Reprinted with permission from Dr. Naomi Wolf’s
I live in a picture-perfect region — the Hudson Valley, memorialized by painters and poets; a patchwork of autumn reds and yellows, majestic hillsides, storied waterfalls, and little homesteads, dotted picturesquely on the slopes of sleepy hamlets.
Towns in our area look like Norman Rockwell paintings: there is Main Street, Millerton, with its white 19th century church steeple, its famous Irving Farm cafe with the excellent curated coffee beans, its charming antiques mall, its popular pizzeria.
When you drive to Millerton, it looks like you are driving into the heart of archetypal America; everything that Woody Guthrie songs memorialize, everything of which American soldiers dreamt when they were away — everything decent and pure, is to be found in Hudson Valley towns around here.
It sure looks that way, anyway.
But these days, I am obliged to maintain a fervent inner monologue, just so I can pleasantly go about my business in the local hardware store, in the local florist, in the post office.
Because an emotional massacre has taken place in each of these little towns. And now we are expected to act as if — this never happened at all.
But psychically, there is blood flowing in the streets, and bodies stacked up, emotionally, invisible, in front of the candy stores, the high end wine stores, the pretty memorials to the World War Two dead; outside the farmers’ market on Saturdays, outside the tapas bars.
So my quiet internal mantra, is: I forgive you.
I forgive you, Millerton movie theatre. Your owner, who was interviewed just before the pandemic, saying lovely things in a local paper about how the revamped theatre would enhance the local community, posted a sign in 2021 saying that only vaccinated people could enter. You needed to really look for the fine print to see that you could walk through those doors, if unvaccinated, but only with a PCR test.
I forgive the young ladies who worked behind the popcorn counter, for telling me that I could not enter any further. That I could not sit down, with other human beings in my community, to watch a film alongside of them.
I forgive the young ticket taker for telling me that I had to go back outside, onto the sidewalk. I could not even stand in the lobby.
I forgive these young people who just wanted jobs, and who had to discriminate in the most heinous and scarring way — scarring to me and to them too no doubt — just to keep their jobs. I forgive them. I forgive them for the shameful scene they had to cause.
I forgive the movie theatre owner for shouting at me defensively when I questioned this policy.
I forgive the elderly couple nearby in the lobby; the woman who started shrieking at me alarmingly that she was glad of the policy and did not want me anywhere near her. I forgive her. I forgive her silent, embarrassed husband for his silence.
I forgive the employee of the Millerton flower shop who demanded, “Are you vaccinated?” when I walked in – when I just wanted some nice-looking flowers, some artificial olive branches, perhaps, like those I had seen in a decorating magazine, to arrange in a vase in my study.
I forgive this flower shop employee for having to follow a script that must have been set out by the town, for all the small businesses to follow, in some bizarre, coercive methodology, as this out-of-the-blue, un-American and inappropriate question was posed all at once somehow, in store after store, in my little town, in the nearby towns, even in New York City, during a certain moment in the bad year of 2021.
I forgive this employee for intruding on my privacy in a way that was startling, ill-mannered, and entirely beside the point, given the fact that she was simply selling flowers and I was simply trying to buy them.
I forgive her for the way this demand made my adrenaline levels jump, as they do when things are unstable around you; you could not tell which stores would confront you, or when, with that urgent, bullying question — when you happened to wander in, just wanting some toothpaste, or a slice of pizza, or to look at some antiques.
Not — expecting an inquisition.
I forgive these store owners for stripping me of a great benefit of a free society — the great gift of liberty, of America — that right to be dreamy, to have some privacy, and to be preoccupied with one’s own thoughts.
I forgive her for presenting me with this startling question that each time made me, with my clinically diagnosed PTSD from a very old trauma, feel ambushed, violated and humiliated. Surely this was sense of ambush was felt by trauma survivors everywhere.
Are you vaccinated?
Are you? Vaccinated?
Are you vaccinated?
Are you naked? Are you helpless?
Are you mine? My possession?
The viral clip of the Pfizer marketing rep, admitting to the European Parliament that the mRNA vaccines never stopped transmission, should make every single one of these moments, a source of deep embarrassment and self-criticism for all those — all of them – who inflicted these violations of privacy on others, or who excluded in any way, on the basis of nonsense, their neighbors and fellow countrymen and women.
But meanwhile, I forgive them. I have to. Because otherwise the rage and sorrow would exhaust me to death.
I forgive my neighbor who froze when I hugged her.
I forgive my other neighbor, who told me that she was making homemade soup and fresh bread, and that I could join her to have some, if I was vaccinated. If I was unvaccinated, however, she explained, someday she might consent to walk outside with me.
I forgive the monitor — what else could one call him — surely appointed by the local Board of Health, who told me that I could not go inside a church at an adorable summer outdoor town festival at the tiny mountain hamlet of Mt Washington, to see an exhibit, because I was unmasked. I forgive him for the steely look in his eyes as he remained unmoved when I explained that had a serious neurological condition, and thus could not wear a mask. I forgive the nervous lady at the table full of trinkets, who had apparently ratted us out to the Board of Health representative, when we were simply browsing outdoors, surrounded by fresh air, our faces uncovered, at her table.
I forgive them for making a miserable scene about all of this in front of my then-ten-year-old stepson. The unmasked and unvaccinated are eternally accused of having made scenes, but the scenes were made, really, by the actions of those coercing and conforming.
I forgive them for driving us to leave the festival. I forgive their manifesting a pathetic and indefensible lesson in servility, and in conformity to things that made no sense, to an impressionable American child.
I forgive the teller at my local bank for throwing a paper napkin at me to cover my face, when I explained respectfully and gently, from twenty feet away from her, why I did not wear a mask.
I forgive the staff at the Walker Hotel, in lower Manhattan, for warning me that they would call the manager, who no doubt would then call law enforcement, if I sat at the Blue Bottle Coffee lunch counter with my unvaccinated self.
I forgive my loved ones for keeping us from the Thanksgiving table.
I forgive one of my best friends for her having left the country without having said goodbye to me; the reason was the she was “disappointed” in me for my stance on masks and vaccines. No matter that this was entirely my risk, my body, my decision, my life. Her “disappointment” led her to assume the burden of censuring me for something that had nothing to do with her. I forgive her, though my heart broke.
I forgive the friend whose daughter had a baby, and who would not let me indoors to see the child.
I forgive the friend who said he did not sit indoors with unvaccinated people.
I forgive the family members who pressed my mom to get one more booster – thus leading directly to her sustaining heart damage.
I forgive them, because my soul instructs me that I must.
But I cannot forget.
Are we supposed to just pick up again, as if emotional limbs were not crushed, as if emotional hearts and guts were not pierced, as if with sharp objects? And that, again and again?
As if there has been no savagery, no massacre here?
All those people — now that athletes are dropping dead, now that their own loved ones are sickening and hospitalized, now that the “transmission” is known to be a lie and the vaccines’ “efficacy” itself is known to be a lie – are they — sorry? Are they reflecting upon themselves, on their actions, on their consciences; n their immortal souls; on what they have done to others; on their part in this shameful melodrama in American and world history – a time that now can never be erased?
I don’t hear it. I don’t hear any apologies.
I don’t see signs on the Millerton movie theatre saying, “Dear Customers. We are so sorry we treated many of you as if we were all living under Jim Crow laws. We did so for no reason at all.
