The Biden administration condemned Israel for giving $39 million in tax revenues to the victims of terrorism instead of the terrorists.
“It is morally just and important for the war against terror. There is no greater justice than using the funds for the victims of terror,” Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said of the move.
State Department spokesman Ned Price condemned Israel’s actions as a “unilateral response” that will “exacerbate tensions. and warned that the administration will raise the issue with Israel.
Price did not address whether the Palestinian Authority spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year to finance terrorist attacks against Israelis through the ‘Pay-to-Slay’ program raises any tensions. The ruling PLO body spending millions to kill Jews is not unilateral, but Israel refusing to finance the murder of its own citizens is a dangerous move that will make peace difficult.
Palestinian Authority PM Mohammad Shtayyeh claims that if Israel doesn’t give it $39 million, that “will promptly lead to its collapse.”
The terror organization has been claiming variations of the same thing for over two decades.
“Palestinian Authority Broke and In Disarray,” the media agonized in 2004. “Palestinians Threaten to Collapse the Palestinian Authority,” they clamored in 2009. “Suspended tax transfers leave Palestinian economy on the brink” came the warnings in 2015. “Palestinian finances near collapse as cuts deepen,” we were told in 2019.
The PLO’s terror infrastructure is always on the verge of collapse, but sadly never does.
“Israel sells us everything, including water treatment, electricity and drinking water, and in fact profits from all of this,” Shtayyeh whined.
Why after 30 years can’t the aspiring terror state do anything for itself? The “Palestinians” have received an estimated $40 billion in foreign aid. Other estimates have put it at $50 billion.
Over $14 billion of that money went directly to the Palestinian Authority. What did all that money buy apart from mansions for top terrorists?
Pinchas Rutenberg, who had unsuccessfully urged Russia’s liberal Kerensky government to execute Lenin and Trotsky before it was too late and fought to the last to defend the Winter Palace against the Bolsheviks, headed to Israel and began electrifying the country.
“No one doubts the duty of the British Empire to develop the Land of Israel, but who will be charged the financial burden? The British taxpayer? Or perhaps the Arab public that has lived in the country for hundreds of years and has not lifted a finger to develop it. True, Rutenberg is a Jew, and he recruited businessmen and Jewish capitalists to develop the natural resources of the Land of Israel and create jobs for its Arab residents, but is it therefore necessary to disqualify his vision?” Churchill opined.
In a matter of years, much of Israel was powered by the generators that Rutenberg had built.
And all of this happened over two decades before Israel even achieved independence.
Somehow Jewish refugees could do a better job of providing electricity in the 1920s after only a few years than the Palestinian Authority has managed in the 2020s after 30 years.
Churchill correctly observed that the Arab invaders and colonizers had lived there for “hundreds of years” yet had “lifted a finger to develop it.” The cost of developing the territories under PLO control has passed right back to the British taxpayer, the American taxpayer and the Israelis.
Every few years, Israel threatens to cut off the power unless the terrorists pay their debts. The last time around the debt had shot up to $500 million. Each time diplomats warn that if Israel cuts off the power, there will be a humanitarian crisis. But when isn’t there a crisis?
Biden directed over half-a-billion dollars to the terrorists since taking office. And yet the PLO claims that it’s still on the verge of collapse and Israel has to save it all over again.
“The PA must stop its involvement in terror if it wants to survive. As long as it continues to encourage terror, it is our enemy and as such, what interest do we have to help it?” Israeli Finance Minister Smotritch pointed out.
The Palestinian Authority has never run out of money to pay the terrorists, but it can’t manage to pay for its power bill or accomplish anything useful for its people.
Secretary of State Blinken and Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, are headed to Israel to scold the Jewish State for not giving money to the terrorists. The administration has used every possible forum to show contempt and undermine Israel: including a recent UN session denying Jews the right to visit the Temple Mount which is the holiest site in Judaism.
When National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the Temple Mount, the Biden administration called it an “unacceptable” violation of the “historic status quo” that bans Jews.
