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The presidents of Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and MIT assert in a Congressional hearing that calling on campus for the genocide of the Jews is an exercise in free speech and so not a violation of university policies. The breath-taking hypocrisy of this claim, to say nothing of its immorality, was obvious to everyone who does not subscribe to the newspeak of American academia. Such a call for genocide with regard to any other group would, of course, not be tolerated. In addition, all three universities are constantly violating free speech precepts by limiting the access of conservative voices to their campuses and barring other sorts of speech that favored groups might find offensive.
The university presidents’ tolerance for campus voices advocating slaughter of the Jews was not because doing so is free speech but because doing so is cost-free. Much of the schools’ progressive and Muslim faculty and staff, as well as of their student bodies, are militantly anti-Semitic and forcefully oppose any gesture by university administrators supportive of Jews or of Israel. In contrast, university administrators typically pay no price for anti-Semitic gestures. Similarly, the haters have paid no price for aggressively exhibiting their bigotry, and they expect to pay none.
This dynamic has a long pedigree. A history of murderous anti-Semitism and its roots always entails disentangling the various, protean rationales of Jew-hatred. There is religious bias, racial and ethnic bias, class bias. And there are the many contradictory hateful indictments of Jews. Jews are too white; Jews are not white enough. Jews are capitalists; Jews are socialists and communists. Jews are too insular; Jews are too assimilationist. Jews are globalists; Jews are nationalists. Jews are too secular; Jews are too religious. But amid the contradictory indictments, there has been one constant that has always facilitated Jew-hatred in all its forms. It has always been largely cost-free for the haters. Jews have virtually always been in no position to exact a cost. The bigots, and those in positions of authority who give them a pass, have almost never had to take into account the threat of pushback in their calculations of how far to go with their hate-mongering.
Today, Israel can push back against its genocidal neighbors. Its catastrophic failure to deter Hamas from undertaking and then executing the horrors of October 7 is at least being followed by a military campaign that has the capacity to dismantle the terror organization and deter others from attempting to emulate October 7.
The American Jewish community also has some ability to push back. It is less helpless than Diaspora communities have typically been over the last two millennia.
But it has dramatically failed to make substantive use of that ability.
The anti-Semitism on American campuses is hardly a new phenomenon. It has been intensifying over many years. The large donors to Harvard and Penn who are now withholding their contributions had grounds for doing so years ago had they been paying attention. Mainstream Jewish organizations had likewise not responded to the growing anti-Semitism in academia and, unlike the donors now taking a stand, they are still not forcefully opposing the academic hate.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has been essentially AWOL from the campus battle. Hillel, the main Jewish organization involved with American campuses, has a presence at some 550 colleges and universities. Some chapter leaders take strong stands against campus anti-Jewish and anti-Israel depredations. But others seek to accommodate the haters, often undercutting Jewish and pro-Israel students who want to respond to the Jew-baiting more forcefully. Some even allow Jewish groups that are essentially auxiliaries of anti-Semitic hate groups – Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now, J Street – to play a role in setting the agenda of their campus Hillels. Again, why would university presidents, obviously devoid of ethical compunctions, not take the easy road of accommodating the campus haters – faculty, students, administrators – when there is no downside to doing so.
Government can play a role in addressing campus Jew-hatred. The U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is supposed to enforce Title VI prohibitions against college and university bigotry. Other federal laws explicitly prohibit religion-based bigotry. But while the OCR has investigated some universities for their anti-Jewish and anti-Israel bias, they have investigated too few. And there has been too little follow-up or penalty for those schools found guilty of tolerating anti-Jewish hate. The University of Vermont and the University of North Carolina (UNC) are two such schools. Yet problems have persisted at both. In November, 2019, OCR entered into a Resolution Agreement with UNC to address findings of campus anti-Semitism. Yet UNC, suffering no consequence for the findings of anti-Jewish bigotry, has remained a cesspool of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hate-mongering. Only recently, four years after the Resolution Agreement, did OCR open another Title VI investigation into the ongoing problems at UNC.
Where is the Jewish communal advocacy for more aggressive enforcement of anti-bias federal laws? Where is the Jewish push for withholding federal and state funds from colleges and universities that accommodate and even promote anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist bigotry?
Foreign governments have poured many millions of dollars into American academic centers to advance anti-Jewish and anti-Israel agendas. Qatar has been the most prominent source of such funds. Its contributions to American academia in recent years have been on the order of several billion dollars. The impact goes beyond the campuses, as foreign funding has supported university production of anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist curricula for grade schools.