There is no excuse, of course, for such discrimination, then or now. Please forgive us.”
Nothing. Have you seen anything like this? I haven’t. Not one conversation. Not one sign. Not one article. “My friend, I was a beast. How can you forgive me? I behaved so badly.” Have you heard that? No, nothing.
Instead people are reacting to the fact of their awfulness, of their profound wrongness, of their foolishness, of their ignorance and credulity, like sneaky, guilty dogs. They are sidling up.
In the city, they are quietly adding one to the guest list. In the country, they are stopping their cars in the sunny autumn air to have a little chat.
They are calling up just to say hi — after two and a half years.
Two and a half years of brutal, ignorant ostracism.
I can and must forgive all those I enumerated. But it is harder to forgive – others.
It is hard to forgive the high school in Chatham, that forced a teenager to be mRNA vaccinated against her wishes, in order to play basketball, and thus hope for a college scholarship.
It is hard to forgive the doctors, the hospitals, the pediatricians, who knew and knew and knew. And bowed their head, and plunged the needles into the arms of innocents, and committed evil. The doctors who today say, “We are baffled. We have no idea.”
When did Western doctors, before 2020, ever have no idea?
It is hard to forgive the Mayor of New York City, who drove the brave First Responders who did not wish to submit to a dangerous experiment, to have no income with which to feed their families.
It is hard to forgive the Ivy League universities, who took the money and forced all the members of their communities to submit to injection with a deadly or dangerous experimental injection — one that will damage the fertility of who knows how many young men and women; one that will kill who knows how many community members.
They took the money and there is blood on their hands. Have you, parents of college age children, received a letter of apology? “We are so sorry we forced your son/your daughter to submit to an experimental injection that can harm him or her, may make your daughter crippled with bleeding every single month of her childbearing years, and may lead your son to drop dead on the. track field. And one that, it turns out, has nothing to do with transmission. We can’t apologize enough. (But the money — it was just such a lot.) Really sorry. Won’t do it again, rest assured”
Did you get that letter, America’s parents?
It is almost impossible to forgive the churches, the synagogues, who took the money and stayed closed. Or who took the money, and then closed their doors at High Holy Day Services against the unvaccinated. To this day. (Hi there, Hevreh Synagogue of the Southern Berkshires. Shalom. Shabbat Shalom. Good Yom Tov.)
“Please note that we require proof of vaccination upon entry for all High Holy Day Services. Please bring a copy with you. Masks are optional and encouraged for all who are comfortable wearing them.”
These are great, great sins.
But meanwhile, you have errands to run. You have books to return to the library and flowers to pick up from the florist perhaps – you have to go to the kids’ soccer game, you have to go to the movie theatre; the hardware store. Back to church. Back to synagogue.
You have to pick up your life again.
You have to step around the bodies decomposing invisibly in the charming streets of our nation. You have to pick up again as if we were not annihilated in spirit. Or, you have to pick up again if you were the abuser.
Will you apologize, if you did wrong?
Will you forgive, if you were wronged?
Can this nation, which fell so far short of its true identity and its founders’ intention, ever, ever heal?
Can we heal — we ourselves?
I don’t forgive these people. These people shown the world who and what they really are. Given more time, these same people would have been quite happy seeing the rest of us loaded into train cars and moved to (God only knows) places. And there – to be punished for refusing to submit and be the herd member.
No, these people can’t walk themselves out of the mess THEY made – and all to ‘feel safe’. These people need to earn that forgiveness. And not some cheap and fast thing, but an display that proves they know that they were quite happy to be a ‘good German’ who obeys anything order sent down by their masters.
This is only occurring because the more thinking among them are afraid a change of government is coming, and maybe – just maybe these truly insane behaviors of these past several years just might be studied with actual results they know they won’t like. They earned it, and they need to take their punishment.
Forgive them, and they will do it again 🙂
Good point…although they’ll do it all again anyway. Heck, they’re still doing it when it comes to disagreements on politics or public policy. “Think as we do, or we will ruin your lives.”
So screw them. They’re not sorry for how they treated people – they’re just sorry that the science isn’t as they thought.
That’s my opinion too. Still, in places – the mask cult goes on. I know as I have seen it, and not just that sad individual loon going shopping or still driving (by themselves) AND masked!
No, I finally had surgery done on my leg. Needed to provide an test result, and wear the mask into the surgery. And I wondering if I ought to have an witness to keep any ‘vaccine’ from being given. But – the real madness was in the post-surgery follow-up; the Doctor and assistance both in mask, but handshaking. When I was dressed, and done – walking by one of those narrow hall-ways used processing the paperwork – and there – both sitting by the monitor with the masks down around the neck. And certainly not – social distanced from each other.
Allowed to get away- and they would do it all again. The doctor was a very good surgeon – but the rest – a real slave for the ‘narrative’.
It’s a sad thing to know now the medical community are ‘team-players’. In other words – an herd for the directive.
Agree— w/Dav M. NEVER FORGIVE the Hitlers (EVIL)!
Therein lies the problem. I see the same thing happening in Australia. People are hoping that those who they discriminated against will just move along & forget, but if the discriminators aren’t held to account – they will repeat the crime, because they have permission.
I moved from NY State to AZ, to FL in 2021 – so happy to live in Free Florida now.
Exactly. They do not deserve forgiveness because they SO EASILY and EAGERLY, and GLEEFULLY, and WITH RELISH, executed the orders of their government masters. They weren’t reluctant. They weren’t embarrassed. They weren’t ashamed. They did exactly as they were told and they were HAPPY to do it. F them.
Forgiveness is more about you than it is about them. Don’t let them ruin you this way. They win if you do.
Forgiveness empowers you. It is a good thing to do for your own sake, not for the sake of those who wronged you. Otherwise your grievance can fester and make you sick. Let it go; you can’t do anything to change the past but you can change your own attitudes about it.
Imagine if these idiots had been around in 1945 begging us to forgive the Nazis for their atrocities. We hanged the Nazis for their unforgivable evil and rightly so! Evil lurks in the hearts of men, and unpunished evil only causes the evil in other hearts to grow. The perpetrators of the scamdemic evil need to be hanged for the same reason the Nazis were hanged: to send the message to those who would unleash the evil in their hearts that they will face the serious consequence of losing their lives for the evil they entertain.
The question is will the vaxxed, with all of the rights and privileges thereof, forgive themselves? What goes around comes around. “Stupid is as stupid does”!
From your comment:
“these same people would have been quite happy seeing the rest of us loaded into train cars and moved to (God only knows) places.”
This unforgivable atrocity actually happened in Australia, from what I’ve read and seen on from You Tube.
Citizens of OZ were forced into isolation (concentration) camps because of Covid.
Sorry meant for Dev M
Yes, this did happen in Australia – and oh way too many wished it could happen elsewhere. But one thing – the people of Australia allowed the right to own and bare arms to be taken from them. The American Foundry were so wise with the Bill of Rights. We must NEVER allow them to alter that Bill. Even Canada was moving in the direction of Australia.
A weak people are a slave people.
Your use of the term “good German” is disgusting. This was not the Holocaust. Stop it.
