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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
After the Holocaust, the American Jewish community, like most liberals, reduced the mass murder of millions of Jews to a problem of intolerance and prejudice. A massive effort was undertaken to educate about what had happened rather than what was happening.
While the first Holocaust museums were being built, the persecution and killing of Jews had mostly shifted over to the Soviet Union and its allies in the Arab Muslim world. American Jews failed to grapple with this shift much as they failed to come to terms with the reality that black nationalist groups were quickly eclipsing the KKK when it came to the domestic hatred of Jews.
These are the key ingredients that led to the current open climate of Jew-hatred in America.
Instead of talking about what the hatred of Jews looked like today, American Jewish liberals insisted on dwelling on what it had looked like decades earlier in America and in Europe. Like the generals who are always refighting yesterday’s war, they were not dealing with the present.
They relied heavily on “antisemitism”: a term invented in the 19th century by a German socialist bigot, Wilhelm Marr, to emphasize the race of the Jews. But post-Holocaust hatred of Jews on the Left was more often cultural than racial. Karl Marx, the progenitor of Marxism, had been of Jewish descent from a Christian family, and had spread poisonous antisemitic venom. Lenin, who had one Jewish grandfather, oversaw the oppression of Jews while denying they were a distinct people. The Soviet expectation was that the Jews would disappear as a people, but, aside from Stalin’s final years, avoided any plans for the racial extermination of the Jews.
The Marxist and the Islamic position, unlike the Nazi racial position, did not require the physical extermination of the Jews at a genetic level, only a cultural genocide. Jews would be allowed to exist under Communism or Islam, as long as they abandoned their religion and national identity. The liberal focus on fighting racial antisemitism left it unprepared to fight such cultural hatred.
Even though the Soviet persecution of the Jews as a people had been underway for generations, American liberal Jews never developed a vocabulary for describing it. Or showed much particular interest in it until a new generation of young activists in the USSR and America finally made it a burning issue that rose to national and international attention in the 1970s.
The Communist persecution of Jews was manifested in many of the same ways as the contemporary leftist hatred of Jews. The party and the regime claimed to oppose ‘antisemitism’, even passed laws banning it, while suppressing Judaism and Zionism as ‘reactionary’ and ‘nationalistic’. The Soviet Union could point to examples of high-ranking Jewish figures who had rejected Zionism and Judaism, and represented the Communist ideal for the Jews.
As Lenin put it, “whoever, directly or indirectly, puts forward the slogan of Jewish national culture is (whatever his good intentions may be) an enemy of the proletariat… he is an accomplice of the rabbis and the bourgeoisie… on the other hand, those Jewish Marxists who mingle with the Russian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and other workers in international Marxist organizations, and make their contribution… towards creating the international culture of the working-class movement… uphold the best traditions of Jewry by fighting the slogan of ‘national culture.’”
Jews had to be culturally, but not racially eradicated. Those Jews who joined with non-Jewish Marxists in the rejection of Judaism and Zionism were praiseworthy Marxists. Those who did not were an “enemy of the proletariat” to be executed like a number of my great-uncles.
Like most Soviet implementations of Communist ideology, this was a ‘Potemkin village’ of lies. Jews, regardless of their religious observance or interest in Israel, had been explicitly targeted for persecution and mass murder, were specially designated as being Jews in government documents, and the government’s formal anti-Zionism and anti-Judaism was just the same old ‘antisemitism’, complete with hook-nosed cartoons, dressed up in progressive clothing.
Much the same is true of contemporary leftist Jew-hatred which is based on Marx’s stereotypes of Jews as capitalists, but draws heavily on the Soviet playbook of substituting anti-Zionism for antisemitism, and trotting out model Jewish socialists to defend the persecution of Jews.
The liberal Jewish failure to meaningfully confront the Soviet hatred of Jews left them unprepared for the leftist movements that mainstreamed the same hatred in America.
There were plenty of warnings. Decade after decade, academics pushing these positions on college campuses, journalists embedding them in magazines, and fringe politicians making these arguments grew in power and influence while the liberal establishment talked of ‘antisemitism’ purely in terms of far-right racial supremacism or small town prejudices.
The rise of black nationalist antisemitism in the seventies, which was often explicitly racialist in nature, produced flailing responses. The American Jewish liberal establishment held up faded pictures of Heschel marching with MLK, failing to grasp that this made black nationalists despise MLK rather than like Jews, and prattled about the Jewish contribution to civil rights. The liberal establishment was so committed to a model of top-down persecution that it was unable to defend Jews against antisemitism that appeared to be coming from a minority on the bottom.