The Federal Agents Registration Act (FARA) requires persons or entities that do political work for foreign governments, organizations or individuals to register with the Department of Justice and describe their relationship to their foreign funders, their activities and their remuneration. FARA’s aim is transparency with regard to foreign efforts to influence domestic opinion and government policies. Enforcement of FARA with regard to academia is virtually nonexistent. Where is the Jewish effort pushing for such enforcement vis-a-vis universities and academic departments serving as agents of Qatar or of other foreign entities in the promotion of anti-Jewish agendas?
The failure of Jewish communal institutions and their leadership to counter the anti-Semitic onslaught goes beyond addressing anti-Jewish bigotry in academia. Consider the political arena: One reads daily of warnings to President Biden from Democrat party strategists that his support for Israel in its campaign to dismantle Hamas and derail its genocidal agenda will cost the President votes of progressives and of the young in the coming election. Muslim Americans – a majority of whom, according to opinion polls, support Hamas in the wake of its October massacre – openly demonstrate against Israel, verbally attack the President, and threaten to deny him their ballots in November. And there is evidence that the Administration is applying pressure on Israel in various ways to assuage anti-Israel, anti-Jewish constituencies. Once more, where is the pushback? How many articles have there been about Jewish leaders pointing out that Jewish voters – long predominantly Democrat voters – cannot be taken for granted when they see elements of the party leadership willing to sacrifice Israel’s, and the Jewish community’s, well-being to placate anti-Jewish blocs? And why would those party operatives who advocate such abandonment of the Jews and of Israel rethink their course when there appears to be no downside to their continuing in the same course.
The abysmal failure of mainstream Jewish organizations and their leadership to address forcefully the anti-Semitic onslaught is due in large part to much of that leadership identifying closely with the leftist bodies that are the major sources of contemporary Jew-hatred, such as academia and elements of the Democrat Party and its constituency.
A key factor in the rot on campuses and in the Democrat Party is, as others have noted, the current leftist orthodoxy of critical race theory (CRT) and its action auxiliary, the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) movement. While purporting to advocate equity and inclusion, DEI is intrinsically and irredeemably anti-Jewish. It adheres to the far left reduction of all political issues as entailing conflict between oppressors and the oppressed. Jews are deemed white and therefore oppressors. DEI also embraces the socialist concept of zero sum economics. Success of one group can only be explained as unfair treatment of other groups. Jews are disproportionately successful, so they must have gained their place in society by inequitable, oppressive means. Also, of course, intrinsic to the DEI catechism is that group identity explains all and that society must be balkanized into ethnic and racial groups to assure equity and inclusion. A corollary is that – perhaps the greatest sin in the eyes of the DEI dictators of the new ethics – Jews must be condemned for being overwhelmingly against such balkanization and pro-integration, endorsing Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ideal of people being judged by the content of their character rather than their racial or ethnic identity.
The motivation to Jew-hatred in this context was captured by Henry Lewis Gates, Jr., chairman of African and African American Studies at Harvard. In the ‘90’s, Gates noted that the rate of anti-Semitism in America among blacks was twice that among whites. His explanation was that it reflected the struggle between two black elites: the radical, separatist black elite represented by, for example, Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam versus the mid-twentieth century-style black civil rights elite represented by King. Gates observes “Many American Jews are puzzled by the recrudescence of black anti-Semitism, in view of the historic alliance between the two groups. The brutal truth has escaped them: that the new anti-Semitism arises not in spite of the black-Jewish alliance but because of that alliance.” That is, the radical, separatist elite uses the promotion of Jew-hatred as a tool to attack the black pro-integration elite for being allied to the Jews. The same dynamic exists in the current struggle between the promoters of DEI and their opponents. Attacking and defaming Jews as enemies of a fairer, more equitable society serves as another avenue of attack against those who believe, like the Jews, in the integrationist ideal.
Yet the ADL, led by former Obama administration operative Jonathan Greenblatt, rather than fighting the anti-Jewish bias that is an inseparable element of the progressives’ venerated DEI, has repeatedly promoted CRT and DEI. It has done so even in educational materials distributed by the ADL for grade school use. In the wake of the response to October 7, former ADL head Abe Foxman has condemned the poisonous role of DEI programs on college and university campuses. But the track record of the current ADL leadership has been disgraceful with respect to DEI.
