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The official popular culture of the entertainment industry, the media, and its assorted tentacles is about as dumb as humanly possible. But it’s also seasonal. That means that not only are there Halloween decorations everywhere, but everything has pumpkins in it, and social justice activists have to scream “that’s racist”.
The social justice crybully crowd has been doing this for at least a decade. According to NPR, it’s “20 Years of Pumpkin Spice Power”.
NPR hosts have deep racist thoughts on the subject such as “pumpkin spice lattes aren’t really just pumpkin spice lattes. They’re associated with fall, with femininity, with whiteness, even” and “who is going to Starbucks? Rich white people. That’s part of it. Also, if you think of pumpkin pie spice, it’s an American holiday from hundreds of years ago. It’s not an African American-centered holiday. It’s not a Mexican American-centered holiday. Do you know what I mean? It’s the pilgrims, who are white.”
So anything American from hundreds of years ago represents whiteness and racism.
I think that we can all agree that taxpayer dollars spent funding NPR is money well spent.
If that’s too moderate for you, try “How Racism Found a Home in Pumpkin Spice Latte Culture”.
This article contends that, “why is it so hard to believe that pumpkins have a connection to whiteness in America? Perhaps it’s because so many feed into the myth of meritocracy and believe that resources in our community are made equally available… They need a pumpkin to be just a food item and nothing more to feed the myth that we live in an equal society.”
Anyone who believes a pumpkin is just a pumpkin is a capitalist racist.
When your only real form of identity is hating white people and the evil of whiteness pervades everything then pumpkins become the very embodiment of whiteness.
It could be any other food item. Bread, bananas or yogurt. Everything is just a symbol in an ideology that believes that nothing is literally true, only symbolically true.
I saw a pumpkin staring at me last Halloween. It had big eyes and an evil grimace. It had to be a racist.
My Mom used to love pumpkin ice cream. The supermarket would only carry it around Halloween, so I would buy some for her.
Pumpkin pie is also good. My sister used to make that.
raaaaaaaaaccccciiiiiisssstt! just kidding – my beloved late mom introduced me to pumpkin pie decades ago.. She wasn’t much of a cook or baker. She’d buy Entemans pie in the supermarket. So I guess my Jewish mom and I are white supremacists.
You’re a total whit supremacist. Entenmans I’d made by the KKK. 😛
I’ve never had pumpkin ice cream but Safeway sells it every holiday. I’ll buy some next time I’m there. I love ice cream.
My grandmother and aunts used to make pumpkin pie on the holidays and it was really good.
It’s good of you to think of your mother that way. I used to send my mother money every week back when I had a career.
If you ever make it to SW Ohio, about 20 mins east of Dayton is a small town called Yellow Springs. (Home to Dave Chappell) There is a dairy just out of town to the North called Young’s Dairy. Starting with the wool gathering 2nd weekend of Sept. they start selling pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin bread, just about anything you can think of made of pumpkin. And it is quite, quite tasty.
As a side note my smithy is called “The punkin’ patch forge and iron works”. When i used to work outside my pumpkin vines grew up all over my anvil and forge one year.
Sounds tasty. I doubt I’ll ever get there but if I do…….
I bought some pumpkin pie ice cream today. I’ll eat some tomorrow. I thought of the nice comment you wrote about your mother and looked for some at Safeway supermarket. I found it on an endcap in the front of the store.
I almost missed it! It wasn’t in the regular ice cream section.
I just bought pumpkin ice cream at Kroger’s yesterday. I found it in the frozen food section under “Foods only White People Buy.” I also bought chocolate fudge. Oh dear, am I a racist now?
And does that include the seasonal pumpkin flavored donut holes from Dunkin’ Donuts?
You’re so racist you can open a pumpkin chapter of the Aryan Brotherhood. Whoopie Goldberg hates you.
lol, thanks Norma! Great humor, my first laugh of the day 🙂
Pumpkins can be soooo judgmental!! **eyeroll**
Anyone saying a pumpkin is comPARABLE to white racism is not dealing in reality, but parable
I am awaiting, with bated breath, the final act in the ongoing drama of “anti-whiteness,” when POCs give up everything we have invented. Until then? They’re just whining losers complaining about a gap, not in privilege, but in accomplishment, and so should be ignored.
