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[Order Jamie Glazov’s new best-selling and critically-acclaimed book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Perhaps the greatest service of Barack Obama’s True Legacy, the recently published collection of penetrating essays on the Obama presidency by a number of knowledgeable and trenchant authors, edited by Jamie Glazov, is its contribution to collective memory.
President Obama’s assault on Americans’ constitutional rights and protections as well as on the nation’s constitutionally defined governmental institutions and their respective authority entailed myriad particulars. It included undermining of First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and religious freedom. It extended to usurpation of the legislative authority of Congress and disregard for the constitutional authority of the Supreme Court.
In addition, Obama compromised the rule of law and protection of rights more broadly. He ignored the findings of lower federal courts. He subverted federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, and other departments of the federal government, to illegal politicization and lawless attacks on perceived political enemies. He promoted federal intrusion in and subversion of state and local law enforcement, also in the service of political ends.
The collective impact of Obama’s abuses of power, the “transformation” of America that he so often promised, was the creation of a less democratic, post-constitutional, authoritarian nation. Consistent with his pursuit of this transformed America, Obama, throughout his presidency, lent his support to and openly advocated for groups and individuals, domestic and foreign, associated with anti-American, anti-democratic, authoritarian ideologies, particularly of the pro-communist and Islamist variety.
Domestically, he appointed communist and pro-communist individuals to government posts and invited organizations with the same sympathies to a seat at policy-defining tables. In a similar vein, he labeled virtually any expression of concern over Islamist and jihadist threats to the nation as Islamophobic and quashed programs that educated senior military officers and federal and other law enforcement groups about such threats.
Abroad, he threw his administration’s support to communist and pro-communist governments and government candidates in South America, undermined pro-democratic forces there, and played a major role in the seizing of power by far-left opponents throughout the continent. He also accommodated post-communist Russian authoritarianism. With regard to Islamism and jihad, Obama promoted the Muslim Brotherhood, the fountainhead of modern Sunni anti-Western Islamism. He did so in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood was born, and elsewhere in the Arab world, where supporters of the Brotherhood challenged existing governments. Additionally, he sought closer relations with nations in which allies of the Muslim Brotherhood were in control, as in Qatar. He also pursued closer relations with the Shi’ite Islamists of Iran, most notably in his drive for a pact with Iran that would end in that nation possessing nuclear weapons. His Iranian strategy proceeded even as Iran continued to call for America’s destruction, continued to kill Americans, and provided financial and military support to numerous Middle East groups also engaged in killing Americans as well as in targeting America’s allies.
Certainly, any American who was paying attention during Obama’s eight years as president has some sense of the destructiveness he wrought domestically, on American freedoms and American governmental institutions, as well as in the arena of foreign affairs and America’s relations with its adversaries and its friends. But the passage of time, together with the ignorance of most regarding key details, inevitably leads to a vagueness in people’s understanding. The great majority of those who contemplate the current sorry state of the nation now recognize only in general terms Obama’s central role in bringing about our present difficulties. This is true even of those who see in the depredations of the Biden presidency a continuation of Obama’s tenure. (As Joseph Klein notes in his contributions to the present volume, “out of the top 100 positions filled in the Biden White House during Biden’s first 100 days in office, seventy-four previously had worked in the Obama administration.”) But if we are to reverse our losses and reclaim our freedoms and the integrity of our institutions, a more granular understanding of how we got here is an invaluable tool.
That is what Barack Obama’s True Legacy provides. Whether addressing Obama’s hostility to and undermining of American freedoms and institutions (as in essays by John Drew, Trevor Loudon, Stephen Coughlin, Matthew Vadum, and Joseph Klein) or his promotion of anti-democratic forces worldwide and pursuit of foreign policies inimical to American interests and those of our traditional allies (as in pieces by Daniel Greenfield, Raymond Ibrahim, Clare Lopez, Jeff Nyquist, Robert Spencer, and Dov Lipman), the collection is a granular explication of the path that led us to where we are.
For this reason, the volume should be seen not only as an important tour d’horizon of the Obama presidency and what it wrought, but as an invaluable reference tool providing detailed reminders of how our nation has been brought to its present dire straits.
Kenneth Levin is a psychiatrist and historian and author of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People under Siege.
Sis help to Sell a lot of Guns
Greg says
And “they” say Joe Bite-Me got millions more votes than the Kenyan. “They” can’t lie because “they” get fact-checked by the NY Times. Yeah, Joe Bite-Me is way more popular than the Kenyan.
Paul Austin says
Anyone with an ounce of grey matter knew ,from the start that Obama was a plant by ‘the powers that be’……led by the infamous CIA. The Americans were well and truly duped. It was patently obvious that A, He was a get-up,…..came from out of the woodwork…..
B. He was a homosexual and C. He was Muslim.. With ‘credentials’ like that…..America was doomed…….and I doubt it will recover. Sadly.
deborah says
voter fraud works although mittens wasn’t a prize package…
Beez says
All that’s true, except the CIA didn’t plant BO. Far-left elements in the Dem Party planted him. And he allowed them into the CIA., DHS, DOJ, et al.
