran away from calling our response a crusade.
Not exactly a rallying cry to crush America’s enemies.
It’d be as if FDR visited a Shinto shrine, praised the Samurai war ethos, and insisted that Christianity was no better & just as warlike right after Dec. 7th.
Instead of unleashing our troops on destroying evil, they were instead used as fodder.. (But at least we fought cordially.)
Beez says
Seven years and two months after 9-11, we elected a jihadi as POTUS.
puzzled says
They weren’t “hijackers”, they were muslims obeying orders.
muslims obeying orders from the curran.
They did nothing wrong which is why they were CHEERED by the muslim world.
Just saying.
RS says
Pagan. nations hate America, our freedoms, our liberty, and our faith, whether its Judaism or Christianity. They are against God and his people. This world is headed for bad times with people ruling who are haters of humanity and a civil society.
Mo de Profit says
Who benefited from the Afghanistan war, the Iraq war and now the Ukraine war?
The military industrial complex.
The response to 9/11 should have been a nuke on Mecca, Tehran and Islamabad – job done.
Noah Andeark says
To the terrorists at the terror org CAIR…..and they are ALL terrorists……
HAPPY MUSLIM DAY!!!!! A Hearty allahu’s snackbar to ya!!
Intrepid says
I am still angry after all these years. I used to think it was the Muslims that hadn’t paid the price for the attack. But I was wrong.
In retrospect it is the enemy within that hasn’t paid the price for 9-11. After hibernating for about 25 years post-Viet Nam the 9-11 attack brought America’s Fifth Column domestic enemy out of the shadows….the American Left and it’s co-enabler of Islam, the Democrat Party.
We are in a Civil War. We have been in that Civil War since the Clinton years and it is escalating…..
Never forget that Obama tried to minimize 9-11 by trying to turn it into a “day of service” rather than keep it as a day of remembrance.
Never forget: Before Brennan became Obama’s Director of the of the Central Intelligence Agency on March 8, 2013, he spent 25 years with the CIA in numerous positions, including CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia, chief of staff to CIA director George Tenet, and director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
And it was Brennan who gave the 19 Muslim Terrorists visas to enter the US.
Former CIA director John Brennan personally green-lit the 9/11 hijacker s entry into the US after being informed of potential terror concerns.
Never Forget.
It was the Clintons all along who enabled Al Qaeda. They bugged out of Somalia which gave bin Laden his original ideas about America. Then there was the first Trade center attack. Andrew McCarthy got two of the perps. Then came Khobar Towers and the embassy attacks. Clinton did nothing. Finally the USS Cole. The excuse for that fecklessness was “we need more actionable intelligence.
Read Willful Blindness by Andrew McCarthy
Read The Looming Tower By Lawrence Wright.
Read The Man Who Warned America by Murray Weiss
Read See Something, Say Nothing by Philip Haney
Connect the dots. It was the Clintons all along .
THX 1138 says
Beirut 1983, Ronald Reagan did NOTHING. Did the Clintons whisper in Reagan’s ear?
George Bush sr., the Gulf War, wins the battle, but loses the war by walking away like an altruist. Altruism does that to a man. Did the Clintons convince Bush to be an altruist?
1951, Truman and Eisenhower, altruistically and self-sacrificially hand over American oilfields to the Muslims. Did the Clintons whisper in Truman and Eisenhower’s ears to hand over those American oil fields and American oil to Muslims who would use the trillions of dollars from oil to fund 9/11? Altruism did that to Truman and Eisenhower, the meek shall inherit the oil.
Pragmatism, the philosophy that denies that man can discover long-range rational principles to guide his actions, and altruism are the cause of America’s self-destruction.
“[Seventy] years ago, Truman and Eisenhower surrendered the West’s property rights in oil, although that oil rightfully belonged to those in the West whose science, technology, and capital made its discovery and use possible. The first country to nationalize Western oil, in 1951, was Iran. The rest, observing our frightened silence, hurried to grab their piece of the newly available loot.