Pumpkins in autumn are like watermelon is summer. Ergo growing, eating, or displaying one be RACIST.
Snow must be really racist, because it’s white. We better cancel Winter.
“Why is it so hard to believe that pumpkins have a connection to whiteness?” Well, because some leftist needed some bull-sh*t to claim as being racist. It’s like being a discoverer of something important (but isn’t), and get your friends to run for the he-he. You know they will eat this it at all leftist houses of worship, and certainly where all leftist gather…
Personally, I know look forward to pumpkin spice and my one regret is that I lack the means to serve it to leftists. Maybe – this year I put out a pumpkin or two on the front-porch. One for this load of nonsense, and two for the memory of when once – a pumpkin was simply a pumpkin in the Fall.
When I was a boy, my brother and I would blow up people’s jack O’Lanterns with M80s or whatever those dangerous little sticks were. We blew up the toilets at our high school, too. We got them from Mexico. They sell anything in that shit hole.
We were juvenile delinquents but nobody is perfect.
The racist pumpkins taste the best!
Well it seems that the first universities were founded by Europeans specifically in Bologna in 1100 A.D. So that means the universities are not African-centric. They are not Latino-centric or Asian-centric. So to be logically consistent universities are white-centric. but you never hear that complaint except when it has to do wih destruction of the curricula, which, come to think of it why not. why not destroy the universities? So I guess that’s actually happening come to think of it.
Because Christian western civilization largely created the modern world, and because sub-Saharan Africa invented pretty much nothing of consequence, everything must be destroyed and plundered – for envy alone. Those “structures” taken over and run by Africans quickly revert to chaos and disorder. Ugly truth. Name one chocolate city not steeped in crime, chaos and decay.
We need hierarchy again. The enlightenment ideas of radical “liberty, equality and fraternity” was a departure from true liberty, equality and fraternity.
The word “holiday” comes from “holy day,” a religious term. Sub-Saharan Africa worshiped demons for thousands of years before white men discovered and were amazed by their depths of savagery – the consequence of being without the knowledge of God for that prolonged period. As a Christian nation, our Holy Days must not tolerate the worship of demons. Those days have no place on our calendars.
I tried!
I don’t know why it does not work for you. I used my account to upload the photo of my handsome Shetland Sheepdog. You use Google – and it might be incompatible?
When FPM changed their commenting format, I uploaded my photo to my account and then used that account to sign into FPM. I may have just stumbled into it because I am not tech savvy. But I do remember that is how I did it.
WordPress. I’ll try that.
Although you can follow that website I listed above and find me. I tested it and it works.
Shetland sheepdog. He’s cute. I thought it was a sheltie. Good thing he isn’t because those dogs never stop barking except when they’re asleep.
I was a big Lassie fan when I was a boy.
Found you. You look very much as I thought you would. Handsome. Honest eyes. Working hands. Fit physical appearance. No frills.
Why, thank you! 🙂
Must these sniveling pathetic little Snowflakes always have something to whine about? heir never satisfied their always got something to whine about all the time WHINE WHINE WHINE that’s all they ever do If they don’t like it they can stay in their homes or just plain Leave
Leave works for me.
Anything that is “white culture” in this country is racist. Anything that is a predominantly “white activity” is racist. Whether it is sports, music, cars, customs, or even leisure activities. It is true that the majority of people who drink a pumpkin spice latte are white ( to me it is a waste of good coffee) but that does not make you a racist if that is what you like. Camping, hiking, hunting, boating, are all racist because they are activities that are enjoyed by predominately white people. NASCAR is, or at least was, racist becuase most fans are white. I think you get my point. But those calling such things racist want to cancel white customs and activities by calling it racist becuase blacks or latinos do not enjoy the same things that white people do. Yet if a white person tries and celebrate the customs and traditions of blacks or latinos we are told we are appropriating their culture.