Although correct, only correct to a point. If the final solution was to inject the jews with a slow acting death serum, and 6 million died within a span of several years, what would that be? It would be mass murder. Thus, if the vaxx plays out as intended by those who accidentally on purpose developed and unleashed it, we will have that same result – if not worse.
The vax is as safe as vaxxes get. Which is to say, overwhelmingly safe. It is not f—ing Zyklon B. WTF is wrong with you people?
No it’s not safe. You’re an idiot, one of them. You sound like you did this to other people. What’s wrong with you?
I thought you might like to know that 29,000 people died from the Covid-19 vaccine and more than 50,000 suffered permanent injuries. Go to and read all the articles pertaining to the vaccine by doctors and research scientists for the last two years. I think you will find it very interesting.
BS Marlow! My youngest daughter is a nurse, so she had to be vaxxed + all boosters and she had Covid twice.
Well I got the polio vax-didn’t get polio one time in my entire life. Same w the measles vax.
This was a brand new tech that they knew from early 2020 was not needed, yet ran w it anyway.
I stand by the term. The ‘good German’ allowed, and too many these past several years were being that.
Years, I was traveling by bus, and had an chance to set by a woman now American, born born and raised in Germany. She said she had been in army intelligence – but she wasn’t a party member. I said nothing, but knew this had been a lie. Further, living in Hamburg – she thought nothing of shopping in Jewish businesses. But, (without given the reason) brought from these Jews, and that the stuff wasn’t in Hamburg, and she still had them.
These ‘good Germans’ know, smile – but never trust them with either your rights or your lives. Same here, and I am sadden to see what it happened all over the Western world. They should know better, but no they were ‘good’.
I stand by the word usage. It perfectly explains the slavish mindset seen then, and these few years.
You’re nuts. Literally bonkers, slathering, babbling, frothing insane. You actually think that you’re like a Jew living under Hitler because your government sought to protect people from a dangerous disease. It can’t be a happy place in your head, I must say.
Whatever Barlow.
“Your government” does not seek firstly to protect you but rather, to live by your efforts, . . .
The Holocaust did not start out as The Holocaust we know it.
That sounds paradoxical, but it is not. Do we consider the lynching of Jews and other undesirables by the NSDAP throughout the 1920s and 1930s part of the Holocaust? The Night of the Long Knices when Hitler expanded a purge of his party into a cleansing of all opposition? The Mandatory Euthanasia Program? The “Jude” graffiti by SA men?
The Ten Stages of Genocide are a pattern by which those who would crush you peel back your protections like an onion.
Extermination is step 9 out of 10, not step 1 or 2.
Just so, and far too many did indeed look the other way. Go along to get along – as our age might be it.
But you – it was those Eskimos who invaded in 1919 who did all of it. 🙂 No – many people ought to watch the 1961 Judgement At Nuremberg film. It very well covered just how horrors happen. It just don’t start at the unloading at the death camp. They are built step-by-step, and these covidians had the building blocks. The author is correct.
Ok, I’ll try this one: You are NOT a Jew living under a Nazi regime. NO ONE is trying to kill you with the vaccine. YOU are completely insane. Do try and grok that if you can.
Ok, so, let me get this right: You consider yourself to be the equivalent of a Jew living under a Nazi regime. Do I have that right? If so, then you’re mad. Literally mad. Not to mention that you’re both minimizing the Holocaust and disrespecting everyone who died in it.
sort of correct, to a point. No it was not hordes of innocents being herded into the gas-fired ovens to their rapid deaths. But to far too many, the results and aftermath of what DID happen here in the US these past two plus years was the rough equivalent. How many forfeitted their jobs, income, businesses, liberties, beause of the sick eagerness of far too many (who SHOULD have known better) to march in lockstep (goosestep?) to the government spewed false narrative?
Our Framers established a nation of LAWS…. enacted ONLY by the COngress, both houses. NOT ONE of those madates came from our COngress. NOT ONE. Yet we millions were subject to them as if the COngress had done. (of a truth, many congresscritters WANTED to but not enough, so the voting fell short of passage… thanks only to the wisdom of our Founders who seemed to know the heart corruption of man far better than most government poohbahs do today.
I hold that, if ou have not yet done, you should go and learn about the content and results of the Nürenberg Trials of the 1940’s. Men who “did as I was ordered” were executed for their actions on the basis that there ARE universal laws that apply no matter what government have the votes this week. These men had “natural law” to which to refer, yet chose to “just do as I was told”.
How many two bit dweebs stood at the doors of their businesses and screamed GETTTT OUTTTT YOU CANNOT COME IN HERE WIHTOIUT THAT NAPPIE ACROSS YOUR MUG because of their own fear of having some bigger government poohbah come round and shutter their business for “non-compliance”. I KNOW for a fact in my state the governor mandated all manner of things, for the which he had ZERO authority. And EVERYONE bowed down and worshipped at his grubby feet.
All who have taken the “jab” will suffer, some more than others, but all WILL be affected, eventually. Forgiveness and compassion are in order.
They will never be punished and most will never feel guilt. In fact most will continue to feel their self-righteous superiority over the rest of us because They. Are. Science. And we are not. Even if they wouldn’t know empirical reality if it bit them on the ass.
I just upvoted you because I understand what you are saying and agree with it. I want to quibble a bit about words.
Forgiveness is unilateral. Relationship is bilateral. Forgiveness is for you, to free you from hatred and bitterness. It is easier when we realize our own imperfections.
I forgive them because I must, for my own sake. It might also help them – but that is another issue.
Relationship requires trust, which must be earned. I do not want relationship with these people because they demonstrate a tendency to think in a way that engenders genocide.
Forgiveness is not earned. Trust in relationship is.
Forgiveness is difficult, but it is a choice.
We can choose to forgive, or we can choose not to forgive.
I thought forgiveness was a feeling, but I never felt it and was tortured by the concept.
Now I choose to forgive, and I find peace.
My family and friends treated me like a leper after I begged them not to get the fake “vaccines.”
They cut me off. But now here they come, touching base with a call, a voicemail, an email.
Because they are sick.
Or their relatives are sick, or vaxx injured, or died suddenly, and can I help, do I know a doctor or medicine or potion that will reverse the memory loss, cure their teenager’s myocarditis?
I choose to forgive so I suggest the writings and videos of my mentors: Dr. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, and other truth-telling medical martyrs.
Knowing I might lose the now-injected people I love, I treat them gently. I pray for them.
I also pray the Lord God Almighty’s most vicious, righteous, Old-Testament anger, fury, and punishment for the evildoers who stole — with intentional lies, murderous toxins, and for the sake of power and greed — all the meaningful moments so many will now never know;
I sincerely hope the evil bastards all burn in hell, and that right quick.
Skeptical of Everything Now – Exactly right. I studied forgiveness because I wanted it but could not muster the feeling of it. It offended my sense of justice, also.
But when I learned what true forgiveness is and practiced that – then the *feeling* I desired swept over me and freed me.
We tend to think forgiveness restores relationship, and it does not. Forgiveness increases possibility for relationship, but does nothing to make it happen. I simplified my understanding down to forgiveness being unilateral and for my own love of myself. Relationship is definitionally bilateral, requiring two and also trust.
You can forgive and have zero trust. You can forgive and desire justice.
Because I am Christian, I leave justice to God, Who alone will do right when He judges. This comforts me.
