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Editor’s note: Below are the video and transcript of remarks of a powerhouse panel at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2023 Restoration Weekend. The event was held Oct. 26-29 at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans..
Kenneth Timmerman:
Thank you. Well, thank you very much for having me. I want to thank David Horowitz also for this for hosting these events. Christina, my wife and I have been here a number of times over the years, and it’s always a wonderful get together– a pleasure to see old faces, old friends and meet new people. I want to run through just a couple of things for you in the beginning before we open up for questions. Remember the day that Donald Trump left office? Russia, China, North Korea were all in the box. ISIS had been defeated. Iran was not killing Americans. They had been deterred through maximum sanctions and the justified assassination of top terrorist Qassem Soleimani. And by the way, many Trump advisers were telling him not to do that. They were terrified that the Iranians were going to retaliate in some horrible World war horrible way. We would be at a world war with Iran, the Islamic regime and a number of us said, no, no, no. If you hit the Iranians hard, very hard, they will not respond. Remember what Ronald Reagan did in April of 1988, Operation Praying Mantis. Now, the Iranians had been harassing oil tankers in the Persian Gulf and in one day, one 24 hour period, the U.S. Navy sank one third of the Iranian navy.
And we didn’t hear from them again for quite some time. Also, when Trump left office, the Europeans had stepped up to the plate and began to increase their contributions to NATO. Remember that was a big deal and the left wing media was accusing Trump of being an isolationist, anti-NATO, anti-European, when in fact what he did was he got the Germans in particular, but the French as well and others to increase their contributions to NATO as part of the collective defense. Israel, when Trump left office had signed peace agreements with four Arab and Muslim countries. The US Embassy had been moved. Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Also, gasoline was at a 1.87 a gallon. That was the day Trump left office. The next day, the very first day of the Biden administration, Joe Biden signs a series of executive orders. He canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. He shut down drilling in Alaska. He shut down drilling on federal lands, new permits. He backed away from the Abraham Accords, those peace agreements between Israel and their neighbors. He alienated Mohammed bin Salman, who was eager to get closer to Israel and perhaps become the fifth country to join the Abraham Accords. Biden alienated him. And ultimately, when gasoline went up, when oil prices went up, he had to go there banging his tin, his tin cup to Riyadh. Biden also right at the beginning, stopped enforcing those sanctions on Iran and allowed the Iranians to escape this noose that had been around their neck under Trump, where we had reduced their oil exports to 400,000 barrels a day. Within a year, they were up over a million. This past year, they have exported 1.6 million barrels a day to China alone. So Iran was in the box as well. I used to say that under Obama it was better to be a Mullah in Tehran than a Jew in his capital, Jerusalem. But now, I think under Biden, I’ve got to change that a little bit: it’s better to be a mullah in Tehran, a communist in China or Venezuela than an American. Joe Biden has put into practice un-American policies. He is an un-American president. I listened to Jack Keane the other night, and it seemed to me the one big thing that he missed. He gave a brilliant overview of the threats that we’re facing and the weaknesses we have now in our military and elsewhere. But he forgot one thing.
We have had two un-American presidents in recent history. Barack Obama promised that he would transform America, fundamentally transform America. He did. He started that process and Biden realized that he’s not going to have that many years and he has accelerated it on steroids. Remember when Obama came in, that apology tour that he went on around the world? That’s how it began, apologizing for America around the world. He gave a speech which really everybody should recall here in April of 2009 in Cairo, and sitting behind him were the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. Right behind him, you could see every camera caught the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood sitting right behind them. They were outlaws at that time in Egypt. At the University of Cairo, Obama invited the heads of the outlawed heads of the Muslim Brotherhood and did not invite President Mubarak, who was not there. And within a year and a half, Mubarak was out, the Arab Spring had begun, our security arrangements in the Middle East went to hell in a handbasket. And by September of 2012, you had the attack on our consular facility in Benghazi and the U.S. did nothing.
