Americans rescued Shah Mahmood Selab from Afghanistan last year as Old Joe Biden’s woke, distracted military was botching our withdrawal from that country. Other Americans then helped him settle in Las Cruces, N.M., and start a new life. But it looks as if Selab brought a bit too much of Afghanistan with him: he has been charged, according to a report in The Blaze on Saturday, with “a child sex crime and violent assault of a 12-year-old boy in New Mexico.”
American authorities could have and should have seen this coming as that kind of behavior is rampant and taken for granted in Afghanistan. But they didn’t. The far-Left blinders that everyone in the Biden administration wears prevented them from seeing anything so “Islamophobic.”
Selab was “charged in federal court with coercion and enticement of a minor” and consequently “faces a minimum of 10 years and up to life in prison if he is convicted.” The incident in question took place last August when Selab “allegedly approached a 12-year-old boy at Youngs Park in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Selab reportedly conversed with the boy who was sitting on a bench at the park – located near a middle school.”
According to a Justice Department news release that, interestingly enough, never gives the slightest hint that Selab is an Afghan refugee, Selab “began asking the victim personal questions, and then invited the victim to sit with him on another bench in the shade. After moving to the other bench, Selab allegedly used his cellphone to show the victim photos and videos that were sexual in nature. Selab allegedly touched the victim inappropriately.”
When the boy tried to get away from Selab, who is 35, Selab went after him and “punched him in the face multiple times.” As if that weren’t charming enough, Selab then “allegedly asked the victim to get into his vehicle and offered the victim $20 to allow Selab to touch him.” At that point, the boy tried to call 911 and ran into the park restrooms, closing himself into one of the stalls.
Selab, however, “followed the victim into the restrooms and pulled him from the stall. Selab allegedly locked the restroom door to prevent the victim from leaving, began kissing the victim’s face, and put a $20 bill in the victim’s hand. Selab also allegedly attempted to force the victim to touch Selab.” At that point, however, “another person arrived at the restroom and knocked at the door,” allowing the boy to escape.
Where might Selab have gotten the idea to behave in this manner and try to molest a twelve-year-old boy? The Washington Post, of all people, reported in July 18, 2017, that “hundreds of such outposts of the Afghan Local Police (ALP), a front-line force armed and funded with U.S. taxpayer dollars, and other pro-government militias are believed to have enslaved young boys for dancing and sexual companionship, many of them kidnapped.” This phenomenon is known as “bacha bazi,” which the Post defined as “the cultural practice of sexual slavery and abuse of boys who are often dressed effeminately and whose possession is seen by Afghan strongmen as a marker of power and masculinity.”
The Post added:
Institutionalized bacha bazi, described as culturally sanctioned male rape, is likely to continue unabated in the absence of any real deterrent. The United Nations has called on Afghanistan to urgently adopt legislation to criminalize bacha bazi and swiftly prosecute state officials guilty of the practice.
One senior official in Uruzgan described bacha bazi as an addiction worse than opium, saying commanders compete — and sometimes battle — one another to snatch pretty boys. Many prowl neighborhoods for boys “who have not seen the sun for years,” a cultural euphemism for unblemished beauty.
The practice is ultimately founded upon the Qur’an, which promises the believers that they will not only enjoy the famous heavenly virgins but “immortal boys” (56:17) who, “when you see them, you would take them for scattered pearls” (76:19).
Anyone who warned that some Afghan men might bring this practice with them to the United States would have been dismissed and excoriated as “Islamophobic” by the cultural Marxists who run refugee resettlement programs. And so now Shah Mahmood Selab and untold numbers of others like him are in the country, making it likely that this is only the first of many such cases we will be hearing about. If Biden’s DOJ had gotten its way, however, you would never have known that Selab was an Afghan refugee at all. There! That solves the problem, now, doesn’t it?
“The United Nations has called on Afghanistan to urgently adopt legislation to criminalize bacha bazi”
Problem solved.
