While millions of Americans, for the first time since the Great Depression, cannot afford to buy eggs, Biden boasted about his economic successes to applause from special interests and jeers from those representatives standing up for the beleaguered people of the nation.
The Great Depression ended three years before Biden’s birth, but he’s trying to bring it back.
Under Biden, the price of everything from bread to gasoline to eggs to homes has soared out of reach. No wonder that polls show even the majority of Democrats don’t want him to run again.
Over 150 million Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, even those with a decent salary, because inflation is outrunning wage growth, making paychecks and savings worthless.
62% of Americans don’t think Biden has done very much as president. Only 18% think that his policies have made life better for their families. In response to numbers like that, Joe Biden spent the State of the Union screaming, whispering and mumbling a stream of lies.
Once again, Biden falsely claimed to have created record jobs and record unemployment rates by virtue of not imposing more lockdowns, when there are actually millions fewer workers in the workforce in his miserable economy. He claimed to have brought gas prices down, when they’re actually higher than they were when he took office. From there he blamed forest fires on global warming, lied about the tax system, insulin costs, the deficit, the debt limit and everything else.
But in the most shameless moment of the State of the Union, Biden falsely accused Republicans of wanting to eliminate Social Security and Medicare when he was the one who had spent much of his career working to cut Medicare and Social Security. It was Obama who had pledged to spend “some political capital” to make the “very difficult choices and issues of sacrifice and responsibility and duty”.and tasked Biden with helping make those cuts.
In 2007, Biden told Meet the Press that “Medicare, that is the gorilla in the room, and you’ve got to put all of it on the table.” “We need to do something about Social Security and Medicare. That’s the only way you can find room to pay for it,” Biden had said as recently as 2018.
Not only did Biden lie, but he accused House Republicans of his own sins.
Trump has said that, “Biden tried to cut Social Security and Medicare”. Bernie Sanders accused Biden of saying “on many occasions we should cut Social Security.” All of that is forgotten.
No moment crystalized Biden’s cynical dishonesty more than than a politician whose reckless spending has defunded Medicare and Social Security so that the Medicare trust fund will run out in 2028 and Social Security in 2034 posturing as the stalwart defender of the thing he has spent his career trying to destroy and is now on the verge of tanking to fund corrupt special interests.
Even while Social Security and Medicare get closer to insolvency, Biden boasted of spending $5 billion to subsidize electric car chargers for the rich. Given a choice between seniors and his Tesla donor base, Biden will kill seniors so that his supporters can have an easier drive.
That’s how much he cares about seniors. And all the rest of us.
The rotten foundation of Biden’s State of the Union address was faking empathy. The empathy falls apart on even casual inspection. After declaring war on the police and denouncing America as racist over the death of Tyre Nichols, Biden mispronounced his name as “Tyler”. While he implored viewers to think of the parents whose children never came home, thousands of parents have lost children to violent crime, including from the illegal migrants he released into America.
In Maryland, Kayla Hamilton, a 20-year-old autistic girl, was strangled to death by an MS-13 gang member only months after the Biden administration released him into the country.
That’s the face of one of the thousands of American men, women and children dead as a result of the open borders and pro-crime policies that Biden continued to champion in his address. In the face of the crime wave and border migrant invasion, Biden doubled down on calling for legalizing illegal aliens and for going after police departments instead of criminals.
Biden has worsened the lives of every American. Most have lost income, savings and plans for the future. Others have suffered even more. These crimes have only been mentioned in passing. The nation’s top Democrat described schools being closed, passive voice, when it was his party that forcibly shuttered schools and destroyed the educational potential of a generation. He demanded that we mourn those lives lost to the pandemic when it was his political allies who forced COVID patients into nursing homes resulting in the worst deaths of the pandemic. He told the story of a girl who died of a fentanyl overdose while failing to mention that his appeasement of China and open border policies are leading to overdoses across America.
“COVID had shut down our businesses, closed our schools, and robbed us of so much,” Biden bemoaned. COVID didn’t do that. Democrats did. And, given a chance, they’ll do it again.
This is the criminally treasonous legacy of the Democrats and their corrupt figurehead.
