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There are a bunch of BLM organizations and umbrella groups around.
BLM Grassroots is feuding with the original BLM. It’s dominated by Melina Abdullah, the former chair of pan-African studies at California State University, who is violently antisemitic. Her activism was inspired in part by Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. And her faction was responsible for the BLM pogrom in Los Angeles.
Abdullah doesn’t even bother hiding her antisemitism and tweets things like this, “more & more jews invading campuses, causing islamophobia, racism, &intolerance!” and “we must dismantle patriarchy! specifically jewish patriarchy offending muslims &controlling our economy & campuses!”
So the BLM Grassroots statement endorsing the Hamas kidnapping, murder, rape and torture of women and children comes as little surprise. Abdullah had previously linked BLM to supporting Islamic terrorism against Israel. Now in the face of the Hamas attacks, BLM Grassroots declared that “resistance must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense”.
How raping girls and killing babies is a “desperate act of self-defense” is something Abdullah might help clarify.
Movement for Black Lives (M4BL), the major BLM player left standing which had put out a platform endorsing BDS, is retweeting terrorist propaganda, but has not issued a specific official statement. That’s likely to change before long.
Either way, Jewish leftists who endorsed BLM, are discovering that Jewish lives not only don’t matter, but that BLM cheers on their killers.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel! Ironically such false narratives were typical of their cultures already in the 1800s, and fueled their never-ending wars with each other as well as with everyone else. It looks like such wars go as far back in history as can be traced. So much for the myth of the peaceful Noble Savage.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I think you would enjoy “War on the Run: The Epic Story of Robert Rogers and the Conquest of America’s First Frontier” by John F. Ross. It is a truly absorbing read about the life and character of the man who formed the famous Rogers’ Rangers. It has graphic depictions of violence visited upon the white man by the Indians and the escalated, intelligent, brutal response given by Robert Rogers and his men over a period of years. Truly the terror Rogers gave to the savages was more creatively brutal than any they gave to the whites.
The book goes into some detail about Rogers’ personal life, his family, his romances, and his travels to England after most of his ranging was behind him. In all, I think you would find the man to be a worthy study.
Jeff Bargholz says
I’ll look that one up.
Spencer Tracy made a movie about Roger’s Rangers called “Northwest Passage” back in 1940. I recently rewatched it. It’s good, you’d like it.
One of his men went nuts and carried around an Indian’s head in leather that he would eat on. It was pretty scary. The guy was super nutso.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Burton mentioned that there were some African chiefs he met who would only drink out of the skulls of their victims
David Mu says
Can’t say this is a surprise, but still so many (Jews included) will continue on with this critical race racket. Outside of the ins and outs of racialism, the leftist will run with its anti-white, anti-male and anti-West regardless of anything. And this certainly includes its core anti-Jewish, anti-Israel blood lust.
And to think – just what the core of Islam really thinks of black people… But, never mind, the coalition must go on with the narrative. Naturally, this is inclusive of the usual idiots in the West too.
jeremiah says
Like black is the same in Arabic as slave?
Kasandra says
That’s when they (the Arabs) aren’t referring to black Africans as “hoobshis,” which means “wooly heads.” I don’t think they mean it as a complement.
David Mu says
Outside of being useful tools/fools, neither Islam nor the left see black people as much as anything but useful tools/fools. It’s one of the things of our age that so many black people certainly refuse to understand this condition.
Jeff Bargholz says
Reportedly, the paleosimians cut jew babies’ heads off! Their fucking heads! Who does that? Fucking animals Greenfield’s photo suggests the crime but thank God he didn’t show it.
It reminds me of the Achaeans in their siege of troy. Everybody remembers the wooden horsey but I think few people have actually read the Iliad. When they stormed Troy, they dashed babies’ heads open against walls near the end. And they slaughtered all the adults they could, too. It was fucked up.
I liked Paris. He wasn’t a fighter like his brother but he was a real lover.
Achilles was unstoppable, though. He wanted the same things other men wanted, he just wanted them more. A scary guy.
FatherGuido says
I got my daughter a copy of the Iliad and the Odyssey when she was a teenager. You are right. When she was in high school she corrected one of her teachers on the story and was able to back it up becuase she had actually read it and owned a copy.
When she was young, while kids her age were reading Harry Potter my daughter was reading Homer, Yeats, Poe, Lewis Carol, Robert Louis Stephenson, etc.
Jeff Bargholz says
Your daughter must be smart.
I read “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” “The Odyssey” and “The Iliad” when I was a teenager. Shakespeare, too. Of course, I read plenty of adventure stories by Jack London, Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs and guys like that, too. I was a teen, after all. And all the classic science fiction authors. (Classic now. I guess H.G. Wells and Jules Verne were the only classic authors at the time. Guys like Issac Asimov were still alive. I had a subscription to his science fiction “Analog” magazine. One of the best investments I ever made as a teen. That’s back when paper checks were a thing. I still have a battered old copy on my desk.) I was a nerd in an athletic body. I was always reading at least one and often two books at a time.