The ADL also has long focused predominantly on far-right – white supremacist and neo-Nazi – Jew-hatred and less so on that emanating from the Left, even though the latter has penetrated much more into the American mainstream as shown in the response to October 7. This too has contributed to the weak pushback to today’s burgeoning anti-Semitism. Even in the context of the October 7 massacre, Greenblatt spoke of the dramatic rise of anti-Jewish invective and actions by the “far right” and “hard left.” Certainly, there was an explosive increase in anti-Semitism from both sources. But the mainstreamed source – that accounting, for example, for the anti-Semitism rampant on the campuses – is, of course, the latter, together with the Jew-hatred of the hard left’s Islamist allies. The enormous anti-Israel rallies that have filled the streets of major cities and the mobs that have blocked highways and bridges and have sought to close down airports and train stations have likewise been composed of leftists and their Islamist allies.
Another non-far-Right source of Jew-hatred that the ADL prefers to downplay or ignore is that of black radical groups such as Black Lives Matter (BLM).
On October 31, The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by Jason Riley titled “Black Lives Matter and the World’s Oldest Hatred.” Riley notes that the BLM organization has consistently attacked and defamed Israel in the past, including accusing it of genocide, and so its support for Hamas’s massacre should have come as no surprise:
What’s shocking isn’t the rhetoric of BLM leaders in the aftermath of Oct. 7 but that so many people who ought to have known better got played. In 2020, an open letter that endorsed the BLM movement appeared as a full-page ad in the New York Times. It was signed by more than 600 Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League, which exists to fight anti-Semitism. If accusing Israel of genocide isn’t defamation of Jewish people, I don’t know what is. Yet Jonathan Greenblatt, the executive director of the Anti-Defamation League, is a prominent defender of BLM.
Riley then cites Greenblatt on BLM: “‘There are those who are attempting to smear this movement as inherently anti-Semitic,’ Mr. Greenblatt wrote in a September 2020 Medium post. ‘It is not.’ He added that while ‘some individuals and organizations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement have engaged in antisemitic rhetoric,’ it ‘would be foolish to cede the conversation to the most intemperate voices.’”
Greenblatt responded to Riley’s op-ed with a November 5 letter to the editor in which he again disingenuously suggests that only certain chapters of BLM engage in anti-Semitic and anti-Israel vitriol. He then seeks to justify his embrace of BLM by noting the historic importance of the black-Jewish alliance, seeming to delusionally aver that BLM is part of such an alliance.
The tack, reflected in Greenblatt’s letter, of avoiding criticism of anti-Semitism emanating from sources on the Left and justifying doing so by alluding to transcending shared interests, is common in left-leaning Jewish institutional circles. For example, in June, 2022, the North Carolina Democrat Party passed two lie-filled anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist resolutions, resolutions parroting both Islamist and neo-Nazi propaganda. The state’s Jewish Democrats organization would not prioritize removal of the resolutions because, as the provisional chair of the North Carolina Jewish Democrats opined, to do so would distract from supposedly weightier issues. He is quoted as saying, “We believe these internal party arguments are distracting and do not allow us to focus on such alarming events as the elimination of women’s control of their bodies…”
Another common tack in the same vein, likewise downplaying anti-Semitism from leftist or other non-far-Right sources and offering a rationale for doing so, is for Jewish bodies to assert that what is construed as anti-Semitism is really a corollary to the relevant sources’ criticisms of Israel and that the latter has some justification. (This can perhaps best be understood as a contemporary version of the hoary pattern of elements of Jewish communities under siege embracing the indictments of the besiegers and blaming other segments of the community – often segments across political or religious or social divides – for the ascribed transgressions.)
One can see this tack repeatedly at play, for example, within the leadership ranks of Reform Judaism, by far the largest American Jewish denomination in terms of congregations and members. Particularly under the presidency of Richard Jacobs, criticism of leftist sources of anti-Jewish invective has been muted or interpreted as reflecting not unreasonable disenchantment with Israel. Over the last two-plus decades the Israeli electorate has swung markedly to the right. It initially did so in response to the failure of the Oslo Accords, torpedoed by Yasser Arafat’s rejection of all proposals – including those of then President Clinton – for a final resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and his unleashing a terror war that claimed more than a thousand Israeli lives. This shift in voter sentiment was further reinforced by Israel’s subsequent unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and the disasters that have followed upon that even prior to October 7. But the Reform leadership and many of its followers have been critical of the Israeli political landscape and more than prepared to make common cause with much of the anti-Israel sentiment within the American Left.