Under Biden, America has fallen to its worst level. We have no food, no borders and no future. China casually invades our country and knows that the only ones Biden will fight are Americans.
The State of the Union is the latest phase of the long leftist war on America.
Biden has clawed his way to the highest office in the land by selling out everything he ever claimed to have believed. And now he’s so far gone that he may not even know what he believes. His pathetic rant, breathy, rushed, angry, was the belligerent tirade of a puppet who takes pride in being seen over the podium even if there’s a hand up his nether regions.
According to a New York Times article, Biden “read drafts aloud from top to bottom” and “practiced in front of teleprompters” to make “sure the language was relatable and clear” and “marked up his speech with subtle lines and dashes” to tell him when “to take a breath, pause between his words or steer through a tricky transition.” All that practice paid off as he rushed through his lies, mumbled, whispered, screamed and fumbled laugh lines and applause lines.
But as bad as Biden’s State of the Union delivery was, the policies in it are much worse.
Biden urged passing the PRO Act whose mandatory unionization would outlaw freelance workers as its model did in California, legalizing illegal aliens, outlawing religious freedom and legalizing the murder of babies until birth. And that’s just the proposals that his speechwriters thought were palatable enough to make the cut for the country’s most high-profile speech.
All the misery that we have experienced since the ballot harvesters of the nation selected him is only just the beginning. The DNC has rigged the primaries for Biden and the party’s leaders have endorsed him for a second term. And his speech warns us that the worst is yet to come.
He is a selfish old lying politician masquerading as altruistic. Plus he’s probably forgotten what he said yesterday so remembering 2007?
America DESERVES him! So long as people refuse to understand that altruism is evil and selfishness, properly and rationally defined — RATIONAL SELFISHNESS — is man’s highest virtue, the welfare state, the mixed-economy, which inexorably lead to outright socialism and fascism is what Americans will get!
The altruistic plunder, sacrifice, and pain, death, and suffering of altruism will continue until Americans and the world learn the lesson.
“Brothers, you asked for it!” – Ayn Rand
80 million voted for him, not 330 million. 24.2%, not 100%. So, it wasn’t “America” that put him in office, it was Democrats and the left. Stop blaming me and those who voted against him.
I wouldn’t credit Biden with 80M votes – and where in the world is it already February 9, 2023 as your post notes?
You’re misunderstanding what I said. America has been on the path to totalitarianism at least since the late 19th century, that’s — 150 years. So long as the philosophical roots of totalitarianism are not rejected by Americans the strangling weed of totalitarianism will grow back. You can cut back some of the altruist-collectivist-socialist-fascist cancer but the cancer will grow back if you don’t remove all of it.
What will someone like Trump or De Santis possibly accomplish? They will at most cut back some spending, cut back some of the weed growth, surgically remove some cancerous tumors, because that’s all they dare to do. That’s all that’s politically possible because the American voters will not stand for the complete removal of the cancer of socialist government programs like Social Security and Medicare. Americans will not reject altruism and embrace rational selfishness, and so long as that is the case totalitarianism is waiting at the end of the road.
Actually, it was 80 million freshly printed mail-in ballots (shot out everywhere like confetti out of a canon) that got Sleepy Joe in office.
Actual genuine votes had a hard time finding their way; just like what truncated their journey on election day in Arizona for Kari Lake.
Ayn Rand was a pro-abortion, adulterous person that never experienced what it is to have and raise children. She would never know from personal experience that having a normal healthy marriage and raising children requires a certain level of, yes, the dreaded word, altruism. Her philosophy of rational selfishness was not particularly rational in the ordinary sense of “reasonableness” She clearly desired to have the celebrity of being an atheistic philosopher and moralist with a new morality. She was also a hater of Jesus Christ, as many atheists prove themselves to be. In order to hate Christ you must think yourself better than Christ. Thus self idolatry becomes the basic position of all atheism. It does not matter if you are pro Marxist or anti Marxist.
Rand never accepted original sin, that man is fallen and prone to sin. The rejection that man is fallen generally parallels the attempt to find some utopian scheme to put in place of the redemptive plan of God. The redemptive plan of God includes a new heaven and a new earth in the future. All attempts at creating a utopian system in the present world have proven to be failures. Some of these failed utopian schemes have been truly catastrophic.
