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[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
On the cusp of the 2008 presidential election, then-candidate Barack Obama galvanized an ecstatic crowd at Missouri University by claiming that he and his supporters were “five days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Not making America great again, but fundamentally transforming her. This unsettling vow, from the man who would later declare that American exceptionalism was no more valid than British or Greek exceptionalism, promised not restoration, but revolution. It made clear that his incoming administration intended to toss the greatest country in the world onto the trash heap of history to make way for a Progressive utopia centered on social justice and on the dismantling of American power.
Obama’s threat took two presidential terms to gather momentum; former President Trump temporarily stalled its course, but then Obama managed to get a shot at a third term in 2020 – vicariously through his former Vice President Joe Biden. Under the decrepit figurehead Biden, Obama and his muses Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett could accelerate the fundamental change he promised. Indeed, it has been cascading to fruition so rapidly that one is reminded of a Hemingway character’s explanation about how he went bankrupt: “Gradually, then suddenly.”
The Biden administration is already securing its place in history as the most disastrous American presidency to date. In less than two-and-a-half years, the angry Divider-in-Chief Biden has presided over more domestic and foreign policy debacles than Barack Obama could ever have hoped for. As General Michael Flynn catalogs in the foreword to a brand new book titled Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America, our nation now faces
chronic unemployment and inflation, a border crisis, grave threats to our constitutional liberties, increased violence and lawlessness from the leftist groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter, a weakening dollar, the emboldening of our enemies worldwide, and even worse on the horizon… This is the world Barack Obama has made. This is his legacy.
All of this and more is addressed in Obama’s True Legacy, a collection of eighteen original essays edited by FrontPage Magazine’s longtime editor Jamie Glazov, and featuring numerous FrontPage Mag regulars such as Daniel Greenfield, Robert Spencer, Joseph Klein, Matthew Vadum, and Raymond Ibrahim, among other contributors.
“To understand the crisis of the Biden administration, we have to go back to its origins in the Obama administration,” writes Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield in his introduction to the book, because the latter’s “impact is not past tense. It is present tense… [W]e are still living through the Obama nightmare.” And that is what these eighteen essays analyze and illuminate. From political scientist (and former Marxist) John Drew’s fascinating account of his college days with the fellow radical in “Obama: The Young Communist I Knew,” to Knesset member Dov Lipman’s closing critique of the anti-Israel lies in Obama’s memoir A Promised Land, Barack Obama’s True Legacy is the definitive one-volume guide to the catastrophic influence on U.S. and world politics of Barack Hussein Obama.
The anti-colonialist Obama waged war against America on a broad range of fronts, and they are seemingly all covered in this book. New Zealand author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon traces “The Marxist Origins and Goals of Obamacare” and “Obama’s Illegal Marxist Immigrant Amnesty Movement.” Middle East expert Raymond Ibrahim explains “How Obama Enabled the Persecution of Christians.” Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer focuses on “Obama’s Enabling of Jihad and Stealth Jihad” in addition to his empowering of the monstrous terror group ISIS and his balance-of-power-altering nuclear deal with Iran. Journalist Joseph Klein exposes “Obamagate: The Coup Attempt Against President Trump” and makes the case for “Why Obama Should Have Been Impeached.”
There is much more in Barack Obama’s True Legacy. Award-winning journalist Matthew Vadum lays bare the damage Obama wreaked on America’s border security. Author and former military intelligence analyst Stephen Coughlin details the “Muslim Brotherhood’s Penetration of the US Under Obama.” Clare Lopez, founding member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, explicates Obama’s “Benghazi Betrayal and the Brotherhood Link.” Political analyst J.R. Nyquist shines a light into the dark corners of “Obama’s Russia collusion.”
No account of Barack Obama’s legacy would be complete without addressing, as Freedom Center Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield puts it, his “enabling of racial strife and domestic terror.” Though Obama surfed into the White House on a wave of hope that the nation’s first black president would bring long-awaited racial healing and unity, Greenfield calls the intentional shattering of race relations in America under his watch “Obama’s true enduring legacy.”
“Before Obama,” writes Greenfield, “71 percent of Americans had thought that relations between black and white people were generally good.” A year after the Ferguson riots in 2014, “more than half the country thought relations were bad.” It was the Obama administration that had “started the fires and then led the fire brigade, but instead of water, its hoses were filled with oil.” Upon Obama’s departure from office, Donald Trump inherited a country that wasn’t healed but primed for an even more heated racial conflagration.
“But Obama wasn’t done once he finally left the White House,” writes Joseph Klein in his essay about the Radical-in-Chief’s “Post-Presidential War on America.” Klein details how the ex-President went on to spread disinformation in an attempt to delegitimize his successor Trump, to foment generational war by nurturing “the next generation of community-organizing Obama mini-mes,” to discredit Fox News – the only mainstream cable outlet that leaned right – and to turn Netflix into his own private propaganda mill, all while hypocritically amassing a personal fortune that contradicted his socialist assertion, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money.”
