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Biden keeps claiming that he wants to control the open border and he keeps proving it by repeatedly suing states trying to secure the border. The open borders regime has sued the former Arizona state governor for using shipping containers to block entry for illegals, it sued Texas for putting up barriers in the Rio Grande and now it’s threatening to sue Texas again for criminalizing illegal entry.
Texas recently passed a law turning illegal entry into a state crime and allowing the invaders to accept deportation to Mexico in lieu of prison.
Biden’s DOJ promptly dispatched a letter warning Texas not to follow immigration law and claiming that the federal government has sole authority over border security. The federal government does have authority over foreign relations, but in this case it’s treasonously chosen to keep the border open and allowing any invaders to enter and be released into the country. What’s the remedy for that? There’s impeachment but that was hopeless once the Senate was lost. States and cities have been left on their own and are doing their best.
SB4 in Texas doesn’t claim to secure national borders, just state ones. There’s a long history of state immigration laws, but in the late 19th century, the Supreme Court decided that immigration was a purely federal power.
And so here we are.
Texas is almost certain to lose this case.
Roberts isn’t going to switch his vote from Arizona v. United States. Don’t count on Kavanaugh, ACB and Gorsuch all joining in to kick over a century of federal supremacism to the curb here.
And they would all have to join.
Of course this raises a basic question. What if the federal government, for example, were to cede half of Texas to Mexico, what’s the recourse beyond civil war? The federal government can even more aptly claim that it has total power over foreign relations and that states have none. If Texas resists, the administration goes to the Supreme Court and says that Texas is interfering with its authority.
It’s absurd, but that is really what’s going on now.
Biden is insisting that he has total power and authority over immigration and he can let millions of invaders settle in the country if he chooses to.
Biden and the DEMS do whatever they want because no one will stop them.
We need to start stopping the DEMS……….in the most permanent kind of way.
According to the US Constitution, any US state can itself take action on its own to stop an invasion
if the Federal Government will not, does not, or can not stop the invasion.
US Constitution …
Article I, Section X, Paragraph 3
“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace,
enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War,
unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”
Texas and Arizona and California, and many other US States are now being invaded from Mexico.
The political leaders and politicians and the courts refuse to enforce the US law and the Constitution.
Also, according to the US Constitution, Congress has the power to repel and stop an invasion of America.
US Constitution …
Article I, Section VIII, Paragraph 15
“The Congress shall have Power . . . To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union,
suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions;”
Texas and Arizona and California, and many other US States are now being invaded from Mexico.
The political leaders and politicians and the courts refuse to enforce the US law and the Constitution.
One would have to be blind not to see some form of civil war coming. The dichotomy within the Democrat party alone tells us something is about to give, with leftist standard bearers like the mayor’s of New York and Chicago saying the levels of incoming illegals are “unsustainable”.
Meanwhile, Bumbling Biden spends his 417th vacation day (no kidding) at a wealthy donor’s estate in St. Croix, “calling a lid” by noon and, much like his probable hero Nero, fiddles while Rome burns.
2024 is gonna get dicey, folks. Time to take inventory. My New Year’s resolution is to buy more ammo.
The Balkan Wars of the 1990s between the Serbs and Muslims will be the closest thing to what is coming in the US.
The ethnic warfare of Srebrinica or Sarajevo is way more relevant to our future than Gettysburg.
And do not forget that the US democrat president, Clinton, entered that Balkan War in the 1990’s
on the side of the depraved psychopathic Islamic scum, at the behest of the Saudi Royal Family.
Bill Clinton bombed and devastated Serbia in the interests of Saudi backed Islamic terrorists.
The US elite ruling class no longer acts on behalf of, or in the interests of, America and real flesh
and blood, bona fide US Citizens anymore.
Now, America and US citizens must recognize that Mexico and the Mexican government are the
enemy of America and real flesh and blood bona fide US citizens, and act accordingly.
If you add his daily nappy times, mental vacuity, “lid calls” and episodes of staring off into space to his 417 official vacation days, Alzheimer Joe has probably had 900 or so vacation days.
His handlers have been busy though, as the wretched state America is in proves.
This is what you would call insanity,however, it’s being perpetrated by Obam…err President Biden. Since our
Republican elected officials are completely and totally feckless, we will have to wait and see what happens in 2024.
Can this country survive until then?
Bareback Hasbeen OOosama couldn’t perpetrate a wet dream.
What is that tiny fence supposed to be? There isn’t a creature in the desert which couldn’t go over it or through it.
Texas should challenge the feds to enforce their order and continue on. There’s nothing the Borderless Biden administration could do. Abbot could just arrest any federal officials who came to throw their weight around.
“……and now it’s threatening to sue Texas again for criminalizing illegal entry.”
Talk about turning common sense being turned in its head…….criminalizing illegal entry. That is a phrase that makes absolutely no sense. But in Bidenstan, apparently, it makes perfect sense.
That is pure Leftist mentality. I hope we finally throw these Commies in government out next year.
“….criminalizing illegal entry.”
I’m so inured to the stupidity of the Alzheimer Joe administration that I often fail to notice the levels of absurdity of the things it does.
Whoever keeps down voting me gives welcome BJs to wet backs at the border till his stomach is full to his lips.
Biden the Democrat, Globalists Traitor to America and the American People he should be Impeached or voted out and Evict the United Nations and turn the UN Facility into a Homeless Shelter
It was not only slavery that was defeated in May of 1865 but the entire constitution. States rights were but the first of our rights to be toppled. Look today an honestly how many or our rights as stated in the bill of rights do we still have completely intact?
Last night i watched a pretty good movie that told of a hero saving his people from oppression. I had read the story a few times and from what i remember the movie stayed pretty much spot on with it. That hero was Samson.
Mexico is the enemy of America and flesh and blood bona fide US citizens.
Mexico murders more than 100,000 US citizens with Mexican drugs every year.
Mexican president Obrador is a mass murderer of US citizens
Mexico encourages and facilitates and promotes the invasion of millions of illegal aliens into the USA.
Mexico is the real insidious enemy of America and especially US working and middle class citizens.
Put 500,000 US military troops on the Mexican border,
and deport all illegal aliens from the USA,
and shut down the anchor baby racket.
The Mexicans on their southern border HATE the illegal immigrants who come across because of all the problems they cause, but the ones on the northern border, especially the cartels, like them because they’re a great source of revenue.
“Uncle Billy” (General Sherman of the Civil War) was against USA taking over Mexico, because, he said, “Mexico is a land of permanent war”.
Yeah, I can’t keep count if the amount of “revolutions” and territorial conflicts it’s had. What a shithole.
Sherman was right at the time but more Mexicans live in America now than Mexico (seriously) so we’ve ended up even worse off than if we had taken over.
Daniel, do you believe we are getting closer tp some type of war?
i BELIEVE this is Obama’s 3rd term along with his team. We all know they hate America
I learned at an early age how to work around arbitrary authority. Maybe Texas can abandon their border security activities and re-tool it into “just-over-the-border security.” Fight them using their own bureaucracy against them.
I mean all of these guys are pretty tough until about time they start getting shot or stabbed and they realise “society” doesn’t protect them.
Which guys do you refer to?
then they start wanting a uniformity of congruence about what “society” constitutes to protect them. In other words. consensus.
Biden threatens to sue Texas fags for faggotry.
Texas should tell Joe Biden to GO POUND SAND and the same to the UN and Soros as well. EAT MY TAILWIND DEMOCRATS SKREEET SKREET SKREEEE
What about President Biden obligation to follow the immigration laws that are on the books right now. Remember, he took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the United States.
Wait. As illegals, they are already “criminalized.”