I hold no animosity towards friends and family that bought into this fiction. So there’s nothing to forgive. Most now see what a scam, profit taking power grab the whole “pandemic” was.
They were scared because believed in what public officials were telling them. These are the people who don’t deserve forgiveness. These are the people who should be shunned from society
while I don’t disagree with all that is said, many have hurt other deeply, but I still have to look at it as God sees it and He says if you don’t forgive them how can I forgive you. There is no such thing as a “little” sin, sin is sin. God is just and He requires us to forgive, no that doesn’t mean we forget. But if you know what is coming as prophecy predicts this is just a small incident and what we will see in the very near future will make this look like child’s play. So if you are not acquainted with prophecy I suggest you brush the dust off your Bibles and read what is coming because this is only the tip of the ice burg so to speak.
Naomi, it is just so sad.
The vaccinated friends, family, adult children, who against my educated advice (begging) not to inject themselves or the grandchildren (3 & 5) did so anyway, who kept me away from those boys for 10 months, are all acting like it never happened.
The high holidays at my Chabad (the rabbi managed to accommodate all levels of fear) 2020 and 2021 were immensely sad as 20 women and 20 or so men were in attendance. Now everyone is back to normal – having been ghosts for 2 years. I am certain 98% of them are vaccinated.
I give my rabbi total credit for not asking about vaccine status.
My heart goes out to you. I am furious for you and especially at your shul. I hope your mom will be able to manage her heart issues for years and years. And I know it must be slim pickings where you are, but it’s time to find another shul. You are a warrior, but even warriors can be wounded. Healing will never be complete for me.
My son told me that he just had his three children, the youngest four years old, vaxxed. He might as well have sacrificed them on the altar of Baal. There is just so much wrong at so many levels when Jews run to worship white-coat supremacist “experts” rather than trusting G0d and their own common sense. We see red flags for a reason and we ought to pay attention to them. I’m not anti-medicine or even anti-vaccination (for diseases like diphtheria, typhus, etc., or even for seasonal flu, though these don’t work as well). But what my son did is unconscionable and I pray that he and his children never have reason to know why.
My son has a PhD in a hard science (quantum chemistry) and years and years of study at prestigious yeshivas, so it’s not like he can plead ignorance of religion or science. But he and his rabbi were both gravely ill and hospitalized with COVID in the spring of 2020, right after Purim, and I suspect that this colors his thinking. That they both recovered completely ought to color his thinking as well, but it apparently does not. I can call him a coward and a fool, but it would do no good. The damage to his children is done and I can only pray that they do not suffer for it.
Amen! There is a very sad twitter thread of all the terrible things done to those of us who saw the reality of the cvid scam from the beginning. I was thankful at only getting thrown out of a few places because of no mask (I am on oxygen 24/7) and treated like a leper.
Same here, with my continuous O2.
Thank you for such humanity connected to prose.
In the midst of the madness before, during and after you wrote with such eloquent reason.
Thank you for that.
The crimes are too monstrous to forgive.
Neither will I. I do not forgive the Germans who turned in their neighbors to the SS.
I do not forgive the Red Guard for torturing their professors and dragging the elderly into the streets.
I do not forgive Stalin for sending anyone who disagreed with him to Siberia to die.
I do not forgive those who mock and ridicule and feel smug and self-righteous.
I do not forgive those who are brainwashed for those are the ones who will race to kiss the feet of the
Evil is all around us. The fake Pandemic exposed those who appear to be human, who look like
our neighbors and friends, but whose souls have long since left their bodies.
The things that inhabit those bodies are demonic and THAT is what we saw and are still seeing.
This is a COSMIC battle and if we don’t all wake up and see it for that, we will lose.
One of the worst things is, that since they changed the definition of vaccine, vaccines can never be trusted again.
I doubt I will ever take one again. I don’t trust the medical community anymore. And this includes so much that is sold by them.
My husband was a malignant narcissist and a PROMINENT physician. He died on November 8, 2021 in Las Vegas. I ended up unlocking his phones and most of his devices, got into his emails, Facebook, etc.
What I discovered will rock the medical community. I’ve written a Tell All Book and it’s in a queue with an editor.
I will NEVER EVER go to a MD nor a DO ever again unless I’m bleeding out.
Then you will get what is in the blood bank and that is likely to have mrna in it. The globalist Depopulation goal has their bases covered.
And they are still pushing jabs on the children here in SC. And just today I heard a story that Pfizer is test a jab for PREGNANT women to vaccinate their unborn against RSV. Evil.
I would love to have an opportunity to read your book… Courageous voices need to be read and heard! However, don’t be surprised if you get “cancelled”, discredited, silenced or accused of wearing a tinfoil hat.
Just like Naomi, I have a medical mask exemption. I have been vilified, accused of trying to “kill people”, and after having been let in a store by a sensible greeter, was escorted out unceremoniously like a common criminal because of “store policy”. I will NEVER shop at these 2 stores again.
Working for 13 years in mental health (just a smart ‘orderly’) was quite an educational experience. There were a few that I could trust, but quite a few I would not being my care provider. So yes, I can well understand what you found after the death of your husband. We who are older have that Marcus Welby, M.D. image for doctors, but – better be sure if the doctor actually fits that image.
This is going to be one of the results from covid – can you really trust the doctor or nurse, and whether they are truly looking out for your best interest…
I bet that book would be quite the read. But, document please; it makes more believable.
That’s the good part about it…no one with any sense will ever take another of their toxic shots.
Unless, like many of us, we are forced to get the shot “or else” we go on leave without pay until we get them. As many people, I have an excellent job and am not ready to retire yet. (I’ve already changed careers at age 55 and managed to establish myself – not ready to change careers again at age 67!) Thankfully, they didn’t demand that we get the useless boosters.
Medicine can never be trusted again.
I was cut out of family connections as well. Our church stayed open–despite the tyranny of the state, and most of us did not get the vax, for which we are grateful now. I have not quizzed my vaxxed friends and family about what they think about the vax now with the admission that it is ineffective in stopping the spread and actually dangerous. My prayer is that they will not vax the young kids in the family. The whole nation, world, has been traumatized by lies. Praying for Nuremberg II.
I may not live long enough to see Nuremberg 2 but as more people discover how duped they were and more people they know die from the jab’s sequelae, there will be more demand for trials.
Vaxxed people, if they are honest, will say, “It was not a good idea and I am glad to have dodged the bullet and not gotten sick from it. So far at least.” But there are those who are the True Believers, and they are many, who will justify their actions until the moment that they drop dead. Or their loved ones who obeyed them drop dead. And if questioned about all of the odd deaths occurring lately, they will say that the alternative media lie. They simply cannot and perhaps will never be able to see the truth.
Your essay cut me to the quick. The indignities you endured were outrageous. I feel like I lived in such a rarefied air even in the hellish blue state of Washington. After two weeks our pastor opened the church even though he was reported several times for “not following the state protocols”. He was wiling to go to jail to do the right thing and continue to gather. My friends and I continued to meet for bible study weekly and they even had an anniversary party for my husband and me. We did not get the experimental shot and my daughter-in-law’s family still give her pro-shot articles having been vaxxed and boosted themselves. Thankfully my grandchildren continued in a private school and did not lose the learning that the government school children did.