So this has been going on. You had two terms of Obama and now the first term of Biden. And they have been deconstructing American security hand over fist. Now, we’ve all been following, obviously, what’s happened in Gaza. And you know, I can recall– I’ve been in those tunnels, not that not in Gaza, but I was actually first in the tunnels in Beirut after the 1982 war. I told that story and in my book, which is kind of how I became a hostage, an arms dealer and an Israeli spy. True story, all of them true stories. I think some people have commented on my fictions that they read like newspaper stories and my nonfiction books read like novels. So you can make up your mind. But I’ve seen those tunnels. And in Beirut, this was the PLO before Hamas. In Beirut, they were big enough that they could drive Katyusha rocket launchers into the tunnels after they had fired. So they fired Israel back up the rocket launchers into the tunnels so the Israelis couldn’t find them. So you wonder why Hamas still has that capability of firing rockets at Israel. That’s why it has tunnels that are big enough for to put all those rocket launchers in. Add to all of these structural problems, of these policy problems that you have with President Biden. You have the corruption problem. You have the corruption problem. Biden has been visibly bribed by our adversaries, starting with communist China. He’s taken money from the Ukrainians. He’s taken money from Russian oligarchs. We don’t know what they have, what promises they got from him in exchange, but clearly he is compromised. People have asked me, are we getting towards World War III? And if you look now, war in Ukraine, war in Gaza. Soon we could have war in the Far East with China. I would say we are very, very close to that point. We are at a very dangerous moment in our history and we have an extremely weak president who hates America. Thank you.
Frank Gaffney:
Well, I do this with some trepidation, but I’d like to correct my friend Ken Timmerman. We’re IN World War III, folks. It has begun. I think the opening salvo was Ukraine. I think the next is the Middle East, of course, how broadly we’ll see. But as I said yesterday, the engine behind it is the Chinese Communist Party. And this is the subject of the book that I mentioned. We’ll be signing it outside afterwards. But what we tried to do with this book is to synthesize the most important insights that we’ve received for some time– 75 different webinars that we’ve conducted under the banner of our Committee on the Present Danger of China, aimed at laying out the fact that the Chinese Communist Party has been at war with this country for decades, specifically, as they have called it. It is an unrestrained open warfare that they’ve waged. But the purpose of it, like everything else in the war business, is destruction, specifically the destruction of the United States, because we are, after all, the only real impediment to the realization of the Chinese Communist Party’s long-standing ambition, which is to be the world’s hegemonic. And they pursued that relentlessly through all manner of means. And so what we call the indictment, which starts actually with their crimes against their own people, crimes against humanity on an epic scale, by some estimates, they’ve killed 100 million of predominantly their own people, some Uighurs, some Tibetans, some Southern Mongolians. Yes, but it’s mostly Han Chinese; and that does not count the 400 million they boast of killing–as our previous guest from North Korea mentioned–in the womb.
And I want you just to take this thought aboard: any country that treats its own people that badly will not treat ours better. And in fact, what they have been doing in these unrestricted warfare techniques is what one might expect, what is not so much a political party as it is a transnational criminal organization, and that is war crimes, war crimes that include things like the economic takedown of America’s industrial base, things like turning us against one another through the kinds of Marxist techniques that we’ve been talking about throughout the past two days, whether it’s in our universities, whether it’s in our businesses, ESG, whether it’s in our government now. Now, again, our friend from North Korea mentioned the diversity officer that she heard from . They’re throughout the government, what amounts to political commissars enforcing the critical race theory—DEI agenda. Not least, there was that recent unpleasantness, as Simone talked about last night, of a biological warfare attack against our country with all the damage that that did. Yes, to people, to lives, to businesses to our society, to our freedoms. And that, of course, is just a precursor for what is probably yet to come. Having done a proof of concept as to how deadly that could be, even if it wasn’t that deadly, a disease, I mentioned yesterday on our panel that one of the most effective of the techniques has been the capture of our elites, not just the political elites like Joe Biden. And by the way, for the purposes of calibration, I don’t think I mentioned this yesterday, but one of our colleagues of the Committee on the Present Danger– China is a fabulous guy. You’ve seen him probably on forum and perhaps elsewhere. Sam Faddis, he spent 20 years of his life recruiting and running assets for the Central Intelligence Agency and some of the real garden spots of the world. He knows a thing or two about the business, and he says that in the lexicon of the trade, the President of the United States is a, quote, controlled asset of the Chinese Communist Party, unquote. So that elite capture is a big problem. I mentioned yesterday, I think it’s not just in the political elite, it is in the business elite as media. Joe was talking about that. It is in Hollywood. David Horowitz cut his teeth on that problem–Academia. And yes, not least it’s in the United States military. In fact, one of the crimes we charge the CCP with is taking down our military. And you heard Heather talking about this a moment ago. Critical race theory is devastating to any organization, but particularly one that has to be based on merit. You start promoting people on the basis of the color of their skin or some other diversity condition, you destroy the organization. There’s no unit cohesion, there’s no confidence in leadership. There’s no willingness to sacrifice for the guy next to you because he may be an oppressor or a victim who hates you. This is Marxism, folks. This is cultural Marxism.
