“We are all beautiful (except white people, they are full of, and made of shit),” Baraka wrote in ‘A School of Prayer’. This was about the nicest thing that he ever said about white people.
“Come up, black dada / nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape / their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats,” the black nationalist raved in.another poem.
In a poem published by his own Jihad Press, Baraka fantasized about a race war, “cracker you may be wood and fire is what you need… n___r you might be fire and need to be burn some wood” and declared that, “Allah speaks in and thru me now.”
In his play, ‘A Black Mass’, Baraka dramatized the Nation of Islam’s myth of a black mad scientist creating white people with the emergence of “a beast” who is “white with a red, lizard-devil mask” and who “hops around, all the while screaming, ‘white, white, white'”.
The play concludes with the narrator warning, “There are beasts in our world. Let us find them and slay them. Let us lock them in their caves. Let us declare the Holy War. The Jihad.”
Amiri Baraka, arguably the country’s most racist poet, who frequently fantasized about the mass murder of white people and Jews, is widely taught in colleges across America. And he’s at the center of the controversy over Florida’s rejection of an AP Black Studies course.
The AP course had included BLM, domestic terrorist Angela Davis, and Amiri Baraka.
The Biden administration called Florida’s decision to reject this vile hatred “incomprehensible”.
Racemonger lawyer Ben Crump, who made his bones extracting millions from the deaths of violent criminals like George Floyd and Michael Brown, has announced that he’s ready to sue.
Karen Attiah of the Washington Post falsely claimed that it was an “advanced lesson in anti-blackness” and tweeted, “Florida and DeSantis are showing us what was under their *ahem* hoods this entire time.”
But Crump, Attiah and the Biden administration actually showed us their ‘hoods’.
The AP course includes any number of materials banned by Florida’s Stop WOKE Act, but the most remarkable of them all may be Topic 4.10 which recommends an examination of “an example of the writings of Amiri Baraka.” Topic 4.27 also recommends reading Baraka.
Even by the standards of black nationalists of his era, Baraka was a deranged racist.
Baraka, born Leroy Jones, passed through the racist Nation of Islam and emerged as a racistt. Baraka invented what he called the Black Arts movement. Its poets and writers, like him, spent much of their time cursing white people, anyone who wasn’t black, and all of America.
“The black artist’s role in America is to aid in the destruction of America as he knows it,” Baraka declared.
Occasionally producing what he termed ‘plays’ or ‘novels’, not to mention essays, the Marxist bigot usually stuck to playing the poet because he could pass off his bathroom graffiti as art. The uglier and more hateful his rants, the more white leftists rushed to apologize for him.
A New Yorker article entitled ‘Amiri Baraka’s Life-Changing Jazz Writing‘ cringingly describes how the “lyrical force of his meditations was punctuated by the line ‘Rape the white girls'” and insists that “not for a moment did I think that Baraka was advocating such actions, not even when, toward the end, he speaks of ‘the murders we intend’; I was certain that he was speaking metaphorically”. The author of the piece, Richard Brody, is predictably Jewish.
Baraka, who had left his Jewish wife, hated Jews even more than he hated all white people.
He longed for “dagger poems in the slimy bellies of the owner-jews” or of “another bad poem cracking steel knuckles in a jewlady’s mout.”
“I got the extermination blues, jew-boys. I got the Hitler syndrome figured,” Baraka wrote in one of his poems. “So come for the rent, jewboys, or come ask me for a book, or sit in the courts handing down your judgements still I got something for you, gonna give it to my brothers, so they’ll know what your whole story is, then one day, jewboys, we all, even my wig wearing mother gonna put it on you all at once.”
“Atheist jews double crossers stole our secrets crossed the white desert to spill them,” Baraka ranted in another poem. “The fag’s death they gave us on a cross… they give us to worship a dead jew and not ourselves.”
The poem, typical for Baraka, concludes with a genocidal fantasy, “The best is yet to come. On how we beat you and killed you.”
Leftists, of Jewish origin and otherwise, insisted on seeing all that hate as a metaphor.
This culture of denial climaxed in Baraka being appointed as the Poet Laureate of New Jersey. Baraka responded to 9/11 with another of his signature antisemitic rants blaming it on the Jews. New Jersey was forced to abolish the position of poet laureate to get rid of him. But even long after his death Baraka casts a long shadow of hate across academia. And not just in Florida.
The Africana Studies department at Stony Brook University, where Baraka had taught in the 80s, celebrated his legacy. Baraka appears in the University of Georgia’s African American Poetry course, Cornell’s The Harlem Renaissance and the Black Arts Movement, the African American Literature courses of Middlebury College and the College of Providence, in Brooklyn College’s Modern African-American Literature and Wellesley College’s Black Drama course.