An example reflective of this is the Reform Movement’s declaring three years ago its opposition to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism being codified in law. The definition has been endorsed by many governmental and civic institutions and other bodies, but the Reform leadership takes issue with elements of the definition related to Israel.
The declaration, by four organizations within the Reform Movement, states, “Our commitment to principles of free speech and concerns about the potential abuse of the definition compel us to urge its use only as intended: as a guide and an awareness raising tool. The definition should not be codified into policy that would trigger potentially problematic punitive action to circumscribe speech, efforts which have been particularly aimed at college students and human rights activists.”
And a Jewish Telegraphic Agency article on the Reform Movement declaration quotes a statement by Reform president Jacobs in which he makes explicit unhappiness with labeling critiques of Israel anti-Semitic: “I think there is a concerning trend to label groups, including Jewish groups, that are strongly critical of Israeli policy — whether those are policies within the Green Line, whether those are policies in the occupied West Bank — as anti-Semitic, and in a sense demonize those organizations.”
But the IHRA definition offers examples of attacks on Israel that it deems anti-Semitic, and they do not include criticisms of Israeli policies such as those alluded to by Jacobs. Among the IHRA examples are: “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.” And “Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.”
Why would the Reform Movement oppose such attacks on Israel being labeled anti-Semitic?
The Reform declaration regarding codifying the IHRA definition in law also states that the definition’s Israel examples “must not divert attention from the more frequent manifestations of antisemitism, too often violent, emanating from new streams in the hate movements… streams primarily associated with the far right.”
First, while anti-Semitism from the far right has been growing, is dangerous, and certainly is not to be ignored, it is simply untrue to assert that far right Jew-hatred is responsible for “the more frequent manifestations of antisemitism.” This was an obviously absurd claim to any unbiased observer before October 7 and is even more obviously so today. Far right Jew-hatred, however poisonous and dangerous it is, remains largely marginalized in America. In contrast, leftist anti-Semitism has penetrated much further into the American mainstream, as has Islamist anti-Semitism. But much of American Jewish institutional life, and its leaders, identify with left-dominated segments of the society that have become increasingly anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist – again, academia, cultural elites, the mainstream media, social media, elements of the Democrat party. And major Jewish institutions and their leaders have responded, as noted earlier, by refraining from calling out the anti-Semitism of those sources, or by muting their criticisms and choosing to construe anti-Jewish attacks from those sources as a function of supposedly understandable unhappiness with Israel.
And the Reform concerns about the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism being codified in law is a reflection of this perversion of what ought to be the priorities of Jewish institutions. It is overwhelmingly leftist sources of Jew-hatred that promote the extreme, bigoted attacks on Israel cited as examples of anti-Semitism by the IHRA definition. It is leftist sources that the Reform movement chooses to identify with and defend, like the “college students and human rights activists” referred to in the Reform declaration. And the Reform stance then amplifies the betrayal of the Jewish community implicit in this defense of leftist bigots by asserting that it is thereby protecting the community. It is doing so, it asserts, by preventing the calling out of anti-Semitism being misdirected from the supposed main threat, that of the far right.
For any Jews who genuinely care about Israel – and that is most – and care about the well-being of the American Jewish community, a reassessment of long-held political assumptions is far overdue. The existential task is to make expressing and promoting Jew-hatred costly, no matter what the source. Whether it be the Jew-baiting of the far right or the campuses or legacy media, or social media, or cultural elites or the Democrat party, it must be forcefully, unhesitatingly and unambiguously attacked. A cost must be exacted as well from those organizations in the Jewish community that have for too long indulged many Jew-haters and Israel-haters. For American Jews to do otherwise, to continue to ply old, failed paths, is to court communal disaster.
Kenneth Levin is a psychiatrist and historian and author of The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege.
Mo de Profit says
Is it okay to criticise Jews? Yes
Is it okay to criticise Christians? Yes
Is it okay to criticise Hindus? Yes
Is it okay to criticise Buddhists? Yes
Is it okay to criticise Randists? Yes
Is it okay to criticise Islam? No
That is at the heart of everything that we suffer from in the west, it’s freedom of speech, as long as you don’t say too much.
