Now that the Democrats seem eager to have that conversation about anti-Semitism, maybe we can talk about Maria Estrada?
Estrada is an anti-Semitic candidate backed by the Democratic Socialists of America and Feel the Bern, among others, none of whom have agreed to disavow her. And that’s even though her anti-Semitism can’t remotely be disguised as anti-Zionism.
It’s straight anti-Semitism.
In an op-ed published in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal, Rabbi Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center noted that Estrada posted last year on Facebook: “Democrats turn a blind eye to the genocide against Palestinians and justify it by bringing up the Holocaust. As if what happened 70 years ago justifies it. Anyone who believes they are one of ‘God’s chosen people’ automatically feels superior and justified in all they do.”
And yes, it’s anti-Semitism.
This past May, Estrada also attacked Eric Bauman, the chairman of the California Democratic Party, telling him to “try keeping your party, your religion and your people in check.”
ActBlue is the platform that many on the Left have hailed for its fundraising power. And ActBlue appears to offer the ability to contribute money to Maria Estrada.
I’ve reached out to ActBlue inquiring about whether they intend to allow a racist bigot to fundraise using their platform.
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