What I can’t forgive is what happened to my boss and co-workers. The loss of income, being reported for not wearing masks, doxxed for not supporting BLM, being slandered on social media, having to shut down and then having to rent a tent for a year to follow the ridiculous dining rules. His business struggles to this day because of “two weeks to slow the spread” that turned into two years. Businesses like his are going under everyday because of what Jay Inslee and governors like him mandated. The small business that had to close while big ones stayed open just showed the hypocrisy of the ridiculous rules they forced on us. Never again. Never forget.
Blanket forgiveness of wrongs of this magnitude is NOT a virtue. I forgive nothing and neither should anyone else. Each one of these people played their part in the great hard that they all did to those of us who exercised our basic right to simply live in freedom. If there are no consequences, then we’re saying what they did is okay, the poor things were victims, too. What does it matter if you don’t forget if you’re giving them all a pass for this appalling, UNFORGIVABLE behavior?
Why is there no way to edit these comments? That’s very backward.
I’m beginning to like it. Not being able to edit makes me think twice before posting, nevertheless I still post errors. Maybe FPM should allow one opportunity for editing?
Sheeple are still voluntarily having booster injections, in the U.K. they are combining it with the flu vaccine.
Untested combination and the sheep don’t ask why.
Mysterious deaths rise, the sheep don’t ask.
Forgive your friends and family along with your neighbours but never ever forgive those who knew better.
Never trust pharmaceutical corporations again.
Never trust the government again.
Never trust the U.N. again, they own the World Health Organization that owns the lab that created all this evil.
Actually, I think they are doing that in USA also.
I guess the sheeple have never heard of risk, and the need for clinical trials.
It is like gambling, more than 90% are long time losers. People taking the vax cocktails are gambling with their lives, not realizing what a risk they are taking.
(even of the small percent of gamblers who are winners at one game, most lose their money on other games. It is quite peculiar, the willingness of humans to take such incredible risks.)
Oh, on the need for clinical trials, sheeple don’t realize how often scientific experiments go wrong, which is one of my peculiar interests, namely, why did such and such an experiment go wrong. Hence they need for clinical trials, since something often goes wrong which wasn’t predicted or expected.
Can we trust the people who give us our annual flu vaccine to not add the clot shot to it? I want a flu shot as I think that they have at least a little bit of efficacy in preventing or ameliorating flu, but I sure don’t want another COVID “vaccine”.
Please do not get an influenza injection ever again.
They literally do nothing.
If you research a bit and especially read actual data gathered by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the ineffectiveness of every vaccine Americans have ever been encouraged and coerced into accepting, you will never let anyone inject you with a substance that only benefits the pharmaceutical giants.
Everyone else loses.
If you have the slightest doubt, then don’t.
RFK Jr.’s site is Children’s Health Defense (
The last time I took a flu shot, just before covid was released, I was sick for a week. No, we cannot trust them. They are planning on using mRNA in many or perhaps all vaccines in the future. Best to be prepared for any virus with the essential vitamins and treatments, such as Ivermectin, so you can effect a quick recovery. Many notable doctors are setting up medical services for those who are aware of the risks of mainstream medicine and want to receive care while avoiding the hazards of Pharma and government-controlled medical practice. This is Dr. Peter McCullough’s new medical plan:
quote: I guess the sheeple have never heard of risk, and the need for clinical trials.
Oh we have or if not it is because of wilful ignorance.
There is a long and sordid history of crazy diseases and their “cures” , bad drugs released, etc.
Anyone else remember Thalidimide? I know some folks born maimed because of this. The drug cmpany promiting it never did sufficient clinical trials.
How about the HPV vacine Texas mandated for all teenage schoolgirls? Heavy consequences ensued, and it was first dropped from the mandated list, then puled from the market. I seem to reall some kerfuffle with Tamiflu. One of the early polio vaccines was problematic. Some of the seasonal flu vaccines were prpblematic, too, and the high levels of mercury/aluminium in nearly every vaccine are problematic.
But hardly anyone here in the US pressed to uphold the mandates that came out in result of the Nurenberg Trials. NO medical proceedure or prodiuct can be administerd to anyone UNTUL that person has ben FULLY INFORMED and has goven explicit consent. I will venutre to say notonein ten thuosand who were given the COVID shots has ever een “fully informed” prior to their consent to taking the shot.
This is in clear violation of US and international law, et anyone attempting to raise these issues was pilloried as a denier, disinformation giver, etc.
ANY resident of the US with even a basic command of the english tongue is without excuse. Even a cursory look at the “numbers” from the various states SHOULD have blown the cover from the “official” news sources. Each state’s current stats were published natioinwide on a daily and/or weekly basis. Many states did NOT go full Cuckoo’s Nest on their ‘mandates” a few states did not put any in place. Other states were horror stories, like New York, whose rotten Governor shoved thousands of known-infected patients just leacing hospital sort of recovered and forcing elderly care facilities to take them in, mixing with the general population.Thousands were infected DUHHHH!!!) and died. Cuomo has yet to face any consequences for his insanity.
There were graphs showing rankings in masking, injecting, infection tallies, hispitalation numbers, numbers on respirators, and total deaths. Each state’s mandate list was also availble often included. Funny thing, the states with the harshest restritions and most aggressive regulations/protocols had the highest rates of infection, serious cases, and deaths whilst those with none or few had the best number sets. Accross the board. These were in the news constantly,, anyone could READ them. But how many did?
Israel’s numbers were shocking… highest injection rates, highest current rates, and HUGE numbers of cases, hospitalist=ations deaths. They finally figured it out a few months ago.
No, ignorance has NO excuse. The data were there for anyone to see.
There never was a vaccine and the jab should never be called as such. Saying the word ‘vaccine’ only shows how brainwashed by media repetition we have been.
Australians are the worst (closely followed by Canadians). We thought they were rugged freedom-loving people, but it’s now hard to distinguish between them and actual sheep.
@Mo de Profit:
“Forgive your friends and family along with your neighbours but never ever forgive those who knew better.”
Your friends and family and neighbors did not know better? Oh, I think they did. I’m sorry, but these are the people we should most hold accountable. If not us, who?
Whether they objected to this crap or not they were “just following orders” all the same. They were cogs in the machine.
Next time – and we are well on the way to it – it won’t be mere exclusion from entry or even being fired from work. It will be law enforcement rounding up people for opposing the junta. The reactions Dr. Wolf describes are the same ones from Germans of that era to their part, from mere functionary to participant at the Wansee Conference, to their role in the Final Solution.
See, e.g., the Australian concentration, er, quarantine camps, and the gormless government Goons running them.
Just like Abraham was following orders. First Yahweh tells him sacrifice your child to me, then Yahweh tells Ole Abe no don’t sacrifice your child to me.
What the heck is wrong with Ole Abe? Can’t he think for himself? Why is he blindly obeying orders to kill his child? Fear? Why won’t he trust his own reasoning mind instead of obeying authority?
“It is your MIND that they want you to surrender—all those who preach the creed of sacrifice, whatever their tags or their motives, whether they demand it for the sake of your soul or of your body, whether they promise you another life in heaven or a full stomach on this earth. Those who start by saying: “It is selfish to pursue your own wishes, you must sacrifice them to the wishes of others”—end up by saying: “It is selfish to uphold your convictions, you must sacrifice them to the convictions of others.” – John Galt, “Atlas Shrugged”
you have NO CLUE as to the signficance of the story of Abraham and his Son. Your twist of that account is pathetic.