David Abercrombie says
None of those religions you mention, except Islam, hold as a basic tenant that all other religions are blasphemous. Nor do they posit a political order designed to destroy the others. That aspect of Islam is abhorrent and valid grounds for criticism.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Actually, if you define “blasphemy” as speaking wrongly about God, Christianity, Judaism and Islam all recognize blasphemy.
Barbara says
But Islam is the only who murder people who they say ‘blaspheme’. No one is allowed to say anything uncomplimentary. The rest of us either argue with them or fight back in some manner.
VOWG says
All my life I wondered why so many Jews almost seemed to be suicidal by embracing political parties and political stances that were really against them. It just makes no sense.
mj says
Okay, you got that out of your system.
But the problem is not Jew against Jew.
As an aside, you didn’t call out the self-hating, self-promoting, misguided, ignorant Jews in all tiers of government who happily promote the hostile policies of the current administration: Blinken. The twenty six Jews who serve in the House of Representatives. The six Jewish US senators. Jews in State and City governments.
But you don’t have to be Jewish to be self-hating, self-promoting, misguided and ignorant.
Israel and Jew bashing in America is not the Jews’ problem to stop or solve.
It is a problem for non-Jews in America and mostly everywhere else in the world except in Israel.
Anti-Semitism is a big big non-Jew problem.
It’s a UN problem.
This is why Israel, its land and people, exists. This is why we believe in and reaffirm daily, as individuals and as one people, through prayer, the eternal ‘brit’ between us and God.
Israel is the only place where we are a protected people, a nation, and individuals with full rights and privileges as human beings.
Jews in America, if not ready to live in Israel, should strengthen their Jewish identities to know who they are and why they exist. And be careful. The threats and hatred are real.
Study the Torah. Learn Hebrew. Observe our Sabbath which celebrates God’s rest after creating us and the world and also God’s leading our exodus from slavery in Egypt to freedom in our land.
Don’t define yourself in somebody else’s image.
Kynarion Hellenis says
MJ: “Israel and Jew bashing in America is not the Jews’ problem to stop or solve. It is a problem for non-Jews in America and mostly everywhere else in the world except in Israel.”
Jews (and everyone else) should not be immune from criticism. The solution to the problem lies with ALL of us. Free speech and thick skin are essential in our nation.
Steven Brizel says
Unfortunately the ideology of Reform Judaism accentuates the woke agenda at the expense of support of Israel and any commitment to traditional Jewish values
Chaya says
I’m my local area a Reform synagogue put itself “out of business” it seemed on purpose. The board in a coup of sorts brought in a rabbi so insanely radical that families who were probably politically apathetic disengaged. The board made no attempt to save it. The beautiful building is now some sort of church. Leaving the Jews in the area without the large community center they had there. Reform movement seems self destructive ideologically and in practical terms. Maybe that’s its ultimate goal?
Steve says
In the 1880s the Reform Movement held an event in Cincinnati known as “the Treifa Banquet” in which they dined on non kosher foods such as snails, oysters and frog legs, and freely mixed dairy and meat products. More recently, in the 1930s and 40s as the Holocaust commenced, a Reform congregation (The Congregation for Reform Judaism in Houston, Texas) required its members to sign a legally binding document that they were not Zionists. The same congregation still exists and promotes “dialogue” with Palestinians.
I wonder how many of the descendants of the attendees at the “Treifa Banquet” are actually Jewish, or how many of the descendants of congregants at the Congregation for Reform Judaism who signed the pledge that they were not Zionists are. I suspect the great majority are like the living members of the Sulzberger Ochs clan at The New York Times: non practicing Protestants of (distant) Jewish ancestry.
Intrepid says
Pt 1
1930’s Germany didn’t distinguish between secular Jews, who considered themselves Germans first, and devout Jews. Now there is a storm coming for American Jews, in fact in some cities it is already here…..and it doesn’t distinguish between Conservative, mostly Orthodox Jews, and the Leftist secular Jews. The left’s newly regained power in America signals there will be a second Holocaust. These useful idiot Jews might as well march themselves into the gas chambers where the Zyklon B will be EPA approved.
Thought the Third Reich died at the end of WWII? Guess again. The recent Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 has reawakened the familiar sound of the Nazi jackboot, especially on college campuses
In America secular liberal Jews and the ADL have always voted for their own executioners. They are siding with and befriending America’s enemies like Linda Sarsour and Rep. Keith x Ellison Mohammed. By embracing these Muslims in the name of diversity and tolerance they are signing their own death warrants.
