They have a point. Why settle for $5 billion and all the free Ben and Jerry’s you can eat? It should be $10 billion a person and no grocery bills for life. Or $100 trillion. At the rate our inflation is going, it’s all the same.
The California Reparations Task Force had proposed $5 million in reparations for the historic slavery experienced by residents of the southern state that played a key role in the Confederacy. Meeting in Sacramento, the former seat of office for Jefferson Davis, the reparations task force demanded tearing down statues of key confederate leaders like George Moscone, Harvey Milk and Jerry Brown.
More seriously (or perhaps less so), there’s an $800 billion bill for California.
An advisory committee in San Francisco has recommended $5 million payouts, as well as guaranteed income of at least $97,000 and personal debt forgiveness for qualifying individuals.
It could cost California more than $800 billion to compensate black residents for generations of over-policing, disproportionate incarceration and housing discrimination, economists have told a state panel considering reparations.
The preliminary estimate is more than 2.5 times California’s $300 billion annual budget, and does not include a recommended $1 million per older black resident for health disparities that have shortened their average life span.
And the obvious response, it’s not enough!
Activists on Wednesday demanded that the state of California pay millions of dollars to each Black resident in reparations as a way to make amends for slavery and subsequent discrimination, dismissing the idea of payments of $5 million per person as “nothing” and “too little.”
$5 million? Come on! Let’s try $5 billion. Or $5 trillion and everyone has to watch Black Panther 2 and then answer a quiz about key plot elements.
“I believe that 5 million in reparations is too little for the work that foundational Black Americans have done for this country and as well for other countries,” one speaker said. “I believe that 7.6 million [dollars] is a number that can be used very wisely in our foundational Black American communities.”
$7.6 million? That’s nothing! What about $16 quintillion and everyone has to pretend that Ta-Nehisi Coates is a great writer.
He also called for various other reparations measures, such as giving 40 acres and a tractor and colleges agreeing not raise tuition prices for foundational black American families.
And free umbrellas!
“To try to keep holding foundational Black Americans back from what is due for us is just another form of slavery,” he concluded. “It is preposterous and totally absurd.”
Preposterous and totally absurd. Giving out only $5 million is the new Jim Crow! It’s just like slavery. Except with millions of dollars.
Another activist identified as Reverend Tony Pierce similarly said current reparations proposals aren’t enough.
“Where’s the money? Where’s the cash? Where’s the check?” Pierce asked emphatically. “$5 million, San Francisco’s already made a move. $5 million is nothing, and I’ll tell you why.”
Pierce argued that $5 million spread over 50 years would only amount to $100,000 year, and then with taxes, “you’ll be lucky if you end up with $40,000 a year.”
$!00,000 a year? It’s nothing! What about infinite amounts of money every year and everyone has to kiss Oprah’s feet?
It’s unclear how California would afford to pay more than $5 million to Black residents. Newsom announced in January that the state faces a projected budget deficit of $22.5 billion for the coming fiscal year.
It’s easy. You just pass a law.
Ugly Sid says
If we can mass mail ballots, whether you want one or not, why not debit cards?
Don’t complicate things. Call the bank handling the state operating account and order the cards. Those freed slaves may not be able to hold out too much longer.
T. Hanski says
…and a free of charge rental of a white slave twice per week.
Steven Kardas says
Clearly what is going on here is a leftist strategy to create more dissent, disappointment and hate among Black folks when no money is paid out. The absurd, patently ridiculous large amounts of free money to be just handed out is intentionally deceiving to get stupid people’s hopes up. It’s not going to happen.
Algorithmic Analyst says
lol. thanks Daniel, great article 🙂
Give them a dollar and a free ticket to Zimbabwe/Rhodesia and they can all be trillionaires (in Zimbabwe currency).
Daniel Greenfield says
Trillion dollar bills from Zimbabwe are still a collector’s item. Worth more than they ever were as currency.
CowboyUp says
Conditional on them renouncing their citizenship to this racist, oppressive h*llhole.
Fred says
The blacks are not entitled to one penny in my opinion. I would be in favor of the U.S. government providing $50,000 per family to return to Africa and not return. It would be a better solution for them and for America.
Onzeur Trante says
So the Blacks get to enslave the white taxpayers and their children — the new American “justice.”
It won’t end well.
RTB says
I’d wouldn’t give them a God damn dime, why? They never picked a handful of cotton.
Kasandra says
“Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie.” Not a good look.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Maybe it could be in the form of a contract. If you take the money, you must forfeit citizenship and migrate to your ancestral homelands. No right of return. The American dollar still goes a long way in those places.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks KH, good idea.
Spurwing Plover says
They don’t want equal share of the Pie they want it all to themselves
Dick Gripeman says
Reparations for everyone by everyone,
glpage says
Typical Dems… They will promise blacks $5million, gladly take their votes, and then blame Republicans because the state budget doesn’t have the reparations money.
John Bumpus says
“It’s unclear how California would afford to pay more than $5 million to Black residents. . . . ”
This article probably does not state the half of it. We all have seen this scam before (although it has not YET become commonplace, but I expect that it will). Let me illustrate: California will spend itself into oblivion doing ‘stuff’ like this, and THEN later when the D’rats have regained complete control of the Federal Government again (i.e., retaken both houses of Congress and the Presidency, by whatever means they can accomplish this {i.e., election fraud}), they will enact new Federal legislation which will REQUIRE all of the other States to ‘pony up’ the money to financially ‘bail out’ poor ‘widdle’, bankrupt California! And THIS kind of ‘stuff’ will not just happen in California–it will happen everywhere in Blue States America. IMO, this thievery will result in the end of the Union because the citizenry of the financially responsible Red States will not tolerate these Marxist D’rats in Blue States America to financially abuse Red States America like this. If Blue States America can ‘get away’ with ‘stuff’ like this, it will also mean the practical end of self-governance in Red State America. There will be no more meaningful Federal System comprised of Blue States and Red States, but rather, just one national system controlled by the Marxists.
Justin Swingle says
The Cultural And Political Forces Driving Violence In The Black Community
By Vince Coyner
America has a problem: a subculture of black crime. Every race has criminals, but when 6% of the population, black males, are responsible for over 50% of the murders and violent crimes, one must ask why. The answer lies in the irony that blacks inherited the worst of old-time, white Scots-Irish culture, over which leftists placed racial grievance politics. The former created bad behavior; the latter leaves blacks unprepared or unwilling to address that behavior.
TruthLaser says
If reparations legislation were passed it would not result in justice and happiness. Those are not the aims. Reparations are meant to compound injustice and cause widespread unhappiness. The Constitution is seen by reparations supporters as an obstacle to their vision of the state.
Kit_Jefferson says
All the gold in California that was once so plentiful has been replaced with lunacy. Next thing you know the descendants of Indians will want reparations for having been forced to convert to Christianity
Algorithmic Analyst says
California gave Indians reparations by giving them a monopoly on the Casino industry 🙂
Christopher Riddle says
Roland says
An alternate proposal:
Pay every politician in California $5 million, with the stipulation that they have to shut up and leave everybody alone, forever.
Taylor says
This is an obvious case of adding fuel to the fire in a calculated and forward-thinking way. As soon as there’s a vote to appropriation funds and it’s rejected, a certain group will be aggrieved and their anger directed at some “enemy”. It’s astounding that anyone would fall for it, but the sheer fantasy is too hard for some people to ignore. This is socialism in real time.Deliberately infantilizing and riling-up a populace to set them loose on whomever.
Algorithmic Analyst says
They would be better off learning money management skills. Like lottery winners, a lot of them would blow the money on self destructive things, and be worse off than they were before.