…………………….GET THE CORRECT MACHINE…………………..
This woman, Naomi Wolf has come out of the darkness and shown the light and the way. It is going to be a very rough road and will never be the same but she has shown the how and the why. It’s up to each of “us” if it is worth the trip.
I never bought the bullsnot but was surprised to see how many Sheeple did. If you’re a logical reasoning person there was no reason to ever subject yourself to take part in a medical experiment. My wife will explain that away as well, this person needed to do so for a job. She gets mad when I explain that you can alway get another job—but your life, not so much.
SOME of us just looked at those signs and said “NO”! When a SIGN requires you to wear a mask to ENTER a RESTAURANT but then you can take your mask off AT THE TABLE, what is the PURPOSE of the sign?? I kept asking waitresses “does the virus just hang out at the door”?? Some of the INTELLIGENT ones would laugh and say “no – it’s all BS”! I “humored” the signs for a few days and then just quit! Walmart had ARROWS to indicate “shopping flow”!! I said NO! And the “vaccines”?? Oh H3ll NO! Anyone who has lost a loved one due to the “vaccines” should NEVER – EVER forgive any of the officials who pushed this and LIED constantly! Anyone who was FORBIDDEN to be with a loved one as they DIED at the HANDS of FAUCI’s ORDERS should NEVER FORGIVE NOR FORGET! Maybe this will be ANOTHER DEMOcrat eyeopener for people!
Censorship made voluntarily informed consent impossible and sometimes illegal. Some shots came with a blank product monograph. We desperately need Nuremberg style trials for the Censors and those who paid them as well as “public health” experts who did this to us. Forgive? Maybe, laugh in their face when they say they have had a sudden death in the family, yep. I never masked, distanced, tested or injected, I did tell a lot of people to FOAD, never felt bad once.
Actually, all the Jonestown Jabs came with a blank product information sheet. In the middle of which was typed “This page intentionally left blank.”
I read all the monographs and didn’t get jabbed, no one that got jabbed read any monographs, at least those I ask.
Censorship made voluntarily informed consent impossible
baloney, Or stinkier. I was able to find all the information I eeded to quickly and resolutely arrive at a NEVER NOT EVER WILL I ACCEPt tHAT SHOT. And I’m a computer neanderthal. Barely capable, Yet all the info I needed was available to me. And I broke no laws getting it, nor implementing my decision to NEVER take those shots.
Yes, the corruptocrats that followed profit for their own purse above any ethical moral or legal issues should, no MUST, be taken out to the woodshed. Their licenses, permits, and profits to be ever trusted with anything medical or scientific should be permanently removed. Much like the laws that declare anyone who has committed a violent felony may no longer possess a firearm.
They have proven clearly they cannot be trusted with those things again.
I say let’s start wiht the Phautchee Unit. ALL his ill gotten gains from his virus lab i WUhan Province, his shares of the pharma companies he favoured, and the profits he drew from this whole caper must be taken from him, and he shoild NEVER EVER be trusted again with any authority or even influence in any field relating to medical or health or cnemistry.
“Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”
There were doctors and nurses who refused and lost their jobs as did I. Yet there were doctors and nurses who had doubts but kept their mouths shut for their paychecks. I would guess that there are, moreover, doctors and nurses who faked their vaccine cards and computer records and still gave the shot to a thoroughly public for continued paychecks.
What do we do in those cases?
I still forgive them for God does see everything.
Over time I believe it will be proven that the social distancing, masking, lockdowns were known to not work and yet they were advocated for nonetheless.
Something I pray for, in addition to truly forgive these Tiny Monsters, is that the Vaccine Injury Court is cancelled and that the EUA and product liability for these C19 vaccines is repealed retroactively and The Pirates of the Pandemic’s profits are confiscated.
We could call it Redistributive Wealth and give to the bravely unvaccinated.
There are people, high up, who truly belong in jail for what they have done to God’s Children.
thoroughly — fooled –public
From the beginning of the Great Hoax, doctors in New York City hospitals were taking HCQ prophylactically on the down low.
Yet they told me when I got sick to wait until I was admitted to the ICU before I would be allowed to try it, in the very earliest weeks of this mess. I stayed out of the hospital and got it from my GP. I was one of the unlucky ones who was hit with the bio weapon (in a selected media market). For the most part there was no covid-19 because 97% of the PCR tests were false positives and there was no rise in the overall death rate in 2020.
But there has been a huge spike in the death rate since needles started going into arms in 2021. That is a brute fact.
And pharmacists were instructed by their overlords to deny Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to the general public. Paxlovid did not do much for Rachelle Wallensky either. “Follow the money!”
Regular quinine works pretty well also.
Isn’t Hydroxychloroquine just a synthetic version of quinine, or are there differences? I know that in equatorial countries where malaria is endemic most people take it every week and the COVID rates were lower than the rest of the world. India seems to have handled things pretty well in this department.
Yes that’s right. So they just isolate parts of quinine and add some other things and Voila they have a patent!
I had quinine on hand, quercetin w/zinc and much more. Oxidative therapies such as ozone and hydrogen peroxide with antioxidants, alternating, would be good for fighting upper respiratory conditions although I can not prove it. Likewise, eating lots of garlic, onions and leeks could be excellent preventatives. There is no money to be made from these things and therefore . . ..Ain’t gonna happen that there will be studies to prove it.
Firgineness is one thing, and must be grnted to those who are repentant.
But the CONSEQUENCES of their actioin/inaction remain, and there MUST be a price exacted of them for their failure.
God has declared that when a man sheds innocent blood by his own hand, by the hand of man SHALL his own blood be shed.. no exception for his repentance, sorrow, asking forgiveness.
those who have been compicit, and those who were the drivers and promoters of thishoax, MUST face serious consequences for their heinous actions. For ma, the ill-gotten wealth that has come their way because of their actions should be taken away and given to those whom they have harmed. to help make some recompense for their sufferings and loss.
Michael J. Hurd, Ph.D. in psychology, an Objectivist, has some good articles on forgiveness. There is rational, deserved, EARNED, and appropriate forgiveness and then there’s irrational, inappropriate, UNEARNED, UNJUSTIFIED, forgiveness.
Unfortunately, in life there are some sins, transgressions, violations, that ARE unforgivable and however painful that is there is nothing we can do to change that. Last weekend I came across a riveting documentary of the brutal murder of Jennifer Levin by Robert Chambers in Central Park in the summer of 1986. There simply is no way to forgive that and for those who loved her to forget.
“Can Forgiveness Ever Be Unhealthy?” – Michael J. Hurd
Fortunately most people are not like you. That said there are some things that simply cannot be forgiven, like endlessly haranguing us about Objectivism.
One dismaying thing this whole episode has exposed is that most of our doctors are either quislings or unthinking fools. This is not encouraging. I no longer trust them to inject me with anything.
I also finally looked on to see what Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the much vilified Doctor Who first raised questions about the MMR shots in children, had to say for himself. If you are curious, you can find it on Rumble in an interview with Steve Kirsch. He was slandered and slimed and vilified and stripped of his medical credentials like all of the covid questioners have.
It’s turtles all the way down, I’m afraid.
