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When Biden met with Lula da Silva, the founder of the Marxist Brazil’s Workers’ Party and a convicted criminal, it was a victory lap for both socialists.
Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former leader, had survived his bribery conviction and rigged an election that overthrew Jair Bolsonaro: his conservative patriotic predecessor. Biden had survived his own trial by fire during the midterms which locked down the 2024 Democrat nomination.
Lula also met with fellow Marxists: Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Biden and Lula talked of “democracy” and “fighting extremism”. They badmouthed their predecessors, Bolsonaro and Trump, and Biden offered the Marxist some big checks.
“Both our nations’ strong democracies have been tested,” Biden falsely claimed, and “both in the United States and Brazil, democracy prevailed.”
Media accounts compared Biden and Lula who had both faced mass public protests over their stolen elections. Biden had been one of the first to congratulate Lula on his stolen election and invited him to the White House despite the Brazilian Marxist’s longtime enmity to America.
“The United States and the rest of the world can count on Brazil in the fight for democracy,” Lula assured Biden.
The Biden administration and the media had worked hard to bring Lula to power despite the fact that he was an ally of geopolitical enemies like Xi in China and Putin in Russia.
Last month, Lula flew to Beijing where he pledged his true allegiance: signing 15 bilateral agreements and forming an official partnership that will include embedding China’s Huawei technological spy operation into Brazil’s communications infrastructure.
Every time Biden and the Democrats say “democracy won” in South America, what they really mean is that China won.
Lula’s most significant statement was a call to end the use of the dollar as an international currency. And this was not just talk. In March, Brazil agreed to use the Chinese Yuan currency for its purchases. Biden and the Democrat Party’s backing for Lula had undermined America in its global economic struggle with China and the international order they claimed to revere.
Brazil’s move was soon followed by another major South American government, Argentina, also agreeing to pay for Chinese products in Yuan.
Argentina’s leader Alberto Fernandez is a successor to the criminally corrupt Kirchner administration, backed by Obama, which has continued to rule through Fernandez. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner had been charged with high treason over her dirty deal with Iran. Despite being banned from holding office, she serves as Fernandez’s vice president.
Although arguably he serves as her number two.
Much like Lula, Democrats and their media cheered the Fernandez-Kirchner ticket as the best hope for “democracy”. Like Lula, Alberto Fernandez is a supporter of Xi and Putin. Singing from the leftist playbook, Fernandez paid a call on Putin and urged both countries to work together to cut the United States out of their economies.
In Beijing, Fernandez signed memorandums and agreements with China worth tens of billions of dollars that included the construction of a Chinese nuclear plant. And Argentina and China expanded their currency swap to $5 billion.
Despite all that, Biden welcomed Fernandez to a ‘Summit on Democracy’ and pledged to “stand up for our democracies”. Biden then cheerfully agreed to help him further renegotiate the country’s debt.
Biden’s “democracy” agenda for South America was paying massive dividends… to China.
The latest election in Paraguay however denied another victory for Marxist ‘democracy’ when Santiago Pena of the Colorado Party defeated Efrain Alegre of the Authentic Radical Liberal Party. A strong proponent of shifting the country’s economy over to Communist China, Alegre had previously been arrested on corruption charges.
Much as in Brazil and Argentina, the Biden administration went all in to help China gain another ally by imposing sanctions on the Colorado Party. The move may have backfired by making the leftists appear to be not only China, but Biden’s puppets, leading to a sizable election defeat.
This was another loss for the Biden-China coalition after Pedro Castillo in Peru was impeached and removed from office for trying to stage his own coup. Castillo had focused on building ties with Communist China. The Biden administration had protested Castillo’s arrest, warning, “we will continue to stand against and to categorically reject any acts that…undermines democracy.”
But keeping Peru and Paraguay in the American camp does not compensate for losing Brazil and Argentina. Bolsnaro’s victory had put a pro-American government in power in Brazil. And the Democrats put loyalty to the International Left over America to secure Brazil for their comrades. And leftist victories in South America are really victories for Communist China.
Beyond the economic consequences, the Biden administration’s treasonous allegiance to the International Left gives China an even deeper foothold in the Americas.