It has marched through all of our institutions. It is about advancing the cause of the Chinese Communist Party to destroy this country. And our president and many of his subordinates have, as I said to you yesterday, promulgated and implemented policies that have two things in common. One, they are all bad for us. And two, they are all good for these guys.
I think it’s without exception, as Ken said, starting on day one. So I want to leave you with this thought: we have 20 specific steps that we think can make a difference in the trajectory of what this collective– Robert Spencer was talking about–the collective this some of my friends who are more familiar with Star Trek history than I say; This is the Borg, right? You remember the line about the Borg Resistance is futile. That’s what they would like us to believe. Well, we have no choice but to engage in resistance of every kind. We’ve got. Again, 20 different suggestions, starting with getting people who are captured elites out of positions to govern this country or otherwise exercise power over us. I commend it to you, if only because–well you were obviously high up the learning curve on all of these issues–people you love aren’t, people you work with aren’t, people who will be voting hopefully usefully next year aren’t. And we must get them equipped to help do a course correction for this country or it is certainly lost. And I’ll leave you just one last thought. The single most important thing we know we must do is to is invoke God’s grace, because with his help, we’ll get through it. And without it, we’re toast.
Scott Powell:
It’s hard to follow that one, but I’m a great admirer of Frank’s work. My topic is going to be a little different tonight, and there’s some bad news to cover and probably some new information. But then there’s really good optimistic news at the end. Now that we all know that: the COVID 19 pandemic was not actually a pandemic of the unvaccinated, we know that the southern border is anything but secure, we know that the Inflation Reduction Act has been anything other than a program that’s raised prices and caused inflation; and we know that January 6th was hardly an insurrection. In fact, November 3rd was–I’ll call it a coup. Insurrection usually involves arms and that wasn’t present. But it’s really troubling that our federal government is operating almost entirely on false narratives. You know, you can’t get successful policies if the input at the base of all the discussion and all the policymaking is based on false narratives. And it’s not just the Democrats. Republicans are also giving credence to some of these false narratives. What I want to talk about today is energy security. And when it comes to energy security, we cannot afford to base policies on false narratives. The current energy policy that we have is all about the Green New Deal, and that is the Green New Deal is to replace fossil fuels and I don’t like to use that term fossil fuels because science is discovering that these are probably not oil. Gas probably did not come from the decomposition of organic matter, but has actually come from the earth, the creation itself. So we’re going to call it hydrocarbons. And the idea is to replace all the hydrocarbons with wind and solar. And they call this the goal by 2050, net zero CO2—the end of reducing CO2. Now, this is not just unrealistic and foolish, but it is it’s disruptive and harmful to the environment. We probably don’t have time to talk about what it does to the environment, but it’s economically unachievable. In fact, it will lead to our economic ruin. And it will lead to mass death, and it certainly would cripple our military. So let’s do a little primer on energy. Okay. There are many sources of energy, but there’s two basic types. There is energy on demand, and there’s something called stored energy. Energy on demand is what we’re all pretty familiar with. It’s gas in the tank diesel. It’s natural gas in electric power generation, it’s uranium. In other words, the fuel can you can turn it on and go. Stored energy is what the Green New Deal is all about. It is energy that is stored because the wind doesn’t always blow, the sun doesn’t always shine. And so in order to build out the system to power the country, you have to have stored energy.
