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President Trump revoked the security clearances of the 51 intel officials who signed the letter linking the Hunter Biden laptop with “Russian disinformation.” That brought a response from Obama CIA director John Brennan, who charged that Trump’s “bizarre” order misrepresented the letter. It didn’t, and there’s more to Brennan’s backlash that the people should know.
The October 2020 letter said the 51 intel vets were “deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case” and “if we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.” And so on, a regurgitation of the Russia Hoax from 2016.
Some of the signatories were open supporters of the Biden campaign, and in the final presidential debate with Trump Biden said, “there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what this, he’s accusing me of, is a Russian plan.” The signatories included former CIA directors and acting directors Leon Panetta, Gen. Michael Hayden, John McLaughlin, Michael Morell and John Brennan. He’s the CIA director from 2013 to 2017, who never should have been hired in the first place.
In 1976, John Brennan rejected Democrat Jimmy Carter, Republican Gerald Ford, and several others including Socialist Party USA candidate Frank Zeidler. Brennan cast his vote for the Stalinist Gus Hall of the Communist Party USA, a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR. So even if Brennan wasn’t a CPUSA member, the CIA should have rejected him as a matter of common sense. Duly hired in 1980, Brennan rose through the ranks and in 2013 composite character president Obama picked him to run the powerful spy agency.
In 2020 Brennan published Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies at Home and Abroad. Like Obama, Brennan believed that Islamic jihad is “a holy struggle in pursuit of a moral goal” and has nothing to do with violence and terrorist attacks. President Trump, by contrast, not only called out “radical Islamic terrorism” but in 2019 took out Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, “the founder and leader of ISIS, the most ruthless and violent terror organization anywhere in the world.”
In early 2020, Trump took out Iran’s Qasem Soleimani, “the number-one terrorist anywhere in the world.” Neither terrorist is mentioned in Undaunted but Trump’s takedowns surely infuriated Brennan, who had another policy beef with his home-front enemy.
Brennan said he always regarded the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), “to be one of the Obama Administration’s crowning achievements.” President Trump took the United States out of the Iran deal which, he contended, “failed to protect America’s national security interests” and “enriched the Iranian regime and enabled its malign behavior, while at best delaying its ability to pursue nuclear weapons and allowing it to preserve nuclear research and development.”
Brennan blasts the “evil despicable and vile” Donald Trump, a “disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history,” but there was more to it than rhetoric. According to Brennan, “Crossfire Hurricane,” a key cog in the Russia Hoax, was “an ongoing and very sensitive operation.” This plays into the current battle for control of the CIA.
As Director of National Intelligence (DNI), duly confirmed by the Senate, John Ratcliffe fielded requests for material on “Crossfire Hurricane,” one of the covert operations against candidate and President Trump, who picked Ratcliffe to head the CIA. Democrats mounted a charge led by Sen. Chris Murphy, Connecticut Democrat, who claimed last July that “Donald Trump presents an existential threat to democracy. He has advertised he is going to transition this country from a democracy to a dictatorship.”
According to Murphy, “Mr. Ratcliffe showed a very troubling propensity to play politics with sensitive intelligence.” Nothing about “Crossfire Hurricane,” the “ongoing and sensitive” covert operation against Trump, part of a broader campaign.
“Some IC [Intelligence Community] agencies that triggered the attacks on Trump remain intact, available for reactivation in the event of another serious candidacy by Trump or the election of another Republican president.” That was the contention of former CIA analyst John Gentry in Neutering the CIA: Why U.S. Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences. Those consequences are now on full display from those who launched them in the first place.
On Thursday, the Senate confirmed John Ratcliffe by a 74-25 vote. The Trump pick must now redeploy the CIA against America’s enemies, not the people who want the nation to be great. President Trump wants to declassify secret files on the JFK and Martin Luther King assassinations, promising that “everything will be revealed.”
Ratcliffe might also unearth the full truth on “Crossfire Hurricane” and expose what the CIA knew about China’s surveillance balloon that in 2023 overflew most of the nation, including strategic military bases. The people have a right to know.