And yet Ben-Gvir’s visit came and went.
Since then, he’s told the police to take down the terrorist flags of the PLO.
“It is inconceivable that lawbreakers will wave terror flags, incite and encourage terrorism,” Ben Gvir said. “I have issued instructions for the removal of the flags, which support terrorism, from the public space and to stop incitement against the State of Israel.”
The Biden administration, which funds terrorism and incitement against Israel through its foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority, is probably unhappy with this. Its spokesmen repeatedly accuse Israel of “unilateral” acts that increase “tensions”. Every time a Jewish person sneezes in Jerusalem, Ned Price appears at a State Department podium to intone about unilateral sneezing, raising tensions. And yet it’s the Biden administration that is conducting unilateral actions meant to undermine Israel’s status like its rogue diplomatic operation to the PLO.
The level of pettiness included stepping in when an Iron Age spoon was seized from the founder of Birthright Israel to “return” it to the Palestinian Authority even though the Arab Muslim colonists had invaded the area a thousand years later and have no claim to the ancient artifact.
The spoon was identified in the files as coming from the country of Israel, “from the Hebron area” that “is the area of the richest Iron age Jewish tombs (many royal).”
The pettiness of seizing an artifact that originated from an Israeli source and turning it over to the Arab Muslim terrorists who currently occupy parts of Hebron to make a point is emblematic of the Biden administration’s determination to undermine the Jewish People’s claim to its land.
The Biden administration and the media are furious that Israel’s new patriotic government is asserting its rights. It’s a belated act of self-defense that the media treats as an attack.
A hysterical AP news story denounces Netanyahu’s new government as “hard-line”, “ultra-nationalist”, and the “most hard-line and religious government in Israel’s history” that is “shaking the foundations of Israel’s democracy”, “fomenting divisions” and “barreling toward conflict”.
And that’s just the first two paragraphs of a deranged screed masquerading as news coverage.
Israel’s new government is not “shaking the foundations of Israel’s democracy”, it’s restoring it after decades of hijacking by an activist judiciary by implementing a system of checks and balances to equalize its power with that of the legislature.
It is not “fomenting divisions”, it’s confronting divisions created by leftists and dealing with them. And it’s not “barreling toward conflict” but responding to the attacks against the Jewish State.
What has Israel’s “ultra-nationalist” and “hard-line” government done so far? It diverted money that will be used by terrorists to finance the murder of Jews to the victims of these attacks.
One of its cabinet members briefly visited the holiest site in Judaism. Another suggested that the terrorists need to choose between getting money through Israel and killing Jews.
All that outrage over basic acts of decency.
It’s hard to argue with any of these actions when they’re described objectively. That’s why shrill labels like “hard-line” and “ultra-nationalist” are being used to silence any meaningful debate.
The media doesn’t want to talk about why Israel and the United States should be financing Islamic terrorism against Jews. Israel’s new government is determined to make that the issue.
Anyone in the Biden administration, the media and activists who scream about “unilateralism” and “ultra-nationalists” should be asked to put away their thesauruses and answer why money should go to terrorists not terror victims.
There will always be enough rottenness to support more rottenness on this earth. We don’t make peace with rotten people, we don’t finance those who will stick a knife in your back. The Palestinian Authority must be destroyed and Mahmoud Abbas must be condemned for crime and high corruption with all those who helped him in this abomination.
Dura lex, sed lex.
Mahmoud Abbas was a KGB agent. Code name “Krotov, the mole”. Abbas was a finance minister for Fatah during the time of the Munich’ attack. Abu Daoud, the organizer of the attack, said in his memoir published in 1999 that Abbas provided the funds unknowingly. A terrorist attack that led to the death of eleven members of the Israeli delegation and a German policeman.
I concur with your analysis.