When various forms of critical race theory made the formula official that black people and minorities could not be racist toward anyone with more privilege than them, a position that legitimized a general hatred of white people, Asians and Jews, there was little response. The formal understanding that Jews could now be freely hated was ignored by liberal Jews.
Some outnumbered figures launched a struggle for the soul of liberalism, but they had little and fleeting support from an establishment that was still influential enough to make a difference. The liberal Jewish establishment was more interested in being in the vanguard of civil rights than in protecting Jews from the emergence of an ideology that deprived them of their civil rights.
Only after the Hamas mass murder of over 1,000 Jews and the statements of support for it at major universities, did some donors and community leaders wake up enough to push back. It took the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and the widespread acceptance of it by their friends for them to realize how bad the situation had gotten, but not to realize why.
And that is the crucial issue.
The pro-Hamas Left insists that it is not ‘antisemitic’ and most of it probably believes that’s true because while traditional bigotry and hatred created the Islamic obsession with killing Jews and the conviction in the old Marxist Left that the Jews were not a legitimate people, the final product is cloaked in talk about liberation, decolonization and an end to privilege and oppression.
It may support the mass murder of Jews, but it doesn’t culturally ‘feel’ like ‘antisemitism’.
The Leftist hatred of Jews doesn’t fit the liberal model in which there is a continuity of oppression. A downtrodden minority faces prejudice, which escalates into political repression and then violence. First there are the jokes, then laws and then bullets. Leftists cheering for Hamas would argue that since they don’t tell ‘antisemitic’ jokes, they can’t be considered antisemitic even while they’re calling for the mass murder of Jews.
This is why the traditional model of talking about antisemitism has failed so badly.
The liberal insistence on teaching tolerance by addressing the roots of bigotry rather than its outcome has been a disastrous failure because where far-right bigotry is a continuity, left-wing bigotry is a discontinuity of ideological abstractions leading indirectly to mass murder. The ideological detachment from reality can be measured in the fact that inmates in Nazi camps did not shout, “Heil Hitler” before dying, but those in Soviet gulags were known to shout, “long live Stalin” before being executed. The Nazis knew what they were doing, Communists often did not. They existed and still exist in an ideological haze of slogans rather than people.
‘Antisemitism’ is an ideological abstraction that leftists reject because it appears to refer to a certain type of person and behavior that their ideological purity tells them that they couldn’t be. They’re not the sorts of people who talk about ‘jewing down’ or believe in the inferiority of races and therefore, even while they’re smashing Jewish store windows and attacking a Holocaust museum, they can’t be ‘antisemites’. They know ‘antisemites’ are ‘right wing’ and when they’re assaulting Jews in the street, they, like the Soviet Communists, are fighting against ‘Zionism’.
The emphasis on antisemitism, on the roots of bigotry rather than their outcomes, makes such moral evasiveness easy for leftists. Focus on the mass murder of Jews, the broken glass and a mob outside the doors of a Holocaust museum, and then you’re talking about hateful outcomes.
Those are much harder to evade than abstractions.
The analysis of ‘antisemitism’ rather than the concrete reality of Jew-hatred has played into the hands of a leftist culture of hate that uses analysis to disguise the reality of its actions.
Confronting the realities of the assaults on Jews will require taking stock of a cultural war, rather than a racial one, and deal with outcomes instead of motives. Talking about ‘antisemitism’ becomes misleading when confronting a form of antisemitism that hides its ethnic hatred behind cultural and political hostility. And that will require discussing cultural, religious and political differences, topics which liberal Jews are uncomfortable with.
The modern liberal consensus, like that of the Soviet Union, is racially diverse but ideologically unified. The illusion of multiculturalism in the Soviet Union or a college town in America is limited to only those cultural differences that don’t clash with the dominant leftist belief system. This is a comfortable echo chamber for those who agree and a repressive cage for those who do not.
Liberal Jews bought into this system in a big way because they were terrified of feeling different. They shed their religious traditions for non-threatening culturally Jewish versions of liberal Protestantism and stayed silent about the mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust. The rebirth of Israel challenged their theology and their politics, but mostly their anonymity.
