President Joe Biden is on the wrong side of almost every issue. Since Biden became President, everything from border security to our economy has deteriorated. Our country is in serious trouble because of his ineffective leadership.
Yet, even an old, mentally incompetent, and lying politician, like a broken clock, can be right on rare occasions. During a September 18, 2022, interview on the CBS news program 60 Minutes, Biden said, “The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over.”
Of course, this is correct, Americans have moved on from the horrible days at the beginning of the pandemic. If only this message could be conveyed to the liberal Democrats in charge of many businesses, municipalities, states, and our federal government.
There is no question that COVID has taken a tremendous toll on people from across the world. At least 650 million have been sickened and over 6.6 million have died from the deadly virus. However, the best way to deal with COVID is through building up antibodies by exposure to the virus and effective treatment.
The best response is not forced measures such as mandatory vaccines, quarantines, lockdowns, and mass testing. Fortunately, the unconstitutional lockdowns are over in this country, while they are still being used to torment citizens in the communist dictatorship of China.
After a fire on November 25 killed ten people in an apartment complex in Urumqi, China, speculation grew that locked doors and other anti-virus measures prevented firefighters from reaching victims and residents from escaping. The incident sparked massive protests, the largest in decades, in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai.
In these heroic protests, some brave citizens even called for the collapse of the communist dictatorship. Incredibly, the protests seem to have been successful. In response to the protests, in Beijing and several other cities across China, restrictions were relaxed to allow riders on buses and subway trains to be able to board without a COVID test.
This success shows that even in a brutal communist dictatorship like China, citizen protests can be effective. In our country, Americans have endured almost three years of mostly ineffective COVID mitigation measures and are ready to return to normality in their lives. A recent Axios-Ipsos poll indicated that 63% of Americans rarely or never wear a mask outside their home.
Not surprisingly, most of the mask mandates that were instituted in our country have been relaxed. Unfortunately, in the progressive playground of Los Angeles, mask mandates for indoor settings are on the verge of returning.
This is a draconian response to a slight increase in COVID cases. At the beginning of 2022, there were approximately 60,000 new COVID cases per day in Los Angeles County. Afterwards the number of cases dropped dramatically. While there has been a slight uptick in cases in recent weeks, it is a fraction of the earlier numbers.
On December 1, Los Angeles County was averaging only 2,490 new cases on a daily basis, only 4% of the highest level in the past year. Nevertheless, Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer may soon “require” the mask requirements.
Sadly, liberal Democrats feel more comfortable issuing the mask and vaccine mandates. Most of the cities in the nation saddled with these mandates are led by Democrats.
In the Biden administration, woke Democrats oversee every agency and department, including our United States military. As a result, a COVID vaccine mandate is in place for our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.
The Secretary of the Defense, Lloyd Austin, is a staunch supporter of continuing the COVID vaccine mandate. Over the weekend, Austin told traveling reporters, “We lost a million people to this virus, A million people died in the United States of America. We lost hundreds in DOD. So, this mandate has kept people healthy.” He reiterated his support for “vaccinating the troops.”
Austin ordered the vaccine mandate, and it resulted in the expulsion of thousands of active-duty service members. Finally, Republicans are fighting back. This week, twenty Republican Governors sent a letter to congressional leaders, and copied President Biden, demanding an end to the vaccine requirement, noting that it has had a detrimental impact on the ability of the U.S. National Guard and U.S. Army to fulfill recruitment needs.
The Governors claimed that the mandate caused a “national security risk” impacting “defense capabilities abroad” and “our state readiness here at home.” In the letter, the Governors noted that 8,000 “Active Duty members” have been discharged due to the mandate, and 14,000 Army National Guard soldiers will be removed during the next two years.
As our service members are being discharged for upholding their principled opposition to this mandate, both the U.S. Army and the U.S. Army National Guard are having severe problems meeting recruitment goals. The U.S. Army missed their goals by 15,000 recruits or 25%, while the U.S. Army National Guard was 10% short of recruitment goals and announced 7,500 service members have either retired or resigned.
This vaccine mandate is creating a crisis that is impacting the ability of our Governors to respond to natural disasters and other emergencies. In their letter to congressional leaders, the Governors advocated a clear solution to the crisis, writing, “it is your duty to provide for the national defense, and therefore, we call upon you to protect the men and women in uniform—who protect us—from an unnecessary vaccine mandate.” They ended the letter by quoting from President Biden, “The pandemic is over.”
As the funding for the Defense Department is being considered by Congress in this lame duck session, it is the perfect time to demand an end to the vaccine mandate. As eloquently expressed by newly re-elected U.S. Ron Johnson (R-WI), “The bottom line here is the vaccine does not prevent infection, does not prevent transmission, so why would we make anybody take it? It is insane!” Exactly right, Senator.
“At least 650 million have been sickened and over 6.6 million have died from the deadly virus.”
Why did the number of people who die from the flu drop to zero? Why did the number of people who die from pneumonia drop to almost zero?
There are deaths related to the pandemic, I agree but they were caused by the lockdown hysteria and fear mongering propaganda put out by the liars in the World Health Organization owned by the U.N.
There are also many deaths caused by the mRNA injections.
It takes the undertakers to tell us the truth.
I was watching my local news for the inaccurate weather report thins morning and they mentioned that flu made a comeback this year. As if it didn’t exist for the last two years. I laughed out loud but then was sobered by the fact that so many people believe the numbers of illnesses and sickness the “experts” have fed us.
The masks have failed to work for three years, maybe they will today.
Biden says the pandemic is over yet he still renews the covid emergency act until April 2023. That means that anyone NOT jabbed with the covid concoction still can not enter the USA. The reason for that??? It is an abundantly clear answer because that vid jab does nothing to prevent a person from contracting any virus or prevent the transmission of it. It is not about health at all. It is all about compliance. Think of all the border towns that have lost tons of money because of this lefty woke trash. Then think of all the other folks from restaurants to hotels to events etc who are losing money all across the USA because tourists are denied entry. The Demon Rat ics arent interested in the little guys . They are too busy filling their own pockets and taking care of their wealthy friends to care what happens to the little guys. I guess folks welcome tent cities and enjoy paying outrageous prices to fill their tanks or buy groceries. And what is happening right now is nothing compared to what is coming over the horizon. Perhaps when people are forced to walk to their destinations and starving they will wise up. BTW Canada is still infected with much of the same lefty woke rubbish but at least the border is now open. But for how long depends on what the conehead ruler here decides.
I am sick to death of the words Covid 19 continuing to be bandied about.
If I understand virology correctly Covid 19 is a coronavirus (cold and flu bug) and it is a variant of of all previous coronaviruses (in this case 19 IS man altered) and as such is still subject to immutable law… it mutates.
Faster than we can ever hope to keep up with.
Stating fact here…. Covid 19 is gone! So is 20, 21, 22, etc.
So what Covid are we now speaking of?
Does the ridiculous PCR test now work on every strain? Who knew it had such awesome power. For the love of God STOP TESTING!!!!
Anybody here notice that the flu and cold season miraculously returned this season?
Asking all for a friend. He is seriously pissed off. I think he needs therapy. Any help you can give me thru your ruminations would be much appreciated.
SARS2. SARS 1 was in 2002, I think. (Man made also maybe? Who knows?)