Or rather the lady who helpfully puts words in Biden’s mouth does. But that amounts to the same thing.
Considering Biden’s radical and racial nationalist nominees like Kirsten Clarke at the DOJ, it would be far more surprising if the administration hadn’t signaled its support for critical race theory.
Jen Psaki starts by trotting out the same spin and talking points about teaching “the challenging parts of our history”.
In typical fashion, these are the same dishonest talking points that Democrat politicians and their media are using. This gaslight isn’t likely to work on parents who now see their children being divided up by race or taught that “whiteness” is “a contract with the devil”.
The talking points are focusing on a response to criticism of the 1619 Project which is terrible, but not even the issue here.
Psaki and the Democrats pretend that the issue is teaching about slavery and segregation when the actual issues with critical race theory are…
1. Teaching that racism is built into the fabric of America and can’t be removed without destroying everything that existed before their Year Zero
2. That white people are innately racist and evil
The former is known as systemic racism and the latter as whiteness. These two ideas are intertwined because critical race theory believers claim that systemic racism is caused by whiteness. Ideas and systems created by white people are tainted with whiteness. All of those must be destroyed or systemic racism will continue.
And here’s Psaki endorsing a fundamental plank of that terrorist platform.
Asked about a recent decision by the National Education Association to throw its weight behind controversial progressive teachings about race, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told RealClearPolitics that President Biden believes “kids should learn about our history” including the view that “there is systemic racism that is still impacting society today.”
Biden’s people have to argue this because they’re leveraging the DOJ to conduct a purge of political opponents over claims of extremism and systemic racism.
When totalitarian leftists engage in a power grab, they need a pretext. And critical race theory provides one.
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