While American Jewish anti-zionists lashed out at Israel in resentment for creating tension between their politics and their identity, Israel was just the canary in the coal mine. Black nationalists weren’t attacking Jewish teachers because of Israel. And Marxists weren’t targeting Jews because of the Jewish State. To a liberal establishment that was turning leftist, the existence of a traditional Jewish community was unsustainable in either Israel or America.
Oct 7, like the protests for Soviet Jewry and the defenses of Israel, forced American Jews to break with their political community in support of their religious and ethnic community. It’s a painful and alienating experience, but like any escape from a toxic relationship, also liberating.
Among the unexamined truisms that need to be rethought is ‘antisemitism’.
Antisemitism refers to race and when it comes to the hatred of Jews, culture trumps race. Aside from the Nazis and a few ‘Jewish Question’ obsessed racialists, hardly anyone who hates Jews would propose using genetic screening to track down people of Jewish descent who don’t even know that they are Jewish to exterminate them. Most cultural ‘antisemitism’ has a racial component, but it’s triggered by the idea of the Jews as a community and a people.
The term ‘antisemitism’ conflates someone who doesn’t like Jews, but would never engage in violence or support violence, with those who engage in and support violence against Jews. Furthermore some of those who support the mass murder of Jews don’t believe that they’re prejudiced against Jews, but believe that killing Jewish children is the right thing to do.
Talking about ‘antisemitism’ or even ‘hatred’ is wholly inadequate in such situations.
The idea of a continuity of bigotry often breaks down in the madness of contemporary political discourse. The same term used to describe someone who resents Jews moving into his town should not be used to also describe someone massacring Jews. Calling it all ‘antisemitism’ minimizes it and puts the local jerk on the same level as Hitler or Hamas. And that’s a mistake.
The liberal Jewish establishment has spent too much time fighting ‘prejudice’ and not enough time dealing with ‘eliminationist’ sentiments. The existential threat is not prejudice: it’s genocide.
Fighting the leftist and Islamic hatred of Jews will require developing a new terminology and a new approach than the same old tired ‘fight against antisemitism’ establishment rhetoric. Liberal Jews will have to confront their own fears and rethink their assumptions to take on the threat.
During the Hitler-Stalin Pact, Jews had to confront Communists and their sympathizers who were now suddenly insistent on a friendship with the Nazis. That genocidal alliance crystalized a rejection of Communism by American Jews as “Jewish workers assaulted Communists who tried to defend their alliance with the Nazis, calling them, ‘Communazis.’”
The pact between Islam and the Left manifested once again in the response to the Oct 7 atrocities should be met the same way. The Left should be rejected the same way the Communists were. The ‘Communazis’ have been replaced by ‘Commuhamasniks’, but that is the only thing that has changed. American Jews must relearn how to fight this enemy.
After three generations of failing to confront the leftist hatred of Jews, it’s time to fight.
I can’t think of any description that’s adequate with Whoopi(in your face Jewbergs) except the banality of evil.
There are photos of Whoopi’s boyfriend at the time, in BLACKFACE, with her smiling and laughing during a Roast honoring her. Why weren’t they Cancelled by the Mob? Both are still on TV? She also openly said the N-WORD three times in her HATE GROUP while conservative Elizabeth Hasslebeck was in tears. Paula Dean, others, just mention it as an example of them openly saying it, they’re banned and cancelled! Blacks openly say it ten times per sentence and yet, they are offended by the word and want it cancelled.
WHOOPI is a B. S., I can’t even write it out while W. S. is openly allowed even at the highest levels of government!
it’s like calling nonsense nonsensical,
Liberal talk show hosts are poorly equipped to deal with real history or the honesty to make a difference in the information that people should be getting so they can prepare for bad times ahead.
I think the people who watch these twerps have the impression TV talking heads have a much deeper understanding of the issues. They are the left’s gnostics who pretend their viewers can only partially grasp an intellectual point if they interpret it for them. The audience comes away with buzz words and slogans and no more understanding than they had to start with. It’s the blind leading the blind.
Learning “how to fight this enemy” requires identifying the enemy as such. The left has been training people to believe that identifying others is oppressive. Permissive identification has to be denied. Recognizing reality is the only path to dealing with problems. As this article points out, there are critical differences between being socially snubbed and hunted down. This is a time for single issue decisions. That does not mean neglecting to have allies. Murderous enemies of Jews do not limit themselves to Jews. In the long run murder is a way of life.