American secular liberal Jews are classic useful idiots. They will be useful to the Democrats until they are no longer useful.
ron says
I have never understood the extreme leftism of liberal Jews.
Intrepid says
Pt 2
So, who are these pro-Palestinian groups spreading anti-Israel messages?
At the top of the list lies the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Another organization printed as a sponsor of pro-Palestinian rally posters is the A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition. In terms of making a big splash for the TV news crews, the winner of this prize goes to the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). Noam Chomsky and all the other smug Leftist Jewish Israel haters like Ariel Gold, co-chair of Code Pink, and The ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt will know the truth when it is too late. In another era these reprobates would be called Kapos or Sonderkommandos. These people are traitors to America and are selling out the Jews
The Progressive Left has always been the source of Jew Hatred and Israel hatred, most significantly since the Six Day War. They always couch it in anti-Zionism. Like Germany in the 1920s today’s American anti-Semitism finds fertile ground in academia. Read Richard Cravatts, Ph.D.’s for an excellent overview on the situation on today’s college campuses. These woke Ivy League schools are breeding a generation of Jew Hating “commandos” who will end up in government. I can only imagine the anti-semitic policies that will be developed and enacted by future Democrat admins when these little Hitlers are running things.For now the Jew hating Ivy League legal activists don’t have the guts to pull the trigger.
But wait a few years.
Rip N Read says
An antisemitic tactic of the Democratic Party is to put the most ridiculous Jewish stereotypes in positions most unpopular to the Republicans — like Adam Schiff and Nadler in the Trump impeachment, Mayorkas at the so-called border, Garland in what used to be the Justice Department. The intent of putting a Jewish face on the most odorous policies is to siphon off some of the disgust at Democratic positions and aim that disgust to animus towards “the Jews” who are supposedly secretly running the country through a Jewish “cabal”, as if any of the above mentioned individuals could run an ice cream truck.
Actually, Stalin did this during the 1932-33 Ukraine famine. Nearly half the agents Stalin sent to the Ukraine to facilitate the famine were Jews. I think the Dems are following this example
Steve says
Stalin also put “Muscovites” (Stalinists politicians who spent WW II in exile in the Soviet Union) in charge of consolidating Soviet control in satellite nations, such as Poland, Romania, East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Many of these were Jews, such as Ana Pauker in Romania (whose husband Marcel Pauker was liquidated during Stalin’s purges in 1937-38). Then these “Muscovites” themselves were purged after Soviet control was complete, usually as part of “Anti-Zionist” campaigns- Pauker herself was purged in 1952.
The Soviets also began to make a big to-do about the Rosenberg Case during the summer of 1952. The Soviets and Communist parties in the West had theretofore ignored the Rosenbergs (most Communists assumed they were “innocent” in the Communist sense of the word- they spied for the Soviet Union but that was a just action). The reason the Soviet made a big deal about the Rosenbergs is that events throughout the Eastern Bloc- the purge of Ana Pauker, the Slansky trial in Czechoslovakia, the so called Doctors’ Plot and campaigns against “Zionism” and “Cosmopolitanism” in the Soviet Union itself made Communist antisemitism a little too obvious, even for people who were used to twists and turns of the party line, such as the Molotov Von Ribbentrop Pact.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I reject the cost-free analysis as the basis for Jew hatred. That could and does justify hatred towards other groups.
The Jews are the most human of all peoples – in both capacity for good and also for evil.
The Scriptures make abundantly clear the Jews would be punished by exile from their land during their disobedience, and restored when God ALONE brings them back in peace, ushering in the fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham to bless the nation and the whole world.
The scriptures also inform the Jews that they will be a burden to every nation wherein they are dispersed, and that they should pray for the well-being of that nation.
This article shows the confusion of the issue. Are Jews for integration? Or segregation? Who advocates those policies? Why? And are the Jews who live in Israel also agitating for integration of non-Jews? Do they allow freedom of religion for Christians there?
mj says
Israel is inclusive of every human being who wants to live here like a mensch. Do your thing; but be a mensch. And if you want to be righteous, that’s great, too.
What Israel will not allow, from within and without, is anyone who wants to murder us and, oh yeah, take our homeland, the deed to which only God holds for the Jewish people, for eternity.