Something died in me when I got divorced from my psychopathic ex wife, though. I don’t read as much as I used to. I hope your daughter still reads and enjoys it. Reading is an easy joy. I like to do it in bed before I fall asleep.
FatherGuido says
Too smart i think some times.
When i was in high school we had different English classes for different literature. We had Poetry and plays, mythology, novels, etc. Some of my favorite classes. When i took Latin we had to read Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” in Latin. Each of us were give a part and had to translate it, then read it in front of the class.
J, Rich says
You must be real proud of yourself for the use of the f word in your gibberish. Do you thank God for that ability?
Jeff Bargholz says
God forgives all sins. Except for your ugly face.
Kit_Jefferson says
It should be more than obvious by now that it is not a phobia with the threat is real; and what Hamas is doing right now is just about as real as you can get.
jeremiah says
“Either way, Jewish leftists who endorsed BLM, are discovering that Jewish lives not only don’t matter, but that BLM cheers on their killers.”
Just to be clear Daniel you’re not shaming them, just pouring gasoline on the fire. I don’t know if it’s the suicidal self hate mo or the Christian putting on a horse hair shirt and continually purging oneself to a pure state, but it’s catnip to both groups.. It is only more alluring to them when it’s clearly put.
Jeff Bargholz says
WTF is wrong with you?
jeremiah says
You really think these people care, have a conscience just because they’re Jewish liberals.? They only get more radical when challenged. They have to purge and purify themselves and become more dogmatic and worshipful, prostrate followers of wokity without a moral code as a mediator. They crossed the Rubicon a long time ago and are only concerned with how woke they are perceived. When Daniel tells them basically only a garbage human would participate or find a way to justify what happened, they look at it as way to further themselves from the crowd and be the most woke and radical. You can’t shame them. They are beyond it..
That’s one of the most common failings is to think people are always like you. Many Jews are at best secular and not really Jewish. Wokity liberalism is their religion.
Jeff Bargholz says
You’re probably right. Unfortunately.
Cat says
huh? you’re nit making any sense
jeremiah says
I admit it is a cynical comment about liberals and how amoral they are.
Una Salus says
And you;re the adult in the room that might as well be a Holocaust denier, No level of of atrocity strikes you as anything more than catnip for agents of factional strife. The funny thing is you think you stand aloof from it. .
jeremiah says
What are you talking about? I’m merely telling Daniel that Jewish liberals will be excited by the chance to endorse the ugliness and if he thinks he’s going to shame them, it’s not going to happen. It’s a way for them to out piss one another in their woke contests and worship of state liberalism. Hating themselves and other Jews is after all cool and how can anyone refuse being cool amongst your peers? Who doesn’t want to be Bernie Sanders? Bernie will just dig in more and he’s one of the ones you can shame a little.
Maybe you think these people are too horrible to exist, but hopefully I won’t shock you with this, there are people who aren’t like you.
Una Salus says
yea for them it’s a test of lib faith
jeremiah says
Here’s an example, although not Jewish, a normal person doesn’t throw out their morals.. There’s no pretense of how this person wants to be viewed.
On Tuesday, a citizen journalist named Russel who goes by @_walruss on X, confronted Colorado Democratic Representative Tim Hernandez for his refusal to condemn these sick war crimes. At the time, Hernandez was attending a pro-Hamas rally in Denver.
As one can see below, Hernandez responded by smiling and acting dismissively.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Okay BLM we can move you all to Palestine to live just don’t bother to return
Cat says
Hey, no thanks. Thrye just cleaning out the joint now. Why ruin it again
bruce landesman says
There are certain people that you would never want on your side.
NAVY ET1 says
One thing you can say about current events over the past few years is that we no longer need to guess where political leaders, parties, groups and captains of industry stand. There’s no longer any grey area. Everything is made crystal clear.
The separation of the wheat from the tares typically happens at harvest time.
Greg says
Black Lives Matter? Before the advent of their “Black” nomenclature, the men worked and the women were pretty. Now that Black Lives Matter, the women work and the men are San Francisco pretty. Imagine the Kenyan in red pumps. Talk about a radical transformation!
Steven Kardas says
No one should be surprised in the slightest by their stance on a lot of issues including mass murder.
BLM protest march chant :
‘What do we want ? Dead Cops ! When do we want it ? Now !”
FatherGuido says
What i find funny is the fact that a couple hundred years ago hamas would have put blm in chains in the bottom of a slave ship and sold them to the Americas to work the plantations.
Kasandra says
The complete, grotesque, moral depravity of the “Progressive Left” is an full display. Before sanitizing it, support for the Fakestinian rejectionists was part of its platform on its official website. The sight of most of the rest of the “Progressive Left,” who fancy themselves the smartest and bestest people anywhere in the universe, supporting the legitimate heirs of the Nazis is nauseating.