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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Last year, Biden met with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and boasted that, “I reversed the policies of my predecessor and resumed aid to the Palestinians — more than a half a billion dollars in 2021.”
Batsheva Nigri, a preschool teacher, was riding in a car with her six-year-old daughter when Islamic terrorists from the Palestinian Authority’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade cut them off and riddled the car with 22 bullets. Batsheva’s six-year-old daughter watched her mother die.
The Palestinian Authority’s terror group hailed the murder of a 42-year-old preschool teacher as a “natural response to the crimes of the occupation” and as revenge for Denis Michael Rohan, a non-Jewish Australian tourist, starting a fire in the Al Aqsa occupation mosque in 1969.
Those who knew the preschool teacher described her as a woman with a “heart of gold” to whom “all the children were like her children.” Hamas and Islamic Jihad however claimed that her murder glorifies Allah.
Monday’s murder comes after an Israeli father and son were shot to death on the Sabbath. They’re among a growing list of terror victims this year ranging in age from a 6-year-old boy run down on a Jerusalem street to an 82-year-old woman who was killed while trying to get her disabled husband to safety when a rocket hit their building.
The twenty-six terror victims are a sharp increase from the only 3 deaths in 2020 when the Trump administration’s cutoff of aid to the terrorists occupying parts of Israel took effect.
The number of terror victims fell every year Trump was in office, from 15 in 2017, to 12 in 2018, 10 in 2019 and then only 3 in 2020. And the number of terror victims shot up every year Biden was in office from 17 in 2021, to 31 in 2022, and there is every sign that 2023 will top that.
Twice as many Israelis were killed in one month of Biden than in one year of Trump.
It’s only August and already 26 Israelis have been killed by Islamic terrorists. Last year at this time 18 Israelis had been killed by terrorists making for a 40% increase in 2023.
What made all the difference? As Rep. Ilhan Omar once said, “It’s all about the ‘benjamins’”.
In 2018, Congress passed the Taylor Force Act, named after an Iraq War veteran who was stabbed to death by a terrorist in Jerusalem, which cut off most aid to the Palestinian Authority. In 2019, President Trump went even further with a nearly total cutoff of aid to the Palestinian Authority. Biden not only restored aid, he sharply increased the flow of cash to the terrorists.
Biden’s half a billion dollars helped fuel a massive surge in Islamic terrorism. While the money is officially listed as humanitarian aid, injecting money into terror zones funds terrorism.
The Palestinian Authority maintains a ‘pay-to-slay’ program which pays salaries to terrorists based on the lengths of their prison sentences. That means successful killers can earn $3,000 a month in a part of the world where the average salary is around $700 a month. It’s five times more profitable to be a terrorist than a teacher.
That’s the price of Batsheva’s life and that is what the Biden administration has been paying for.
The Biden administration is well aware that the Palestinian Authority funds terrorism. While Biden and Secretary of State Blinken refused to raise the issue with terror leader Mahmoud Abbas, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf claimed, “we are working to bring pay-to-slay to an end.” Instead the United States is funding pay-to-slay.
And worse.
Recent documents reveal that the State Department applied for an OFAC license which exempts it from Global Terrorist Sanctions Regulations in order to provide foreign aid.
A government sanctions exemption document warned that, “we assess there is a high risk Hamas could potentially derive indirect, unintentional benefit from U.S. assistance to Gaza. There is less but still some risk U.S. assistance would benefit other designated groups.”
The Biden administration knows that it’s funding terrorism. It is not only aware of it but it actually applied for an exemption in order to be able to continue funding terrorists… including Hamas.
Batsheva’s murder, like that of the 74 terror victims killed under Biden, was paid for directly and indirectly through foreign aid to terrorists and sanctions relief on Iran’s terror regime. These policies were not undertaken in ignorance, the OFAC documents provide clear evidence that the Biden administration had been warned that it was funding terrorism and that people would die.
That’s why the number of Israelis continues to climb every year that Biden has been in office.
