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The late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks famously said, “Antisemitism isn’t a threat just for Jews, it’s a threat first and foremost to Europe and the freedoms it centuries to achieve.” The recent social breakdown in France provides yet another example of an age-old historical truth: untreated antisemitism is both a catalyst and warning sign of a broader sickness in society. Antisemitism is the canary in the coal mine – and when unchecked, it’s followed by broad social upheaval, economic destruction, and cultural stagnation – throughout history and today.
Over the last several decades in France, a pattern has played out that is familiar across history.
Antisemitic violence has proliferated in French society, often going unpunished by the judicial system, unaddressed by the political establishment, and unabated by the public. Hate crimes, muggings, terrorism, and intimidation have targeted the small Jewish community. 74% of French Jews were victims of antisemitic acts during their lifetime and 61% of anti-religious acts in France have been directed at Jews.
Although Jews represent less than 1 percent of the French population, 40 percent of all violent hate crimes in France are antisemitic. Due to “political correctness” France has not done nearly enough to combat antisemitism. And like many western nations, France’s antisemitism is not confined to one political camp. It comes mostly from growing hostile Muslim population, but also from the far left and the far right.
The appeasement of vicious antisemitism in France, as Jews have been killed in high-profile terror attacks and hate crimes, has allowed the seeds of social unrest to fester. This tolerance of hatred has resulted in French Jews emigrating in record numbers, ultimately leading to the situation today in France – rioting, lawlessness, and political violence.
Elected leaders must protect France from repeating the mistakes of the past. If they don’t, you can find many other examples in history to see where the country may be headed.
Throughout History, the hate that began with Jews never ended with Jews
For thousands of years, Iraqi Jews constituted one of the world’s oldest and most historically significant Jewish communities. In 1941, a pogrom, known as the Farhud, was carried out on the Jewish population. Hundreds of Jews were murdered, thousands were injured, and looting overtook Jewish businesses. The pogrom began a decade of severe persecution, leading to the ultimate Jewish exodus of Iraq in the early 1950’s after the establishment of a safe homeland for the Jewish people in Israel. What followed was the cultural, societal, and economic downfall of Iraq. The throughline is clear. Iraq persecuted, attacked, and dispossessed their vital Jewish community – leading to a decline in intellectual and cultural diversity, and a tarnished reputation on the international stage – leading to diminished foreign investment, trade, and diplomacy.
Like Iraq, the Soviet Union was home to a significant Jewish community for decades. But under Josef Stalin’s reign, antisemitism became normalized and embraced. Jewish intellectuals, professionals, and political dissidents were targeted by the state. Widespread discrimination, purges, and executions targeted Jews throughout the county. The Soviet Union’s embrace of antisemitism contributed to an overall climate of fear, leading to the stifling of intellectual progress and a weakening of the social fabric of society. Following years of persecution, Jews left the Soviet Union in droves, landing in mainly Israel and the United States. The Soviet Union was left with major brain drain of a productive chunk of their society – and ultimately collapsed within decades.
France’s path forward is not inevitable. To slow its direction towards social breakdown, it should focus on two priorities:
First, Protect liberalism and second, bolster institutions.
At its best, liberalism’s commitment to the principles of equality, human rights, and the rule of law provides a strong foundation for protecting Jewish communities. Ongoing vigilance, robust legislation, and community engagement help ensure the continued safety, security, and well-being of Jewish individuals and communities within these democracies. Liberal democracies grant Jewish communities the right to practice their faith without persecution or fear. When synagogues are targeted, or Jews are attacked for being Jews, liberal democracies use the rule of law to punish perpetrators. When religious targeted crime goes unpunished, the public loses faith in the rule of law, and public confidence in the state erodes.
Around the world, we’re seeing institutions weakened. Media, government, elected leaders, corporations, etc. have all lost the trust of the public. Mission creep corporations becoming political actors and skewed incentives, such as politicians being rewarded for “hot takes” and fundraising ability vs. effectiveness, have eaten away at institutional authority and societal health.
Yuval Levin writes how institutional decay has led to collective societal anomie and division in A Time to Build, stating: “”We trust an institution when we think that it forms the people within it to be trustworthy — so that not only does it perform an important social function, educating children or making laws or any of the many, many goods and services that institutions provide for us, but it also at the same time provides an ethic that shapes the people within it to perform that service in a reliable, responsible way.”
Weakened democratic institutions struggle to protect minority rights, including those of Jewish communities. In the absence of reliable institutions, extremist ideologies, including antisemitism, flourish. Weakened educational institutions may fail to provide accurate historical context, perpetuating stereotypes, and biases. Compromised journalistic institutions enable conspiracy theories to thrive and go unchecked. And a crisis of leadership enables antisemitic narratives to exploit societal grievances.
In conclusion
Antisemitism’s destructiveness cannot be overlooked when analyzing a nation’s demise. From social divisions to economic setbacks and cultural losses, antisemitism plays a significant role leading to societal breakdown.
It is essential for France to acknowledge the historical, destructive power of antisemitism, and work to bolster its institutions and confront its internal strife. Only through such efforts can France prevent the recurrence of history’s tragic mistakes and forge a path forward for liberalism, western democracy, and pluralism.
Adam Milstein is an Israeli-American “Venture Philanthropist.” He can be reached at, on Twitter @AdamMilstein, and on Facebook
This article originally ran The Jerusalem Post.
“ Weakened democratic institutions struggle to protect minority rights, including those of Jewish communities. In the absence of reliable institutions, extremist ideologies, including antisemitism, flourish.”
We have to be careful with statements like this, they will be used as an excuse for censorship and growing global government, however I do recognise the problem.
Nazi uniforms are illegal in Europe but the Palestinian scarf is allowed, but it does identify the enemy.
