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The Washington Post and the New York Times have a (mostly second or third-hand) write-up of what is supposedly going on inside Biden’s head as he heads towards the exit.
According to the Times, Biden is spending a lot of time getting to know Pope Francis.
Mr. Biden is also going to the Holy See to seek solace and “relief” as he exits the world stage. Pope Francis, that person said, has become an ally and sounding board, trading occasional phone calls with Mr. Biden. Some of those conversations have been casual check-ins of the “Hey, how you doing?” variety.
They are both elderly leftists best known for speaking in word salads and wrecking formerly respected institutions. Maybe they can trade jobs for a week. No one will even notice.
According to the Post, Biden is “in a pensive, sometimes angry, mood as the end of his term approaches”.
Biden believes “he could have defeated Trump” and was disappointed that Attorney General Merrick Garland didn’t come hard enough after Trump.
In private, Biden has also said he should have picked someone other than Merrick Garland as attorney general, complaining about the Justice Department’s slowness under Garland in prosecuting Trump, and its aggressiveness in prosecuting Biden’s son Hunter, according to people familiar with his comments.
This is the epitome of corruption.
Biden’s only real regret is that he didn’t pick a corrupt enough attorney general who would cover up for his family and go after his opponent.
This isn’t even new. We’ve been hearing this from Biden for years.
Last year, Biden privately denounced how long the probe into his son was taking, telling aides and outside allies that he believed the stress could send Hunter Biden spiraling back into addiction, according to the same two people. And the elder Biden, the people said, told those confidants that Garland should not have eventually empowered a special counsel to look into his son, believing that he again was caving to outside pressure.
In recent weeks, President Biden has grumbled to aides and advisers that had Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded, according to two people granted anonymity to discuss private matters. That trial still could take place before the election and much of the delay is owed not to Garland but to deliberate resistance put up by the former president and his team.
This was an incredibly corrupt administration. And the corruption came from the top down.
Biden and his whole Cabinet belong in Prison for Treason and selling America out to China
Whoa! Whoa! Don’t stop there pal. They were selling America out to anyone who wanted a piece of the action!
And if you haven’t notice, that seems to be the MO of career politicians. You have to wonder why. What is it that they know that the rest of us American peons don’t know?
It’s just a curious thought. I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask that question.
What do career politicians know? That the people who vote for them are as corrupt as they are. So long as they keep on bringing the pork in and the welfare state benefits their constituents will keep on voting them into office. They also know the vast majority of voters are low info voters, are dumb and stupid, are ignorant of economics and political theory, and are easily mislead and misinformed, and they vote with their prejudices and emotions and instead of their thinking minds.
Objectively speaking, I can’t disagree with anything you say. I’ve said some of the same things here in this forum and elsewhere albeit in a more polite tone.
I’m sure you (and I) will catch flak for voicing what most rational, objective people think but lack the chutzpah to say openly.
What do career politicians know? Are you saying you have a thinking mind? Who told you that?
They know how to get elected. You don’t.
They don’t pretend to be vacuous intellectuals. You do.
They have money, honest or ill-gotten. You don’t.
People know who they are. No one cares who you are.
Low info? Would you say the 70 million who voted for Trump are low info, dumb and stupid, misinformed and mislead? Not like you of course. You have such a high opinion of the MAGA crowd……NOT!
You see, when you don’t get out much, in an apt. filled with Aynny and Lenny screeds, and books by Aristotle, it has to be tough to see what is all around you.
If this is his ONLY regret, then I am doubly sure that the right man won in November.
He learned absolutely ZERO….
I can’ wait for Jan 20 and the coming of the new administration….
Given the internal and external problems this country face, Trump was the only rational and reasonable choice. No other republican or democrat alive today has Trump’s moxie has or his leadership skills (professional politicians make poor leaders.).
Being liked breeds contempt. Being feared breeds respect. In this world, being feared is more valuable than being liked. America’s friends and enemies alike fear and thus respect Trump. That’s a good thing.
I am not surprised to hear this thinking on Biden’s part. What I am surprised about is his willingness to let this corrupt thinking be publicized. That tells me he is not as compos mentis as even I believed. Only an idiot would allow this kind of information to creep out in his last days in office.
Quote: its aggressiveness in prosecuting Biden’s son Hunter
1) Bury Hunter’s laptop until long after the election and continue to leave it on the side
2) Wait until some of the bigger crimes have passed the statue of limitations
3) Ignore significant aspects of Hunter’s crimes such as FARA violations which would have pointed a big finger at Joe
4) Push for an unheard of, all encompassing plea deal that was shot down by the judge
5) Only prosecute the minimum when shamed into it
Not particularly aggressive.
“They are both elderly leftists best known for speaking in word salads and wrecking formerly respected institutions.”
The Catholic Church has never been respected by Protestants, that’s why their Protestants. The Catholic Church has always been a corrupt institution.
“….it’s that you know so much that isn’t so.” Extracted from a quote by Reagan.
I lost my virginity to a Catholic. Now you’ve made me ashamed THX 1138. To be fair to me she never told me about the corrupt part and only told me how beautiful her religion was.. I wish I could have corrected her and educated her on how corrupt her church was.
I used to pound a Catholic chick when I was a teen ager. More than one, actually. I’m not Catholic so I feel no need for repentance.
When Ho Biden is finally gone from the White House in 22 days, I am sure he will make a damned fool of himself and his demonic fool associates by mouthing off incoherent dribble giving the media the last gasps of the demonic clown show that held us under and damn near tore USA asunder!
Fk Off Treasonous Quid-Pro Joe TaliBriben!!
“Biden believes “he could have defeated Trump”
Limp Joe couldn’t even beat his own tiny meat. The retard has always had delusions of grandeur. He thinks the Bidumb family is some kind of dynasty, rather than a dumb joke.
Only that particular “Pope” would give an audience to that particular degenerate politician!
Even if he weren’t demented, he would still believe that he could have beaten Trump. That’s what makes his delusional statement sort of interesting. Post January 20th, I hope we the people never have to see or hear from him and his stupid wife again.
Nothing Biden has done can be called rational. He does the opposite of what should be done.