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I’m writing this at 10 P.M. That’s later than Joe Biden will be doing anything.
President Biden told a gathering of Democratic governors that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, including curtailing events after 8 p.m., according to two people who participated in the meeting and several others briefed on his comments.
The next debate (or war) will need to be scheduled at 8 P.M. or earlier? Or according to some reports, 4 P.M.
From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.
Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios.
Who’s gonna be taking that 3 A.M. phone call? Not Joe Biden who will be catching up on his beauty sleep.
But really it’s no big deal. Bush used to go to sleep at 9 P.M.
Kevin Munoz, a spokesman for the Biden campaign, said of the president’s comments about more sleep and less late work: “President Bush went to bed at 9, and President Obama made dinner at 6:30. Normal presidents strike a balance, and so does Joe Biden. Hardly the same rigor as Donald Trump who spends half of his day ranting on Truth Social about plans that would cause a recession and other half golfing.”
Obama supposedly ate dinner at 6:30, but he also had a 7-year-old daughter back then so it’s not reflective of his work schedule. Then he claimed that he would stay up in his office until 12:30 or 1 in the morning. (There’s no particular reason to think he was lying about that, but with Barry you never know.)
Bush would go to bed at 10 P.M. and be up at 5 AM.
Mr. Bush has always been an early-to-bed, early-to-rise kind of guy, and he typically arrives at the Oval Office by 6:45 a.m., Ms. Perino said, for briefings from his national security adviser
When does Joe Biden arrive at the Oval Office?
Bush and Obama were obviously a whole lot younger than Biden. But since Biden’s people want to make an issue of Trump’s schedule, here’s what the former president described as his schedule back in office.
“I am working long hours, long hours, and right up till 12:00 a.m. or 1:00 a.m.,” Trump, 70, told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly during an interview on “The O’Reilly Factor” that aired Tuesday night.
He told the host of “The O’Reilly Factor” that he wakes up at 5 a.m., meaning he gets four to five hours of sleep — far less than the seven to nine hours of sleep the Mayo Clinc recommends.
Both Obama and Trump stayed up well past midnight. (As do I.) Bush went to bed earlier, but he didn’t turn into a confused lunatic, the way Biden did, if he had to be at a debate after 8 P.M.
On the bright side, the more Biden sleeps, the less damage he can do.
Gordon says
I believe there is much more damage being done to the country when Joe Biden is awake.
Greg says
Joe Bite-Me’s exposed senility also exposed the senility of Democ-rat voters. No sane person desires this.
internalexile says
Honestly, when I read the title of this article, I thought it was something out of the Babylon Bee.
Daniel Greenfield says
Reality beat satire a few years ago. Nothing can top it.
Domenic Pepe says
Biden can be a much better president if he remains unconscious for the full 24 hours per day.
Biden is as close as possible to being a corpse,
without actually being dead.
President Abraham Lincoln was more alive when he was carried out of Ford’s Theater
than Biden was during the Trump debate.
Jeff Bargholz says
Good ol’ Cadaver Joe.
Bedtime for Biden let a Chimp tuck you in
Thomas E. Warwick says
Joe Biden’s proximity to the nuclear release codes scare the living hell out of me. What happens when he confuses the buttons on the “football” with the buttons on the tv remote?
Ed Snider says
The last day of Biden’s second term would be January 20, 2029. Does anyone believe that he will be alive to see it? The hatred that Demorats have for this country can not be illustrated more clearly than by the fact that they haven’t invoked the 25th amendment to relieve him of being commander in chief. Yeah, yeah, I know as well as anyone that lurking in the shadows is Kamala, a certified moron, but how can she be not be an improvement over Biden, an idiot all his life, in late stage dotage?
Daniel Greenfield says
depends on how you define ‘alive’
FJB says
In the game Warhammer 40K, the emperor is mostly dead, Only single cell in his body is alive, I have never played the game, but it is very popular and some of “the lore” (history or setting) was explained to me.
The setting is outlandish to many especially non-gamers.
Yet in America we have had “Weekend at Bernie’s for 3.5 years.
What is more outlandish?.
Jeff Bargholz says
I think you meant January 20th, 2028.
Jeff Bargholz says
Whoops! Boy am I wrong. Better work on my math skills.
AL says
President Part-Time
Jan VI says
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
–Ben Franklin’s “Poor Richard’s Almanac”
Franklin was notorious in Paris for staying up late, and then showing up late to the conference there.
Daniel Greenfield says
easier to give advice than to take it
but Franklin also understood that what really mattered in Paris were the parties and not the conferences
Jeff Bargholz says
Some things never change. And French food is very good, not just the wine, no matter what most Americans think. Just don’t eat in any restaurant that George Orwell worked in.
Jan VI says
Trump stayed up late, planning nefarious schemes to spread the virus of Trump-phobia.
Chris Shugart says
Anyone who has run their own business knows that you do would it takes to get the job done. There’s no punch-clock, and you’re done when the work is done. Same for the military: They’re not on the clock, they’re on duty. And when the heat is on, sleep is a luxury, not a necessity. Why should Biden get a pass on the most important job in the world? Man up Brandon.
Daniel Greenfield says
Indeed. No truly important job is 9 – 5.
Kasandra says
He’s also been on vacation 40% of his Presidency. Speaking about Presidents, Biden, his staff, and our garbage “news media” have been gaslighting the citizens of the U.S. for over four years, hiding that the President isn’t capable of running a lemonade stand on the front lawn let alone being President. Yet, it is Trump who is a threat to “our democracy”, although, thanks to Biden, his staff, and our media, our country being run by people whose names we don’t know and who no one ever voted for.
Jeff Bargholz says
He’s been on vacation close to 100% of the time in my opinion. The only time he “works” is when he signs Executive orders that put in front of him or is propped up to try and read a speech.
LC says
Memo’s being distributed in Moscow, Tehran, China, North Korea etc.
Schedule attack for 9pm – anything after 8pm ok
Elizabeth McDonald says
Joe and his family have no idea how perilous their position is now. His refusal to leave the race means there is nothing left for the Deep State to do but off him. I expect a massive, fatal heart attack within the next few weeks. If his family members have questions, they will keep them to themselves under threat of prosecution for the myriad crimes involving them all, which have been carefully cataloged for just such an occasion. Strange that the Bidens, of all people, should be blissfully unaware of the ruthlessness of the Deep State. Or they know, but naively assume it would never be turned on them.
Jeff Bargholz says
As if Alzheimer Joe works or can tell time.
mj says
This is ridiculous.
The Joe show isn’t the issue.
Who’s been and is at this very moment running the government and making and executing policy the last 3 1/2 years is the issue. The Democrat Party has a leader/fuhrer and Joe’s not it. Joe’s never made policy. You vote for Joe, or any other Democrat, coherent or not, you’re voting that other ‘silent’ former president/leader/fuhrer into office; and you obviously find nothing catastrophically wrong with the policies; because, if anti Trump voters know they’re really not voting for the actual candidate, and still feel that it’d be better to knowingly vote for the immoral, corrupt Democrat Party, rather than Trump, then they are totally convinced that Trump is cyanide. Four months to the election is a long time.
May Israel have brought all the hostages home by then.