Pathetic and treasonous.
Those are the two words that aptly describe the complete state of disaster in Afghanistan.
Biden’s latest surreal speech, after the murder of 13 American military personnel by Islamic terrorists, had quotes that sounded like they were copied and pasted from George W. Bush. “We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.”
That’s a laughable threat coming from a leader who was so frantic to retreat from Afghanistan that…
1. He turned over airport security to the Taliban and allies of Al Qaeda: the Haqqani network.
2. Abandoned thousands of Americans behind enemy lines
3. Is determined to flee from Afghanistan by the Taliban’s August 31st deadline
All the butched up rhetoric can’t disguise the fact that Biden is running away and that his rout was a disaster which allowed this to happen.
“We will respond with force and precision at our time, at the place we choose and the moment of our choosing,” Biden declared.
A remote air strike when enough intel has been gathered. Assuming Biden goes ahead and approves it. Which may be tough considering this is the same guy who opposed the Bin Laden operation.
None of that will change anything.
Considering the rate of attrition among ISIS, the planners may well be dead by then. The perpetrators are. Meanwhile they scored a humiliating attack on America because Biden turned over security to the Taliban.
Jihadists know quite well that we’re capable of hunting them down with drone strikes. They also know that if they can evade us, we’ll do little about them.
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