The cause of the U.S. silence was not practical, but philosophical. The Mideast’s dictators were denouncing wealthy egotistical capitalism. They were crying that their poor needed our sacrifice; that oil, like all property, is owned collectively, by virtue of birth; and that they knew their viewpoint was true by means of otherworldly emotion. Our Presidents had no answer. Implicitly, they were ashamed of the Declaration of Independence. They did not dare to answer that Americans, properly, were motivated by the selfish desire to achieve personal happiness in a rich, secular, individualist society.” – Leonard Peikoff, “End States Who Sponsor Terrorism”
Intrepid says
In case you hadn’t noticed, my post is not about Reagan, Bush, Truman or Eisenhower, or you and your familiar, Peikoff.
It is about the Clintons and their role in enabling 9-11. I know it’s hard for you stick to a topic, or to even realize there is a topic, but once again I’m not surprised. For you the only topic is you and your little world.
You probably cheered when the Towers fell and blamed the Catholics, the Jews and altruism.
Jason P says
No one elected Obama because they thought he was a Muslim, something he denied. The did buy his “post-racial America” stick which he kept going until re-elected. At that point the rioting started and continue to build steam until the Floyd riots of 2020. Trump was blind-sided by the Floyd tragedy & Covid. He didn’t know what to do or say as others dominated the debate. He was swallowed by the swamp.
David Ray says
Another clue that our response to that islamic attack was lackluster, was the shrug of the shoulders at muslims cheering 9/11 ON OUR OWN SOIL. (Trump was right.)
Every one who cheered, either a jihadists or leftist enabler, should’ve been beaten to a lifeless jelly.
One knows our submission is baked into the recipe when about 250 Somali scum cheer 9/11 in Portland (or Seattle) 10 years later, and it’s tolerated.
Our submission was also secured when muslims at Gitmo were getting more care packages than the Marines guarding them – the same Marines forced to tolerate having urine & fecal matter routinely thrown at them.
The muslim detainees were fed & treated so well, that Rush took to calling it “Club Gitmo”.
Steve says
Awesome column Bruce!
It is a great history lesson for everyone, especially anyone less than 30 years old.
Anyone requesting a mail-in ballot next year should be required to pass a quiz based on it’s content before receiving one.
My bad, I forgot that you don’t have to request them…
aristotle cam says
HORSESHIT!!! Ya all sound like this is the end! Oh our poor country is coming to an end. Wipe your eyes and
take your diapers off- we still have a leader who is still standing tall. Listen to him and vote for him. Make our
grandparents proud- STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK!!!!
Cat says
Good point! So much has been changed and lost and obfuscated. But if we don’t resist or fight back in one way or another, it is on us. Feeling bad is appropriate. But wheres the anger and courage and motivation that should follow? What has happened to us?
commonsense says
As Bruce writes, so eloquently:
“Our country was attacked by devout members of a primitive death cult that had taught them to hate our freedoms; we retaliated by trying to democratize their undemocratizable homelands. Instead of kicking out of our own country the adherents of that religion who obviously held America-hatred in their hearts, our political leaders continued to let them come.”
I watched Fox News’s and Newsmax’s coverage of 9-11 this morning, with utter disgust. I heard absolutely no mention of who committed the atrocities. It was as if the death of three thousand souls, the destruction of the World Trade Center, the damage to the Pentagon, and the three weaponized passenger planes were all the unfortunate consequence of some unnamable event, perhaps the weather. “Never Forget!” has become an empty, meaningless phrase, akin to “Some People Did Something.”
Cat says
i cannot watch those networks. No. I cannot. I have my own memories of that day at ground zero. I don’t need the media.
After every islamic terror attack the “ strong” is chanted. Never identifying who did what to whom.
It is unfathomable that just a few years after 9/11/01 we elected (if we did – in hindsight do we really know who won which elections`?) a “Hussein” to the White House. His middle name was not mentioned during his campaign but many knew of it. Then it was mentioned at inauguration. That was far more effective than planes of terror.
He and/or his crowd are behind most of the destruction of America we are experiencing.
Heaven help us to help ourselves.
Steve Chavez says
“WHEN THE WALL FELL, we cheered, They cried. When the Twin’s Fell, we cried, They cheered.” SC
“They” are our Enemies… Foreign and (D)ome☭tic.
The terrorists wanted the Twin’s to fall like trees causing damage blocks away killing millions!