With the growing pressure for ‘representation’, the old dead bigot has even started spilling over into more general courses, showing up in Amherst College’s Avant-Garde Poetry alongside Nazi collaborators Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein, and Henry Ford College’s Reading in Modern American Poetry next to Robert Frost.
What happened in Florida really reveals how thoroughly Baraka and the racist hate he represents have become embedded in black studies and in literature in general. When black studies and literature courses look for a black poet from the period, they come up with him.
In the age of cancel culture, antisemitism and racism aimed at white people are generally exempt, but Baraka’s other favorite word was “fag”. “Roywilkins in an eternal faggot,” Baraka’s ‘Civil Rights Poem’ begins, referring to the NAACP leader. “His spirit is a faggot.”
Bayard Rustin, an MLK adviser who actually was gay, is taunted as, “here is bayard rusty switchin like a fag, all the toms here they go, all the toms in a row.”
Amiri Baraka’s hatred of gay people, like his racism and antisemitism, has to be ignored.
When Baraka died a decade ago, the obituaries reflected an awareness of his long hateful career. “Amiri Baraka, Polarizing Poet and Playwright, Dies at 79,” the New York Times headlined his end. NPR mentioned his “anti-Semitism, racism and misogyny”.
All of that has been washed away as Baraka’s bigotry has been made respectable again.
Grove Atlantic, the respected literary publisher, offers a “definitive selection of Amiri Baraka’s dynamic poetry” which not only includes his poem claiming that the Jews were responsible for 9/11, but also his call to “rape the white girls”, and a few poems with “fag” right in the title.
This has less to do with Baraka’s popularity, who remains the illiterate murderous bigot he always was, but the degree to which black nationalism has become the linchpin of the Left. Baraka, a black nationalist who loathed the civil rights movement and called its leaders “faggots”, is an obvious symptom of the death of liberalism and its replacement by racism.
The Left made its racist bargain with black nationalists. The Florida AP course is just an anatomy of that bargain, its sections on BLM, on Angela Davis, on black nationalism and its promotion of a genocidal racist reflect how black studies are taught across academia.
Baraka, who spent his life spewing hatred that would have made Goebbels cringe a little, is taught in college courses across America. And his hatred is making its way into high schools.
While there has been a lot of talk about critical race theory, what is at issue here is not any particular theory, it’s the cultural dominance of black nationalism and supremacism.
We may have just celebrated MLK Day, but he lost and the Nation of Islam, which collaborated with the KKK and admired the Nazis, won. Much as liberalism lost and the leftists won. Our political, educational and cultural system is run by extremists and racists. Fighting critical race theory is just the beginning of a long housecleaning to get racism out of our schools.
As long as the author of “Rape the white girls. Rape / their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats,” is taught in schools, our educational system resembles Nazi Germany more than America.
Why does any poetry need to be taught? Some people love it some people hate it. What’s to teach?
As for the racist poet, isn’t there another fella with a similar name with similar views?
It is actually a common belief in the black community that white people are literally devils, not just metaphorically.
That is pretty much what Elijah Muhammed taught
and he’s getting a street named after him
And yet I notice that they’re in no hurry to depart those devils for what they must consider more suitable climes. This was the case even during the Jim Crow era. (See, e.g., Marcus Garvey and his Black Star Steamship Line effort.) How does that work?
Much like Farrakhan’s Libyan soap factory.
Even those who leave almost invariably come back unless, like BLM’s model, they’re wanted terrorists whom Biden hasn’t gotten around to pardoning yet
Racism is more prevalent in the black community than the white. Their mouths get them killed !!!!
Baraja is a vicious anti Semite
Could it be that Leroy Jones, aka Amiri Baraka, (professional racist) produces worse “poetry” than St. Maya Angelou, the untouchable fake poetress of the white liberal establishment?
Infinitely worse. There hasn’t been a great black American poet since Gwendolyn Brooks.
I were under why? They can’t shut up long enough for anyone to take them seriously.
They’re both bad in the sense that they don’t understand the basic tools of poetry, but Angelou tries to make up for it with imagery and metaphor, where Baraka’s only trying to hit the meter of a psychotic raving bigot screaming at people going by while asserting his superiority.
Well said sir. Thanks for responding. And a thumbs up.
Thank you for continuing to contribute your comments. I know the comments section can be a mess sometimes.
When did the Nation of Islam collaborate with the KKK?
I recall that years ago there was indeed such an alliance, as both groups advocated racial separatism, which was a shared objective. There was also an alliance or entente between George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party and the Nation of Islam back in the 1950s-1960s, for the same reason, if memory serves.