Intrepid says
Since the Democrats broke the precedent of impeaching a president after he was out of office it should be a fairly simple matter of impeaching Obama for crimes and misdemeanors, and also charging him with misrepresenting himself when he ran for office, including treason and sedition.
The moron Democrats just had to have that little black man in order to assuage their collective guilt. And as John Lennon said when he bashed Christianity: “And now it’s all this”.
Yes Barack, now it’s all this. You are a traitor.
aristotle cam says
I think citizens of the U.S.are finally onto Biden and his son (I pray!) in spite of our news media. Now, if only
we dig a little deeper, i think we find Obama is the brains behind Hunter and Joe’s treason. Think!, who was
president when this all began. Ya think Joe was capable of coming up with this treason? Think! Obama
buys a house in the Vineyard and builds a mansion in Hawaii and what else? While he’s trashing the U.S.
Joe is doing all the dirty work and Joe’s getting the heat.
Beez says
BO planned for Joe to take the blame when BO’s suicidal plan for America came to its conclusion. We’re there now.
Thomas Collins says
I don’t know what that second “impeachment” was, but it wasn’t an impeachment of the POTUS. That must be presided over by the Chief Justice.
A Senator, and juror, Partick Leahy presided over that fiasco.
Onzeur Trante says
The question is: Will the people who need to know this about Obama and how we got into our present predicament read the book?
Kasandra says
It is a tribute to the mendacity of our garbage news media that almost no one knows how, in 2012, Obama gave 17 “private contractors” access to the NSA’s “702 database” which allowed them to access information on Americans without a warrant or any connection to foreigners. A 2017 audit of only six months’ use of the database found that 85% of the queries were unlawful. Or how about his refusal to acknowledge anything negative about Islam. A friend of mine worked in the IC on counter-terrorism. He retired early during the Obama administration because his reports were being sent back to him by his “superiors” if they contained anything about Islam or Islamic doctrine because, was was told, the White House would reject them out of hand. He was the worst next to Biden. Biden follows marching orders from Obama but, additionally, is personally corrupt and brain addled.
Steve says
If the whole truth about Barack Hussein Obama were known, he’d be held a Guantanamo with other Islamic terrorists.
TrumpsUrDaddy says
Where he would be thrown from the roof of a tall building or ripped limb from limb by his Islamic brethren for being a gay phony communist, shacking up with a transvestite, faking parenthood, stealing our elections, and committing fraud upon and treason against this gullible, liberal-female-feeler filled Nation of ours. And I for one, would thank Islam for that.
Beez says
BO remains useful to the Islamists. His puppet Joe, not so much now.
Minnie says
How do you think oDuma got all his money. He put Joe over Ukraine and used him.
Daniel Erickson says
BHO would be arrested only if our justice system was truly just.
Walter Sieruk says
The many evils that Obama did are most despicable
One of them is exposed in book written by the scholar on Islam and Islamic terrorism Jamie Glazov , which has the title of JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH on page 9, the reader is informed that “America’s suicidal disposition in the terror war reached a crisis level under Obama when American officials actually started seeking advice and direction from precisely those forces seeking to destroy the country” Naturally for them likewise involves destroying the State of Israel.
…With Obama in the White House , therefore ,the enemy was in effect , advising Americans and formulating their policy on how to promote their cause.” Which of course includes antisemitism.
This is an absurdly of madness. This reveals the Obama was, as President, far worse than grossly incompetent, Obama was traitorous to both the American people a as well as to the United State of America. Obama was therefore an affront and disgrace to the office of Chief Executive in the White House.
Therefore, the former President Obama in his Islamic subversion of America is not even limited to being a traitor to The USA but in his insidious he way and is dangerous to all the other nations of the West.
Walter Sieruk says
The sad and tragic reality is that Obama still has much insidious and subversive power in the White House .and therefore in the American government. Because he has his useful idiot ,Joe Biden to use as his tool to use to subvert the US Constitution and impose Sharia law, and socialism in America.
Beez says
BO has signaled to the media that Biden can now go. He’ll just find another puppet.
Walter Sieruk says
When Obama was President he was terrible, in many very treasonous ways.
As has been revealed in the book by Jamie Glazov which had the title JIHADIST PSYCHOPATH , for on pages 38,39 the reader is informed about the subversion of the United States of America by reckless unchecked mass immigration that “By importing so many masses of people who hate America and seek to destroy its way of life, the Left succeeds in severely damaging the United State and making it more vulnerable to attack This explains why President Obama worked so hard to flood the US with Muslim refugees and why the Left is now fighting Trump’s efforts to protect America from refugees who hail from terror –infested nations.”