Notice OBAMA didn’t have a Grand Opening for World One. He then appoints Kerry and Brennan, enemies within. Brennan, a Communist and a Muslim, in charge of the CIA which conducted operations against Communists and Muslims, but he and Obama were instead aiding and abetting them. Look at the Communist and Arab takeover now both using blackmail and Biden is helping them! But, all roads to our problems and the rise of extremism is due to “THEY”…. BARACK OBAMA!
The Eve of Battle says
+++1 !
Semaphore says
Here’s an article that really goes deep into the changes in Washington post-911:
sumsrent says
Our Luciferian American Government was behind 911…
To create the fake “War on Terrorism’…
To spread satanic worshiping muslims across the world under the guise of persecution…
To set up the One World Islamic Economic System… the NWO… the Globalist Agenda… one world government… the Antichrist Beast System…
What are the attributes of the Antichrist Beast System?
1) Government… Sharia Law
2) Religion… satanic islam
3) Economic System… Sharia Finance
There is only one system that has all 3 attributes included in it… that is Islamofascism! There is no other…
And America has been right there in the midst… working with satanic islam’s quest to dominate and subjugate the entire world…
America was behind 911…
America was behind covid & the Vaccines…
America was behind the fraudulent Election…
Become a 911 Truther…
Become a Covid Truther…
Become a Jan 6th Patriot… support the Jan 6th Patriots against the Fraudulent Election!!! Support the Jan 6th Patriots against the illegal criminal charges against Free Speech!
America is NOT what we were brought up to think it is… America is slipping away… to make room for a One World Global Economy… Islamofascism!!!
Sally says
Thank you very much. Truth is difficult to swallow. Your letter was the only one that made sense.
Walter Sieruk says
Don’t let them fool you, the many apologists for Islam is will endeavor to set up a smokescreen to hide the reality of the truth about the violence and deadly essence of Islam by making the bogus claim that the al Qaeda operatives mass murderer on 9/11 were not real Muslims and that they were breaking the laws of the Qu ‘ran by their violence and deadly actions.” The apologists for Islam will further make the totally false claim that “Those terrorists on 9/11 were only criminals who hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam for Politics.”
Those outrageously false claims are weak attempt of damage control for the image of Islam to the West. For the “holy book” of Islam the Qu ‘ran. For the Qu ‘ran instruct in Sura 9:111. Muslims who are engaging the jihad that “The believer’s fight in Allah’s Cause, they slay and are slain ,they kill and are killed “ That’s just what happened on September 11, 2001 the jihadists of al Qaeda “killed and were killed” in those 9/11 jihad attacks against both humankind and America. The Quran also teaches in Sura 9:123 to that jihad –minded Muslims behavior towards non-Muslims “let them find harshness in you…” Those Islamic attacks on 9/11 were indeed very “harsh.” As Sura 2:191 instructs “kill the disbeliever wherever you find them.” That’s a very strange kind of “peaceful religion” if there ever was one.
Just to site one more out on many from the Qu ‘ran about the instruction of deadly violence is Sura 47:4. Which instructs “Whenever you encounter unbelievers strike off their heads until you make a great slaughter among them …” The terrible harsh reality is that using jet planes as missiles as those jihadist/ Muslims did of September 11, sure made a greater “slaughter among them” than sword can.
The American people to the actual deadly nature of Islam before it’s too late.
Cat says
Thanks for your comment. Agree (cant upvote-tech issue).
I wonder if. blaming “America” for 9/11/01 is part of the cover up of muslims and their intent toward the West and us? I am no apologist for what looks like vast corruption in our government but we need to stay on the topic of Islam. First some say it is America’s fault (leftists hate America, so shall I join them? No!). Then, the terrorists on the planes become erased from the narrative. Next, silly boys on social media swear they have proof that the planes i watched hit buildings were never there. They were CGA. I guess plane fuel, burnt paper and cement and the incinerated dead bodies I smelled were a mirage too (sarcasm, of course).
Same gaslighting occurs with Covid. It killed ruthlessly here in 2020, and Democrat policies made it worse. Precious lives lost-families devastated. And before vaccines. `But on social media those deaths never happened. There was no mass murder of innocents with a bioweapon in an election year. `It was a slight cold or a lie. Once again social media excuses mass murderers.
