Was the High School Spanish at the Dem debates an effective gimmick? Not so much. Especially considering that it was embraced by guys like Beto O’Rourke and Cory Booker who, at this point, come off as the biggest fakes on any stage. Castro’s exaggerated enunciation is almost as bad?
What does the public think?
A poll conducted ahead of this week’s Democratic presidential debates found that 42 percent of U.S. adults believe that speaking Spanish during a televised presidential debate is “pandering” rather than “respectful.”
The YouGov survey conducted between June 21 and 24 found that 31 percent of U.S. adults said speaking Spanish during the debates is respectful, while 27 percent did not know.
A plurality of Democrats, 46 percent, said they believed, however, that speaking Spanish during a debate was respectful, compared to 32 percent who said it was pandering. Thirty-seven percent of Hispanic adults said speaking Spanish during a debate is respectful, compared to 27 percent who said it was pandering.
Doubt anyone will be voting over it, but there’s not much enthusiasm.
47% of white people think it’s pandering, compared to 28% who think it’s respectful.
Among Hispanics, 37% think it’s respectful, 36% don’t know what to make of it, and 27% think it’s pandering.
Overall, most Americans don’t like it.
51% of independents don’t like it. 25% do.
Those are not great numbers.
The gimmick doesn’t seem to be working.
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