However on the flip side of that. I am an American of Scots-Irish decent as with many, many people from this area. Every year in July we have a huge festival that celebrates our heritage and the customs and traditions of our ancestors. Being from the British isles that is most drinking, eating, having fun and the occasional fisticuffs. There are also many black folk who come. It is not uncommon to see a black man wearing a kilt. Most of us white folk there do not see it as odd, nor appropriating our culture, or racist. Most of us our response is “Welcome to the clan brother, you are now a Mcglaughlin”
Scots Irish are the largest demographic after English. Much of America was built by you guys.
It’s just another ploy by race baiters in the never-ending attempt to stay front and center in the headlines and the American psyche. Don’t take the bait. I’m a ‘Death Wish Coffee’ in a french press guy myself (enjoying some now), but if pumpkin latte’s are your thang, then wear them out guilt-free.
…and if having pumpkins on your front porch this time of year is a crime, then my wife and I have been on the “racist” list for decades.
Racist blacks spewing their hate again.
They won’t stop at nothing unless, all of the civilization is utterly destroyed, all other races are killed or enslaved. And only thing left is black tribes/gangs living like they do in African tribes.
The press is not showing you the many millions of African, military age men now streaming into our country through our non-existent border. They are not refugees. They are hostile invaders used as weapons of our destruction.
Biden recently said something stupid about how whites must be “treated with respect” as the new minority. That is a western principle that has absolutely no parallel in any other culture. We need to wake up and reject the enlightenment ideas “liberty, equality or fraternity.”
They show ALL the border invaders on Newsmax and Real America’s Voice. There are plenty of them from deepest darkest Africa, that’s for sure. And from Haiti, too. Venezuelans seem to be over represented.
And the islamopithecines coming? Obvious terrorists. It’s MUCH easier to creep into Europe and France and the UK pay for everything. Housing, food and even monthly stipends. Why take the trouble to come to America? Terrorism.
Thanks Jeff, good point. The Western Europeans have a more advanced form of Socialism, which is why they are in so much trouble now, as the Muslims and other invaders exploit it.
Oh, I have another of my silly little stories. Sir Richard Francis Burton was writing sarcastically or sardonically about his visit to West Africa in the mid-1800s, and the French and British outposts there, which is what I was reading last night. He called it a visit to Gorilla-Land 🙂
The absurdities of the French and British outposts were quite sardonically entertaining, seeing all that has happened since.
Oh, and African justice. When a black lady was caught stealing by a French lady and brought to court, the black lady was let go. Then the French lady’s house was burned down by persons unknown.
Typical of African justice, always let one of their own go free when stealing from the whites.
Also, great descriptions of the natives by Burton. 15,000 pages so skim reading is necessary, just catching the interesting parts, mainly sarcastic descriptions of the peoples and cultures.
You need to send me those Burton Tomes when You’re done with them! You’ve read far more of his work than I ever did.
You do have to read the River World novels, though. Philip Jose Farmer did Burton justice.
Sounds like Cameroon. I have two chicks from there that I got involved with. They both have huge asses but one of them is off the maps. Her tits are fake but look and taste great.
Two of my, er, girlfriends, come from the French part of Cameroon, which is most of the East of the country. The small West part used to be a British colony. They have a minor civil war going on.
Those Cameroonian chicks can be annoying but the fat one performs like a champion and the other one is not only gorgeous but has the biggest ass on the planet.
I’m such a pervert.
I should find a nice white girl and settle down. No more psycho Asians and no more angry Africans. The beautiful Cameroonian is very nice but she’s a slut. I don’t like that.
I’m white and, therfore according to these same people, I have racism in my DNA. Yet, I loathe pumpkin-spiced coffee and, at Thanksgiving, prefer apple pie (hopefully with vanilla ice cream on top) to pumpkin pie. Am I a racist or an “ally?” This is all so confusing.
Isn’t obsessively hating whitey racist as well?
Yes it is. Definitely.
Almost all of Africa’s climate is just varients of summer, year round. Naturally, spring, fall, and especially winter, is whiteness, white supremacy, and racist. I know, much of Asia and South America also have great seasonal temperature variation, and even cold winters, but they don’t count, against the evil of whiteness, and European Holidays. The melanin deficiency of whiteness itself comes from lack of enough heat and sunshine. It must be eradicated for social justice and equity.