So let me let me ask you a question. Just because the issue is all back to CO2, is that net zero CO2. Can anyone tell me that among the three main elements of the atmosphere–and that would be oxygen, CO2 and nitrogen– what are the percentages of our atmospheres? Does anybody know? It’s actually a 4/100 of 1% is CO2. Now the other part of CO2 is understanding what’s the mixture, how much comes from nature and how much does man. Because the argument is that if we reduce what we contribute to CO2, that we can somehow stabilize the climate. You know, they used to talk about global warming, but the temperature was not actually getting warmer. And so they decided to change tax. So let’s talk a little bit about the history. Prior to 1850, Niger produced about 98% of all CO2 and man’s contribution was about 2%. That’s somewhat pre-industrial revolution. But since 1850, what’s happened? We have a seven-fold increase in global population. Seven times more people live on the earth today than in 1850. And we’ve been through an industrial revolution. How has that changed the contribution of what man does to build up CO2? Well, the numbers changed a little bit. We have probably 3 to 4% contribution by man to the CO2 in the atmosphere and the other 96, 97% comes from natural sources, the biggest one being the ocean itself. Now, in terms of parts per million, total CO2 makes up about 417 parts per million. And that’s that, you know, one for hundreds of 1%. So if you if you think that man and what man contributes is about 17 or 18 parts per million, if you think we could just reduce our 17 or 18 parts to zero, then the atmosphere would have about 400 parts per million CO2. Now, if you think that small change from 417 to 400 is going to change climate change, I think I think it’s fair to say you’d be a certifiable lunatic or a liar. It’s just not going to make the difference. Now, the history of temperature of CO2, today’s levels of CO2 are now close to the lowest that they’ve been in the history of the Earth.
Did you hear that CO2 is at closer to the lowest levels in history. Increasing CO2 levels does result in higher temperatures, that’s true, but the correlation is not absolute. For instance, as we pointed out, there’s more CO2 now in the last 75 years, post-World War II, but temperature has not gone up. So this correlation is not absolute. Now, the economics of achieving this net zero CO2, this is kind of a key area, because solar and wind are intermittent power. The sun doesn’t always shine. The wind doesn’t always blow. You really need to scale up the infrastructure and the storage of energy, and you really need a 30 day storage. That’s what the experts say. You’ve got to have about 30 days of stored energy that you would build up during the times when the sun’s out and the wind’s blowing. So what does it cost to get there? This is a number of very few economists look, but those that have put the numbers at an astronomical level. I think the work of Ken Gregory, who is a climate/energy engineer in Canada, he’s calculated in his early days that it was about $300 Trillion dollars. Now, he estimates that to get a system that would really sustain energy based on wind and solar, we would have to spend $433 trillion in one year. 433 trillion! So that’s just unrealistic. And even if you were to go half and half, it’s still a price we could literally never afford. So I’ve saved the best news for last. And in terms of hydrocarbons, not the fossil fuel, the hydrocarbons, the United States has the largest proven and presently accessible oil reserves and natural gas reserves by far of any country in the world. In oil, it’s estimated at about 300 billion barrels more than Saudi Arabia and more than Russia. But perhaps more importantly because the future will be able to break through in other areas and be able to draw more out through technology.
The US has the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, and according to the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. has at least 2.175 trillion barrels of potentially recoverable oil. This is all in the United States under our territory. And so who benefits if we don’t benefit from the Green New Deal?
Well, it it turns out that the Chinese are the chief beneficiaries of the Green New Deal because they supply 75% of all the in the parts, the production, the manufacturing of solar panels. And the Chinese controls 77% of the lithium battery market. They literally control the supply of cobalt, which is a necessity. And they control about 75% of the lithium. So no one has really said, well, we’re being led down this path because the Chinese know that if they can get us far enough down this path, then, we’ll ruin our energy economy and they won’t even need to fire a shot and they can just take us over. So I think I’m out of time and I’ll leave it there.
Tommy Waller
So just before I start, a little bit more good news to add to Scott’s. We also have 93,000 metric tonnes of slightly used nuclear fuel, which if recycled in fast reactors, would provide electricity, clean and carbon free for the country for 150 to 250 years. This is something I’ve already briefed the Secretary of Energy twice about and she refuses to act on it. But we’re working it at the state level. That’s another subject. What I was asked to talk about was the military and the credit to Congressman Louie Gohmert.