No exceptions. No excuses. No lies.
That’s not God’s plan.
Right now the only ‘agitation‘ Israel feels is the stress of the Biden administration, who keep the hostages captive in Gaza and do not want Israel to defeat Hamas.
Kynarion Hellenis says
As long as Israel looks to the Biden Administration or any foreign power to defend herself, she will not be successful. This reflex is natural, of course, but Israel has a supernatural existence and purpose. She must attend to these greater realities before her return will be blessed by the LORD.
I, for one, look forward to Israel receiving the Royal Grant from the river in Egypt to the Euphrates. See Genesis 15:18. For that to happen, though, she must know her Messiah, Who is none other than the LORD God Himself in the Person of Christ.
Do you think Israel can reject her God as King (1 Samuel 8:7) forever? Who else will sit upon the eternal throne other than God Himself? And how is it that King David calls this eternal king “Lord”? See Psalm 110:1. The Greater David is both Son of Man and Son of God.
Siddi Nasrani says
Who do we have to thank for all this madness of Antisemitism by Jews? The Jews who founded the Frankfurt School
The ideology of fighting the “decomposing” influence of the West was developed not in the East, but in the West, in the Frankfurt School of Sociology.
In the early 1930s, music critic Theodor Adorno, psychologist Erich Fromm, sociologist and psychologist Wilhelm Reich, philosopher, literary critic and writer Walter Benjamin joined the Frankfurt School, which was founded by philosophers György Lukács and Max Horkheimer. They were later joined by the philosopher Herbert Marcuse.
They developed the so-called “critical theory” or “critical sociology.” Its main position was to criticize all elements of Western culture without exception, including capitalism, family authority, loyalty to tradition, sexual restrictions, patriotism, nationalism and conservatism. The Frankfurt School was the only philosophical school in history whose members were exclusively Jewish. They contributed greatly to the creation of a new leftist movement in Europe and in America. The anti-Western nihilism of the Frankfurt School, which took hold of the consciousness of European youth, was transformed into extremism: the triumph of “critical sociology” led to the formation of a critical mass of destroyers who wanted to break Western democracy and Western civilization. At the behest of Frankfurt thinkers, society began to nominate economically backward and poorly educated people from minority groups into elites who were supposed to bring about “progressive” change…..
ron says
And why so many people hate Jews?
Ed Snider says
Jonathan Greenblatt is a professional leftie, an incidental Jew.
The reform.“Temple” is the waiting room of the Episcopal Church.
With allies like those . . .
Michael Vanyukov says
A superb analysis of the collusion of progressive Jews with Marxian antisemites, black fascists, and Muslim Jew-haters. One thing that is questionable is the use of the term “Islamist”, a Western concoction. Jew-hate is part of mainstream Islam.
Domenic Pepe says
Depraved, psychopathic, murderous, enslaving, and berserk best describe Islam and anti-Semitism.
The best and only way to deal with it is to literally crush it,
just as German Nazism and Japanese militarism were
crushed during and after WW2.
Sword of The Spirit says
“American Jews Enabling Anti-Semitism” – Left wing mental illness. Also another sign that we are in the last days of this dispensation of time that began with the stoning of Stephen in the Book of Acts. This present dispensation being the “The Church Age”, or “Age of Grace”.
Soroshitz says
Greenblatt, who is aon the far left, once worked for a Soris org.
Soros sponsors BLM, antifa, and some of his orgs are actively funding, recruiting and orchestrating the Pro-Hamas/terror, antisemitic demonstrations.
Democrats officially endorse BLM and have not called them out for supporting Hamas’ terror campaign against Israel.
Leftist American Jews follow their fellow leftists in the ADL and JStreet, like tgese types of Jews blindly supported Stalin just because he was closest to their leftist values.
Barbara says
When I was doing my genealogy, I discovered I possibly have Jewish ancestors. Right now, it stands at a 50 / 50 chance.
With finding something I was not looking for, what are the odds that those of us who descend from Europeans have Jewish ancestors. Knowing or not knowing does not change who we are.
It is amazing how we can hate people just because they have a specific belief in GOD. Should they change the spelling of their family name, it makes knowing them acceptable.! ? ! ?
CharlieSeattle says
…spam comments that have historically flooded our comments section??
You barely have any!
Their feeding the Monster that wants to Eat them
CowboyUp says
These people are as Jewish as nancy and joe are Catholic.