After such treatment, why would you want to rejoin such a community? They have already proven how willing they are to throw reason and freedom out of the window at the drop of a hat.
The lesson here is that you chose the wrong people before. Don’t repeat that mistake. Find a community truly dedicated to American ideals. If you can’t find it, build it. Now. Next time you’re life may depend on having chosen the right neighbors.
This essay perfectly represents how I feel, but not just regarding Covid. I have been a cop for 20 years in a liberal city, and the sense of betrayal I felt when regular people decided, overnight, that I was the worst kind of monster imaginable pales against the rage I feel as those same people silently sidle up to me now. If these people are willing to address the embarrassment of the past two years at all, it is in casually denouncing Antifa, as though that tiny core of mentally ill misfits didn’t share common cause with a legion of nice white suburban moms. Two years ago your only disagreement with them was that you didn’t want to see quite so many windows broken; otherwise, you agreed with all of their rhetoric. And now you’ll quietly vote for a Democrat who has quietly changed their platform to having always supported public safety, and you’ll think me so stupid that I won’t find any incongruity in your BLM yard sign and your refound support of the police.
As in this essay, I will not forget. But, while I continue to serve according to the law and my own conscience, I do not forgive.
It was like a great social experiment. At what point to people panic and turn into complete A-holes?
I saw better behavior on old Twilight Zone episodes during a few of their end of the world episodes.
Unfortunately for Dr. Wolf, she lived in a state that valued big government and lacked the ideals of being an individual rather than being part of the collective. During the peak of the mask/vaccination frenzy; I could drive anywhere with in two hours in rural Wisconsin and see maskless people numbering to 80%. Granted Milwaukee and Madison was the exact opposite, but when I drove into smaller communities, no one was wearing a mask. No one asked if I was vaccinated.
The bigger problem from the pandemic was the closure of the churches and the eventual closure of small businesses — mainly restaurants and resorts in Wisconsin and the UP of Michigan. How do you keep a business open without customers or being asked to close for a year?
Of course, the NFL and NBA was allowed to stay opw
As a Christian I know my forgiveness by Jesus Christ depends entirely upon MY forgiveness of those who trespass against me, the guideline to prayer we incorrectly call the ‘Lord’s Prayer ‘ has these words in it ‘ forgive us AS we forgive others’.
But consequences must be applied to those who brought this tyranny and fraud upon us. Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, and if he doesn’t come out NOW against the death jabs Donald John Trump as well…. And we MUST investigate who else was involved and then we must make sure the very top is taken away to prison EVEN IF ITS A POPE !!
Aye…we have to forgive in order to rate forgiveness.
But those responsible should be held accountable.
I can forgive them, but I also realize that they are insane and devoid of reason. They are manipulated with their emotions and lack even the instinct of self-preservation. And they are still manipulated by their emotions. They are still afraid and hiding from the truth as much as even. I will never look at them the same. I pity them.
This reminds me of a phrase often heard in Europe decades ago: “Your papers, please.”
The persons who pushed the vaccines probably knowing they were ineffective and potentially dangerous should first be removed from whatever position of authority they have and then be prosecuted for the harm their lies have and will cause. Persons who had some sort of tie to the Wuhan virology lab, Fauci and Gates and others, surely knew and know what has really happened and were complicit in the deaths of thousands, more likely millions, of people; they’re right up there with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. I might consider forgiving them after they have served the criminal penalties they deserve.
Sorry Dr. Wolf, but I will NEVER forgive or forget for what these bastards did to this country, my family and my friends.
Among other things, I will never forgive the local Catholic churches in my area of New York who refused to allow AA and NA meetings to take place in their buildings. These hypocrites were always looking for an excuse to get rid of us and the Scamdemic gave it to them. They have blood on their hands, literally and figuratively.
Sundance speaks for many of us in this brilliant essay:
My only comfort and help in all this is is belonging to the only One who can help us all. Consider what Jesus said from the cross—“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” To us, we wonder, “How could they NoT know?” yet God in His wisdom knows they are deceived, as the Evil One has blinded the hearts and minds of so many, including those who reject Him. The Bible actually says, “the god of this world (devil) has blinded the minds of those se that believe not.”
When we have been forgiven for our many evils against our Creator, only then can we forgive by the grace of God. Let’s all call out to Him today to forgive us all personally and as a nation! He is our only Hope now and forever!
Well said. I agree.
Evil people depend on people being subservient and nice. Those who did this evil were not blinded, hundreds of thousands knew and did it for Power’s sake. Don’t forget Christ showed us Righteous Anger when he took out a whip and overturned tables. Vengeance is the Lord’s but we are here to bring His justice into fruition. Nurember2
Forgive! NO WAY! Vengeance! Make them ALL pay!
Great article. My husband and I have experienced much of what Ms. Wolf went through – in the community, with family and friends etc.
I would not worry about having to forgive. With so much evil and lunacy around us, it’s up to God to forgive these people, not me. But yes, it’s impossible to forget, as this has changed our world and people in horrible ways. The best we can do, in my view, is to just ‘let go’ as much as possible, and not carry around the anger and the hurt that has been caused.
Let’s be frank, we are talking about out and out Murder. I have 50 years in medicine and nursing to say that.
I DON’T FORGIVE THE MEDIA who brainwashed and goaded world citizens into their hateful frenzy. They were never given a smidge of truth, especially that ivermectin or HCQ works. The media did the dirty work for the bloody hands of the globalists’ depopulation goal. In Nuremberg2 the media and globalists need to be hanged.
I DON’T FORGIVE THE MEDICAL PERSONNEL who decided to flunk Immunology 101 en masse and not advocate for their patients. They know better: they know masks don’t stop viruses, they know that viruses decrease in strength in minimal time and they know that exposure to this virus stimulates the immune system because this virus is more like a strong cold or pneumonia cured with early treatments that they with held. They know that this jab is not a vaccine and that in the first week they should have stopped it Those on medical and nursing boards who paralyzed and implemented terror into professionals need to be hanged.
I have no problem in my soul not forgiving because there have been and will continue to be too many people killed due to their crimes. There is only one truth; the Global Politicians, Lackey Media, Medical People and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers blocked it. “Vengeance is mine,” saith the Lord. We who know the truth need to support and bring about that justice on the guilty.
Yes, that’s the overriding issue – that members of the medical profession, pharmacists, and hospitals actually murdered people, often for profit.
thanks for an excellent article. fear easily overwhelms people and most lack the courage to stand up for truth and goodness and choose instead to just go along to stay along. still, it’s been terribly depressing to witness. having done so i have little doubt that these sorts of little tyrants would simply eliminate – yes, murder – people like us who choose to think differently if they had the power. this may lay in america’s future.
My father-in-law got a flu shot years ago. He soon started developing symptoms that almost resembled a stroke, He was taken to the hospital and then transferred to UW Medical Center. He had Guillain Barré a side effect from that flu shot. (It is also a side effect of the experimental shot). He coded five times and eventually was treated with plasmapheresis for five years. When that no longer worked they changed to gamma globulin from which he contacted Hep C. After two years of kidney dialysis his body finally gave out. He spent seven years fighting to stay alive after getting a shot supposed to protect him that made him sick. Sound familiar? I don’t get flu shots either.
A very educational story. Sad, but educational. Thanks for sharing that information; you might save other lives.