As I ponder the lead-up to World War II, and, compare it with the present era, it’s clear to me that evil leaders and regimes thrive largely because there are always feckless, narcissistic and morally bankrupt collaborators in the west who are willing to enable, flatter and coddle tyrants, to do business with them, and, to look the other way regarding their malignant/malevolent designs and behavior.
These collaborators/enablers were the British aristocracy in the early 20th century, American politicians and industrialists, and, dupes such as Neville Chamberlain, and, in the present era, the collaborators/enablers are the vile Dhimmi-crats/Dumb-o-crats who gleefully get into bed with Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, China and every single Muslim terrorists/supremacist outfit, on Earth.
This chickenshit administration sent $500 million to jihadist pricks?
No surprise there. I’m just curious if it was in cash sent in the dead of night the same way Sleepy crates illegal aliens to purple areas in the dead of night.
Nice to know my tax dollars are being squandered wisely.
As for Palestinian jihadists being on the brink of collapse, that’s a good thing. They should be crushed & destroyed, putting an end to their ability to murder – that’s how you get peace.
The Biden maladministration isn’t giving them money because it is scared of them. It is giving them money because it agrees with them.
liberals are scared of Islamic terrorists
leftists support them
“ the Arab public that has lived in the country for hundreds of years and has not lifted a finger to develop it.”
They still don’t lift a finger, even in Dubai and Abu Dhabi where the local emiratees are given preferential access to jobs I know from experience that they are paid to stay home and do nothing just to fill government imposed quotas.
Lazy people one and all.
The way to beat islam is to make them actually do some work for themselves.
And stop trying to force them into western ways.
Why work when you’ve got imported slave labor?
Before WWII, the DNC & the Nazi party were sending love notes to each other.
At least Roosevelt didn’t ship ’em cash & lean on Poland to do the same.
During & after the war, the National SOCIALIST party was magically cast as far right.
They were far left – modeling some of their platform off the DNC.
Now these leftist pricks not only insist in coddling the bullshit “religion of peace”, they import jihadists here by the tens of thousands, give ’em public assistance, and threaten patriots with Hate Crimes as the bitch Loretta Lynch did to those in Idaho. (They dained to express alarm at the skyrocketing rapes that followed.)
And why not? Jihadists & the DNC have common cause – hatred of America.
Left and Islam are both messianic utopian cults determined to destroy everyone who stands in the way of their ideal world order
The Left and Islam want to rule the world.
And leftists are too stupid to understand that they’ll be next on the menu.
Islam would soon afterwards make clear their hatred & intolerance of their DNC benefactors – i.e. the hatred of America they shared, would no longer bind them together. (Leftist fools would quickly learn they’re expendable.)
Hence, the walls that leftists believe would encapsulate them from their imported muslim voters will instead be dropped on ’em (or they’ll be tossed off the roofs of tall buildings).
Islamists believe in their future after 14 centuries. The Soviets fell when they lost such faith in mere decades. Cultural Marxists still believe because they are not fully in charge to fail as the Soviets did. They are still in the process of being the flies on the prize of capitalism..
Israel should not give a penny to a terrorist
TaliBiden has been at war with Israel for more than 40 years now. His regime only supports terrorist dictatorships
Netanyahu relates an early encounter with Senator Biden, when Biden, after expressing his fondness for Bibi added, “but I don’t agree with a word you said.” So, long before Obama, he was putting “daylight” between himself and Israel.
Biden was anti-Israel in Begin’s day, let alone Bibi’s day.
This is true. Why Biden has been lauded in the past as a friend of Israel is a mystery. He is not and never was. In his case, while one must concede that he is not at all an intelligent man, his main flaw where Israel is concerned is that he thinks he knows better than we do what’s good for us. He doesn’t and never did. In general I think it’s safe to conclude that we are not the worlds idea of what Israel should be like. Leftist, dreamers, and totally detached from reality. We can’t afford that.
The vile Dhimmi-crats’ feckless deference to, enabling of, and, whitewashing of, Muslim supremacists and terrorists is morally contemptible, and, plainly evil. It’s totally indefensible.
