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Obama drew a ‘red line’ in the sand on Assad’s use of chemical weapons and then bowed out and told Secretary of State John Kerry to outsource the job of dealing with it to Vladimir Putin.
That worked out about as well as expected. So well that in the aftermath of Jihadis taking over Syria… the WMDs are now a “top-tier priority”.
The senior Biden administration official said Sunday the White House has also “been concentrated” over the last week on the issue of any remaining chemical weapons in Syria, calling it a “top-tier priority.” The senior official did not envision a scenario in which the administration would put US forces on the ground to deal with the chemical weapons.
Top-tier priority means nothing gets done.
Biden officials claimed that WMDs in Syria were a a “top-tier priority.”
Israel actually did something about them.
The Biden administration is holding meetings while Israel actually does something about the threats out there.
— Daniel Greenfield – "Hang Together or Separately" (@Sultanknish) December 9, 2024
The WMDs are also a top-tier priority for Israel which means something is being done.
Earlier Tuesday, the IDF struck a chemical weapons factory belonging to the regime of former Syrian president Bashar Assad to prevent the rebels from seizing it, Arab media first reported on Sunday, and The Jerusalem Post later independently confirmed.
The Biden administration is carrying out airstrikes on some ISIS targets in Syria which is a valid thing to do, but also strikes me as trying to close the barn door after the barn had been ripped away by a tornado and sent all the way to Topeka. Syria is overrun with Jihadis and apart from ISIS being more cruel and vicious, not that much different in substance.
Israel is thinking tactically and the Biden administration is following a zombie program from Obama’s last years in office. Israel is thinking about how this development changes things and no one in the White House seems to be doing anything but repeating old Arab Spring talking points.
That needs to change. Fast.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s what I thought Israel should be doing 🙂
Dave Huff says
The US needs to stay out of this mess!
Jeff Bargholz says
Scum like them don’t deserve to live. THEY NEED KILLING, as the Texans say.
Verneoz says
Biden’s game playing in Syria is by design. Biden is purposely working to leave as many smoking time bombs on the world stage as possible to thwart Trump’s return to the White House.
Old Fogey says
Do you think Biden is actually calling any shots in the White House other than the flavor of ice cream he gets in the afternoon before he goes to bed?
Jeff Bargholz says
i think he shits his pants a lot, too.
Spurwing Plover says
America needs to totally pull out of the United Nations and make them solve their own problems they have brought on themselves with the Open Borders Policies and turn the UN Facility into a Homeless Shelter and Closed Our Borders and returned them all that came here illegally
RS says
Turn Israel lose, they need to be able to respond to terrorism, NO HOLDS BARRED.
Old Fogey says
I don’t think a vessel drifting down the Niagara River toward the falls without a pilot can be described as “on autopilot.”
BLSinSC says
Biden’s mind is mostly gone – he’s probably sleeping now about 20 hours per day – SUNDOWNING will soon lead to “Moonlighting”! He should have to PROVE he is MENTALLY CAPABLE of issuing LEGAL DOCUMENTS! Mentally incapacitated people cannot legally make legal decisions – Hunter’s pardon may not be worth the paper he drooled on!