Just an observation made over many decades. It seems to me that too many American Jews embraced the democrat party, now in my opinion the current democrat party is nothing short of communist. It never made any sense to me that Jews would do that.
Thank you Daniel for tackling a deep issue that I thought about for years, but never could come up with a specific conclusion.
Being a non-jew while Living next to a 98% Jewish town in New Jersey always left me scratching my head when I would hear liberal left-wing type thinking that seemed to be in conflict of where they should be..
You’ve done a masterful job, putting some thoughts together that finally makes sense…these are major historic anomalies that have confounded many of us. For years..
I’d be very curious and very interested to go back and see if any changes in the progressive liberal Democrat thinking, has been altered and by what degree if any.?
Right, cause American Jews were and are more interested in being loved and accepted than Judaism or Israel–leave alone America. Plus, American Jewry was one institution that Jewish Marxists and Frankfurt School types easily marched through. I know, growing up in San Francisco they wreaked havoc at the Jewish parochial school I went to, the Reform “Temple” I attended, the JCC I practically lived in and, of course, at every extended family gathering. I wont mention the alienation between the sexes (there are only two of those, BTW) and resultant demographic…issues…this all caused, since far more Jewish women than men are leftards. To paraphrase Julius Evola, I’m a man amongst the ruins here.
Marr. You finally see that the risks involved with mentioning and his idiotic term him are outweighed by the problem of not dissecting the term “anti-semitism”–given that the anti-Semites and the Muslim Brotherhood have appropriated it and used in their favor and against us (hell of an irony, eh?)
Anyhow, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do here; you didn’t say. But this was a very good article.
The left is at the core of so much ugliness and hate throughout history. They have created misery, starvation, collapse of countries and economic systems. The normal people of America can’t consider the truth of what is happening because to them what liberals are does not and could not possibly exist, nor is anyone that evil, and feel regardless they can likely be reasoned with, after all they are humans.
What is common knowledge to us about the fascist nature of the left, is most often subject matter normal people avoid, but consider it too crazy to consider and not real. I talked to two people recently mentioning cloward-piven. One laughed at me and repeated back, “cloward piven, I thought you said cloward piven, what kind of made up thing is that.? What is it? and she started laughing. The worst part is that after telling her about the cloward piven strategy she stated no one would follow something like that even if it did exist.
The point is we don’t have any leaders to move the Overton window or recognize the importance of doing so. It takes quite a bit for people to look at things that they need to be educated about and it is one of the worst failures on our side. I believe this is a big part of the failure to attack the anti-Semitic left and I don’t believe there is any leader on our side who understands what and where to attack or who will.
“an enemy of the proletariat”
Ah, for the olden days before there was a welfare class, which is the new base of support for the left, while the proletariat is the class enemy 🙂
Didn’t Lenin say, “He who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat.” They have conveniently left out that key tenet of communism for mass appeal.
Actually it was the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 3: 10.
I think that liberal American Jews have to start the fight first as individuals, each person confronting him/herself (much like Jacob and the angel). Don’t rely on the crowd. Confronting yourself is the hardest thing to do because it requires a total change in your frame of mind. Here are a couple of self help attitude suggestions for a successful “Liberals Anonymous” plan:
In the nascent days of the fledgling modern State of Israel, American Jews played a crucial role in its success and felt a great sense of purpose. Now, the nation of Israel is strong and independent in their
God-given land.
This has created a real identity crisis and a search for relevance. For immigrant Jews, America was a utopia, even with its undertone of prejudice, restrictions and quotas compared to the overt eliminationist hatred in Russia and Europe. These immigrants, whose families back in Europe all perished in the Holocaust, prospered and thought, as they became more ‘American’ with each passing generation, that they were woof and warp of America. They belonged with a false sense of belonging, it turns out.
Liberal Jews are in shock and no longer feel that generationally cultivated comfortable feeling of belonging in America. They are experiencing a feeling of suspended animation, which isn’t a bad thing, because –
Now is exactly the time to explore true roots as Jews to redefine your new role and purpose. Studying Torah is what Jewish people do to understand why they exist. This is a good path well worn. There are no substitutes for this.
No more defining yourself as the generic savior of the world – just get to the Jewish core of you, your land and your people. Go from there.
It does not require letting go of your love for America.
It will only strengthen your love and yearning for America to return to its roots as well.