Malcolm X discussed it. There was a covert agreement between NOI and the KKK because they both opposed integration. The KKK left NOI mosques alone. One of the reasons Malcolm X may have been killed is because he disclosed the “secret relationship” between the Nation of Islam and the Klan.
Worshipping at the Altar of Man…
Nothing there but hate.
By the Left’s own definition, Baraka (being non-white) cannot be accused of racism. So how do they square his scribblings and scratchings with ‘The Turner Diaries’ or ‘Camp Of The Saints’, or even ‘Mein Kampf’.
If Hitler had been a black nationalist, we’d be reading Mein Kampf in literature class.
We read quite a few black nationalists who admired him, including Marcus Garvey.
What a hateful ignorant person he was. And our institutions celebrate this vicious moron?
Our institutions slanders and tear down heroes. Vicious morons are the only ones they celebrate.
The spirit of the KKK lives on in America in its black mirror.
The more that pasty liberal left that runs the institutions enable this, the more that they feel themselves magnanimous for allowing the minion his voice.
Their voice, as the target of whiteness is the deplorable, blue collared working class of America’s rust belts.
This is nothing inherently racial in people’s will to enslave. That is as strong as it ever was in the pasty white bureaucrats that run our institutions, pumping this racist filth into the minds of the next generations.
This is the spirit of the KKK., the poetry of the left.
Probably would have been a good thing.the more you talk against whites the more they point at you. Grow up !!!
They allow radicals persons like this one to read their stuff to the youth do we need any more reasons to defund those Collages and Univerties then this?
Now we know a little something more about the culture that produces Kanye West. Rational (black) people all understand this message as evil and immoral just as a matter of common sense and decency that human beings all share with each other.. People have a natural propensity to like each other. It is called attraction, and a percentage of every group revels in the differences rather than the sameness.
But this message reaches into the shadows, the smallness, and the imperfections that exists in all of us. It creates channels for our shadows selves to follow, if ever the darkness and sin that lurks in us breaks through rationality and reason.
This is what emerges when the crazy breaks through. The intention of the artist is to create archetypes to plant and then harvest the darkness of our shadow selves..
Excellent thoughts.
They are filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. ROMANS 1:28-31
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” REVELATION 21:8
Probably would have been a good thing.the more you talk against whites the more they point at you. Grow up !!!that’s all people
Actually, much more interesting than the dreck LeRoi Jones writes is the fact that it is “celebrated” by America’s extremely safe extremely cocooned elites. Pretty sure the elite who praises Jones the most sits highest on the virtue pole. Why our elites’ Negro Worship is so intense and unending is something I will never understand. And yet it is the CENTRAL status marker of our society.
Short answer: Votes from a burgeoning populace. Even Joe figured that one some time ago,
That poisonous loser is emblematic of the ‘enemy within’. The only question is how to deal with this enemy. Ignore them, or give them a double dose of their own venom? They’re not candidates for rehabilitation — they don’t want it and they don’t deserve it.
Race war is the radical left’s most “brilliant” strategy, for destroying civilization. The masses will sink back into their tribes when conflict arises, though some more enlightened individuals may rise above it. Based on perception (like skin color) rather than overly intellectualized ideology (like class warfare), more powerful and destructive than anything Lenin dreamed of.
Who knew charles manson was ahead of his time on the left? Dems have family values after all.
They’re just Manson family values.
Thanks Cowboy, good point.
I remember reading Soul On Ice by Eldrige Cleaver way back in the 1960s and one sentence jumped out at me when that Negro stated that raping a White woman would be a political act and I wondered why he chose a woman and not a man to rape as he obviously thought that White men were the cause of everything bad in his life, apart from his daily use of dope.
Riddle me this, What inventions, creations, discoveries has the Negro brought forth to the World that helped the people of Planet Earth and then tell me the things that were invented, created, or discovered by the Caucasians that helped the peoples of Planet Earth.
Add each amount up from both groups, now count which group has accepted more Noble Prizes for anything?…
How many Christians, how many muslims, how many Hindus and how many Jews…
I,ll wait…
Yeah, a technologically advanced civilization often defeats a backwards civilization when it first encounters it. Then by outbreeding it, the backwards group may undermine the advanced civilization.
I was just banned by Facebook for posting this article.
Banned…… for posting this article.
Facebook, staunch defenders of inequality, racism, and genocide. Quoting leftists is “misinformation,” and “hate speech.” You’d probably still have an account if you’d just praised Leroy and posted some of his ‘poems.’ Glad I don’t use it, twitter. or really any social media.
It’s especially interesting, with fb since Zuck’s supposedly Jewish. But then Pelosi is supposedly Catholic (Heck the Pope isn’t even Catholic these days), and bill clinton had a whole team of “spiritual advisors” of different denominations, so we don’t even know what he supposedly is.