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So, Tim Walz’s family thinks he’s a schmuck, just like the troops he sort of served with until he abandoned them. We should encourage his family members to dish the dirt on him. Who knows what it is? Is he a liar and a scumbag around the Thanksgiving table, just like he is during this campaign on the rare occasions he speaks to somebody? The last time he ran as fast as he did when he got a question about how his Hamas friends murdered an American was when he found out he might have to go to Iraq. Maybe he stole inheritance money – after all, stealing is what communists do. Maybe they would tell us that he is some kind of pervert – I could see the guy in a Ford panel van idling outside an elementary school. Who knows?
Well, his family knows the truth about Tim Walz, and I’m hoping they tell us every embarrassing and disgusting detail.
I’m hoping they open the door and allow us all to see the truth about this guy, although most of us already suspect the truth. But coming from his brother and other relatives, that gives the dirt a whole different cast. After all, they’ve spent 60 years knowing this guy – yeah, he’s 60, not 85, if you can believe it. I guess all that cavorting with Chinese communists ages you. Hey, maybe the dirt is about that!
Now, this is the point where normal people say, “Wait, Kurt, hold on. I’m not sure this is how we want to go. I think it’s terrible. I don’t like politically opposed relatives turning on their family members over politics.”
And you know what? I agree with you. I think it’s terrible form. I actively opposed normalizing this kind of behavior. But others disagreed. When some third cousin twice removed of Trump started talking about how he was horrible, I wondered why she was getting a platform. After all, she came off as a dumpy malcontent, as lonely leftist middle-aged cat women tend to be. Why would anyone let her waddle in front of a mic? But the regime media plastered her all over. She was the voice of reason, even though, apparently, she hadn’t seen Trump in forever. She was speaking from unequivocal moral authority because they shared a little bit of DNA. Quick, come on MSNBC and run your fat mouth!
I thought this was terrible. I thought it was ugly. The idea of coming out against someone in your own family over politics was just alien to me, but then again, I wasn’t raised by wolves, and I’m not a moral illiterate. I think normal people felt this way, too, although the liberals lapped it up. They loved it because it had everything they enjoyed. It trashed their political opponent, it demonstrated casual cruelty, and, as a bonus, it undermined the concept of the family, which they hate because the family sits in opposition to Marxist totalitarianism. So it’s pretty much a trifecta for the communists. For normal people, it’s just gross.
And I said so. I advocated keeping the Old Rule that you don’t publicize family squabbles about politics. I thought changing the rule was a terrible idea, not just because it was my guy who was being defamed, but because the whole idea of turning families against one another over politics is just completely repellent to any normal human being. I guess I forgot that I was dealing with leftists and not normal human beings.
We’ve seen this happen since then. There was a congressman in Arizona whose communist kin turned against him and made some ad about how terrible he allegedly was. He won. But what was remarkable was when RFK Jr. decided he had had enough of the anti-democratic shenanigans of the Democratic Party and came out in support of Donald Trump. Cue losers, weirdos, and hangers-on, including siblings, who publicly came out and trashed him. It wasn’t “Hey, my brother has his own views, and we disagree with him but love him” – which I would still find lame. These were even worse. These were direct attacks on their own blood. It was kind of sick.
Now, I don’t expect much from the Kennedys. This is a family where the grossest story is not the one about the patriarch getting hammered and leaving a gal pal to die in a submerged car. The ultimate Kennedy tale is about lobotomizing one of the daughters because she might embarrass the family. It tells you a lot about the family when John F. Kennedy, with all his peccadillos, was one of the least creepy. So, nobody should have been surprised that these monsters acted like exactly what they are. They’re just terrible people.
And again, I thought this was awful. I don’t believe you should go against your family even if you disagree. What thought process would lead you to a place where you felt that was the morally correct course of action? It’s inconceivable.
But I will celebrate when the Walz family does it, and I hope they do it a lot. I hope they give it to their scumbag relative good and hard. Why? Because that is now the rule.
I didn’t want this to be the rule. I argued strongly against it. I still think it’s a terrible idea. But my objections were disregarded. Our opponents decided to go in a different direction, and now the new rule is that your relatives can trash you because of your politics. The Democrats took advantage of it with that fat niece of Donald Trump and with the cast of mediocrities that is the third generation of Kennedys, so we will take advantage of it with the normal, reasonable, and patriotic relatives of Tim Walz. At one time, I would’ve said, “Hey guys, just save it. I don’t need to hear it.” Now? Dish people. Come on, let’s hear it all. Spill.
I still think it’s ugly and gross. I want to go back to the Old Rule. There are a lot of Old Rules I’d like to go back to. I think that many of the New Rules will do incalculable damage to our culture, that the Old Rules were there for a reason, and that they shouldn’t just be disregarded because of the potential for short-term advantage. I’m open to going back to the Old Rules, but I’m not going alone. There can be one set of rules, not two. There’s no unilateral disarmament anymore – we’re not Romney/Bush wusses who feel morally obligated to be abused. If you communist bastards want to play horsey, well, this is horsey.
I disagree with your belief that one should not go against ones family when they are obviously wrong. If one stupidly chooses to stand with an obviously evil relative one will have to take the flack that is dished out.
Absolutely love your work and agree that once you break the rules you have to live with the consequences.
He looks like my not quite as leftist as he used to be, brother in law.
Only 60? Man, get some exercise!
Kurt Schlichter has been one of my favorites for years. He’s the Dave Barry of political commentary.
On the topic of family our candidates are beyond solid, both Trump and Vance.
For the record, when Hillary was asked to say one nice thing about Donald Trump she answered “he has a fine family.”
I would add that that was the single biggest piece of evidence that he was worth supporting in previous election cycles for me. It was unequivocally true. The media could not counter it.
I think that you should not go out of your way to dish the dirt on your relatives. You should not ring up the media to say bad things about your family. I do believe that you should tell the truth. If someone asks a question about your relatives you should tell the truth or refuse to answer the question. It would be ok to say things like he was more liberal before but now he is conservative.