Re finding a new term to describe the global hatred:
Zion is a hebrew word that refers to God, place and people. To be anti-Zionist, is to deny the existence of God, the land of Israel and every Jew. So anti-Zionism is an upgrade of pre State of Israel anti-Semitism, which ‘only’ included God and people, and excluded the land part, which did not yet exist under the British Mandate. Let’s call it:
Anti- Ziometism
Today’s antisemitism is rooted in anticapitalism. Capitalism as Ayn Rand defines it, as a complete social, moral, political, and economic system of reason, objective laws, private property, and individual freedom. This system produces great, individual, achievements. Great individual wealth and fortunes. Vastly superior countries like America, today’s Japan, and Israel. And there are haters, nihilists, who hate achievement, resent it, envy it, and want it destroyed.
“You didn’t build that!” – Obama
“They do not want to own your fortune, they want you to lose it; they do not want to succeed, they want you to fail; they do not want to live, they want you to die; they desire nothing, they hate existence, and they keep running, each trying not to learn that the object of his hatred is himself . . . . They are the essence of evil, they, those anti-living objects who seek, by devouring the world, to fill the selfless zero of their soul. It is not your wealth that they’re after. Theirs is a conspiracy against the mind, which means: against life and man.” – John Galt, “Atlas Shrugged”
“The Arabs are one of the least developed cultures. They are typically nomads. Their culture is primitive, and they resent Israel because it’s the sole beachhead of modern science and civilization on their continent. When you have civilized men fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are. Israel is a mixed economy inclined toward socialism. But when it comes to the power of the mind—the development of industry in that wasted desert continent—versus savages who don’t want to use their minds, then if one cares about the future of civilization, don’t wait for the government to do something. Give whatever you can. This is the first time I’ve contributed to a public cause: helping Israel in an emergency.” – Ayn Rand
Wow, if you could just get the Hamas folk to embrace Ayn Rand and her bizarre version of reasons for anti-semitism, they would just learn to love the Jews. Right? Tell you what. Go over to Gaza and preach, brother, preach. Then go to Iran. Should work there too.
And if you get out of Gaza alive, you could go over to Harvard, Princeton and Columbia and preach to the rich entitled little darlings of the Leftist woke who just love Hamas too. Their parents obviously love them some capitalism too. So there goes the the anti-capitalism thing.
I particularly like “The long-term educational vision needed to uproot antisemitism.” I don’t think the Israelis are interested in any long term educational vision. They have some terrorists to kill.
But then everything is theory with you, isn’t it?
The specific atheist philosophy of “Ayn Rand” opposes every basic tenet of traditional Judaism,
She also opposes the basic tenet of traditional Christianity. She was a miserable equal opportunity hater.
In a society of individual freedom and secular, rational, objective law, every individual is free to believe whatever he wants to believe, even that the Earth is flat, the Moon is made of cheese, Moses parted the Red Sea, and Jesus was born of an Immaculate Conception and Virgin Birth.
So long as he does not initiate force or fraud on any other individual, so long as he respects the right of other individuals to believe what they choose to believe in, objective law leaves everyone alone to believe whatever they want to believe.
“In accordance with the principles of America and of capitalism, I recognize your right to hold any beliefs you choose — and, on the same grounds, you have to recognize my right to hold any convictions I choose. I am an intransigent atheist, but not a militant one. This means that I am not fighting against religion — I am fighting for a reason. When faith and reason clash, it is up to the religious people to decide how they choose to reconcile the conflict. As far as I am concerned, I have no terms of communication and no means to deal with people, except through reason.” – Ayn Rand
Muslim Jew hatred has nothing to do with capitalism. Immediately preceding Greenfield’s article is an article by one Mordechai Nisan. Read the darned article, and learn something. And Rand’s depiction of Arab/Muslims as mostly nomads no longer holds, as was pointed out some days earlier by an intelligent, well-informed commenter responding to a previous comment by you, in which you copied and pasted the identical excerpt by Rand that you post here. You seem to ignore others’ posts that are factual, while responding to polemics. Sadly, you seem impervious to learning anything new.
It does not matter that today the vast majority of Muslims are no longer nomadic. The wealth and technology the Arab Muslims are enjoying come from the rational, scientific, West.
The science, technology, and oil wealth of the Arab Muslim world was not and cannot be created by Islam. It was created by the West and then sacrificed to the Muslim savages.
Take away the modern, rational, scientific, West and the Arab Muslim world collapses back to nomadic, primitive, tribes. Like a vampire who loses his hosts, the vampire collapses back to his grave.