Obama’s corrosive impact wasn’t limited to our shores. On an international level, for example, Daniel Greenfield addresses, in “Obama’s Betrayal of Israel,” the breakdown in relations between the United States and our close ally in the Middle East. That alliance fractured thanks to a “total divergence of worldviews” – “moral, cultural, and strategic” – between Obama and Biden on the one hand, and Benjamin Netanyahu on the other. “Previous administrations had viewed Islamic terrorists and the Iranian regime as threats. The Obama administration, however, saw them as victims of American foreign policy… Obama believed that Israel, like America, and other allies in the region, was part of the problem.”
And our current administration, of course, shares and perpetuates that anti-Israel perspective. The result is that the entire volatile Middle East is once again a tinderbox, even as that administration exacerbates tensions in other parts of the world too, such as Ukraine, where we risk tumbling headlong into a world war that could have been averted had Donald Trump been elected in 2020.
But the chaos is all part of the plan. As Robert Spencer reminds us in his epilogue to Barack Obama’s True Legacy, Obama was photographed in 2008 clutching a copy of Fareed Zakaria’s book The Post-American World, a finger keeping his place in the pages. Spencer writes,
Zakaria’s book predicting America’s inevitable decline turned out to be a veritable blueprint for Obama’s presidency. Throughout his eight years in office, as this present book abundantly illustrates, Obama seemed determined to make Zakaria’s “post-American world” a self-fulfilling prophecy. Obama went to work from his first day in office to make Zakaria’s wishful thinking about America’s decline become a reality.
Now, in his de facto third term, the shadowy radical continues to exert his subversive influence on the Constitution, the citizens, and the country he is committed to destroying. Barack Obama’s True Legacy could not be a timelier and more important read. As Spencer concludes,
This book stands as a warning and as a primer on just how devastating Obamaism was for the United States and will be again unless vigilant, courageous, and patriotic American citizens stand, determined to employ all lawful means to defend freedom.
A book you wont find in any liberal run book stores they will want to burn any books that tells the truth about their Grand Exhualted Pooh Bah. Obama
Obama is perfectly placed to destroy the USA. Via his senile muppet, he can fulfil his heart’s desire while remaining unaccountable for his evil. He operated through a pen and a ‘phone when legitimately President. These days, I am sure he takes care not to use his pen, just his phone. Nothing in writing, no emails, no orders, no confirmation of meetings. Silence, while America dies.
The real problem we have is that this evil monster has control over the military, the CIA, and the DOJ through his dementia-ridden puppet, Biden. Joe doesn’t know what day it is. Yes, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarret and the whole commie gang are back at their desks in the White House.
We have Bill Bill Barr to thank for all this for refusing to investigate the 2020 election fraud because he was fed up with Trump’s rantings about nothing coming from the Durham investigation and the Hunter laptop. Barr is a Bush guy. Make no doubt about it, Bush was in on all the phone calls with Kemp, McConnell, Pence and other RINOs after the election and leading up to the inauguration. This was their big chance to get rid of Trump.
What you wrote is correct. I would just add that Barr is a CIA guy as well as a Bush guy.
After graduating from Columbia University in 1971, Barr joined the CIA. Barr became daddy Bush’s AG. Daddy Bush of course was Director of the CIA in the 1970’s.
Was Barr still working for the CIA when he helped steal the 2020 US Presidential Election from the real winner, Donald J Trump?
My late stepfather used to say that one day we’d have to fight them (“them meaning blacks).
From demands for reparations, to the 1619 Project, George Floyd, the black cop that killed Ashley Babbitt, the venom from “leaders” like Sharpton-Jackson-Farrakhan, the antiwhite propaganda pushed by universities, the marginalization of most black Americans that could be considered role models, DEI, activist prosecutors, a White House that panders without shame, and the dystopian inner cities, it’s hard to see a bright future. Obama bears much of the blame for racial strife.
Is the Apology TOUR mentioned in this book? I am a foreign born American citizen, and I remember Obama apologizing when he went to Europe
Obama’s goal is to destroy America in order to destroy Israel. He is using America as the ultimate weapon of destruction.
Obama hates America.
Obama hates Israel.
Obama hates all Jews, including those in his administration.
This is not legacy.
This is strategy.
It’s behind his every policy, foreign and domestic.
All Americans are being manipulated to destroy Israel.
And all American lives are expendable. All.
Anti-Semitism didn’t end with WWll. It just got more determined to finish the extermination.
In 1948 it mutated into anti-Israelism.
In 1967 it bust a gut.
And in 1967 Obama was 6 years old.
The strategy is diabolical.
Trump put a kink in the works. But more importantly, Israel grew stronger during those four years.
I feel that Trump’s “Deal of the Century” did him in.
If you believe that God’s hand was in Trump’s miraculously getting elected and appointing David Friedman as ambassador to Israel, then you’ll say to yourself that God said, “Trump’s deal isn’t My Deal with Israel. The real deal is It’s My land for My people. Forever. Leave My land and My people alone. Stop lying, plotting and invading My holy earth. No one has the right or privilege to take it or give it away. It’ll be one term for donald, who now says that he, he gave Israel the golan heights. But I’ve got something else in the works: The Trial of Christine Amnapour. Let’s see how that works out…”
Does this book come with antidepressants? No?