Since you refuse to listen to Ayn Rand maybe Thomas Sowell can reach you — “What exactly is your fair share of what someone else has worked for?”
Altruism answers that question by saying ALL OF IT is the needy person’s fair share, from each according to his ability and to each according to his need! You work and your needy neighbor eats because NEED MAKES RIGHT — that’s altruism.
You need to catch up on your history lessons. We are not the America of the late 18th/early 19th century anymore. There isn’t a piece of arable land available for anyone to stake a claim to for their homesteads, in case you haven’t noticed. Since the early 19th century we have had an Industrial, and now an Information Revolution that has totally reorganized society in such a way that, unlike back in the day, families can no longer, on their own, take care of those who can’t manage for themselves. But, amazingly enough, these revolutions have, on the whole, made life much better for us than for our forebears. In return, however, everyone who is able is expected to help provide for those who are not able. It is no longer just for those who feel charitable, it is an obligation for all – the grand bargain of citizenship. Freedom is not just doing what you want to do and not doing what you don’t want to do. There is still plenty of freedom in America, and it is distinctively NOT drifting toward totalitarianism, despite your obsessions. But the needs of community must be considered for our overall advancement and well-being. Following the philosophy you seem to advocate above will surely lead to anarchy. (We saw a tendency toward anarchy during the Trump years.) And then no one is free if you have to spend all your time defending yourself and your family.
America DESERVES him! So long as people refuse to understand that altruism is evil and selfishness, properly and rationally defined — RATIONAL SELFISHNESS — is man’s highest virtue, the welfare state, the mixed-economy, which inexorably lead to outright socialism and fascism is what Americans will get!
The altruistic plunder, sacrifice, and pain, death, and suffering of altruism will continue until Americans and the world learn the lesson.
Selective selfishness
So now Mr. Daniel Greenfield is blocking all my Objectivist perspective comments. He doesn’t want to hear any longer as to how altruism is evil and rational selfishness is actually the good.
I’ll keep posting anyway. Ban me if you want Mr. Greenfield. Ayn Rand is RIGHT. She is correct. Her philosophy, not religion, is the only thing that can save this country from totalitarianism.
Religious conservatives will have to turn to her philosophy in one way or another, at some point, or this country will perish.
selfishness is evil on its face. Add any “modifier” you choose, you still have selfishness at the root. The One whom you hate above all others declared “no man has greater love than to lay down his life for his friend. Further, He said if you see a neighbour in need, and have the means to meet that need, and withhold it, you have STOLEN it from him:. Perhaps a little too blunt for your taste, Fine.. go forth and serve your self.
But don’t you see? That’s COMMUNISM! You’re championing the moral basis of communism! Why do you refuse to see that altruism is the moral justification of tyranny?
If you want to champion altruism because Jesus or God commands you to be an altruist fine, but at least have the integrity to realize you’re championing the moral basis of theocracy, socialism, communism, Nazism, Shintoism, Islam, and every form of COLLECTIVISM there is!
“What exactly is your fair share of what someone else has worked for?” – Thomas Sowell
Under the Westminster system of government in Great Britain and Australia, misleading and lying to parliament is a serious offence. US democracy in name only is sickening to observe while the real victims are those who voted for a crook and a liar as their corrupt .POTUS
State of the Usurper
BIDEN is bad. Really bad. But the worst president award has got to go to Buchanan. At least until our next Civil War.
“Biden’s State of the Union Vows 2 More Years of Misery”
And if the ‘crooked’ D’rats in battleground States like Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and maybe Virginia and North Carolina have their way, together with the States which vote blue in any event, there will be D’rat misery for the rest of our lifetimes. These places will contribute just enough dishonest electoral votes to make it impossible for there to be an honest presidential election outcome in our country for the next several decades, at least. Will the American people just meekly sit by and watch themselves be enslaved by such political corruption without uttering so much as a peep? We’ll see, but I myself doubt it.
I’ve been disappointed so far but maybe the response will be stronger and more creative in the near future .
It’s still hard to believe it all just ends this way,. With a whimper.