The evil despicable and vile Yahya Brennan sure likes to project. Brokeback Hasbeen Obama’s Iran deal was designed to give Iran nukes. President Trump nixed that. The scumbag just needs to crawl back under whichever rock he crawled out of. No more security clearance for the Moslem traitor who never should’ve had one to begin with.
Trump is kicking ass and taking names. He also Fired Jack Davis and all the crooked prosecutors who worked with him. He’s having a special project look at the January 6th set-up by Dirtbagocrats and the illegal imprisonment of the J-6 political prisoners.
He signed over 300 executive orders, too, designed to undo all of Alzheimer Joe’s sabotage of America and plenty more to help the country..
And this is just his first week in office.
Projection–accusing your enemies of doing what you are actually doing or planning to do–is the essence of what these leftists and Democrats do. And let’s not forget the RINOs like Collins, Murkowski and Lindsey Graham who all voted to confirm Brennan despite his communist background but voted against Trump’s great outsider picks.
That’s what we always say Demonrats always accuse Trump of everything they’re doing. Like impeachment for quid pro quo exactly what Biden did. It’s disgusting and why we voted for Trump in the first place corruption
Globalists oppose anyone who stands in the way of their Global Government why else was the United Nations created for they only use World Peace to Hide their Goals
Brennan supposedly visited Mecca when he was stationed in that part of the world, and did so openly.
Which means he was a professed muslim and the muslim authorities were happy with his performance as such.
At which point he should have been fired from the CIA so fast that they would have been throwing his mug out the door after him.
It’s bad enough having muslims working for the CIA etc., even worse when they are converts, because those will always be more fanatical.
Yes, and the converts hate their own cultures even more than the outsiders, the foreigners, do. The native islamopithecines. The converts betray their cultures on a daily basis.
Brennan is an irrefutable convert and that absolute traitor was made head of the CIA by Obama, who is likewise a stealth Moslem. Not so stealthy because like Brennan, his actions betray his true loyalties. They both have long worked to strengthen Islam worldwide and weaken America. That’s why Brokeback Hasbeen appointed Yahya in the first place.
Yahya is just biting like the rat he is because President Trump has shut him out. These government parasites and traitors just can’t understand that business as usual is over under Trump. They can’t adjust because thery’re used to having everything handed to them, and that includes Brokeback, who has no influence whatsoever anymore. In fact, his endorsement of anything is the kiss of death.
It’s about time.
Yeah, I don’t think they let infidels into Mecca.
If you wrote a suspense novel about how a communist mole (not even bothering to hide his loyalties by voting for Stalinist Gus Hall of the Communist Part of the USA) was not only hired by the CIA but promoted to run it, critics would say it’s too outlandish a concept. Yet here we are!
Brennan is a traitorous poisonous carbuncle serving the communistic Deep State, part of a triumvirate with Gen. Milley and Comey and successors at the FBI. They should all be in orange jumpsuits or in Milley’s case in front of a firing squad for his Afghanistan debacle and contacting the Chinese communist military, betraying the US Commander in Chief President Trump in his first term.
And James Clapper was Brennan’s boss while Brennan was the CIA Director. He’s got to be at least as culpable as Brennan.
Clapper was also one of the 51 liars who pushed the “Russian disinformation” (there is no such thing) lie, as we all know. Only the worst of the worst are promoted to powerful government positions under the power mad Dirtbagocrats.
You’re 100% correct. And I think Brennan is insane. It’s impossible to integrate the tenets of communism with those of Islam, yet Brennan is a communist Moslem. The two creeds are completely incompatible.
And look at his face and listen to his creepy accent. His lunacy is right there for anybody to notice.
Thanks Lloyd !!!!!
Those letters signed by 50 or 100 people turn out to be meaningless. Turns out it is possible to find 50 or 100 people to sign anything.
I once saw Penn and Teller do that. They got person after person to agree with a petition to ban water. Hell, you could get 100 people to sign a letter claiming they were flying unicorns.
“if we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.”
Typical leftist liberal government nonsense and not one of them has bothered to ask why an alleged communist foreign government would want a far right American elected.