The keffiyeh (Palestinian scarf) is the same thing as wearing Nazi paraphernalia, because its wearer advocates political actions that would result in the deaths of millions of Jews. Not only is Israel the only country with a Jewish majority, it now has 50% of the global Jewish population (in 1948 it had only about 5% of the world’s Jews). This success of Zionism was ironically in great measure a result of the Muslim world driving out its Jewish population, along with “progressive, socialist” countries. Now it’s the turn of Jews in western Europe and potentially, the United States. The useful idiots wearing keffiyehs and planting “REFUGEES WELCOME!!!!” signs on their lawns are the last people who would oppose the surge in anti-Jewish violence. As Linda Sarsour puts it, antisemitism, unlike “racism” and “Islamophobia”, is not “systemic”.
This is insane!! no one cares about jews or their strange faith. The only relevant are the zionists jews because they have declared war on the rest of humanity…other than that, the jews are best known to become the “martyrs” of western societies when they are the main opressors.
The only suffering people are the aborted children, the christians suffering persecution on african countries and really over the whole world.
I agree that Jewish persecution gets a lot more press than Christian persecution, and that Jews are not exempt from humanity’s sinful tendencies. Jews tend to be very successful, intelligent and unified as a group wherever they go. Their success translates to power and power corrupts the human heart as it finds it – some more, some less. Powerful Jews do a lot of harm widely felt, but so do powerful gentiles.
But racism against any group is wrong. I think races and tribes need their own nations and must assimilate wherever else they may be. When God returns Jews to Israel in peace, when the Jews recognize their Messiah (all of which is foretold in Scripture), then we will ALL see peace. Paul the Apostle, student of Gamaliel and Pharisee of the Pharisees, speaking the very Words of God foretold Jewish restoration would be nothing less than life from the dead (Romans 11:15).
When God dispersed the Jews to Babylon, He told them to pray for Babylon’s well being because it would be their well being (Jeremiah 29: 4-7). That should be the standard for anyone who is living away from his land and people. Seek the well-being of that nation and its people while you live among them.
I know this is an arguable point. It is both a race and a religion. Races have fathers and lineage. Jews have Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The proselytes may not share in that lineage, but they share the religion, intermarry with Jews and produce children who do. Rehab the harlot was not a Jew, but her lineage produced King David.
If you want to say Jews are not a race, I will not argue further. I simply give you my rationale. If you see error in my reasoning, I would be happy to correct myself.
Wtf are you talking about? Jews opressors? Are you out of your mind? It is muslims killing Jews and Christians. Islam is the enemy of humankind. Do you think Jesus had a strange faith? Get a reality check my dear. The Jews are not anyone’s enemies.
I agree Muslims and Islam are a great Satanic enemy of humanity. Why would you think I thought otherwise? You are making a lot of presuppositions about my words that are unwarranted. What EXACTLY did I say that offended you?
Jews share, with all humanity, the tendency to sin against God and man. What exactly did I say that offends you? Do you think Jews are victims more than any other people? That sounds very woke to me. Perhaps I misunderstand?
Do I think Jesus had a strange faith? No. He was a practicing Jew. He fulfilled God’s promise to Abraham to bless the entire world. The Jews did not do that — God did, through the Jews. And God is not finished with Israel and her people, the Jews.
Do you think the Jews can reject God as their King (see 1 Samuel 8:7) and God will simply step aside, and say, “Okay, My mistake!” God is their King. David was a type, even wearing the priestly ephod, but David was not God. Jesus is God.
I like to point out that Jews have had in the past and even now in the U. S. government almost compete control of U.S. foreign, economic, and financial policies in America. If you will notice, those policies have not made America a better place for the average American.
Here are just a few departments that are headed by a Jewish person in the Biden administration:
1. The State Department
2. The Justice Department
3. Homeland Security
4. White House Chief of Staff
5. The Treasury Department
6. The SEC – Security and Exchange Commission
I will stop here. As you can see, they have a great deal of influence in the U.S. government.
Wow.. You think Antony Blinken works for the benefit of Jews? Keep that tin foil hat on- something might seep out.
I said they influence the decisions that are made in the U.S. Government. Here is a perfect example. The architect of overthrowing the government in the Ukraine in 2014 was Victor Nuland. Her husband has a lot of influence as well. Jewish influence with President Wilson was instrumental in getting the United States involved in World War I.
What you say is either correct or not. I am beginning to distrust a lot of the official histories we were all taught and am beginning to study this issue with an open and (hopefully) discerning mind.
What I do not understand is your downvote. I would hope any error would be pointed out and corrected – without which a downvote means something like “I don’t like what you said!” And who wants to cherish a comfortable lie? That is evil.
I do not know who gave me a down vote, but it is possible the individual does not have enough knowledge to judge what I wrote. What I wrote is based on facts. I have been studying history as a hobby for many years.
Did you ever think that the controlling authority in this country–white, formerly Christian, globalists–might be using like-minded former Jews as shield to deflect blame and criticism?
That is totally plausible to me.
Why not say it as it is.
Muslims are a threat to all of humanity, they have always been and will always be. Islam is rotten at it’s core.
If the free world wants to stay free and prosperous, they must get rid of muslims. They have 50 wonderful islamic countries to live in, keep them all in there and don’t do any business with them. A peaceful solution.
But if they come out with their terrorism, teach them a lesson in pain.
Schadenfreude is no virtue. But it’s hard not to indulge in smidgens here and there seeing judenfrei Europe torn apart by the barbarians invited to replace France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Austria, etc., etc., etc., etc’s murdered Jews.
A lot of people who were not Jews were also murdered. It was war – and war is terrible.
Who the fuck moderates this board? Adam doesn’t. Is it Maayan Hoffman, his handler? Someone ought to get a grip on the comments here–and moderate.