I would definitely say you know about vampires………..please collapse back into where you come from.
Antisemitism is NOT rooted in anti-capitalism, not today or in the past.
Impoverished Jews in the 19th-20th centuries were slaughtered in great numbers – partly because they were too poor to merit (or hire) protection. Certainly not because their killers envied their economic position.
The Jews slaughtered in Israel this past October were not wealthy either, so their killers didn’t target them out of economic envy. On the contrary, the terrorists found pleasure in destroying their victims’ modest possessions.
And they were trained and sent by extremely wealthy capitalists. Besides the Hamas leaders who personally are billionaires, the Hamas organization has an investment portfolio estimated in the billions. And Qatar their backer has some $475 BILLION in sovereign wealth to keep the Jew-hatred flowing.
So don’t tell us that they hate the Israelis for making money. They hate the Israelis for EXISTING.
And please don’t pretend that Rand’s character John Galt spoke for or about the Jews. The symbol if his utopia was a dollar sign, not a star of David.
BTW your quote from Rand doesn’t support your argument either. She didn’t support Israel because it was fighting for Capitalism (in fact she admitted that it was closer to socialism), but because it was “civilized” and was fighting “savages”..
Dare I mention that those “savages” calling the shots back then were wealthy capitalists too?
I’m Jewish. I live in a very Left area (Montgomery County, MD). I have almost no Jewish friends left. As I’ve previously reported here, one of them who is intelligent, an attorney, a more-or-less moderate Democrat, blames the post-October 7 outburst of anti-Semitism on Donald Trump. I suspect that is true of a number of former Jewish friends but since we no longer converse, I don’t know. I used to go to a Sedar every year where a Dem relative of mine who was the host would annually compare President Reagan to the Pharaoh. I felt compelled to quit my congregation years ago over the rabbi conflating Judaism with voting Democrat. My brother left his congregation in Philadelphia over its support of Black Lives Matter. Simply, the problem to me is that the majority of Jews have come to substitute Leftism for Judaism. That is their new religion. They will deal with the post October 7 events with their typical reaction to the cognitive dissonance they experience over the disparities between their beliefs and the real world – they’ll deny it, minimize it, and blame the Right. Many American Jews are just hopeless in their irrational attachment to the Left.
I used to live in Montgomery Co. MD as well, many years before it went heavy Left.
I moved to CA, lived there for 27 years and then departed for AZ. My suggestion to you is move to a red state. Buy a gun and join They offer training and may have some info on where to find conservative Jews. Also start taking some sort of MMA training.
The word is that since Oct. 7 many Jews are waking up and taking steps to protect themselves. For some reason American secular Jews always seem to vote for their own executioners. The Democrats are not your friends anymore, if they ever really were.
Thanks. Planning on doing the firearm thing when the court’s mandate striking down Maryland’s horrible gun law becomes final. They’re still enforcing that law until such time. As for moving, that would be a reach at my stage of life and current personal circumstances but, believe me, I’d love to. My brother moved to Florida so that’s where I’d go. Live Free or Tan. Anyway, many thanks for the suggestions.
Thanks for responding. I would be wary of waiting for the law to fully take effect to your satisfaction. SCOTUS recently struck down Roe V Wade and the carry bans for firearm owners in the blue states.
The left has been indefatigable in trying to do end arounds on abortion throwing up unconstitutional laws that also have to be litigated. The same with gun laws. They manage to make every possible area in the blue states gun free zones. Concealed or open carry becomes impractical. All of it has to be challenged and that takes time.
So my suggestion still stands. Put MD in the rear view mirror. Don’t waste your time on change happening. Maybe your brother can help in some way to get you set up.
Best of luck.
Well, it’s only supposed to be a month until the court’s mandate is final and, given Maryland’s current onerous requirements, I doubt I could qualify before the mandate takes effect, anyway, if I have to follow them.
Committed Leftist Jews will fight the obvious truth to the death.
Preaching to the choir
Maryland is a shithole full of leftist bigots. Even the so-called right leaning Eastern Shore is more leftist than not. I moved to Md as a young teenager after moving from place to place (an Army brat). That’s where I was introduced to racism and Jew hatred. That was 60 years ago. Although it doesn’t seem to be as out in the open as it was then, I still, occasionally hear the slurs uttered in hushed tones from people you would think should know better.
CATHOLICS ARE DEMOCRATS FIRST, RELIGION LAST and even then, they follow the Gospel of Marx!
