What Menachem Begin would have said to Barack Obama.
BDS & Lawfare Is Pro-Israel Only to American Jewish Leaders
The British Jewish community shows U.S. Jews what path to take.
Alisa Doctoroff, Sears Heirs and Other American Jews Harming Israel
Supporting the demise of the Jewish State.
State Department Funds Anti-Israel Extremists
Destructive meddling in Israeli democracy.
Anti-Israel BDS Jobs Available In Chicago & Los Angeles
A lucrative career awaits in the Israel hatred industry.
Anti-Israel Groups to March In Israel Day Parade
Scandalous donations by parade organizers exposed.
Creator of ‘The Americans’ Funds the Anti-Bibi Campaign
The Obama State Department, Hollywood and Jew-haters join forces.
President Obama: Hands Off Israel’s Elections
Non-interference suggested to a non-ally.
Obama & de Blasio —- Now Is the Time to Lead
Key leaders missing in action — and putting citizens’ lives in jeopardy.
The ADL Continues Super Left-Wing Advocacy
Why new leadership may make the situation worse.
Arab Israeli Politician Praises Terrorism
The Hamas representative in the Israeli Knesset.
Netanyahu Proven Right by Muslim Brotherhood’s PR Agency
The greatest media enemies of Israel exposed.
Supporting Terrorists’ Families
Israel’s NGO fifth column.
The Fight for Religious Freedom in Jerusalem
The unseemly history of restricting Jewish prayer at Judaism’s holiest sites.
The Extremist, Radical New Israel Fund and Its Funders
The immense funding campaign behind the anti-Israel organization.
Netanyahu’s Father Said the Holocaust Didn’t End
And it continues all the time.
Taxes and the Tale of Two Cities
Two sets of tax rules for those inside and outside the Democratic Party power structure.
FTC Should Pursue NY’s Empire State Development Agency
False advertisers try to sell New York as a good state for business — after another dismal ranking.
President Obama: Where Are Your Manners?
A PR disaster in China.
Why the Temple Mount Belongs to Jews and Israel
The facts underlying the Jewish connection.
The U.S. State Department’s War on Israel
ISIS, Ebola … and Israel building homes for Jews to live in. Guess what Obama has the greatest issue with?
The Left’s Leadership Deficit
Democratic pols bow out of pro-Islamist event — only after media scrutiny.
Paul Singer Is Right: Argentina Must Pay Their Debts
An investor comes to a country’s rescue — and the government tries to make off with his money.
Why Zionism Is Moral & Just
Whether Joseph or Simon or Ivan or Achmed agree or not.
Open Carry Restaurants Cash In on the Gun Control Debate
A lesson for businesses that stand up for conservative values.