I will read it anyway
You forgot to include another person—Michelle Obama. As a native Chicagoan knowing the vicious hatred that comes out of the South Side, Michelle was the real, hateful and resentful black Obama was looking for that he could attach himself to. Women have enormous influence over their husbands, and Michelle has been no exception. She validated Barack’s belief that white people are mean racists and I know that behind closed doors this is what she really believes. For Barack, she has been the perfect mate even though she resents him too, for never being home to help raise the girls.
Well, and Bareback Hussein Osama is also gay.
I hope you mean homosexual.
Larry Sinclair seems to think so.
The press put on a virtual blackout on him (which gives him something in common with Tara Reade), yet he was listing dates & locations.
Cheap sIut Stormy Daniels gets a key to the city & endless, fawning press coverage.
Obama was transformative and post modern because he clearly did not believe in the exceptional nature of the US
The shallow narcissist believes in the exceptional nature of himself. What kind of inflated prick says crap like “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!”
The Nobel committee seems to be smitten with Jug-eared Barry’s existence just as much as his zombie followers.
The Nobel Peace Prize was given to him for accomplishing absolutely nothing to earn it (unless one buys the bullshit that his aura checked the rising sea levels.)
Obama the Communist and America hater fooled so many unintelligent White people who harbored guilt for slavery that their ancestors who were not even in America during that period of American history.
So true. The left laid the guilt trip on people, trying to create class warfare. Most of us weren’t even alive when the slaves from Africa were brought over here, some of the slave traders were black too. Obama blew a chance to unite people for a better world, he is the ultimate divider. Joe Biden called him a nice, clean, articulate black man. Isn’t it interesting that the people who champion racism are racists themselves.
Now they take that absurdity even further and claim that just because of your skin color you benefit from slavery … even if you’re Asian (known as “white adjacent”).
Decades of racist-baiting have brought us to the point where equity (the new word for communism) is not based on race instead of class. The traditional Marxist dictum “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” is the cornerstone of DEI. Punish the achievers in the name of altruistic service to the needy gives us Marxist-derived slavery to force us into submission. This is nothing new but just a repackaging to manipulated people by race-based intimidation.
Typo! Should read: “is based on race instead of class”
I wish the edit button was back but I’m sure you guys knew what I meant.
Obama has every intention of serving a fourth term behind the curtains or under Michelle’s skirt.
The Leader of the Black Supremacist movement where BLACKS ONLY is now blatant. Any Black that is Conservative, “The Blackface of White Supremacy” and getting away with REAL RACISM. “THANKS OBAMA!”
We know what the problems are. We are bombarded with analyses of our decadence ad nauseam.
But we need more people attending to the solution: return to the God of our fathers, the source of all good,
our Creator. Our forefathers prayed and listened to God’s word. That’s the only way to defeat the satanic
evil destroying our nation.
Indeed, Obama’s goal was to Fundamentally Transform America, and now you see the transition well into its accomplishment. He always claimed to be a Christian, but his actions against the United States, the People, the Churches, and the Jews told a different story, many viewpoints are anti-Israel, and anti-white people, creating a racial division where there wasn’t one in most cases. His views always lign up with Louis Farakkan and Jeremiah Wright. Broadcaster Paul Harvey got it right when he said, “If I were the devil, how would I destroy America.” Well take.a good look at what has happened precisely the way he said it would. Good Day.
Obama’s threat took two presidential terms to gather momentum; former President Trump temporarily stalled its course, but then Obama managed to get a shot at a third term in 2020 – vicariously through his former Vice President Joe Biden.
Image courtesy of Richard Terrell at TerrellAfterMath.
“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?) and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS – JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK) corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER). BRIAN C JOONDEPH
Obama lets the cat out of the bag: He’s got plans to make Joe Biden his stooge
By Monica Showalter
Joe Biden, who couldn’t even get President Obama’s endorsement during the primaries, now has word that Obama may well use him as his marionette stooge for what’s in fact a third Obama term.
Obama torpedoed U.S. relations with Russia — to perpetuate lies about Trump, Durham report found
By Monica Showalter
In late 2016, Obama was angry.
Oh, not about the election of Donald Trump, of course, if his public statements were any indication.
He was supposedly angry, so angry, at Russia and its supposed interference in our 2016 election that he got out his pen and phone and expelled 35 Russian diplomats.
Here is what the New York Times reported:
WASHINGTON — President Obama struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 suspected Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services.
The administration also penalized four top officers of one of those services, the powerful military intelligence unit known as the G.R.U.
Intelligence agencies have concluded that the G.R.U. ordered the attacks on the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations, with the approval of the Kremlin, and ultimately enabled the publication of the emails it harvested to benefit Donald J. Trump’s campaign.
Obama handed over the internet too, now it’s not secure. FPM, the emails we subscribe to for your website have been cut off by the Big Tech controllers….they have cut off free speech.