Softly, like a cat’s feet in the night 🙂
but oh so sure………
Yes, just like the groundhog emerged from his hibernation and predicted 6 more weeks of winter, the Biden corpse crawled out of his crypt and cursed the nation with 2 more years of inflicted misery.
Good one Ginger!
Eroding credibility in our election systems (50 states – 50 systems) is one of the first steps of a despot’s attempt to move a country toward autocratic control. I assume this is what you want.
Is our government controlled by a criminal syndicate?
Hey man, I wouldn’t call us a syndicate, we’re a family bringing all of America together unless you are a republican.
Gonna bet you do not even donate to church or charity on a regular basis.
You’re correct. “Lunch Bucket” Joe only takes donations – usually from Red China
However, the “skin flint award” goes to chickenshit John Kerry who one year gave 0.0% of his vast income (as declared on his tax returns.)
John Kerry, the Climate Change, Global Warming Hypocrite that flies in private fets. That is the problem, these people think their rules only apply to us peasants and not to themselves. It takes a nonsensical brain to vote for these people.
I did not understand your sarcasm. Should have picked up on the “hey man” lead.
Apologize for my prior reply.
Or an undocumented “I’m a Grunt”. border crasher.
They are a syndicate. Like the Bolsheviks in Russia.
With progressive/communist Democrat control, the entire DC bureaucracy seems like a criminal syndicate, at times. So hard to believe any pronouncement that comes out of any alphabet agency anymore. Sad.
Bidens polls next year are going to end up on the bottom of the Marianah Trench at the way he is going the Numaro Uno #1 Worst president in Americas over 240 year history. watch him Crash and Burn in 2024
Like the Mariana’s Turkey Shoot 🙂
Right… he’ll land on top of Trump.
omg, I was just reading an MSM article about a certain problem, yet there was not a hint that government was part of the problem, or what the real problem was (human weakness of taking too much risk, etc.). The government was portrayed as a white knight intervening to solve the problem, and collecting the “necessary” taxes.
Man, you should come work for Hunter, you’ve nailed it. But we are not WHITE knights we’re multicultural diverse flag knights.
I have tied, from time to time to read MSM articles, but I guess I’m not smart enough to get the point, so I just move on to something more informative like the comic strip.
I like Herman. Also Farside when I can get it.
Guess you need to go back to school. There are plenty of adult literacy courses available in most communities.
This was one big shopping list uncontrolled by fiscal reality with zero appreciation of the fact that spending money does not solve the root cause of any social issue or problem
I thought it was weird seeing someone behind what’s supposed to be the president, and not chewing cud.
I was hopeful that the Speaker would have a paper shredder behind the desk so he wouldn’t have to awkwardly tear it up.
GIVE FJB A BREAK! You try to chew twenty pieces of bubblegum and give a speech!
He sounded like a scratchy Eighty-year-old record that skips a lot throwing off the listeners and especially the dancers.
AND luckily we didn’t have to see Botox Face, the Wicked B=itch of the West but we still had to endure the other one.
Thanks Steve. If he is chewing compulsively, that could indicate he is stoned on something, or maybe they put his medication in the gum.
It’ll be interesting to see what you sound like when you’re 80…..
People like Biden, and the rest of the Democrats, as well as some Republican politicians are evil. I mean pure unadulterated evil. When their time comes, if there is a God, and I believe there there is, these scumbags will have a shit storm rained down on them like they’ve never seen before.
Until that happens I hope they all die a very slow agonizing and painful death from an incurable disease.
I am grateful that I am elderly and my time is very short.
That’s true for me as well.
Yeh, the elderly, the sick, and the poor get to enjoy the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid benefits that the young, the healthy, the financially independent, and the unborn are and will be paying for.
I’m not blaming you personally, for all I know you’ve never received a dime in Social Security or Medicare, but that’s the actual situation. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are eating the young, the healthy, and the financially independent tax-payer alive.
