Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (aka AOC) left her New York constituents behind to vacation down in sunny Florida during the holidays. She was photographed while sitting maskless, opposite her maskless boyfriend, with a cocktail in hand outside a Miami Beach Japanese restaurant.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
When Republicans mocked AOC for skipping out on her constituents and enjoying the free red state that she and her fellow Democrats have loved to bash, AOC complained of sexism.
“If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that,” AOC retorted. “It’s starting to get old ignoring the very obvious, strange, and deranged sexual frustrations that underpin the Republican fixation on me, women,& LGBT+ people in general.”
This faux feminist was met with strong rebukes for weaponizing her sexuality. “AOC is really out here on the last day of the year pulling the people-disagree-with-me-cos-im-hot … card,” wrote journalist Eve Barlow. “Pretty much sums up 2021.”
Fox News contributor Rachel Campos-Duffy tweeted:
This woman needs therapy, not a seat in Congress. What a pathetic attempt to use sex to deflect from your COVID hypocrisy. No, @AOC, Republican men are not interested in you. They know that dating or marrying a Communist is a recipe for misery.
Ocasio-Cortez also lashed out at Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, accusing him of being “inexplicably missing for like 2 weeks.”
DeSantis was actually busy conducting official business, except when he took time out to accompany his wife for her breast cancer treatment.
Instead of leveling false charges against Florida’s governor, AOC should have fired her anti-Semitic legislative assistant Hussain Altamimi for writing on Christmas Eve, “Israel is a racist European ethnostate built on stolen land from its indigenous population!” One outraged Israeli was quick to point out that, like himself, “[A] majority of Jewish Israelis are descendants of 850,000 Jews violently expelled from Arab countries.”
AOC is far more likely to promote Altamimi for his blood libel than fire him.
Ocasio-Cortez chided Governor DeSantis regarding his handling of the pandemic in his state, claiming that New York Governor Kathy Hochul could teach him a thing or two. “I’d also be happy to share some notes from @Gov KathyHochul’s work in NY since he seems to be in need of tips!” AOC declared.
Unfortunately for the Democratic-Socialist who ended 2021 masklessly enjoying Florida’s warm weather rather than remaining in New York with her forcibly-masked constituents, the data does not support her boasting. Both New York and Florida are in the top ten in terms of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents for the seven days prior to January 1, 2022. However, New York’s rates for new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths per 100,000 residents exceeded each of Florida’s respective rates.
Thus, New York’s strict mandates have not produced a better outcome for reducing the rate of new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, or deaths than Florida’s far laxer policies. But Florida’s freer environment has resulted in a significantly better state economy than New York’s. The November monthly unemployment rate for Florida (the most recent measure as of this writing) was 4.5 percent. The November monthly unemployment rate for New York was 6.6 percent.
AOC is said to be considering a run for the U.S. Senate, challenging either Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in the 2022 Democrat primary or Kirsten Gillibrand in the 2024 primary. Schumer has been tacking leftward to blunt a primary challenge from AOC and would be difficult for her to beat in any case. However, Gillibrand is quite vulnerable in 2024. She has been referred to as “the invisible senator.”
“There are any number of state lawmakers, local officials and members of the delegation – including AOC — who could mount a very, very credible challenge and quite likely beat her,” a former Gillibrand staffer said.
Whether AOC could win a Senate seat representing New York in a general election is a different matter altogether. The Democratic Socialist would have to win statewide, a far cry from her left-leaning congressional district in New York City.
The political pendulum appears to be swinging away from the “progressive” Left even in New York. Eric Adams, the relative moderate Democrat candidate in the New York City mayoral primary race, prevailed over his more extremist rivals. As mayor, Adams is already setting about to reverse a number of former Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s more radical policies. In Buffalo, Mayor Byron Brown was elected to a fifth term with a write-in campaign, defeating the Democratic Socialist who had defeated him in the primary.
Moreover, New York State voters rejected two initiatives that were patterned after central planks of the Democrats’ federal so-called voting “reform” bill. The first would have allowed anyone eligible to vote to do so by mail without having to provide a reason, which Georgia’s new voting law does permit. The second would have allowed people to register to vote on election day.
Ocasio-Cortez urged New York voters to support these two initiatives, which she claimed would make voting more accessible and equitable. New Yorkers wisely said no. With rising crime, inflation, and restrictive COVID-19 mandates that have resulted in shutdowns without shutting down the pandemic, even the residents of one of the bluest states in the country are getting tired of AOC’s brand of leftism.
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