“I’M HISPANIC and I was born a Democrat. Ten seconds after birth, the (D)octor branded my bottom Left Cheek with a Big (D). It’s really BIG now. When we left the hospital, they handed my mother my birth certificate and voter registration filled out for life. Three months later, I voted in my first election… straight (D). +++++ BLACKS are leaving The Plantation. Native Americans are leaving The Reservation. Hispanics are leaving El Rancho Grande, but Democrats need not worry because when we die, we’ll be voting for Democrats again!” (SC)
A BLM leader endorses Trump? A Black movement against Democrats has begun. Trump came to Rio Rancho, a suburb of Albuquerque, and during a rally, he asked if there were any Hispanics in the audience… THE ROOF ALMOST CAVED IN FROM THE CHEERS! Democrats in NM pander to the Native Americans and use them in campaign commercials saying they’re going to fight to bring WATER LINES to their Reservation. TEN BILLION DOLLARS was given to the Navajo Nation during CV… GONERS. THE CASINOS, built on their Sacred Land, are really nice.
Somewhere along the line, Leftists of Jewish origin confused Judaism with Socialism/Communism. This was brought about by a number of factors including the abomination of Reform Judaism which was an international movement to subvert Judaism from its founding principles.
A book could be written on the subject, but most importantly, today’s Leftist Jews are completely removed from and ignorant of the true meaning and teachings of Judaism which are antithetical to Socialism/Communism and progressivism. For example, Judaism is opposed to abortion and embraces life and the definition of two sexes as created by God. They have essentially embraced an ideology that is diametrically opposed to Judaism.
My suggestion is to make Jewish friends through the internet in different places who share real Jewish beliefs and values. That is what I have essentially done.
I consider myself an Abrahamic Jew as I am essentially not comfortable in any congregation.
Distancing themselves from liberalism would leave lefty Jews with no home, but Judaism/Jewishness/Yiddishkeit, a fate they have demonstrated many times before and in many places is worse than death for them. The events of October 7 might briefly change a few minds, but the next generation, the children of the left, cannot come back to the Jewish people, because it is impossible to return to a place where you have never been.
Reform Judaism and Communism/Socialism have been the greatest attack on Jews the world over. They have subverted the seminal tenets of Judaism from within and have “unwittingly” aligned Jews with their executioners.
Interfaith “dialogues” with Islam are just another way of Jews talking themselves into extinction.
The hopelessness of the situation is best represented by the fact that the Anti Defamation League, the oldest and best known American Jewish organization ALLEGEDLY fighting antisemitism (founded in the 1910s after the Leo Frank lynching in Georgia) is headed by Obama shill Jonathon Greenblatt. When a organization which purportedly “fights” antisemitism is headed by a gormless apologist for America’s leading exponent of antisemitism, who popularized “the Palestinian narrative”, the leadership of American Jewry is in need of a clean sweep. The ADL will tirelessly and tediously document the activities of a trio of illiterate Klansmen in Mississippi who live 100 miles from the nearest Jew (and who are probably too stupid to recognize a Jew anyhow) but they won’t take any action against woke antisemities who are harassing and terrorizing Jews on the streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, or any university campus, or whospread their poisonous hate through the mainstream media.
Thank you Daniel for bringing light and clarity to a dark and obscurantist reality. My belief is that Jew-hatred is rooted in a hatred of G-d.
From the looks of it, Hamas and other radical Muslims today would gladly kill even their Jewish apologists at an “appropriate” time.
What do you think all those kibbutzim butchered and kidnapped were up to? Fawning over and making excuses for Muslims.
you nailed it again. It also explains the increasing secularization of Jewry.
Thank you, DG, for answering the question millions of Americans have been asking!
One thing that has come to light and a huge worry is there has been so much likely infiltration in the Israel forces. I can’t imagine the failure to defend was not an internal corrosion vs an intelligence failure. It’s becoming clear that that liberals and socialists bureaucrats, (t it is their normal MO) were likely at fault and have corrupted the process of protecting the Israeli people by sabotaging competency and it’s likely going to happen again soon.
Intelligence wise there was clear evidence that attacks were likely. Instead, the bureaucracy put itself as more important than the protection of the Israeli people, and they silenced soldiers guarding the border who tried running it up the chain of command, Guns have not been handed out to civilians
Also Netanyahu promised not to attack Hamas In Qatar.