When I walked in the back and we started to talk and I showed him the picture of my family the last day I was in uniform, he asked: What was your pronoun? I said, Killer, right. Killer. And what I mean, in all seriousness, don’t we want Marines to be killers? And so how did we go from killers to what Scott just said, which is liars and lunatics. Well, I’ll just tell you that, as Scott mentioned about, you know, the military’s worried about CO2 right now. The only people the military should be worried about are submariners and combat divers. And that’s it. Nobody else. And what Ken Timmerman talked about, thank you again for talking about what Obama said in 2008-2009 time frame. I remember watching his speech having just returned from my third combat deployment where he said there was no such thing as al Qaeda in Iraq, and yet I lost a third of my platoon killed in action, and a half were wounded. One of which, his parents–he was the only child–gave me a copy of this US Constitution and said, never forget what he died for and I never will. But what I watched was a U.S. senator lied to the American people and apologized for our behavior in those countries where I remember raiding a Taliban stronghold. And after we took him prisoner, giving him the blankets that we had so they wouldn’t freeze while I’m wrapped up in a VS17 air panel, not the pink side out, but the orange side out with another Marine to stay warm. Right. And here he is apologizing for us.
So you fast forward the clock to September 11th, 2012, where I was south of Libya. And remember what happened there right. And as we mobilize to get ready to go help and we were told to stand down, what I remember is being lied to again when I flew back to Sigonella, Sicily, and I was given a classified briefing saying that it was a video. So the result of a video, if you remember the false narrative spun about the well-planned assault in Benghazi. So these were lies that I began to witness in uniform in my service. But let me just talk about my time as a commander briefly. Fast forward from September 11, 2012, to September 11, 2020. I’m at a senior leader legal course. It’s virtual, of course, because we’re so scared of COVID that at the time these lawyers are trying to help commanders figure out how to allow their service members to participate in the protests happening around the country. If you remember the Summer of Love 2020, and I asked a couple of questions, one of which was: should there be some level of professional competence by which military officers ought to be judged? And if they can’t meet that level of competence, could they be removed from the service? Right. If you’re a doctor and you hurt somebody through malpractice, you can you can lose your license. If you’re a lawyer, you can be disbarred. What is there for the U.S. military to ask that question? Because they said, it’s 19 years ago today that we were struck by airplanes on September 11th, and yet we have willfully refused to study the doctrine of Sharia. That’s right. So where is our professional competence? And by the way, these protests that you’re talking about, allowing our service members to participate in, let me just send you some links real quick. Here’s a link to the Constitution for the new Socialist Republic of North America, authored by a gentleman named–he’s not a gentleman–authored by a communist. He name is Bob Avakian of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. 11 years ago, a constitution meant to supplant ours. And here’s a link to Bob Avakian participating in supporting all of these protests of our current president. So how is it that you have any professional competence to be suggesting that our service members participate in this? Of course I have no answer. Fast forward the clock, I’m in command. We know what happened on January 6 of 2021. In the spring of 2021, we were given a mandate for extremism in the ranks stand down. You may remember that right? Hundreds of man hours were spent. This was the top priority of the US military. And what I noticed is that the training material was void of six examples where members of the US Army either murdered their fellow service members. We remember Fort Hood, a major Nidal Hasan, or they planned to do so, and thankfully were caught ahead of time. Not a single mention of a jihadi in uniform for the extremism in the ranks stand down. We go back to professional competence. You fast forward to the summer of 2021, the weekend of July 4th. I asked my employer–thank God that I work for the Center for Security Policy– for my civilian job and was serving in the reserves.
I was in command of the Marine Corps’ only independent force recon company in the Reserves. And so I’ve got a lot of stud killers, as we might call them, if that’s their pronoun, who we’re very concerned about this vaccine. And I asked Frank and the rest of the team: Hey, can you guys cover for me this week before July 4th? I need to take some time and I need to study this thing. And I did with the type of unconstrained analysis that I’ve been blessed to be told to do by Frank for so many years. And I discovered some really worrisome things, both medically and legally. And I did everything I could to bring that up to the chain of command. And I was warned. I was warned by the one colonel above me who cared about me. He said, Tommy, this is political and you better tread careful because you’re going to be crushed like an ant. And so we fast forward the clock into late August. Afghanistan is collapsing. I’m supposed to be going to the range with my Marines, and we were going to shoot and we were also going to do a bit of a spiritual restoration time and in the field. And I had a guy, an American hero who you may know. You may have heard him, Chad Robichaux, Mighty Oaks Foundation. He is a buddy of mine who served in the same unit a few years ahead. I was going to have Chad come out and after we got off the range, have a good heart to heart; to talk with the Marines about spiritual warfare. We’re on a conference call with all the generals, and all they’re talking about is the vaccine numbers. Nothing about Afghanistan. I’m like, I got to just say Afghanistan in this conference call at one point. So, I just bring up the point: hey, generals, we’re not going to be able to do our spiritual restoration training this drill, because the guy that was going to give it to us is in Afghanistan. I get a phone call right after : “you’ve got a guy in Afghanistan?” No , it’s Chad Robichaud, he used to be a guy in our unit. He’s in Afghanistan. “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.” Okay. Well, then Chad calls and he needs one of our guys, one of my top snipers and recon men.