Without a doubt the issue of demographics will have to be addressed. For those who retired when the ratio of workers to retirees was much higher than the current 3:1, and the average lifespan was under 80, there was no issue. And they had quite a good deal, likely putting much less in during their working years than they have been taking out. (Great return on investment!) With longer lifespans it seems inevitable that eligibility ages will need to rise. Perhaps there should also be some means testing for benefits. (Increasing the payroll tax rate, and perhaps even the income limit could be seen as overly burdensome for a working family, though one could argue for a “donut hole” above which the payroll tax would reinstate.) Trouble is that the latter would be perceived in the press as a “cut in SS”. Fact is that the Trust Funds need to come into balance. Because it has been shown that most people will not, on their own, put enough of their earnings into savings for retirement, this country needs to have a program like Social Security to avoid having a vast population of seniors in poverty, but too old for employment in today’s world. Without such a program we would be hearing daily horror stories of elderly found dead in their homes, or on the streets.fo lack of life sustaining essentials. Is that the best that the American society can do?
Hey, the Dems want us dead. I will not go quietly into the night. I was a fighter pilot, we would call “fight’s on” before each dog fight.
Daniel, your analysis here is a tour de force – 100 per cent accurate. I watched the proceedings with unbridled horror and loathing for this man, and with disgust for McCarthy’s toadying. Worst of all, perhaps, was the adulation and congratulatory slobbering over this repellent faux president by his Democrat minions, even court justices clad in their black robes. Is there truly a way back?
Thank you. SCOTUS justices really shouldn’t attend State of the Union addresses.
Totally agree ! Sorry I watched it….clown world personified. I did have hope for Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sander’s rebuttal, but am extremely let down and annoyed by her disrespect to Donald Trump. She would NOT mention his name even when referring to his amazing secret visit to Iraq on Christmas Eve and the thrilling welcome the troops showed for Pres Trump and Melania, chanting USA, USA. Sarah wouldn’t even have been on that trip if it weren’t for Pres Trump ! Who are her Donors? Whose tune is she dancing to? Pushing for “younger leaders”, probably like Ron DeSantis who has some squirrelly Donors himself ? No…Sarah blew it by showing nothing but disloyalty to the man who made her name a household word. Very sad to have to add another Rhino to the list, but we MAGA people will stay with Trump ’24 – the only President that Washington can’t control.
Biden… proof we do indeed get the government we deserve
Americans we are fat cats and have been so for decades.
We are so fat that even with the current losses the pain we are currently experiencing can only be described as a scratch an itch. A nuisance..
I don’t think the ship begins to turn until some real serious discomfort happens. Hunger being first on the list.
Until then we will piss and moan as we always have.
“For the love of God do something!”
Personally we are ready for the “dark days” the vegetable in chief has promised us.
Get your financial house in order.
Stock up on non perishables.
Stock up on items you can barter with.
Buy those things that throw lead projectiles.
Buy lead projectiles…. lots and lots of them.
Speak truth to the lies wherever you encounter them.
Be a help to your neighbor.
Love the Lord God with all your heart.
Love one another. (This proves God has a wicked sense of humor)
P.S. There are 2 genders.
Peace. Out!
You must be fun at parties.
SC’s: “Moralizing Immorality!”
Sarah didn’t pull any punches.
Too bad she was the one who sounded crazy.
Only to idiots with their heads up their ass.
Two more years of misery might help the nation find its backbone. Bravo to those who jeered last night at the lies and demagoguery. Bravo to Taylor Greene for calling the liar in chief a liar to his face. America needs to see more of that.
I completely agree. Bravo Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Poo-flingers. Not a good look. And that fake fur collar? Puhleeze…
I wrote a comment, I hit “post comment” and received a message that said, essentially to “Shorten your comment, it’s too long, make it more useful.” Without hesitation I will say that how I will shorten my comment and make my life more useful is to eliminate “Front Page Magazine:” & “David Horowitz” from my life. I will not have my opinion(s) massaged by AI, staff writers or junior fascists in training. GOODBYE.
This is not an airport. There is no need to announce your departure.
IF we survive. Which I don’t believe we will every time I go grocery shopping and am staggered by price increases and bare shelves, the price of gasoline, utility bills, constant lies from lying thieving democrats. Not to mention the coming surprise attack from the Chicoms. But imbecile Americans voted for this,so I am missing something here.