Senator Chris Murphy is still on X telling everyone that Trump’s a Russian agent.
The DoJ should be sending investigators around to the comb through everything in Brenna’s possession, and in possession of his co-conspirators for documents and other data that they shouldn’t have, because those things will be there in spades.
Then jail the bastards for it.
Wait, a Gus-Hall voting traitor who’s barely a millimeter if that to the right of Bernie Sanders not only becomes a CIA agent but somehow manages to gain the top slot in the corporation?!
Somewhere in Heaven Tailgunner Joe McCarthy is weeping and shaking his head in disgust. “You people wouldn’t listen?!”
Joe McCarthy was right.
So was Patton. Which is why they had him murdered!
Yep. Yes. Likely. Sure. Enough characters to post? No. Okay, now?
Yes. 😉
Thanks Dan !!!!! I haven’t read the many books that have come out showing McCarthy was right, but I had already figured out early on that someone with access to the Venona project information had tipped him off. Venona was of course the biggest intelligence secret for a long time, how our experts were able to read Russia ciphers even though they were supposed to be using one-time pads.
What these leftist pricks tried to do to Trump, they succeeded in doing to Sen. Joe McCarthy.
The visceral hatred that flaming Democrats, their stenographers posing as journalists, and Hollywood had for Joe was due to him striking a raw nerve.
He was 90% right; not 100% because communist infiltration was actually worse (read “Blacklisted by History” by Stanton Evans)
I. F. Stone was not just a chickenshit “progressive” reporter, he was a paid Soviet agent (and uncle in-law to Kathy Boudin)
It was I.F. Stone who led the charge to destroy McCarthy in press circles. (read “Family Circle: The Boudins and the Aristocracy of the Left” by Susan Braudy)
To redeploy the CIA against America’s enemy would mean to redeploy the CIA against itself. Some of these people need to be brought up on charges and put away.
This is why JFK was murdered. CIA/Allen Dulles were growing drunk on power and JFK wanted to cancel them. Dulles was fired! Isn’t it curious that he ended up on the Warren Comission?!?
Not at all. I believe JFK, in not being fully briefed on the Bay of Pigs invasion, realized he wasn’t part of the intelligence loop despite being the president. The infection ran deeper than Dulles, Kennedy tried to correct it, and that’s why we had Dallas. Has anything changed?
Could we hire the Iraqi executioner for Saddam?
He did an EXCELLENT job!
Actually it seems to me that this underlines their level of competence. These folks are not able to understand foreign relations at all. That assumes of course that they are not just petty politicians still trying to get even for their trials in jr. high school.
BRENNAN, a Muslim and a Communist, who was in charge of conducting operations around the world against Muslims and Communists, but he, and Obama, were instead, aiding and abetting them.
With Obama winning the Nobel Prize, not for something he did, but for what The Committee knew he needed so he could lead the RETREAT of the United States from the World! Remember his Apology Tours? This retreat left a void to be filled by Muslims and Communists.
WHAT BRENNAN, Obama, Hillary, and Bill, never leave out Bill because he’s the one with the connections and the brains, and the hatred for Trump, did was to LEAD the coup attempts against a sitting President, going after a former President, and you can guarantee, they’re plotting another against a sitting President! (I didn’t mention Trump because this is against A PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES WHICH IS BIGGER THAN ONE MAN!)
RESEARCH ALL THEIR PASTS to CPUSA/KGB recruitment during the ’60s-’80s. Vietnam and Central America, especially Obama who then surrounded himself with these Communist recruits that were then used in these coup attempts, promoting hoaxes, ordering Lawfare, and probably assassination attempts… which for some reason are barely even mentioned and in fact, all forgotten. Imagine if it was against Obama? That would still be headline, non-stop news, all leading to the arrests of the conspirators. To Trump….. “loners. Let’s move on!”
I like the way you always go after communism. It’s a crackpot ideology that’s always used as a cover to achieve evil totalitarianism. The true believers are just retards but the leaders use it to achieve power and oppress people. As if any of them share their wealth or property.