Walter Sieruk says
It might be of interest to a few people that during the summer month of August in the year of 2010 I had attended a lecture in a church about the subject of Islam. The guest speaker was a man who in times past was a Muslim and a Hezbollah member as well as an Iranian citizen. Now he’s Christian and an American citizen. After the lecture, during the question and answer part, he was asked “Is Obama a Muslim?” The speaker replied that “I don’t know if he is a Muslim but his deception is Islamic.” Then he added about Obama “Whenever he talks he sounds just like a Muslim.” Moreover the guest speaker further said about Obama “He is going to hurt this country.” As just keyboarded above that lecture was hold in the year 2010 and since then Obama had ,indeed, hurt America by and through his words , actions , politics and polices .
Walter Sieruk says
Regarding the awfulness of Obama when he was president of the USA, some of it had been exposed by a former Revolutionary Guard of Iran who defected to America. For in his book TIME TO BETRAY its author, Reza Kahlili gives his first hand and testimony and observation when he had revealed to his readers, on page 335, that at first he was a bit naive about Obama for “I had high hopes that the Obama administration would be tougher on the Islamic government of Iran, especially given what they knew about the regime’s nuclear activities. However, his first overture to the mullahs disappointed me. He sent greetings for the Persian New Year in which he urged better relations between American and Iran. He then repeated this in letters to Ayatollah Khamenei. To me, this was a sad case of not learning from history. Once again American politicians refused to see that the mullahs were not men of reason, and that their animosity toward America was rooted in the interpretation of a prophecy that called for the annihilation of the West and all non-Muslims. I knew the regime would see Obama’s entreaties as assign of weakness, and that this would embolden them to take radical steps.”
Barack Obama may accurately be seen as the personification of the twenty –first century phenomena known as the “Red/Green Alliance.”
Justin Swingle says
The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER
Abunimah’s piece — and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations — got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others. PAMELA GELLER
Mike says
A ‘regular at “Chicago’s Man Country steam rooms.
He was quoted saying , “I always loved looking down on a white man’s head (while performing fellatio).
One thing Joe Biden did:
He got Barry A. Soetoro, A ILLEGAL ‘president’ OFF THE BOTTOM OF THE LIFETIME STANDINGS of rated ‘presidents’, after beating Jimmy Carter soundly, and now JOE BIDEN IS THE WORST and FAR MORE DAMAGING than the peanut farmer president and then the ILLEGAL KENYAN shovelled a ton of dirt on all of our future graves and that of my country.
Smith Geir says
Newsweek article:
“Belief Watch: Is Obama the Antichrist?”
TrumpsUrDaddy says
here’s the link:
RS says
He definitely has many many traits of the Antichrist.
AsheDina says
I believe he is. The AC will work behind the scenes – what is BO doing? Working in the shadows behind Biden.
AF-22 says
It’s obvious this downward spiral of the country started with Obama the deep state plant! Weaponization of government agencies, the media, some members of Congress, and of course the news media, the attack on the Constitution, open borders, and attack God given rights is all designed to take down America. The deep state placed Biden in office to continue Obama’s destruction of the country! We are in the tear down phase of the “Build Back Better” program, a phrase Biden “borrowed” from the globalist United Nations (UN). Remember this globalist movement is not to build a New World Order, they are busy trying to build the Old World Order, the elite will be in charge as the master and the peasant working class will serve as subjects rather than citizens! “You will own nothing and be happy!” The globalists will own everything including you! Do not give up your God given rights without a fight, keep your voice and those tools that will assist in resistance! The bigger the government the smaller the citizen!
RS says
Years ago, the United Nations, World Economic Forum, the Pope, Barack Obama, and many other globalists were clamoring for global government. They utilize the cause of global warming-climate change as the “crisis” needed to bring about a one-world system. They speculate climate change to a naive world into a one-world system, using The Sky is Falling agenda.
But what shall be their legacy in reality as God sees it? While people chant peace and safety, those things are not on the horizon. Looks like the fundamental transformation of the world to be exact.
The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. Against such things, there is no law. Galatians 5:22.
Beez says
FP seems to be ignoring the invasion of Europe which is right now.
Skip says
Little past halfway in book.During and after Barky’s years thought at best his Islam friendly assistance at every turn was from his young Muslim years. A few books and this one he certainly gave up Islam for Marxism but no doubt holds it still dearly.
Beez says
Nowhere else to say this here: Why is FP ignoring the invasion of Europe?
Robert Powers says
I hope everyone is aware that Biden IS Obama’s third term in office. That is why Obama bought a big house and stays in DC, along with many of his staff…who help him run the show! Ever wonder why the guest logs for Biden’s house visits AND private phone lines are NOT publicly available or even accounted for?
Watch this prediction…If Biden leaves office early, which is doubtful but possible, Harris will step in as the Obama puppet. But, the stage is being set NOW for Michelle Obama (aka Big Mike) to be the democrat nominee for POTUS. Keeping Trump harassed is all part of the Obama plan…Voter fraud is being fine tuned and hidden to make Michelle POTUS…
George says
I remember one of the first things Hussein did as president was to get rid of all the truly patriotic generals and replace them with American hating homosexuals.
Domenic Pepe says
Obama is a depraved woke leftist hate-filled black racist psychopath.
His legacy is the effective destruction of America.