The People’s Republic of China has vast global ambitions. It has built a massive radio station in Argentina under the Obama-backed Kirschner regime, that is likely being used to spy on us, and is moving to close a deal on a naval base. With that base, Chinese ships would have a gateway to Antarctica. Fernandez’s victory, backed by Democrats and the American Left, has all but given China a deep military foothold in this hemisphere and its waters.
And the Biden administration is only just getting started handing over South America to China.,
When Biden put Kamala in charge of dealing with mass migration, it wasn’t to stem the tide of illegal aliens crossing the border, but to assign the blame for it to “root causes” such as a lack of “democracy” at home. That was diplomatic slang for pushing for regime change.
Kamala flew off to Guatemala to try and topple the government of Alejandro Giammattei: a conservative pro-American and anti-China leader who recently visited Taiwan. Crowds of Guatemalan patriots jeered her arrival. The Biden administration began abusing its Justice Department to aid leftists, including those backed by Soros, and leftist Guatemalan officials looking to bring criminal charges against the Giammattei government. Kamala met with Thelma Aldana, his likely future opponent, who received political asylum from the Biden regime.
This is what a coup looks like.
Last year, Kamala flew out to attend the inauguration of Honduras’ new socialist president Xiomara Castro. Castro, the wife of former President Manuel Zelaya, a Cuban ally who was removed from office after trying to take over the country, who had been backed by Obama.
Castro’s vice president, Salvador Nasralla, a ‘Palestinian’ Arab, claimed that the Jews run the country and his wife had declared that, “Hitler was a great leader”.
But the chief propagandist for the Zelaya regime had spent its final days urging, “I believe it should have been fair and valid to let Hitler finish his historic vision.” That had not diminished Obama’s support for the leftists and the Castro-Nasralla regime’s Hitlerism didn’t stop Kamala from flying out to bless the latest member of the ‘democracy’ family in South America.
In March, Castro officially switched ties from Taiwan to Communist China, and will be heading to Beijing.
Expect the Yuan and the Chinese bases to follow.
There isn’t a struggle between America and China in South America, there’s a perverse alliance in which the Biden administration betrays, suborns and hands over friendly countries to China.
While Communist China has plenty of cash, it lacks the sophisticated political networks to bring down governments. That’s an asset exclusively possessed by the International Left, Russia and D.C. Under Biden, as under Obama, those networks have been pooled for leftist takeovers. What Biden and Kamala are doing to South America is what Obama did to the Middle East, using ‘democracy’ and the ‘fight against corruption’ as false flags for bringing America’s worst enemies to power. In the Middle East, it was the Islamists. In South America, it’s the Marxists.
The ultimate beneficiary is America’s greatest geopolitical enemy: Communist China.
In a handful of years, Biden has crushed America’s allies and empowered its enemies across South America. American companies are being shut out of the southern continent while Chinese companies, which are arms of the regime and its military ambitions, are taking over.
Biden’s China treason poses an existential threat to America.
China’s growing holdings in South America will give it access to vast mining, agricultural, energy and navigational resources while putting it within striking distance of the United States.
Democrats and the media cheered each “victory for democracy” in South America. What they did not say was that these victories really marked the expansion of China south of our border.
One of the greatest betrayals in our history, on par with Truman handing over China to the Communists, has happened quietly while hardly anyone noticed and while America slept.
Yee Haaa Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, coming to a world near you soon.
Maybe? I know what is coming soon. It will last 7 years and will be the most horrific time of history.
Before that though all of those pesky Christians will be gone mysteriously. There was a time when I did not exist, there will NEVER be a time when I do NOT exist now. Heaven or Hell and I get to choose.
Hmmmmmm……I choose Jesus and life, Heaven not Hell, light over darkness.
We’re not a democracy, and words (especially at their level) have meaning.
Well, again, we are not a democracy (nor is Brazil). Words (especially at this political level) have meaning.
Wake up. Probably too late already. Chicoms are everywhere. Taking over the planet proceeding as planned.
America isn’t sleeping. It’s been kidnapped, hogtied, gagged and gang-raped. But points taken.
Confused about the concept of the Long March?
Clarity is coming.
Think of it this way.
Joe Biden is an old mule skinner.
We are an old mule. Biden has sold our pelt to Red China. It’s part of a package deal.
Now comes the painful part: Pelt Harvest.
Bolsnaro was another victim of knife crime, seriously stabbed during a leftist assassination attempt, which tends to make it harder for a politician to win elections.
