Some records are good, others are bad.
Many viewers sitting through Biden’s State of the Union address noted his rushed delivery. I wrote, “His pathetic rant, breathy, rushed, angry.”
One reason for the rushed delivery is that he was trying to get in too many lies.
Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday set the record for most words spoken at a such a speech in six decades, beating the former lead by just one word.
Biden spoke 9,191 words, which is one more word than then-President Clinton’s 1995 State of the Union, according to a count
Too many words and too many lies.
If Biden’s people hadn’t insisted on shoving so much stuff into his State of the Union address, he could have delivered it more effectively and in a more measured fashion.
And if Biden wasn’t acting like a puppet, he would have told the speechwriters to cut some material so he could deliver it more effectively.
The State of the Union showed what Biden is.
Bizarre. Thanks Daniel!!! I couldn’t bear to think of listening to the speech, so I rely on you to fill me in 🙂
I didn’t listen to it. What’s the point?
My ex girlflriend is bad enough. My ex wife is even worse.
My thoughts on this rancid administration are at “NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON; NONE DARE CALL THEM TRAITORS” at plainsenseandsanity dot substack dot com. I watched the first 12 minutes, then bailed.
I got my 90 minutes of lies and BS in early by switching on CNN to play in the background while I was working. This freed up my prime time TV slot for watching something useful, like Gunsmoke reruns or a replay of the 1973 Stanley Cup finals.
Every word out of The Joetato’s mouth is a lie, including the articles. Trump already launched the counter offensive by predicting that the Democrats would cut both Social Security and Medicare as a preemptive strike agains the Democrat’s perennial lie that the GOP would do that. Current GOP leadership to take Trump’s lead and challenge Biden to show any proposal by the GOP to do so.
Biden was a dishonest, corrupt, incompetent moron in the 1970s who today appears to be suffering cognitive decline – keeping in mind that he didn’t start from a very high stool. A pathological liar, grifter, fraud and cad – known for pawing and sniffing women and taking inappropriate showers with his teenage daughter – Joseph R. Biden is a truly despicable human being.
He’s also a multi millionaire after a lifetime working in government, how does that happen?
Graft, corruption on an industrial scale.
Biden calls it “public service, everyone else calls it the “corruption buffet”, all you can skim, no limit, no consequences.
He’s beneath scum.
One of the listed “officers” in the old English navy (before they had the necessary sanitary facilities) was officially called the “Liar”.
The Liar’s term of office was only for a week. Each Monday morning, the first person to get caught telling a lie would have the whole ship shouting “A Liar! A Liar!”
Then he became the Liar for a week, having the job of cleaning the “facilities” the sailors used to relieve themselves for that week.
I’d relieve myself, too.
He’s so incompetent, he can’t even follow the script B. Hussein wrote for him.
At least,”Bite Me”is CONSISTENT??????????????????
Consistently an asshole.
Joe has prevailed.
He slipped us the polonium. We’re dying.
It’s all over but the mocking.
Ya all forgot plagiarist !
The SOTU was a carnival and Biden was the main attraction. At least we were spared a Nanzi side show.
More words than Clinton? D_mn! Remember when Clinton, who couldn’t stop himself at a Democrat convention, I think it was, finally said “And, in conclusion, ” and everyone cheered from relief?
He is lying in the picture because his big yap is open