:It just hasn’t been done right yet” says every brainwashed college student. sigh
Ask,”Do you now, or did you in the past, receive information of use to you as a journalist?” And watch the smoke rise over Washington.
It’s high time DOJ under President Trump start indicting and prosecuting for High Crimes and Treason because this is exactly what President Trump and We The People have been enduring for nearly 10 years – that’s a lot and it’s a heavy stressful burden on all families and citizens.
Brennan, et al, need to enjoy some of their own medicine.
They need to be investigated for corrupt business deals, FARA violations, and relationships with foreign adversaries.
We don’t need any more wars, but we don’t need head in the sand naivety either.
The best way to avoid ‘hot’ conflicts is to prevent them.
And one good way to prevent conflict is to put their spies in prison.
America has spent too many years putting citizens into prison and not doing anything about spies.
We complain about Russians bad fellows, but we do nothing about our bad fellows.
We ruthlessly regulate Americans on pain of jail, and give away secrets to China.
Biden just pardoned all the members of the Biden Crime Syndicate and everyone else he knew of that could have been charged with any crimes. I just heard an interview with the Congressman that investigated Biden Inc. He said the shell companies they set up, that provided no services, laundered $35M to all the family members including a grandchild. And that’s just what they know of. I don’t think Joe pardoned himself but he is secure in the fact no court would find him mentally capable of participating in his own defense.
As for Brennen, et al., he probably still has enough connections with “the boys” at the CIA to see that anyone getting to close to him gets fitted with a pair of concrete shoes for a swim in the Potomac.
I believe that Brennen is as bad as Obama, who is as bad as Soros!!!!! They need to all be banned from the US!!!!!!
When all the TRUTHS are exposed there should be IMPEACHMENTS – Joe and Barry! There should be enough evidence hiding (probably in plain sight) to impeach both of them! The House should form a Committee to do this but make it a TRUTHFUL committee consisting of R’s and D’s, but making sure that all meetings, evidence, and testimonies are PUBLIC so we can see what was done by whom and which DEMOcrats are sabotaging the efforts!
As they say, Sunshine is the best disinfectant!!!
I think it would be more fitting to charge them both with crimes against the State since they no longer hold office. Either way, Jugears will garner the sympathy of the reverse-racists and walk while Joe will be found incompetent to stand trial. Both have gotten away with every crime they’ve ever committed and will remain free until they give up the ghost. Sadly, they only represent two examples of the multitude of politicians and assorted “government officials” who have and are engaging in treasonous behavior.
Brennan is just spinning his wheels going round and round and round – and getting nowhere.
Yahya Brennan is throwing a temper tantrum because he’s finally been stymied. He’s used to his free treason ride and can’t comprehend an honest President like Trump who works for America rather than against it like Brokeback Hasbeen Obama and Alzheimer Joe’s handlers did.
I hope he has a stroke and ends up paralyzed and soiling himself for the rest of his wretched life.
Ratcliffe should also probe the presence of CCP police operating in major American cities where they harass and threaten anti-CCP Chinese-American citizens, and also manage the network of Chinese students/spies who are simultaneously studying at American universities and steal sensitive, confidentisl data, which they supply to their CCP handlers – all on American soil.
I agree with the points made in this article, but I must say that it’s filled with incomplete sentences and thoughts and reads like it was written on a cell phone in haste. Mr. Billingsly can do better than this.
Chris Murphy is a disgrace to the senate and a disgrace to the people of Connecticut. I’m from CT. His behavior sickens many of us.
Say no more.
Arrest Brennan now!
No excuses. No bail.
Effective Immediately: Any and all personnel who have had their security clearances yanked can re-apply for a letter of determination, as long as they agree to attend the US Navy’s Prisoner of War training school known as “SERE School” and pass the anti-Marxist brainwashing phase with no discrepancies.
Final evaluations will determine if go/no-go criteria has been met.
Just as many of have been opining for several years. The government is now the enemy of the people. Entrenched politicians and bureaucrats are America’s canker sores that require removal pos haste.