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President Joe Biden’s recent immigration ad should be considered an in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign.
The ad begins with a clip of then-President Donald Trump detailing his immigration policies.
“We did family separation. A lot of people didn’t come,” Trump said. The ad then cuts to a different clip of Trump. He said, “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”
The ad mixes in audio and a picture of children crying. But mostly, the focus is on Trump.
“They’re destroying our country. They’re destroying the guts of our country,” Trump said in another clip.
Biden’s ad then attacks Trump for separating illegal immigrant children from their parents. The ad shifts back to a clip of Trump promising to “begin the largest deportation operation in American history.”
Perhaps Biden hasn’t checked the polls recently. The things he’s attacking Trump for are the things the American people want. In a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll, respondents gave Trump a 17-point edge on immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border. It was his best issue. It’s top of mind for voters. Gallup found immigration has been the public’s most important issue for three consecutive months.
It’s not hard to see why voters are upset about Biden’s handling of the issue. For one, the Southern border is wide open. More than 7 million people crossed it illegally under Biden’s watch. On principle, this doesn’t sit well with most people.
Practically, it hasn’t worked out either. Just look at places like New York City, Chicago, Washington, D.C. and Denver. These blue cities have been overwhelmed by the costs of housing and feeding illegal immigrants. They’re having to cut services to city residents. For instance, Massachusetts politicians turned a Boston recreation center into a shelter for illegals despite the anger of locals.
You might even describe the invasion as “destroying the guts of our country.”
This isn’t enough for some illegal immigrants. In Denver, illegal immigrants in an encampment sent city leaders a long list of demands. In New York City, illegal aliens gathered at City Hall to complain about the shelter and food they’ve received.
“What I expected to have was help from the American people, and I don’t see it,” one woman said.
Go figure Americans struggling with Bidenflation aren’t sympathetic to people acting this entitled after breaking the law. This must be especially galling for low-income Americans who now face increased competition for low-skill jobs, which depresses wages.
Then there’s the crime. There’s been story after story of illegal immigrants — who were released by the Biden administration — accused of murder and rape. The public understands that Biden’s border policy is getting people killed. One might say, “They’re bringing crime.”
Put this all together, and the appeal of Trump’s pledge to “begin the largest deportation operation in American history” is obvious.
Things are so bad for Democrats that Nevada Reps. Steven Horsford and Susie Lee recently signed a letter calling on Biden to take “executive action” to “better address security at the Southern border.” Translated: Please implement Trump’s border policies, at least until after the election.
Biden wants to paper over those concerns by focusing on Trump being mean to illegal immigrants. One problem is that family separation stemmed from litigation brought by illegal immigrant activists in the 1990s, known as the Flores Settlement.
That detail isn’t widely known. But the results of Biden’s policies are. It’s why this would-be attack ad fails so miserably.
Many Americans may not approve of Trump’s rhetorical excesses, but they long for the results he produced. If Biden promises voters that’s what electing Trump would bring, he may be surprised how many gladly accept that offer.
Victor Joecks is a columnist for the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
ElkaZ says
While everything in this article is logical and makes sense- it still doesn’t take a few things into consideration.
A. Ignoramuses who dislike Trump’s verbalizations yet can’t list one bad thing he DID or one good thing Biden did will not vote for him!
B. Election fraud. In NYC ( I know, have to get out of here) while mail in ballots must be postmarked by Election Day, they can arrive a week later! AND for some reason – that isn’t comfortable! I wonder why?🙄
roberta says
Its not just Biden, it is everyone he is surrounded by. These people have protected themselves from reality for so long that they actually just dont get it, and they never will. They have been useless their entire lives. Born stupid and downhill ever since, kind of useless, and have profited from it. The only things they are good at are being hateful and ruthless, and believe with all of their black hearts that we (the normal) are stupid for being decent.
In D.C. poop floats to the top, and then stays there until it’s 90 birthday. Look at the age of these morons. For the love of Pete, die already. Do the entire earth a solid and assume room temperature.
David Ray says
It does indeed appear that Slow Joe & Kamala’s remarkable stupidity has rubbed off on their campaign staff.
Never have both the President & VP positions ever been filled with such obtuse morons.
Leslie says
And we had the Carter Administration! 🙄
jcr says
NEVER, EVER vote for a Dem, progressive, liberal or RINO. Or ANY career pol of ANY party!
Congressional term limits. Twelve years LIFETIME maximum. Think Brandon and fifty years of his accomplishments.
No retirement benefits.
Afterall, it is “Public Service.”
Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment.
Restore States rights.
Owie says
In his next ad he’ll boast about how he stopped Israel from destroying Hamas, bullying Iran, and making antisemites feel bad about themselves.
Bryan Taplits says
I just read there is an uncontrollable (so far) measles outbreak in Chicago. Doctors have traced it to Venezuela illegals.
I also just read that in Maryland, I believe, cases of malaria (Malaria?) has risen substantially over 100%. The malaria-bug was also believed to be brought by illegals (I’m not sure from what country, but I believe it was from South or Central America).
Now these two examples are what I have read and what has been determined as traceable. Who knows what other infections are being transported into the US by illegals? They are not given health checks as far as I know. And there are a lot of virus and germs and virulence out there.
The illegals may now be immune to it-but WE’RE NOT. We got rid of these diseases (I think in Chicago there hasn’t been a case of measles since 2000), but now we have to deal with it again. And so do our spouses, relatives, children and grandchildren!
If I were Hispanic or African-American (or any minority for that matter) I’d vote for Trump in a second. Biden has messed up our economy and our security.
The only people he hasn’t screwed are his big donors in Hollywood and on Wall Street. He treats them like royalty and the rest of us like serfs and paupers-both of which we’ll be if he’s voted in again.
He’s created problems were there weren’t under Trump; and hasn’t solved ANY of the problems he has created.
Yes, he hasn’t created a foreign war (YET-but give him time, he might because he is so incompetent and his advisors are such fools and America haters, and most likely would root for our foreign adversary).
He has created a domestic war, though. It is called “Lawfare” and it is against Trump and all of us who intend to vote for Trump.
Even though we are not being legally charged, our citizen’s voting rights are being downright stamped on and obliterated by that enfeebled, dementia-ridden tyrant in Washington, our “beloved” and deservedly maligned President, Joe Biden.
COVID hurt us bad (thanks, CCP), but from Biden we may not ever recover!
Judith2 says
Don’t forget Plum Islan bio lab in New York and Lyme disease…homegrown diseases…
Andrew Blackadder says
People enter America illegally without any documentation and are given a nice hotel room, food and health care while actual America sleep on the Sidewalks from Sea to Shining Sea and many are Veterans of those awful Wars Old Joe and his gang sent them off to, as well as Bush and his gang of War Mongering morons like Cheney..
However when Trump said… ”We must get out of these endless Wars”… Pricks like Niel Young said Trump is a danger to America and the World at large and then starting singing about Peace and Rocking in the Free World.
”They are not coming for me, they are coming for you, Im just in the way” Donald J. Trump.
It seems as if Planet Earth has shifted slightly off its Axis.