What do you think of this :
“I’m an observer in Judea and Samaria,” said the post. “Whoever saw the investigation with the media observers saw that they warned about the organization of the terrorists before the massacre on October 7th, but senior commanders silenced them and threatened them with trial.”
I can’t help but find this article annoying. Maybe the neo Communist Jews would suck up to their would be destroyers in the colored and Commie/Islamic community, but we who follwed Rabbi Meir Kahane, Zt’Ll new better. We were in Jews Against Jackson bhilst the mainstream Leftist Jews were calling us racist (a communist word, buts….).
Rav. Kahane, Zt’l warned that there could be no peace and that the Arabs must be deported, but the rest of the hellenized Jews did not want to deal with it so they got Oct 7th instead. This dance for peace with a Bhudda statue(!) involved and the subsequent massacre demonstrates the herrors of Idol worship that us “racist” Kaahanists tried to point out for decaces. I am too old and sick to fight against a black “gentleman” trying to carve me into swiss cheese or organizing four of our measly group holding signs against a whole bunch of Jesse Jackson people, but at least when I was working with Rabbi Kahane, zt’l I did try.
If they only listened to Rabbi Kahane instead of going crazy over his many thruths, there would ha ve been no Oct 5gh and probably no 9/11 either.
Totally agree with all points. How honoured you were to have worked with the rav.
Jonathan Pollard could be the next great leader. Do you watch him on Machon Shilo?
Slightly off topic, I just got blocked at Vlad Tepes blog for asking a simple question: why was he promoting antisemitic blood libel type comments.
Now, Gates of Vienna are actually putting up an article that is full of antisemitic language and tropes, a piece by someone called MC:
The Two Goats
by MC
Some religions, both political and mythical, are self-terrorising, turning friends and neighbours into spies and informers. The KGB and the Gestapo, as socialist secret police organisations, are famous for this. Black hat Judaism can also be just as intrusive, although not as ultimately fatal as government authorities, but Mutaween — Islamic religious (secret) police — are terrifying, having the power to issue on-the-spot beatings and to enable visits to chop-chop square.”
What is your opinion, Daniel?
Hi Daniel, what do you think of this:
Meanwhile, unconfirmed sources say Israel Defense Forces (IDF) officials are ignoring signs of an impending attack in Judea and Samaria similar to the October 7th massacre in the country’s south.
IDF Confessions, a Facebook group for IDF members to express themselves anonymously, last week posted a warning from a user who identified herself as an “observer.”
“I’m an observer in Judea and Samaria,” said the post. “Whoever saw the investigation with the media observers saw that they warned about the organization of the terrorists before the massacre on October 7th, but senior commanders silenced them and threatened them with trial.”
This is a post at gateway pundit on 30 November..
I don’t distinguish between “liberal Jews” and “leftists” since most of the “liberal Jews” are leftists and 100% ok with directing hate toward anybody but themselves (ADL, for instance). This includes hatred towards Jews who are not sufficiently left leaning, and even if a liberal Jew does get hurt it’s just a broken egg on the way to communism.
Excellent article as usual … but I have heard it before. Michael Medved gave essentially the same answer, albeit in his style …. to a question from a conservative Jewish guy here in Texas … I’d guess over a decade ago.
And Leftist Jewry is still believes ‘whitey’ aka ‘poor white trash’ aka ‘Americans’ are the enemy.
Frankly – reading the combox – I don’t think Jews “get it” …
… You literally have relatives who hate Americans because we’re white and Christian …
… and you cannot ‘fix’ them …
But …
… You think I have relatives who are ‘far-right’ Jew haters that I can fix?!
I’ve been trying to tell you this for over a decade myself … let me be as plain as I can be …
… I DO NOT HAVE ANY ‘FAR-RIGHT’ JEW HATING RELATIVES … period. They don’t exist.
And they did not exist.
My family is/was all poor whites in Bible thumper, Klan Kountry … since we fell off the boat from Ireland during the (British caused) famine in the ’30s (1830’s) … and all of the men were Freemason/Atheists/Progressives, and all of the women were Bible Thumpin’ Jesus lovers.
… And it’s this way whether you want to believe it or not …
Jew-haters = Atheist Demokkkrats. And this persists to today.
All of my Jew hating relatives VOTE like Barack Obama. That’s YOUR ‘Far-Right.’
liberal Jews will perish unless they reject abortion and value their children and Jewish posterity.