President Trump released a powerful new video on Christmas Eve 2024. The video footage is from Christmas 2018 and is narrated by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the former White House Spokeswoman at the time.
Don’t miss it!
President Trump released a powerful new video on Christmas Eve 2024. The video footage is from Christmas 2018 and is narrated by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the former White House Spokeswoman at the time.
Don’t miss it!
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A Project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center
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Intrepid says
Beautiful. Just Beautiful.
Richard says
Brought tears to both my wife and I.
God bless President Trump.
RooG says
I pray to God we can fix this mess. God help us.
Bruce Best says
GOD BLESS TRUMP, Bring on Jan. 20th because this Country is going to PARTY.
Cherie Iverson says
Thank you for sharing this beautiful remembrance. Made me very proud of our President and our troops. Couldn’t stop the tears from coming. .
Elected president Trump is bringing back smiles and hope for a better future.
Thank you Mr. President Trump..
You have all our support!
Spurwing Plover says
Trump was reelected by the People and not by Big Oil and many of these Brain-Dead Eco-Freaks claim