There’s not much that can make me sympathize with Putin and Russia, but Brittney Griner can do it.
Demonstrators with advocacy group DC Marijuana Justice plan to gather at the Russian Embassy in Washington around 4:20 p.m. Thursday and light up in protest of Moscow’s treatment of WNBA star Brittney Griner.
That should do it. There’s no way Putin is going to hold out now.
The only three reasons that anyone is paying attention to Griner, who went to a foreign country and violated its laws, is that she’s a celebrity, a leftist and a minority.
Meanwhile genuinely innocent Americans imprisoned abroad can’t get any attention at all.
Then again they might be better off without having these idiots on their side.
Pothead advocacy has always been pathetic and embarrassing to its stupid cause. And you can always count on them to take a bad issue and make it worse.
Eidinger told The Washington Post that protesters will also bring flags with green pot leaves and a 50-foot inflatable joint with a message about Griner. He also plans to throw marijuana leaves onto the Russian Embassy grounds.
Adam Eidinger (pictured above) has been doing this for a generation. His campaigns have been an occasionally lucrative pain in the ass in D.C. And he embodies every pothead stereotype.
When the Boomers came of age and then Gen X and then millennials made it into legislatures, it was virtually inevitable that drug laws would be dismantled, not because Eidinger’s idiotic stunts, but the lowest common denominator.
Russia and much of the world don’t operate that way. Drug use (to say nothing of alcohol) is widespread in Russia, especially among certain demographics, but this pathetic display shows America at its worst.
“We want Brittany released and free of the sham charges that Putin imposed on her as his failed invasion of Ukraine backfired and he elevated Russia to the status of most dangerous rogue nation on the planet,” DC Marijuana Justice co-founder and event organizer Adam Eidinger said in a statement, adding he wants Russian President Vladimir Putin “to take a good look at what freedom looks like” in the U.S.
Freedom looks like people being able to express their views. We’re rapidly losing that, but we’ll all soon have the freedom to get addicted to drugs, to gamble in casinos and all the other vices that were banned when America was actually a great country and actually offered freedom.
That nation was able to stand up to Russia. This one, can throw pot leaves at its embassy.
I give even odds for the pot leaves blowing back in their faces.
Any chance Brittney is kneeling when the Russian national anthem gets played at the prison? Particularly entertaining is seeing American women protest and demonstrate cluelessness as to why the American women have been so far ahead in sports such as basketball and soccer. They need to check their American women privilege.
“To be in a situation where you have no rights whatsoever is something I wish everybody could experience. People’s attitudes would change. It would be a better place.” ~ Tommy Chong
Yeah, just reading about French prisons (from Napoleon onwards) is enough to change my attitudes 🙂
The Big Brother Is Watching You- Drug Prohibition-Nanny-State needs to end. If you want to destroy your mind and life with alcohol or drug abuse it is not the government’s proper role to punish you for it.
If a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs harms or kills another person they should be punished severely but today the law practically rewards and encourages an actual criminal whether or not they are sober or under the influence.
Guns don’t kill people, people CHOOSE to kill people with guns. Drugs don’t kill people, people CHOOSE to kill themselves with drugs.
Moreover, in any country where the government is destroying or has destroyed the economy you will have greater alcohol and drug abuse. Caged serfs with no economic hope for a better future tend to drink or drug themselves, even unto death.
Yeah lots of drugs kill people. Weed can’t.
OH Really? Well we have 9 1/2 years to see, Yes ( 1/2 years in a russian prison can be a life time all because of Pot.
Eidinger is wearing a green head band. He’s unassailable now.
Here are a couple of things he could consider if his synapses weren’t entirely stripped of neurotransmitters;
Griner knew that drug use was illegal in Russia.
Griner apparently thought being black brings some kind of immunity all over the world
It would be just as effective, but way cheaper, to throw Lucky Charms on the lawn.
Try bringing chewing gum into Singapore or several other countries and see where it gets you. Every sovereign nation has the right to make its own laws. If you don’t like their laws you don’t have to go there.
That’s my theory. I don’t go there 🙂
Giving potheads everywhere a bad name 🙂