I didn’t even ask permission. I said go and the mission they did brought back 17,000 vetted allies, widows and orphans. And the single biggest obstacle they had was the U.S. government. And when the general found out that I had a marine in Afghanistan, I got a phone call. Nobody was worried about if he got snatched up, which he almost did. And his parents are on Tucker Carlson, they’re going to ask why was he there? That’s what the general cared about. That’s what he cared about. Fast forward, October 23rd, just a couple of days ago. 2021 was my change of command. I was very fortunate because I took a stand on the vaccine mandate and I made it very clear to those above me that what they were asking me to do was to violate the law. We’ve got to think about this. This was a well-planned operation. First it was data harvesting, right? Think about it. Governments and corporations around the country said there will be a process. Tell us your strongly held religious beliefs. And we did. Right. And once they got that data, then the purge began. And it was a very well-orchestrated purge in the military. What they did was they created the conditions by which I would have had to violate U.S. law to compel my service members to take it. So regardless of how you feel about the vaccine itself, it would be to violate law for me to force them to do it. And I tried to bring that up and I was ignored. I was warned. I was also blessed because I wasn’t court martialed. I wasn’t disciplined. They just waited until I got out the way. And so I changed command. I was already scheduled to change command. I passed that, got on to the next commander, and that was a picture I showed the congressman earlier of my family the last time I wore the uniform; and three hours later the Marine Corps passed the guidance that any unvaccinated commander would be immediately relieved for cause because I was out of the way. And so for a year, I tried to continue to serve. I tried to join units I wouldn’t. I had to drop to the individual ready reserve. We lost our health benefits. When it was time to get a new ID card, I tried to go right here to this city, the reserve headquarters of the United States Marine Corps, to get a new ID.
I brought my whole family in their Sunday’s best. I had intended to bring them to see the memorial for our fallen Marines, and we were barred access to the facility. I was told it was COVID protocol. I looked at my wife with tears in her eyes. A woman who’s got the toughest job in the Corps not allowed on base. So they’re serious about purging the force from the very top. Now, that doesn’t mean that all the generals are terrible. Most of them are right now, and all the service members are terrible. They’re still good patriots that need our support. And that’s exactly what we’re doing right now. The good news is this. Just this past week, I met with an attorney who’s agreed to take on the cases of wrongful separation over the mandate. And she is a powerhouse. So this is an attorney that literally changed–you can’t sue the government right, until until she came along where a service member had been maltreated, medically maltreated. And she won a case that now has set a precedent. So service members that have been maltreated by the government can sue the government. And so she’s about to take this one on.
And then the other thing is I’ll just mention that we’re also taking on threats locally. I went to Tulane University right down the road. Do we know what happened there on Thursday? If you don’t, there was a riot, essentially pro-Palestinian Hamas, organized by the Muslim Student Association. Anybody who knows about the Muslim Brotherhood knows was the very first in 1963, a Muslim Brotherhood front organization. That was Thursday, yesterday morning, about 6 a.m.. I get a call from my sister in law in tears. She lives about 15 minutes from here. I’m in Washington. Why did she called me this early? She’s in tears because the SWAT team just left her house because she was swatted because her two sons are Jewish. She’s a Tulane alma mater. Whatever they posted online must have caused them to get SWAT. We don’t know. It’s still being investigated. Here’s the good news. Over the last few years, legislation that we helped write in the state of Louisiana made it a predicate crime for RICO to have any sort of material support for terrorism. What does that mean? That means it allows lawyers to get both attorney’s fees and treble damages if they can find that somebody materially supported terrorism. What’s the Muslim Student Association doing at Tulane? Starting riots. Right. Okay. And what we’re going to do next, and this is the last thing I’ll say is we’re going to get the Louisiana legislature, God willing, is to amend that law that we’ve already passed to add as another predicate commission of assault and battery during riots organized by such organizations. So that the things we saw on Thursday can become something that we can actually pursue directly right here in this state.
