Recent Articles:
The long and pernicious history of anti-Zionist Jews.
Hamas Projection: Genocide and Rape
Ascribing to others behavior or beliefs that are one’s own.
American Jews Enabling Anti-Semitism
Free speech versus cost-free speech.
A Compendium of Everything Wrong With Barack Obama’s Legacy
A new book reveals how – and why – our nation has been brought to its present dire straits.
Oslo at 30
Israel still bleeds from its self-inflicted wound.
Was Moshe Landau a Fascist?
Why opposition to Court reform in Israel is the real threat to the nation’s democracy.
Intersectionality and American Anti-Semitism
The term “intersectionality” has gained prominence – initially on the nation’s campuses and now well beyond academia – as signifying the supposed shared, “
Congressional Enablers of Genocidal Anti-Semitism
Hamas is explicit in wanting to kill not only all Israelis but all Jews. The organization states as much in its charter and declares that goal a religious duty
George Soros’s Multi-Front War Against Israel
George Soros, in his political pronouncements and in his characterization of the goals of his Open Society Foundations (OSF), the primary financial vehicle for
Jews, African Americans and the Democrat Party
In democracies, minority groups will often embrace one political party and cling to that attachment irrespective of changing political circumstances. This
Straining to Defend Rashida Tlaib at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Attacks on Israel that distort the reality of the Jewish state’s past and present in the service of undermining its well-being and its very survival have
The New York Times: Enabler of Genocidal Anti-Semitism
In response to the uproar over its April publication of a blatantly anti-Semitic cartoon, the Times first tweeted an acknowledgment that the cartoon was “
Oslo at Twenty-Five: The History of a Delusion
A reflection on the immense dangers of national self-deception.
Intersectionality, the BDS Scam and Imperial Japan
The lethal fairy tale of all “victimized” groups being interrelated.
Resolution 2334 and Potential Teachable Moments
How a document long on anti-Israel lies can still be put to good use.
Obama Advances Arafat’s Agenda
The Radical-in-Chief’s war on Israel ensues unabated.
Targeting Jews in the Ivory Sewer
Targeting Jews in the Ivory Sewer
God, Obama and Post-Constitutional America
God, Obama and Post-Constitutional America
Obama, the Jews and the Iran Deal
Obama, the Jews and the Iran Deal
America’s Institutional Enablers of the New Anti-Semitism
The three major American institutions that are particularly culpable.
Europe Offers Israel the Peace of the Dead
Welcome to the Europeans’ exterminationist agenda.
The Al Aqsa Libel: A Brief History
The dark background to Abbas’s incitement of murderous violence.
Israel and the Other PA: Perfidious Albion
The dark world of anti-Semitism in British popular opinion and officialdom.
Israel and a Tale of Two British Exports
Inside the dark world of the British anti-Semitic mind.
Promoting ‘Proportionality’ in the Service of Genocide
Sanctimonious depravity of Israel-critics on full display.