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The media was furious that the Trump administration had temporarily suspended incoming ‘refugee’ flights from Afghanistan. It barraged us with stories about the 1,600 Afghans whose flights were canceled to come here. This came shortly after an Afghan refugee stabbed a child to death in Germany.
And now one here stabbed his caseworker in Michigan.
A caseworker has been hospitalized after authorities say he was stabbed on Wednesday in Orion Township.
The sheriff’s office said the suspect was identified as a refugee from Afghanistan and the caseworker was employed by a company that assists refugees.
Authorities said the victim, who is employed by Samaritas, was taken into surgery.
Samaritas, which was set up to help Swedish immigrants come to America and is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church decided to instead embark on a course of bringing Afghan Muslims to America.
It issued a defensive statement claiming that,.”it is important to emphasize that this situation is an isolated incident. As we have seen across decades of working with this population, refugees bring resilience, strength and valuable contributions to our communities.”
Afghan refugees stabbing people is anything but an isolated incident. It’s not even an isolated incident this week.
Here’s how life with Afghan refugees plays out in Germany which just celebrated its latest Afghan stabbing.
In 2024 alone, Mohammad, an Afghan refugee stabbed a Ukrainian woman in the back while walking down the street, an Iranian man attacked police officers with a knife, an Afghan man went on a stabbing spree at a soccer party, a Syrian man rammed a van into a store and threatened people with a machete, a man waving a knife at a wine festival threatened, “I will bring you all to Allah”, and a Syrian man plotted to attack German soldiers with a machete.”
Resilience, strength, and valuable stabbings.
Officials don’t believe anyone else was involved and say there’s no danger to the community.
Refugee resettlement is a danger to the community. To any community.
Long past time to deport these savages.
Agreed. And if we did deport them all, and re-established beautiful, clean, low-crime high-trust societies again, the cycle would start all over again absent a total annihilation of progressivism and a return to our Christian faith. Our highly desirable societies we create and sustain are born of a certain people, religion and culture.
The progressive version of our Pledge of Allegiance us now “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the empire for which it stands, multiple nations, over God, endlessly divisible, with liberty and justice for none.”
Savages? Lutherans or Afghans? Both?
I think the answer is ‘yes.’
Natural strategy for a mass of ignorant savages vs a smaller number of intelligent civilized people is just to kill the civilized people off one by one using low tech methods. Islam just happened to fall into that pit by dumb luck. If the mass of ignoramuses succeeds they won’t know the difference, won’t understand what they lost.
(my latest “realization” just now 🙂
Your comment is the reason why ignorant Islamic savages must never be allowed to possess nuclear weapons. In the name of their barbaric religion they would stupidly destroy themselves and all life on the surface of the planet.
And just as a reminder, the nukes dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki near the end of WW2 were mere party poppers in comparison to today’s nukes.
But President Trump wants to have a chat with Iran not take out their nukes.
Nothing wrong with talking. The trick is to get them to talking too much. People who talk too much often tell too much.
Yep. And these people, both home-grown and imported, have a propensity for lawlessness and violence easily directed towards heritage Americans, their institutions and culture. The purpose is to use their natural propensities to conduct extra-judicial operations which diminish and plunder us. This tactic gives cover to the regime which foments their violence, supports and encourages them with money and prestige, and rewards them and their families with security (legal immunity and taxpayer support – directly or through NGO’s).
It was all subtle at first. Now that it is more and more open, I hope Americans can unite to drive them out.
I’ve worked in several Muslim countries in my career and from my perspective, law & order is not something that’s ingrained in most Muslim cultures.
Oh sure, they claim to practice Sharia law but outside of that, the rule of law, as we in the west understand it, is virtually non-existent. To the extent that they do obey any law[s] comes more out of fear of the consequences for not obeying (like getting immediately shot & killed or lynched or your head chopped off) than respect for the law.
Your comment reminds me of the three types of social control and justice exhibited by the various peoples of the earth. We in the west largely have a guilt / innocence society. Among the three types of cultures, it is the most individualistic. This individualism, untethered from our Christian roots, explains at least in part, the ease with which we are now being dismantled?
Wir konnen das NICHT schaffen!
Yeah, I knew immediately when she said it that Merkel’s comment was idiotic.
You can bet that some deranged democrat will soon propose a restriction on the sale of knives. It sounds absurd but absurdity is one of the pillars of democrat “logic.”
Besides, the Constitution mentions nothing about knives so I imagine that their argument for the restriction on knives will be based on that fact.
Time to return them to where they came from and ban anymore imagration from those Nations and lets evict the nations #1 refuge of Illegal Aliens called the United Nations
At the point I don’t give a flip where they came from. Just get the hell out of our country and make it snappy! I don’t care where they go, just GTF out!
and hostage holders
Senator markie mark kelly is all about bringingas many afghans to America as he possibly can.
We don’t need Violent Refugees in America return al of them and jail the ones that stabbing their Victims and use your 2nd Amendment Rights and Stand your Grounds and use Deadly Force if you have to stop the Attackers
All we have to do is look at Europe, Germany, France, Austria, nothing but rapes, murders, stabbings. What does it take for us to wake up?
Assimilation at its finest…