Dhimmi-crats and their European, Leftist dhimmi counterparts represent the greatest threat to Jews’ existence and survival outside of the Muslim world.
It’s disgraceful that even a penny of U.S. taxpayer money is being sent to prop up the manifestly corrupt, self-destructive and cancerous Abba/Fatah regime. Why should any money be sent, without the Arab Muslim, so-called “Palestinians” toning down their belligerence and hatred of Israel, and, evincing a scintilla of change in attitude and behavior? This is Diplomacy 101/Parenting 101 — you don’t hand out carrots, without actual changes in behavior/attitude of the actor/children at issue. Otherwise, you’re simply enabling bad behavior.
Same reason we’ve spent over $1 billion on Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover.
Certain members of our political class have been either bribed or natively support Islamic terrorism.
This is sadly true, Daniel. It’s totally galling. Thank you for everything that you do in this fight!
The left sits at one table and tells lies just like Islam too. Taqiyya is widely accepted in Islam, especially to overcome the enemy. The left learned well from the practices of Islam. The American people were lied to about everything, including the virus and the vaccine, our borders, funding foreign wars, fraudulent elections, and implementing unconstitutional mandates.
Screw Joe Biden and the Jackass he rode in on. What dose t hat liberal rag Time Magazine think of their Person of the Year now?
France has suffered a spate of radical Islamic terror attacks since 2015, some sophisticated attacks involving multiple attackers armed with firearms and suicide vests, some cruder but occasionally still extremely deadly attacks involving attackers using vehicles or simple tools like knives and hammers.
The Afghan mass migration alone will easily clock over 100,000.
Muslims are what burned Notre Dame. We know this because they burn lots of Christian churches and an islamic bitch parked a car-bomb in front of the cathedral the day before (it failed to detonate).
An average of two acts of vandalism happen EVERY DAY in France & Germany. (Leftist fools still assume islamic violence won’t touch their enclaves. They’re in for a rude awakening.)
While trying to learn it in HEBREW I will let my JEWISH answer to Biden and the rest of his DEMOCRAP ORGANIZATION suffice, “KISH MERE EN TUCHUS”!🇺🇸✡️
The Yiddish ‘tuches’ is based on the Hebrew ‘Tahat’
Biden has no business telling Israel what to do. He needs to butt out and focus on doing things for America.
Biden has done a whole lot of damage focusing on America. He’s spreading the pain.
Biden needs to butt out of Israel’s life. He has no business telling them what to do. He is more concerned with other countries than he is with our own. I hope Israel tells him the same thing.
Whats remarkable are the Israelis who agree with these horrible murderous policies. Its simply mindboggling their short sidedness
We have a disgrace of a President who wasn’t elected by the people. The woke are pompous! Happening now. A Psalm of Asaph. Psalm 83::1. O God do not remain silent, do not turn deaf ear, do not stand aloof O God. 2. See how your enemies growl, how your foes rear their heads, 3. with cunning they conspire against your people; they plot against those you cherish. 4. “Come they say, “let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.” 5. With one mind they plot together; they form an alliance against you.
Thank you my brother for telling and exposing the TRUTH! Either we, The USA, stand with Israel or die with The Great Satan! PERIOD!!! Go “BB” Go, You Got This!!!
I tell Bozo Joe and his Court KAPO feigele Blinken to drop dead or go to hell.
And. . .as far as Nelly, oops, Ned Price is concerned, there is a rooftop with “his” name on it in downtown Tehran. If Trump ever does get back in, one of his first acts should be putting Nelly, Princess Pete (Buttigieg) and Kareem aka Karine on a plane with a one-way destination of either Gaza or Tehran. The two disgusting pervs will then figure out the difference between tolerant Israel and their friends. But it will be too late for them.
giving aid to the enemy should be a Impeachible offence
Biden is an illegitimate president the democrats have always been the party of the KKK. They under Obama became the party of radical Marxists and the Muslim brotherhood’s