After 7 Israelis, including a 14-year-old boy, were killed in a Sabbath terrorist attack outside a synagogue in January 2023, Secretary of State Blinken met with Mahmoud Abbas and promised another $50 million to UNRWA which acts as the employment agency for Hamas. Earlier that same month, the Biden administration warned Israel to turn over $39 million in tax revenues to terrorists rather than providing that money to help terror victims rebuild their lives.
In August, with 4 Israelis already murdered, the Biden administration demanded that Republicans stop blocking $75 million in “humanitarian aid” to the UN agency. Sen. Jim Risch and Rep. Michael McCaul are determined to block that aid until Secretary of State Blinken certifies that UNRWA “is not affiliated with U.S. designated foreign terrorist organizations”. And yet the Biden administration can’t seem to even manage to clear that lowest of legal bars.
In Batsheva’s hometown of Efrat, which the Biden administration considers an “illegal settlement” despite being referenced numerous times in the bible, the children have lost a teacher and a friend.
The murdered preschool teacher had been on the way to “prepare the kindergarten for the start of the year.” A woman who worked with her described how “every time I entered the kindergarten, she welcomed me with a beaming smile that always accompanied her. The children were everything to her, she always hugged them and gave what she could to the children, the staff, the parents.”
Batsheva did not have to die. None of the 26 already killed this year did. The 3 dead in 2020 show what’s possible. The Biden administration is knowingly funding the murder of the innocent.
The Bloods on his hands Bidens Supporters has better hide away for the rest of their lives
Tactical measures that can be easily implemented are more checkpoints and traffic patrols in Arab areas, checking for weapons and safety violations then impounding the vehicles. Impounding the vehicles turned out to be the most effective way to stop sideshows, something I overlooked at first.
The Biden regime doesn’t like those measures, when done by Israel, either. Last week, Israel’s National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, said in an Israeli TV show interview, “My right, the right of my wife and my children to move around Judea and Samaria is more important than freedom of movement for the Arabs. The right to life comes before freedom of movement.” Immediately the media demonized him, claimed his statement to be racist. Last Friday, the U.S. State Department joined in stating, “We strongly condemn Minister Ben-Gvir’s inflammatory comments on the freedom of movement of Palestinian residents of the West Bank. We condemn all racist rhetoric; as such messages are particularly damaging when amplified by those in leadership positions and are incongruent with advancing respect for human rights for all.” So, it believes that the “right” to travel without impediment is as important as Israelis’ right to be protected from being murdered. Nope, I don’t think the wretched Biden administration would approve of the common sense measures you describe, at least not where protecting Israelis is concerned.
You most likely are correct that the Biden Administration would not approve common-sense restrictions on Palestinian movement when balanced against the right of Israelis to move about without fear of death or serious bodily injury. But, my question is why should the Israeli government care about the reaction of the United States?
They should not. Israel’s protector is G0d; the United States is an unreliable and ungrateful ally at best. G0d’s opinion is everything; the US’s, not so much.
The Dis-United States Elite including the Majority of Secular Jews use Israel as an “Outpost” to bear the Brunt and Ire of Arabs while they plunder Arabia’s resources.: .Israel will never know Peace until it breaks the Financial Fetters of Washington and is Free to negotiate its rightful place in the Worlds Nations!
They should not. G0d’s opinion is everything; the US’s, not so much.
Sorry, had some trouble getting this to post and ended up with two posts.
Israel does some of these things. Much like policing in the U.S., they’re condemned. Soros and the EU fund NGOs that generate accusations of racism, brutality, etc.
The State Department pressures Israel to take down checkpoints and let more Muslims in, terror attacks happen, people die, checkpoints go back up, and the cycle continues as it has for quite a few decades
Why do you think this is? Is it physical or spiritual pressure. Or both?
The Left is its own religion. It believes that civilization is evil and must be destroyed at every level to make way for its utopia by forcing everyone to adopt its beliefs.