Thank you.
DC says
“Is America secure?”.
What moron would even hesitate to answer that question with an emphatic NO?!
In the next 10 years MILLIONS of Americans will die above and beyond expected mortality from the usual causes.
Sitting on a dais in a suit and chattering will be looked upon in future years as ridiculous and borderline effeminate.
The real men of the future will be wearing the Star of David and holding a Galil rifle.
For Christians the uniform will be the Cross of St. George and an M-4 rifle.
This prediction appeared here at FP many years ago.
And now………….everyone can see it coming into focus.
Jeff Bargholz says
Why slam the speakers on the panel? What they said is important, not chatter, and if they’re on a dais it’s so people in the back of the audience can see them, not a sense of pomposity. And none of them are Israeli.
What are you, a dick or something?
DC says
I’d say they are yapping poodles……….so we have a difference of opinion.
And you can come on out to Wyoming and find out if I’m a “dick” or not……….anytime.
Jeff Bargholz says
Why don’t you come to 290 N 2nd St, San Jose CA, keyboard warrior?
DC says
Bay area bath-house district………..shoulda known.
Steve Chavez says
OBAMA’S CIA HEAD, John Brennan, a Muslim and a Communist, was in charge of conducting worldwide operations against Communists and Muslims, but he and Obama, were instead aiding and abetting their Communist Comrades and Muslim Brothers. Look at the rise of both in the world today!
Obama’s Arab Spring with Egypt was the first target to get Mubarak, who signed a peace treaty with Israel, was ousted and replaced by THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD which Obama and Hillary quickly recognized. Obama then puts them all over our government, adding to his Communist Comrades already heading departments that eventually conspired in a coup attempt against a sitting President and are now still going after the man as a former President… AND THEY GOT AWAY WITH IT!
THE ALWAYS VOCAL Democrats, professors, university administrators, Hollywood, ARE SUSPICICIOUSLY SILENT! Why? Because they SUPPORT HAMAS OVER ISRAEL! Their silence doesn’t mean no action… they’ll conspire quietly to take action against Israel supporters and Jews. MAGAS are still at the top of their “get them” list!
Jeff Bargholz says
I’m glad to see somebody else note that Brennan is an islamopithecine as well as a Commie. Whenever I write that, it’s ignored by most and disbelieved by morons. He definitely converted to Islam and is a stealth Moslem. And what’s up with that fruity fake accent of his? It sounds like Shakespeare in the park bathroom. He must be the world’s ugliest gay guy.
Oh, and did I mention he’s an absolute scumbag and liar? The laptop from Hell was Russian misdirection? And head of the CIA. The human turd knows about as much about intelligence as Bareback Hasbeen Obama, Which is absolutely nothing. “Intelligence” and “Brennan” don’t even belong in the same sentence together, in either sense of the word. “Traitor” works, though.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Under this tyranny of ignorance, NO, America is not secure. Oh contraire.
In fact, America is currently at high risk of war with ME terrorist, NK, China, Russia from the incredibly stupid Foreign Policy debacles these incompetent, ignorant fools in DC have put on us.
The hubris of the left is stunning. Remember what Prez Obama gave to Queen Elizabeth for his birthday? Ans: a CD with his speeches. Were I her at that time, that CD would have been shredded and flushed down a White House public toilet.
Dr. Don Rhudy says
Secure? No. Both political parties have made it insecure by means of stupid and unconstitutional legislation over the years, but Democrats more than Republicans by continuing the revolution launched by Barack Obama during his two terms. The U.S. military today cannot defend the nation. One speaker is correct in asserting that “we,” the U.S., are already in World War Three, but while “we” are in that war “we” are also undergoing the effects of Barack Obama’s revolution. Soon, a third war will break out, a genuine civil war this time with multiple factions.
Beez says
I saw this coming in 2008. Barack Obama is our Manchurian Candidate.