The people in that town seem like gullible sheeple who can’t think for themselves, they have the same mindset that in Germany WWII for the people who turned in the Jewish people to the Nazis camps. They will do it again on a whim, because those people are weak minded and easily manipulated. “If you do not know your history, you will repeat it!!!”
They are Manhattan transplants who buy hook-line-and-sinker everything The NY Times and NOR tell them.
I’d rather be a sheep than a raving psychopath like yourself. Fortunately, I’m neither.
My father-in-law got a flu shot years ago. He soon started developing symptoms that almost resembled a stroke, He was taken to the hospital and then transferred to UW Medical Center. He had Guillain Barré a side effect from that flu shot. (It is also a side effect of the experimental shot). He coded five times and eventually was treated with plasmapheresis for five years. When that no longer worked they changed to gamma globulin from which he contacted Hep C. After two years of kidney dialysis his body finally gave out. He spent seven years fighting to stay alive after getting a shot supposed to protect him that made him sick. Sound familiar? I don’t get flu shots either.
Naomi—as David Horowitz so succcinctly put it, “inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out.” I live next to Millerton and shop there. The northeast, tri-corner area is FULL of so-called liberals whose inner fascist came rushing to the surface during Covid. You should not have been surprised. However, there are little pockets of sanity. Next time, instead of Irving Farms, get your coffee at the shell station and have a sane conversation with some regular guys. You will find it refreshing.
I have a sign on my front door banning any vaccinated person from entering. Now that we know people are dying from the fake vaccine who knows what other problems there are with it. What else is it shedding? We were lied to by a criminal organization posing as the CDC.
Forgiveness isn’t giving a pass to someone who doesn’t deserve it. They’re still guilty and we should never minimize evil in whatever way it presents itself. The Bible says that our struggle isn’t against flesh and blood but principalities and powers that seek to destroy us. People who participate in evil acts are in cahoots with the perpetrators whether they realize it or they don’t and are culpable. Forgiveness recognizes that they’re made in the image of God as we all are and acknowledging that and that alone is the basis for the act of forgiving. It shouldn’t be misconstrued that forgiving causes us to downplay evil acts. The people in the author’s town are probably guilty of all she said and that shouldn’t be downplayed but hating them for it diminishes the hater most of all. Their atrocious actions should be called out though and not overlooked.
Excellent 9 minute video on this same topic by Paul Joseph Watson:
Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci keep on trying to push that vaccine on the people of American military even though many people have had terrible side effects have been the result of the vaccine. In some cases, a person who was injected that that vaccine had even died
As for the best way to handle the terrible problem of the coronavirus.
Be it by gaining natural hard immunity or by the COVID -19 vaccine.
Well one ancient wise man, Aristotle, had written “If one way be better than another, we may be sure that it’s nature’s way.”
Furthermore. A senior scholar of the Brownstone Institute, David Bell and is a public health physician based in the US wrote “It’s no biological surprise that immunity gained from whole-virus respiratory tract infections reduces the severity more effectively than injection with spike- protein or it’s mRNA precursors.” [1]
Furthermore, two appropriate terms for the coronavirus would be the “China virus” of the “Wuhan virus.”
If this isn’t bad enough Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci have both worked with Red China in an effort to hide the awful truth from all the people.
Fauci and Biden are horrendously awful men.
[1] THE EPOCH TIMES, 6/22/22 A14.
Yes, God forbid we try to protect others from catching a potentially deadly disease. WTAF is wrong with you people? Do you just enjoy being angry and insane?
We all know you Marlow. You were featured by Naomi. You railed so hard against us. You wagged your finger at us. Called us names. You posted to social media proof that you were jabbed, and then made sure we knew you were boosted. You sneered at those of us smart enough to know what we all now know – what was concealed by Fauci and Brix and WHO and CDC. They all knew this was russian roulette at best. You just can’t believe that it was YOU, not us, who was ignorant, who was reckless. You can’t get yourself to admit your sins. Oh well.
I honestly can’t tell what the hell you’re trying to say. I’ve never been featured by Naomi, for example. In any case, yes, I would do anything necessary to isolate, shun, and shame you, because you are all deranged idiots who make the world harder for those of us with a modicum of sanity and intelligence to live in, not to mention potentially give us a dangerous disease. So yeah, you deserve whatever you get.
“…not to mention potentially give us a dangerous disease.”
The science says that being vaxxed does not mean you don’t transmit the disease. If anything, it merely mitigates its effects on you.
Try aiming for more than a modicum. It helps.
At least in a tiny rural community in the High Desert of So Cal, I did not get your daily rebuffs.
I had two Pfizer shots in May 2021– in a gymnasium allowing 25 feet of unsocial distancing and enforcing all protocols.
On only one occasion I was treated like a leper. Sitting at the dais of our rural community council. I was covering my face with a bandana and loosened it a bit. I knew the masks were useless and unhealthy. A member of the masked audience voiced her fears, while staring at me, about the few attendees not masked up. All doors were thrown open (magically freeing us all from fear of infection?).
Too stupid. But I was vaccinated, so I was OK, right? No. Got it anyway.
The lockdowns did far more damage than disease out here. At least our tiny school district fought back. They took all the mandated precautions but gave the parents the choice whether to send the kids back to school or not. Nobody got Covid.
I called it the Covid panicdemic. Few laughed. They could not swallow the idea they also were hoaxed.
All that have received the “jab” will be negatively affected, to one degree or another. Time for love and compassion, not vengeance and disregard. This is a time for all to heal, through Christ Jesus, amen.
“I forgive.” Forgiveness is one of the most powerful acts a person can perform. It does not vindicate the offender, but it strengthens the one wronged.
But… “I forgive the family members who pressed my mom to get one more booster – thus leading directly to her sustaining heart damage.” Dr. Wolf might be asking too much of herself here. What those foolish family members did is unforgivable.
I read through all the comments and did not see anyone make this observation. These people you “want to forgive,” still, at this present time, do not WANT to believe that they were lied too. That they have been deceived and exploited. Millions of people still have no understanding of what was done too the whole world. I am not talking about an innocent denial. I am talking about people that, do not want to know! They never read any actual facts. Any published data. Even if you give them links to a government (CDC) website. They won’t read it.
The Covid shot skeptics. Those questioning how the Pandemic was handled. These are people of every race, color, creed, and gender. Various political parties, but I believe even Ms. Wolf, would have to agree. Most have been Independent and Conservatives. If they do Identify as Democrats; they tend to be true Liberals in the sense of the word., as Naomi is. As Glenn Greenwald is. As Robert Kennedy Jr is. The sheer collapse of our left leaning, Civil liberty loving Lefty’s; were nowhere to be found. It almost takes your breathe away, how corrupt/ cowardly, these people, and nearly all these organizations behaved.
Mercy is a trait of Hashem, very righteous, it means forgiving people when they are sorry. You have the most beautiful writing and intentions but this is not that.
This is forgiving someone that is not sorry. It leads to it happening again,and Talmud says it is the mercy of fools, and through it all justice is lost.
How soon will they be placing unvaccinated people in a sort of reverse leper colony?
“Forgiveness is more about you than it is about them. ”
So true and so wise.
Thank you.
“Forgiveness is more about you than it is about them. ”
So true and so wise.
Thank you.
Poignant reminder – beautifully and sadly telling