Andrew Sullivan’s recent expression of support for President Obama’s absurd statement defending the backers of the mosque at Ground Zero reveals staggering ignorance at best, and at worst contemptible moral cowardice in the face of a clearly anti-homosexual, anti-Semitic, misogynistic and brutally repressive ideology. From his blog _The Daily Dish_ on Saturday, August 14, 2010:
“An enormously complex and emotional issue — but ultimately the right thing to do. A president is president for every citizen, including every Muslim citizen. Obama is correct that the way to marginalize radicalism is to respect the best traditions of Islam and protect the religious liberty of Muslim Americans. It is radicals who imagine an American war on Islam. But our conflict is with the radicals alone,” – Michael Gerson, former speech-writer for George W. Bush.
Amen to every bit of that. What the right’s demagoguery on the Cordoba mosque really represents is a lack of seriousness in the war on terror. They are playing right into the Jihadists’ hands. (emphasis mine.)
REALLY? No Andrew, I submit that it is you and your ilk who are playing into the jihadists’ hands with your refusal to recognize that which ought to be as obvious to you as your embrace of the gay “bear” subculture is to any gay man with two functioning eyes and a brain. Your acceptance and promulgation of the politically correct farce that this has anything whatsoever to do with religious liberty only serves to facilitate the goals of Islamic goons who wish to impose Sharia law across the globe, a system that regards homosexuals and Jews as subhuman and deserving of subjugation, if not outright extermination. Somehow this fact seems to have escaped your notice.
Consider that Feisal Abdul Rauf – the Imam behind the Ground Zero mosque, now touring the Middle East as an “ambassador” to Islamic nations at U.S. taxpayer expense – was quoted earlier this year in an article in Arabic for the website Rights4All thusly:
I do not believe in religious dialogue. This phrase is inaccurate…Religions do not dialogue and dialogue is not present in the attitudes of the followers, regardless of being Muslim or Christian.
Only two months later, in May of this year Abdul Rauf said this during an interview which appeared on the Islamic website Hadiyul-Islam (hat tip to Walid Shoebat):
Current governments are unjust and do not follow Islamic laws. New laws were permitted after the death of Muhammad, so long of course that these laws do not contradict the Quran or the Deeds of Muhammad…so they create institutions that assure no conflicts with Sharia.
Rauf has refused to acknowledge that Hamas is a terrorist organization, and he has notoriously stated that “The United States policies were an accessory [to the 9-11 attacks]…In the most direct sense, Osama Bin Laden is made in the USA.” Is this a voice of tolerance or reconciliation, the promotion of which this execrable project’s supporters claim is its _raison d_‘être? How can Sullivan blithely ignore the clear symbol this mosque will represent to the Islamic world should it be built on this site – a site that is arguably part of Ground Zero, despite the protests of its backers? As Rush Limbaugh so brilliantly observed Monday on his radio program:
This has everything to do with optics. Optics is the popular word these days. Everything to do with optics, signals. Twin towers are now a hole in the ground, right? Two blocks away a 13-story mosque. There’s your optic. The World Trade Center, a hole in the ground, two blocks away, a 13-story mosque. And the infidel is too gullible to interpret it for what it is. The American left, the Democrats, Obama on down, are too gullible to interpret that optic for what it is.
Indeed. It’s to Sullivan’s disgrace that he apparently can’t comprehend this.
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