I’m sure the Afghans will get right on that…….
They had better, or there’s gonna be a sternly worded letter.
And if the UN criminalizes it, then what? Are they going to patrol the streets?
This is an example of cultural clash made acute by Leftists who want to destroy existing norms and decency.
A few years ago a Muslim migrant raped a little boy at a swimming pool in Germany. He was quickly caught, and when questioned explained without guilt that it was a “sexual emergency”. Notice, though, that he raped a little German boy, not another migrant.
Deport the pervert and anyone like him.
Publicly hang him with pork rinds in his mouth.
You misspelled “execute.”
You misspelled “disembowel, draw-and-quarter, stuff his junk into his own mouth, and then burn the carcass to a crisp”.
…..In Bacon grease…
off topic but could you feature the “FBI Whistleblower: The Enemy Within” video on FPM? I just did a web search and found that you had it on your Jihad Watch site as recently as September 28th. I think readers here would like it and not all of them read your website or watch Real America’s Voice, unfortunately. It really is an excellent video and quite detailed, as you know. I especially enjoyed having my certitude that the Las Vegas mass shooting was a jihad attack confirmed. ISIS took credit for it five times and the shooter had close ties to jihadis in the Philippines, after all. And the fact that otherwise patriotic FBI agents who don’t object to the agency’s Gestapo style policies stand with our enemies is something everybody should hear, and hear often.
And Pedo Selab will probably get a job with his local Teacher’s Union or school, and the DOJ will probably send the FBI after his victim’s family.
and the practitionsers of “the religion of peace” claim to serve and follow the same God, the one who made the universe and all of us, as we do. But THAT God has some very strong words to say against those who treat young boys as descrived above.
As this abominable practice expands there will likely develop a strong market for millstones. Some necks will be begging for them.
Don’t Afghan Refugees ( or are they all called “translators” now?) in Sweden hold the Record as the #1 RAPISTS in that country, not only of women and girls, but boys as well ? Didn’t our soldiers find little kidnapped boys tied to beds in Afghan Villages? Or sometimes the parents were just paid off…. Nevertheless, Biden has seen fit to bring over thousands of these unvetted Stone Age Afghan men to wreak havoc on US communities and the media cover-up the result. These Deviants need to be deported. The US Taxpayer must not be forced to pay for their incarceration in our prisons !
Sometimes mob violence can be put to good use. Just sayin’.
And I remember two US Soldiers who rescued a boy at the pleading of his mother from an Afghan official and were reprimanded and demoted for doing so.
The country you live in are the laws you live by. All governments must address the issue of not living by Muslim orders. The laws of the country must be obeyed. If they don’t like that they are free to return to where they came from. Countries laws are for all. Native born and newcomers, no exceptions.
I am tired of Muslims sabotaging the people and the governments kowtowing to the law breakers.
You can stop all muslim crime and terrorist attacks by executing the felon, then covering him in pig’s blood then burying him. You Americans had a magnificent leader in the Philippines in the early 1900s, his name was Black Jack and I forget his surname. He executed 99 muslim terrorists, drenched them in pig’s blood and buried them, but he kept one alive to tell their compatriots what happened. There were no muslim terrorist attacks for o0ver 90 years in that area.
The terrorists at the terror organization CAIR will call this arrest a hate crime, and insist that this fellow, who was only imitating the pig-faced dog “prophet” (mohammed) of the gutter cult of (p)islam, and should not only have the charges dropped, but to have the 12 year old delivered to him, and he shouldn’t have to pay the 20 bucks. That’s because (p)islam is a gutter cult, and encourages child rape.
Our government loves and supports anyone who is as sexually warped and perverted as they are.
If that was my Son you can be sure he would have called me before calling the Cops and I would have dealt with low IQ scumbag for touching my kid, no need to bother the Los Cruces Police Dept as they are already busy enough.