Who leads these narratives? Why do some believe them?
They are harmful.
Walter Sieruk says
Regarding those deadly and destructive jihadist mass – murder terrorist horrendous affronts which occurred on September 11, 2001 that Muslim Politician Ilan Omar was so callous as that say that those 9/11 terrorists attacks happened because “some people did something”
Even worse an imam called those terrorist death attack on 9/11 a “comedy show.”
In addition, on the day of September 9 2016 some man I know who works as a security guard at a public place told me a Muslim actually had the nerve to walk over to him and said to him two Muslim “Jokes” about 9/11. As if it was a funny subject. It’s wrong to even try to “joke” about 9/11. Talk about bad “jokes” those two are the very much worst of all.
The first, was “What is the difference between September 11, 20001 and a cow?” answer “You don’t keep milking a cow after fifteen years.” Not only is that “joke” awful but those Muslims trying to be funny by say that cruel thing do have some gall because they have no room to talk . For they are still are “milking” the topic of the crusades and the crusades have been over for well more than seven hundred years. What gall they have!
The second, “Muslim “joke” about 9/11 is “On September 11, 2001 the people trapped on the upper floors of the WTC had ordered their pizza sent to them two plane.” To say that such “humor” is terrible is an understatement. Furthermore, those Muslim who say those “jokes” are really only exposing their own sick, vicious, callous and heartless Islamic mindset.”
Walter Sieruk says
Many of the Muslim /Arabs who call themselves “Palestinians” are very mad that President Trump has recognized Jerusalem as the capital city of the State of Israel. Many of those same “Palestinians” were very happy when they found out about the mass jihad murders in America on September 11, 2001. So who cares if they are mad or not about the US embassy move to Jerusalem ?
sumsrent says
satanic worshiping muslims tend to celebrate and pass out candy, like it’s Halloween… when there’s death & destruction. Which they did on 911…
They’ll even tear off the limbs of their victims… slinging them around in the air in a celebratory fashion…
THX 1138 says
The altruist cares crucially what others think of him, regardless of the facts of reality. He will reject reality and follow the opinions or commands of others. Like when G.W. Bush declared Islam is really a religion of peace, he wasn’t thinking for himself, he was following the opinions of others, to be popular, to be accepted, to be admired, not for telling the truth, but for pleasing others.
Isn’t that what Islam is really about — altruism? Submission and sacrifice of your mind to other and others? Thou shall not think for yourself but sacrifice your mind to Allah and his representatives on earth, the mullahs, the priests of Submission. Sacrifice your mind to the Koran.
It’s essentially the same with Judaism and Christianity, don’t think for yourself and discover and follow the facts of reality. Instead sacrifice your mind to Yahweh, the Torah, the New Testament, the Ten Commandments, Obey the Rabbi or the Reverend. Don’t try and discover rational moral principles instead obey commandments.
Intrepid says
Really, the altruist cares about what others think of him? Did you talk to W. about why he said what he said, or are you, as usual, engaging in your usual projection. The world according to THX, revisionist history at its most obvious.
Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can: Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration. Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it.
Great way to ingratiate yourself with Christians and Jews. Bring us down to the level of the Muslim. Of course, in your mind there is no difference
Do you ever really think about why your basic stupidity, Objectivism, doesn’t fly in this country? It may actually be because of you.
Have you ever considered that it is you that has sacrificed your mind to that sophomoric college philosophy that you have enslaved yourself to. Don’t try and discover your own moral principles. What a bore that would be. Instead follow Objectivist teachings of phony intellectual Objectivist gurus. Submission and sacrifice of your mind to Lenny Peikoff? Thou shall not think for yourself but sacrifice your mind to Ayn Rand and a complete moron like THX.
Most people who are exposed to this outdated philosophy outgrow it by the time they become seniors in college. Like when they have to go out and earn a living.
Walter Sieruk says
On September 11,2001 many Muslims rejoiced in different countries around the world then they found about the outcome of those al Qaeda jihad attacks in which so many people died . They were so glad and happy about all those people who died in such terrible ways. The reason they felt so happy with joy is because ,as the Bible explains such people have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. {K.J.V.] For them that “hot iron” is Islam.
sumsrent says
Did you know? Or… have you forgotten?