A government of terrorists, by terrorists and for terrorists shall, with God’s help, perish from the earth.
Let is be so. Would you care to expand on this statement?
Revenge, is mine says the Lord.
And to think those jihadist duchebags might not have even had to buy a crappy Hunter painting.
Sleaze-bag Biden might be funding Hamas (with our tax dollars) free of charge.
To be fair to *Biden, he’s an exceptional idiot; the Clinton’s would’ve charged for their services.
Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood and they’re slicker than that when it comes to buying up our politicians.
Also an Iran lobby figure was a Biden campaign bundler.
TaliBiden has been at war with Israel for more than 40 years. This policy of funding terrorism against Israel is deliberate and the murder of Jews is the goal
Anyone see a pattern here?
In case nobody noticed the Abraham Accords engineered by Trump are dead and the Saudis have no choice but to draw closer to Iran. The one great opportunity for peace or at least stasis in the region, frittered away.
Many people who visited Poland where the concentration camps operated by the Nazis during World War II to exterminate the Jewish people. There waas Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz. They said walking by the barbed-wire fences, standing in the gas chambers, and seeing the crematora that Adolf Hitler used to commit genocide in the 1940s made these horrific places real in a way no book or documentary ever could. These camps serve as poignant memorials to the victims of the Holocaust and as macabre reminders of man’s sinful heart. Even more, they demonstrate there is something more to antisemetism than meets the eye. It is an evil that defies human logic. It is a manifestation of Satan’s millennia-long struggle against God and His Chosen People. To understand antisemetism and its deadly nature, we must understand the context of this war against God.
Antisemetism is a manifestation of Satan’s conflict with God. Satan knows his time is short; and he is doing all he can to keep God’s immuteable plans from coming to pass, including the fulfillment of His covenant promises to Israel, which continue to be accomplished. Revelation 12:13
Biden continues his 100% streak of being WRONG in everything! The guy has NEVER made a correct decision resulting in a positive, moral outcome! He should be tried for Crimes against Humanity!
He’s correct in pursuing leftist agendas and destroying everything in line with their vision for America and the world.
Add murder to the Biden List of crimes. Impeach, indict, and convict.
Verily, but wait for summer of 2024 to ensure the focus of the nation is on the impeachment hearings to expose the whole electorate to the evils of Biden and his enablers at a time most likely to influence voters in the upcoming election.
GOD Bless her!!!
Biden père et fils sont des crapules, hissés au sommet par d’autre crapules
D’ac. Et je prie que ces trous-de-cul seront condamnés à l’Enfer!
Why is US Taxpayer Cash being sent to countries that openly hate us, to Afghanistan, Pakistan, PA, and many other islamic Nations that want to destroy us from within…
The likes of the Taliban, PA etc are laughing their hairy asses off at the stupidity of the weak infidel.
Cut off ALL US Aid to every country across the entire World and use American Taxpayer cash to help Americans in need within America…
Bring ALL US Troops back to America to defend America from an invasion, as they are Stationed in countries around the World to protect these Nations from their enemies rather than defending themselves, so why are US Troops still in Germany, Spain, UK, Italy when the Cold War is over though it would appear that Old Joe and his merry gang of warmongering fools want to restart it as NATO should have gone down with the Berlin wall.
What a tangled web we weave.
What a concept huh?.
Bion of Borysthenes: “Boys throw stones at frogs for fun, but the frogs don’t die for fun, but in sober earnest.”
As long as the great majority of non-Orthodox American Jews stubbornly continue defending and voting for the party of anti-Semitism, we can expect more of these stories, chas v’sholom.
For Biden the results are less important than the means. The means are to undo and reverse all that Trump did. That is the most important thing. The consequences do not matter to Joe, because he can simply lie about the outcomes. The media, academia and all the Democrats have always endorsed his means and lied about the consequences. And there he is, with an electoral machinery that could get the whitehouse back for him. He just has to harp on the need for unlimited abortion, and probably he will win again, with the help of all the electoral tricks the Democrats used last time.