I’m not sure what’s more pathetic, that Biden would actually dare make this argument or that Republicans with a national profile will let him get away with it while they continue squabbling among themselves.
President Biden on Sunday called out Republicans for efforts to limit teaching parts of Black history as he marked the 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.
“History matters,” Biden said at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. “The truth matters, notwithstanding what the other team is trying to hide. They’re trying to hide the truth.”
History does matter.
Bloody Sunday was carried out by a man originally appointed by New Dealer ‘Big Jim’ Folsom in a state governor by a Democrat governor who had run for the presidential nomination.
They are trying to hide the truth.
And Biden, who was pals with fellow Democrat segregationists, knows that perfectly well. Ask Joe ‘They’re gonna put ya back in chains’ Biden about giving the eulogy at the funeral of KKK Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd. Don’t ask the media, they’ll just spam their fake fact checks explaining that it’s a lie that Biden delivered a eulogy at a KKK Grand Wizard’s funeral to obscure the basic facts.
Biden’s right. History matters. The truth matters, notwithstanding what the other team is trying to hide. They’re trying to hide the truth.
They would let him get away with it even they weren’t squabbling about who gets to manage the Democrat agenda more responsibly than Dems.
They’ve successfully hidden the truth about the Colonial period of history.
So, let’s say Biden did deliver a eulogy at Robert Byrd’s funeral. How does that negate the fact that Republicans are fighting to remove Black history education from school curricula? What is “the truth” that Democrats are trying to hide?
Where are Republicans doing that and how? Please give specific examples that involve actual history and not an agenda.
Do you remember JoJo speaking “they already had an n-word mayor, and didn’t need any more n-word bigshots”? Or JoJo’s “racial jungle”?
If you think crt and 1619 project are real American history you probably think Haley’s Roots is also real.
That is what the real world knows as an outright lie. If you’re referring to Florida objecting to one part of the racialist Advanced Placement curricula, the portion was not about black history. It was instruction in CRT and gender ideology. In fact, Florida requires its schools to teach about slavery and Jim Crow. Either you are incredibly ignorant or incredibly dishonest. Which is it?
Relax, Mickorn’s a floor wax AND a dessert topping (in Dan Akroyd voice). He’s incredibly ignorant and incredibly dishonest.
Stop lying
Republicans aren’t fighting to remove black history from schools
They’re fighting to remove critical race theory which teaches that white people are innately evil not to mention the works of black nationalist racists like this charmer
“We are all beautiful (except white people, they are full of, and made of shit),” Baraka wrote in ‘A School of Prayer’. This was about the nicest thing that he ever said about white people.
“Come up, black dada / nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape / their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats,” the black nationalist raved in.another poem.
Go ahead and defend that.
Governor DeSantis advocated for removal of false and sexually inappropriate content in an Advanced Placement course that used “black history” as a vessel to indoctrinate children. That is not removing Black history education from school curricula, any more than objecting to hidden grooming of children in kindergarten through third grade is “anti-LGBTQ.”
More to the point is that Joe Biden has a long history of racist remarks and legislation, and the Republican Party not only began as the party of abolition, but opposed Jim Crow laws and was pivotal to enactment of civil rights legislation in 1964 and 1965 that Democrats opposed.
Biden may once have been in full possession of his senses, back when he plagiarized British politician speeches and warned against living in a jungle with black Americans, but today he is just a senile and decrepit vessel for the anti-American agenda of the globalists and security-state “elite” who want more than anything to strangle the nascent pro-American recovery in the cradle.
The premise to your question is false. The GOP is NOT trying to remove Black History education. State law prohibits the teaching of racial supremacy ideology. The Governor is merely enforcing the law. DON’T tell me what “woke” is or who defined it originally. It’s a leftist term from the beginning. Everyone knows this.
Disenguity ( aka disingenuousness ) is a form of lying.
Follow that syllogistically.
Did you know the first slaves in the colonies were white? They were treated with extreme brutality and many died on the journey here. We are not talking about a few ships of white slaves, but many. The British emptied their prisons and insane asylums and rounded up children and adults from workhouses, orphanages, and the streets, and sent them off to the new world, where they would no longer be an eyesore to the idle rich. Not long ago, I read an excellent article about it on a black website, which I can’t find now. During a search, I noticed a lot of Democrat lies about the topic and saw that the Library of Congress, which once had an article posted about white slavery in the colonies, now claims, “We’re experiencing technical difficulties” regarding this particular topic. This is a topic the Democrats want to keep well hidden. A full accounting of our history would be a good thing and it would also deprive blacks – and all other non-white groups who seek to take a free ride on black American history – of their special victim status. What a pity that would be.
It’s white people and other groups under attack by blacks that Biden is covering up. Countless video show blacks beating up defenseless whites, Asians. Hispanics. One after the other, after the other. They are all over conservative websites, and Twitter. 90% interracial crime is black on white. Yet, Biden and his ilk want to pretend it’s whites that attack and oppress blacks.
Take a gander at the video’s of blacks attacking whites on Twitter. Then look at the responses by blacks and white liberals making excuses for it, and exclaiming whites commit hate crimes against blacks to. When challenged to post any and all video’s of whites attacking blacks we get nothing. Why? Because there is no wide spread hate crimes whites commit against blacks. If there were it would be all over the news and internet.
This is how the Democrats pander for votes.
Although the vast majority of crime is intra-racial, of inter-racial crime currently 85% is committed by blacks against members of other groups. This is the dirty secret that Biden and his Party will never mention while complaing of slavery from 200 years ago.
It actually went up to 90% since the Floyd riots.
Thanks Rocco, interesting statistic.
Dunce Box Joe can twist the truth into all sorts of contortions, providing he can hold on to a thought long enough to finish a sentence.
TaliBiden racism has been successfully hidden for decades now
Speak for yourself Biden .It looks like the Pot and the Kettle war with each other
“…their fake fact checks explaining that it’s a lie that Biden delivered a eulogy at a KKK Grand Wizard’s funeral to obscure the basic facts.” – Ain’t it amazing how often what the msm says someone said, and what they actually said are completely different? Biden’s said so much racist crap over the years, that I’m amazed even the dems put up with it
I thought Byrd was a kleagle, I didn’t know he was a grand cyclops, but I don’t know the ranks of the kkk, and never really cared to learn. In 57 years, I’ve only seen any of them once with my own eyes. They were a sorry looking lot, bumming money at a 4 way stop. Didn’t see anybody give any while I was passing by.
Thanks Cowboy, excellent point. The actual nut-cases are a sorry lot, if the demonstrators are physically fit males it is probably an undercover operation 🙂
The late senator Robert Byrd was actually an Exalted Cyclops, not a Grand Wizard. There’s a fact check for you.
I salute you.
Pathetic Joe has also claimed that white families enjoy sitting around watching scenes of blacks being lynched. Of course, as usual with the speak-in-generalities-soaked left, no specific examples were provided of this, when and where, and epecially whom. Don’t argue, I saw the video, he plainly stated it. This dirt-creature is the lowest form of life ever to occupy the presidency.
When you live in more upscale places, even most of Canada, it’s really hard to relate to white Americans hating black people. I have to see the DC hood people for a few hours to remember what people so brutalized they can’t understand 2nd degree reasoning are like.
It’s not really a normal situation, in the wild you end up smarter than that. It’s ironic the left says systematic racism, when from the outside I see the most horrific system that can be termed intellectual apartheid created by them. The end result is people destroying themselves because they are convinced they deserve more, so they feel less bad about trying it on others.