The Biden Election was stolen. No way he got more votes than Trump or Obama! Let’s not blame American citizens ….Trump still has the highest approval rating of any Republican in the country.
I do not believe in our elections anymore. Call them selections.
Joe Biden is terrible in many ways. To give only one example is the Biden and his crew freed a dangerous jihadist of al Qaeda ,Majid Khan, from Gitmo who is engaging in Taqyyia with his fake repentance and crocodile tears is now freed all the while the American patriots false arrested on January 6,2021 are still languishing in terrible inhuman conditions of the Biden regime as his political prisoners is a blatant and outright affront to justice and all that is fair good and right.
The tragedy might be that America has reached the end of her being a Republic. With the now corrupted FBI with its abuse of its power as observed that it took a sinister part in the insidious set up against the patriots on January 6, 2021 and the later FBI harassment of American Patriots who attended that January 6th rally and the Biden gulag for tyrant Joe’s political prisoners from the day of 1/6/22 and later the FBI raid invasion of residents of Donald Trump, along which many awful other event sines that have occurred since Biden took Office on 1/20/21 those are omens that are overwhelming that United States is come to the very end of her Republic. This is indeed, very tragic and sad.
With the infected and thoroughly infiltrated leftist FBI and considering all the terrible harm Joe Biden has done to the United States is still doing and will continue to do is so very horrendously terrible that the damage might be irreversible . I really hope I’m wrong.
To free that al Qaeda jihadist and not release from false arrest and political imprisonment of the American patriots who are the victims leftist set up on January 6, 2021 is a tragic and terrible reminder of the verse from the Bible which reads “Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent – the Lord detests them both.” Proverbs 17:15. [N.I.V.]
I love Joe Biden and will definitely vote for him again. His speech was incredibly popular with a 72% approval rating,, including 43% of republicans, which is very high. But I don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck or depend on anyone or anything to survive. I’m thrilled to be a democrat and a Biden supporter!
Another government worker heard from.
I’m sure Uncle Joe has promised you lots of goodies on the breaking backs of the average taxpayer.
And you don’t have to buy food, apparently.
You’ve been sniffing your dirty socks for way too long.
Probably sniffing more than dirty socks for that perspective.
Rachel is being sarcastic.
THe worst part of the speech was when he talked about fentanyl, acting like it was a problem he didn’t create. And then the heckler gave the best part of the speech.
Medicare and SS won’t ruin this country. Our wide open southern border will.
Always nice to hear from south-of-the border. Gracias!
Biden created fentanyl? Do tell…
Actually, the Chinese communists that pay *Biden’s salary make the fentanyl.
Sleepy Joe just makes sure they arrive through an open border as unhindered as possible.
Reading comprehension isn’t your skill, eh?
Biden created the Fentanyl problem with his open borders policy. Surely you’re aware of how this drug is coming into the USA, right?
Uhhhhhmm, drop shipped by chinese weather balloons?
“18% think that his policies have made life better for their families.”
WHO are these people. Basically, 1/5th of the entire population thinks that things are BETTER?? Good God.
Environmental consultants, BLM activists, TikTok executives…
Unionize Public workers and their leaders who see a never-ending stream of make-work, expensive public works projects that don’t amount to much at all.
Unionize Congress and let them go on strike.
Joe can probably still win the 2024 election, because the Dems control the levers of power over the electoral process. So, it does not matter that he lies shamelessly. The left can still manipulate him into a second term, just as they did the first time he ran. It is not what he does, it is how the electorate is manipulated, the voting process is manipulated, and all the tricks they have learned over the years from Alinsky and Piven and Cloward and Gramsci and and Marcuse and all the other leftist ideologues and political schemers.
Medicare and Social Security are unsustainable. What cannot continue indefinitely, won’t.
