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First Amendment? What First Amendment.
The Biden administration’s internet censorship regime seemed to have a special hatred for humor. Maybe that’s because its boss is a walking joke.
We have learned that the administration unconstitutionally pressured internet platforms to remove a video mocking Jill Biden and a Twitter account impersonating Biden’s granddaughter.
Facebook reported Biden officials demanding that humor be banned if it made jokes about the vaccine.
“There is likely a significant gap between what the WH would like us to remove and what we are comfortable removing,” the Facebook vice president said.
As one example, the executive listed the White House’s desire that the company take action against humorous or satirical content that suggested the vaccines aren’t safe.
“The WH has previously indicated that it thinks humor should be removed if it is premised on the vaccine having side effects, so we expect it would similarly want to see humor about vaccine hesitancy removed,” the vice president wrote.
The future must not belong to those who mock the prophet Fauci.
Ponder for a moment that the Biden regime was pushing past what a billionaire leftist kid and a former liberal British politician from a country where censorship is routine were comfortable with.
“I can’t see Mark in a million years being comfortable with removing that—and I wouldn’t recommend it,” Clegg wrote in a subsequent email, an apparent reference to CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Democrats are doubling down on “We had to ban comedy or everyone would die”.
“In 2021, in the darkest days of the pandemic, of course the Biden administration was working every possible angle to keep people alive,” a spokesman for Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee said in a statement.
If banning humor didn’t work, the Democrats were going to keep us alive by abolishing the Constitution and sending everyone to labor camps. Every possible angle had to be explored to keep everyone alive and under the watch of guard towers at every moment of the day until the time came to turn them into mulch.
Whether or not that’s humor, the Biden administration’s Office of Comedy and Censorship will have to decide.
lol, humor is the only weapon we have left 🙂
Soviet Joke:
An old wench waited for two hours to get in a bus. Bus after bus came full and she couldn’t squeeze herself in. When she finally managed to crawl in, she wiped her forehead, and said, “Finally, glory to God!”
The driver said, “Mother, you must not say that. You must say ‘Glory to comrade Stalin.”
“Excuse me, comrade,” the woman said. “I’m just a backward old woman. I’ll say from now on as you told me.”
After a while, she said, “Excuse me, comrade, I am old and stupid. What shall I say if, God forbid, Stalin dies?”
“Oh, mother, then you shall say, “‘Glory to God!”
“We pretend to work.
They pretend to pay us.”
A kinder, gentler totalitarianism, eh? While it’s obvious this administration has no plans for a May Day-style weapons parade through the streets of New York City (primarily because they’ve shipped everything to the Ukraine and Joe could never stand through it’s entirety), modern day totalitarianism seeks to work behind the scenes for the control of thought and manipulation of minds via the controlled flow of approved information. We see it everywhere.
Does anyone know about any government subsidies going to Fakebook? Just curious. That’s typically how they get their foot in the door, but probably not necessary with like-minded boobs like Zuck. Pulling those subsidies for WRONGTHINK is common as well, as the school that just recently had federal funding removed for having shooting/archery classes. Compliance is mandatory. Obedience is assured.
I can only imagine that Orwell is spinning like a top in his grave, with his book designed rather as a warning than an instruction manual for tyrants.
Well-said Mr. Greenfield (and subversively funny). We have to keep our sense of humor in the face of onslaughts from the totalitarians in our midst.
Guess who else hates comedy, to the point of executing people who make others laugh?
Did not Komanhi, the first Iatolla, specifically state there was no humor in Islam?
Evidently, the profit motive for bureaucrats and elected officials was so great that no limit on deception, hypocrisy, and malevolence existed during the trial run of the global reset. What remains unclear to me is the gullibility and cowardice of the majority of Americans during this episode.
Are our fellow citizens so devoid of intellect and curiosity that they cannot see through the patent deception that took place? Sadly, yes. I was stunned by the looks on faces of old friends when I challenged their acceptance of the grossly overstated risks of the virus, unknown risks of the injections, and claims that ordinary care and proven treatments would mitigate the virus for most people. Many of my acquaintances willingly submitted to injection as a condition of employment or travel, and some rejoiced in that submission thought it was not imposed on them.
The decades to come will reveal the high cost of this failure. But will Americans learn from it?
“…so we expect it would similarly want to see humor about vaccine hesitancy removed,” the vice president wrote.” – There’s a possible and unexpected sign of fair play on the facebook VP’s part. It seems they were going to remove the humor aimed at conservatives who didn’t trust the shots, as well. I hope they didn’t ask for clarification. We know the WH would say no to that, after all, they were “working every possible angle.”
From Saul Alinsky: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
Biden wants to be just another Dictator and despot like Hitler Stalin Castro and Mao absolute Monarch
I think it might not be Biden at all but some other guy with a crease in his pants and lots of puppeteers around him who used to get to live in the WH. I forgot his name if we ever really knew his name.
Do you know what a monarch is?