Secretary of State Blinken delivered an address at the annual event for the anti-Israel group, J Street.
Secretary of State Blinken took an opening shot at the incoming conservative Israeli government, warning that “We expect the new Israeli Government to continue to work with us to advance our shared values, just as we have previous governments. We’ll continue to express our support for core democratic principles, including respect for the rights of the LGBT community”.
Blinken insisted that the Biden regime would hold Israel “to the mutual standards we have established in our relationship over the past seven decades” and “work relentlessly to prevent any parties from taking actions that could raise tensions or further raise tensions and push the two-state solution even further out of reach.”
This is barely a euphemism for pressuring Israel to stop Jews from living in those parts of Israel claimed by Islamic terrorists.
Despite the recent wave of Muslim terrorist attacks, Blinken falsely claimed that he had “seen dramatically higher levels of violence in the West Bank, perpetrated by both Palestinians and Israeli settlers.”
“We will also continue to unequivocally oppose any acts that undermine the prospects of a two-state solution, including, but not limited to, settlement expansion; moves toward annexation of the West Bank; disruption to the historic status quo at holy sites; demolitions and evictions; and incitement to violence,” Blinken told the anti-Israel hate group.
Virtually every single one of these refers to behaviors that the Biden accusing Israel of, with the possible exception of “incitement to violence”.
Blinken’s reference to the “historic status quo at holy sites” is a euphemism for banning Jews from praying at the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, due to Islamic bigotry.
Finally, Blinken cautioned that while his administration is still forced to continue to “recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. As the President also said in his visit, Jerusalem is central to the national visions of both Palestinians and Israelis, and must be a city for all of its people.”
The two claims are contradictory. And indeed the Biden administration is struggling to reverse actions by the Trump administration and carve out Jerusalem for the terrorists.
Blinken blasted Israel, insisting that, “the reality is that, today, Palestinians and Israelis do not enjoy equal measures of freedom, security, or opportunity.” He led the applause for terrorist supporter Hady Amr, whom the administration had made a quasi-ambassador to the terrorists striving to destroy the Jewish State.
The J Street event was just another reminder of how much the Biden administration hates Israel.
Algorithmic Analyst says
They are trying to destroy Israel, just a question what tactics to use.
Kasandra says
I e-mailed my Congressman (unfortunately Jamie Raskin) to recommend he not appear at this event given the histories of several of those with whom he would share the dais.. The only response was an automatic receipt for my communication. He couldn’t even bother to attempt to defend his appearance to a constituent.
Lightbringer says
Nice to see how responsive your congressman is to the concerns of a constituent. I suspect that most of them are like that. What ever happened to Congress being the closest part of the federal government to the people?
Algorithmic Analyst says
My impression is that it is staffers who read constituent emails, and only pass on some of them to the Congressman.
John McCarthy says
Winken and Nod were unavailable for comment
Berceuse says
I appreciate Mr. Greenfield’s consistent and principled stance against antisemitism in all forms. That said, I recall David Horowitz’s recent full-throated — not to mention insulting, vulgar and crude — defense of Kanye West’s antisemitic behavior and can’t help but notice this website has been silent on the subject of late. I wonder how Mr. Horowitz sees the issue now, after West published a list of Jews in the entertainment and financial sectors, praised Hitler and brought a raging antisemite to a meeting with Trump. If Mr. Horowitz has changed his mind, he’s certainly been silent about it.
Mr. Greenfield, you have my full respect. Mr. Horowitz….all I can say is, shame on you, sir.
Billy Corr says
Half a century ago, the *opinions* of a semi-educated Negro would have been treated with
the contempt they quite obviously merit
Lightbringer says
Perhaps he has done so privately, which is where such disputes ought to be settled.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Kanye has just been stating openly beliefs that were already common in the black community during the 1960s, which is when I first heard them, growing up in a black city.
Steven Brizel says
Blinken speaking at J Street spells out how ,little respect Biden and Co. actualy have for Israel
Eli says
Anyone who has any association with JStreet is an anti-Semite disguised as anti-Israel.
Raymond in DC says
A DC synagogue Friday night hosted a crowd of young adults in town for the J Street conference. (Not that I’d expect the synagogue to turn them away.) Also speaking at dinner were two journalists associated with the left-wing Israeli news site Ha’aretz. This synagogue has long inclined liberal/progressive.
Channah says
Apparently the US administration does not realize how many American citizens live in Israel, including in Judea and Samaria. And we all have the right to vote in American national elections. After experiencing the fresh air emanating from Washington under the Trump admin, I wonder how many Americans will switch to the GOP side in the next presidential election. It isn’t only because Trump improved life for Israelis as a whole by some of his politicies, but whenever the democrats rule from the Oval Office, we Jews in Judea and Samaria feel the repeated comdemnations and bullying emanating from there. They really seem to love terrorists, who they call Palestinians. In accuracy, the Palestinians should refer to those Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority, not Israel, and Israel is not their ruler; the Arabs elected by the people of the PA are their rulers. So why Israel is always blamed for terrible treatment of “Palestinians” is a mystery., especially when we provide thousands of jobs for the people living in the PA. I really wish the leaders of the US would open a book about the Middle East and read it before spewing lies and foolishness over the media. I’ll say it one more time: Israeli government does not control the lives of Palestiniasn, but Palestinians do. Please someone tell this to Mr. Blinken.