This is just a preliminary tremor of the political earthquake that is sure to come ; and when the cloud of dust settles there will be two America’s as political division and a national D_I_V_O_R_C_E is sure to come . The pragmatic partition of India/ Pakistan in 1947 is the likely blueprint. Moreover, events are happening at an increasingly greater speed so don’t be surprised if 2024 is the last national election of these United States
Furthermore, this is all the fault of the Dem-Bolsheviks who seized power in a ”Flu e’tat” in 2020 , undermined the rule of law, intimidated police with ”show trials” , then wilfully opened up the border to invite a Third World invasion and neutered the Border Patrol . But the problem is when you import the Third World en masse, they don’t become Americans, it’s America that becomes Third World
The political kaleidoscope is coming into clear focus as the divisions between Red/Blue states become greater and unbridgeable by the month and the best case scenario is a national divorce without sparking a civil war, but I’m not so sure about that either as the regime in Washington DC is so radical they could easily provoke Red States into direct conflict with the FBI. I fear they will either trigger a war with Russia or trigger a civil war, maybe both as their bad judgement is only equalled by their radicalism !
“Let’s Finish The Job”?When he said this,all I could see was All of Our ENEMIES APPLAUDING him”!!!!!
One of the many reasons that Joe Biden has very low approval ratings because he is terrible in many ways. For example, Biden had ordered the US pullout from Afghanistan that awful action of his that reveals the horrendous folly of his judgement in many wrong and tragic ways. As in, for example allowing the Taliban enemy to have all the state of the art high quality US military equipment.
After all the Americans who died and the many others who had been terrible wounded and over a trillion dollars of wasted American taxpayers money invested in that awful mayhem is also awful.
Another horrible consequence of Biden’s treachery in Afghanistan are all those unvetted Afghan /Muslims now spreading across the United States. If any Americans, in any way are harmed by some those unvetted Afghan “refugees” who might be either criminals or violent jihadists then Biden will have their innocent blood on his wicked hands.
Since the end of August and because of that despicable villain Joe Biden, has betrayed and abandoned many Americans and left them to in Afghanistan to be brutally murdered by the Taliban.
Joe Biden has low approval rating because he is terrible in many ways . For example ,Biden had ordered the US pullout from Afghanistan that awful action of his that reveals the horrendous folly of his judgement in many wrong and tragic ways.
After all the Americans who died and the many other who had been terrible wounded and over a trillion dollars of wasted American taxpayers money invested in that awful mayhem is also awful.
Another horrible consequence of Biden’s treachery in Afghanistan are all those unvetted Afghan /Muslims now spreading across the United States. If any Americans, in any way are harmed by some those unvetted Afghan “refugees” who might be either criminals or violent jihadists then Biden will have their innocent blood on his wicked hands.
“The idealist is born to despair. Because he has divorced his values from power, from the concrete conditions of interaction. If such a foundation for values were to mean we would in practice lose our great cherished gains of freedom, I too should be suspicious, but quite the opposite is the case. It is people who know how to fight and organize in a practical sense who alone keeps it and those who view “freedom” as a schoolbook wonder based on an abstract argument of the good never quite argue down their masters and turn to hate.” (and hypocracy, coerscion, force:) from peterputnam.org Formulation of Values. 1957 pg 7
In any speech by Joe Biden any person who, truly, understands how completely dishonest he really is won’t take seriously anything he says.
Joe Biden “,Big Brother Biden,” is a pathological liar. So much so, that it must be a thoroughly ingrained part of his deceitful and wicked nature. Likewise, it may be called part of “his horrendously awful character.”
To the evil extreme, that If Biden tells someone “It’s raining outside.” That person would be to first look out of the window before believing lying creepy old Joe.
I do not believe in our elections anymore. Call them selections.
Mr. Greenfield:
As a avid fan of your writings, I must admit, this critic was one of your best. Your evidence is excellent. Your prognosis, scary.
All I may add; is that President Biden is like the supervisor guy at work who will kiss you on the left cheek while he simultaneously stabs you in the back and buttox. God help us all.
Thank you. And that’s a perfect descriptor of Biden.
The Union IS in a state. A badly run-down state! The current ‘leadership’ network of featherbedders and wrenches in the works desperately need being told “you’re fired, get out”. The current pathetic leadership negatively impacts the rest of the world as well.
The rule is never vote for anyone supported by the M.S. Media
We have an angry, incognitive President, who is illegitimate, who is dedicated to the CCP,, they own him, and he will never put America first. Just expect things to wax worse and worse.