Exactly 11 years to the day… on 911… 2012… Benghazi…
It was over a fake movie trailer about mushammad… (DPBUHF) “Dog Piss Be Upon His Face”…
A movie trailer… made by a muslim to instigate muslims across this world…
Benghazi… where America was using it to smuggle weapons into Syria… to help the Sunni rise up against the Shiite government of Syria… where America showed it’s colors, supporting the satanic Sunni World…
When Hillary Clinton said… “‘What difference does it make’!?” To the death of 4 Americans and the Ambassador Stevens…
Coincident? <<< I think NOT!!!
RS says
How well aware we are that Freedom is fleeting. America used to be a blessed nation, without God we are nothing, and it is painfully obvious. Its also obvious that the United States was hated for the Love of Freedom, Liberty, and Equality. 9-11 was the first warning that we were no longer blessed or protected.
Those criminals who hijacked those airliners thought they were all going to Paradise with 1000 Virgins and ended up in A place of Fire and Brimstone their suffering today and will suffer forever
Aldo Rozatto says
9/11 was the spark that started a new global revolution on security, terrorism and discrimination. The high cost of security in airports, government buildings, schools, museums, tourist attractions, beaches, train stations, etc. is based on Muslim terrorism and Islamic evil ideology by emulating prophet Mohamed’s diabolic and insane conduct
sumsrent says
World Trade Center Tower 7 is the Key to how 911 was an Insider Job…
1) Did you know? Tower 7 was 370 feet away from WTC Tower 1… way across a street sandwiched between two other buildings that didn’t collapse… where also Tower six stood between Tower 1 & Tower 7…
The reports say… Tower 7 started fire when Tower 1 collapsed. Remember; Tower 2 collapsed first.
2) Tower 7 housed the CitiBank & Enron scandals… where Enron’s Stocks profited off Americans by Rolling Black Outs. Where Osama Bin Laden’s cousin in Saudi Arabia, Prince Al Waleed was a heavy investor.
Remember… all airplanes were grounded that day after the attacks… except for Saudi airplanes.
3) Dust from the Twin Towers and Building-7 of the World Trade Center contained small intact samples of un-reacted nanothermite. Thermite is a highly explosive agent consisting mostly of aluminum and iron oxide, and is used to cut steel in controlled demolition of buildings…
4) Tower 7 was not hit by a airplane…
5) Tower 7… containing offices of the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the Office of Emergency Management…
The facts show… Our Luciferian American government has lied to all of us… just has it has lied about Covid and the Fraudulent Elections!
Become a 911 Truther…
Christopher Robert Riddle says
I was in San Antonio at a friend’s.She woke me up and said that her daughter(Jeanne)had just called and told her to turn on TV.The first plane had already crashed into The Tower,but I saw the second one LIVEEE.I didn’t get home for 5-days!!!At first,I couldn’t believe what I was seeing!!!I was hoping that”Coming To a Theatre or Drive-In Near You”would be next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walter Sieruk says
On September 11,2001 many Muslims rejoiced in different countries around the world then they found about the outcome of those al Qaeda jihad attacks in which so many people died . They were so glad and happy about all those people who died in such terrible ways. The reason they felt so happy with joy is because ,as the Bible explains such people have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. {K.J.V.]
For them that “hot iron” is Islam.
Capitalist-Dad says
The leftist cabal running the country decided their Marxists aims were better met by attacking us than by fighting terrorists. Since the 9/11 attacks our traitorous leaders doubled the amount of Muslim immigration, essentially opened our southern border to every deadbeat, criminal, and terrorist who wishes to barge in; ignominiously turned over billions in weapons and infrastructure to the Taliban, gifted billions to the world’s biggest terrorist state (Iran, for you leftist know nothings), sissified our military, destroyed free speech, Gestapoized the DOJ, FBI, and other federal agencies; mandated lockdowns and vaxxing by diktat, created “15 minute cities,” criminalized those who oppose any petty government tyrant (down to the unpaid losers on school boards), outlawed protest (except where the “protestors” are the murderous Blackshirts of leftist-approved Antifa/BLM), and imposed myriad other despotisms that insult the victims of 9/11, dishonor the sacrifice of our military, and shred the Constitution.
Jack Brady says
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!