When will it dawn on people that Biden has betrayed the U.S. to its enemy, China, for money. This is plain out-and-out treason.
It dawned on a bunch of people.
Many of them went to Washington DC to protest the tampering of our national election before the “Inauguration”.
They’re still in jail.
Welcome to the New America.
DC = Distrito Corrupcion
Latin American cities may endorse a neighborhood where all the whores can freely congregate.
In the USofA we dedicate any entire metropolitan center for that purpose.
It’s our Zona Roja.
Biden should have paid more attention to Monroe. He was around back then
Wonder what the 10% equaled in US$ for Joe to ‘give up’ S. America?
You have to understand that when the Left talks about “democracy” it isn’t talking about what we understand as “democracy,” which the Left considers to be “limited democracy” where the wealthy and “privileged” have more ability to influence than the rest. To the Left, “democracy” is only achieved when no citizen has more influence based on wealth or “privilege” than any other because all have equal resources, i.e., communism. See also, “equity.”
Hey Joe, this word “democracy”, I don’t think it means what you think it means. Even so, handing over countries that were once our allies to a communist dictatorship isn’t spreading “democracy”.
We seem to be more concerned that FJB gave South America to China than we are that he gave the United States to China.
Certainly makes one think Joe is on the Chinese payroll!!!
Biden might be at the head but his handlers are full of CCP lovers.
The reason why Joe Biden handed South America over to China is because that is a result of Biden’s meetings with the Communist President of Red China, Xi Jinping, will always results in agreed to policies that will be very favorable to China and let him get away with his horrendous cruel oppression of the people of China as well as accepting Jinping international policies designed the lowering of the United States as a world power.
For Xi Jinping knows that Biden is very weak and feeble-minded and he even likes Socialism and will be very easily manipulated to be the useful idiot ,stooge , tool and” lap dog” of XI Jinping will able to use Biden to have do anything to wants him to do. In other words, Biden is his stooge and tool because he malleable, for old Joe very cognitively challenged since is an empty-headed mindless idiot.
Joe Biden handed South America over the Communist China be because Biden is so very corrupt and despicable and unethical.
Obviously related to this is that Biden has a history of accepting “gift’s” bribes, from Communists China.
Therefore Biden will be totally useless to aid or help Taiwan if she is attacks by Red China
For it has been written, “The wicked accept bribes in secret to pervert the course of justice.”
The Bible, Proverbs 17:23. [N.I.V.]
Biden and Benidict Arnold are just about he same Arnold tried to hand west Point over to the British Biden hands South America over to China. Treason
This began with Obama. Biden and his handlers are finishing the job. China’s long march is becoming shorter.
Belt and Road is highly successful. Africa, South China Sea, South America are but dominos.
China is a chess master. Biden, Blinken and company struggle to learn to play checkers. As a nation, we have gone from feared and respected to a laughing stock with a Sec/State that is China’s punching bag.
China has read and understands the genius of Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu stated, “The supreme art of war is to subdue
the enemy without fighting.:”
China plays more like Go, but points well taken.
A brief history of South America: incas, conquistadors, indigenous natives, the church, nazis and the lambada.
A brief history of China:
egg foo young, paper, mathematics, Confucius, infanticide and balloons.
A brief history of America: the founding fathers, pioneers, civil war, civil rights and sloppy joe(s).
I think the key word in all of what I list above is Nazi, and in your article, Hitler.
Nobody’s asleep. Americans of good heart are not asleep.
My Dad used to say, “Figures don’t lie; but liars figure.” He was an accountant.
There’s a strategy here:
It seems Obama wants an earthquake of global proportion to destroy America and then, he thinks, Israel.
You may disagree with me; but that’s how I have felt since the day he took office.
but that’s hardly news!
Is it not possible that the people in South America no longer wish to be dominated by the United States and are seeking to find ways to break away? Biden may just be helping the process for a fee. China approach is to foster cooperation rather than domination as it has been U.S. foreign policies since the Monroe Doctrine. Time will tell if China’s policy prevails or change in the future. All of this is nothing more than a struggle for global power by the big guys.
Looks like a payout, The big guy and Hunters retirement fund all funded by Fetanyl. How is this guy still president. Never mind! What are you spending taxpayers money on armaments for you demented fool .