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“As Pride month nears an end,” Katy Grimes of the California Globe reports, “Republican lawmakers announced they were honoring Ambassador Grenell, the first openly gay presidential cabinet member, for his accomplishments and stellar career in service to the country.”
As Bruce Bawer noted in 2020, Grenell is “America’s gay hero,” with distinguished service as US ambassador to Germany and director of national intelligence. It was acting DNI Grenell who “declassified the list of Obama Administration officials who, in the interval between the 2016 election and the Trump inaugural, requested the ‘unmasking’ of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump’s choice for National Security Advisor, so they could listen in on his phone calls.” That service cut no slack with California Democrats.
Cheers rang out in the California Senate, Grimes explains, “until five Senators walked out during Republican Senator Brian Jones’ introduction of Grenell.” The walkout followed a “nasty Tweet” on June 26 from San Francisco Democrat Sen. Scott Wiener:
“This is their way of celebrating Pride, by bringing in a guy who is truly a self-hating gay man, who takes tons of anti-LGBTQ positions There are plenty of gay Republicans who don’t do the unhinged things that [Grenell] does. I’m not lumping all gay Republicans together – he is a particularly vile person.”
According to Weiner, “Grenell is a self-hating gay man. He’s a scam artist pink-washer for Trump & spreads anti-LGBTQ, anti-vax, election-denier conspiracy theories.” The former ambassador and director of national intelligence wasn’t going to take it.
“It’s an honor to be your enemy,” Grenell responded. “You are a radical voice against common sense, decency and parental rights. You are an apologist for pedophilia [and] child abuse – and you undermine American values.”
Sen. Weiner is the author of California Senate Bill 145, which would “exempt from mandatory registration under the [Sex Offender Registration] Act a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.” Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Weiner’s bill in September 2020.
California Senate Resolution 33 proclaims June 2023 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month. Earlier in June the state senate held an LGBTQ recognition ceremony with Sister Roma of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Sen. Weiner blamed “right-wing extremists” and “bigoted extremists” for tearing down Target displays.
Berkeley Democrat Nancy Skinner used the occasion to proclaim that right-wing extremists were “trying to undo LGBTQ rights.” Menlo Park Democrat Josh Becker charged that “rising homophobia and transphobia coincides with antisemitism and white supremacy.” And so on.
As Grimes noted, Democrats recognized the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for their identity. By contrast, the June 26 event recognized actual accomplishment. Honorees included rugby athletes from Cal State Sacramento, but when it came to Ric Grenell “decorum fell to the wayside” and tolerance was nowhere in evidence.
“I’ve made it clear that I am not asking for special treatment or special rights — just equal access and consideration,” said Grenell in a 2020 interview. “It is important to me that I not be defined by my sexual orientation — I want to be defined by my experience and skills. It undercuts all that I want to do in my career when I’m narrowly defined as a gay ambassador. I’d rather be known as the ambassador who got Germany to ban Hezbollah and finally take back the Nazi prison guard living in the US for over a decade.”
Grenell “negates the leftist obsession with group identity,” Bruce Bawer explains, “and by serving his country, his president, and the cause of justice so spectacularly well, he provides a stellar role model for other gay Americans who don’t want to be defined by their sexual orientation but by the content of their character and the value of their contribution to the common good.”
The former ambassador and DNI also refutes the stereotype that “all gays are pedophile socialist drag queens.” And the fact that a gay man played a key role in the Trump Administration, “drives the left absolutely nuts.” That helps explain the walkout, and joining Sen. Weiner were Democrats Caroline Menjivar, Lola Smallwood-Cuevas, Henry Stern, and Toni Atkins.
“Today they walked out when I walked in,” Grenell said. “And I wasn’t even speaking.”
“We are everywhere – we are Christians and tolerant,” he added. “Fifty percent of gays and lesbians are voting Republican now. . . it’s common sense. The left has lost the narrative.”
Grenell also expressed concern that minor children are being coerced into gender transitioning. “It’s child abuse,” the former DNI said, “and a parental rights issue.”
Mo de Profit says
“ offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.”
This shows how perverse they are, it’s OK for a tough 18 year old to abuse an 8 year old!
Why didn’t they choose the reasonable option of 4 years?
Goodnight Irene says
There’s no end to the viciousness of the radical left. They’re mean.
I believe that roughly 30% of gay men voted for Trump. Having had a number of gay friends when I was younger, I know that world. When it comes to running things, they can be quite conservative. And if there is one thing they don’t like, it is people who make neighborhoods a mess. They take care of their properties. So stuff like BLM busting up cities and homeless people and drug addicts all over the place doesn’t sit well with them. You can bank on that.
People don’t care what people do behind closed doors. But in-your- face, militant, vicious, cram-it-down-your-throat h o mo s e x uality has Americans infuriated, myself included.
I love Ric Grenell because I love honesty.
THX 1138 says
In all honesty if I were to encounter a neighborhood of people who felt a compulsion to walk upside down all their lives I would be astonished, shocked, repulsed, and I would honestly feel I would rather deal with people who feel perfectly at home walking right side up.
Homosexuality, like a compulsion to walk upside down, is not evil or immoral. Like walking upside down, it should not be legally proscribed or persecuted and no one has the right to initiate force or fraud against homosexuals or upside-down walkers. Nonetheless, like a compulsion to walk upside down, homosexuality is strangely and shockingly absurd.
Like a birth defect there is no reason to be proud of the condition, to glorify it, or to celebrate it with a public month of pride or a pride parade down Main Street.
I wonder if the day ever arrives when psychology finds a cure for the compulsion to walk upside down how many upside-down walkers would choose to be cured of their abnormal compulsion?
Intrepid says
Somehow I don’t think your fervent hope will ever be realized. But then you are not exactly one for solutions, beyond your religion of Objectivism.
Mr. Pie says
Ric has rejected his gay lifestyle and has re given his life to Jesus. You all don’t follow very close.
Steven Brizel says
Weiner is a pervert .Grenell is a proud American who dies not seek to force his lifestyle on normal Americans
Kasandra says
That’s WHY the Left loves Weiner and hates Grenell. The Left, despite believing itself the living embodiment of knowledge and goodness, is grotesque and evil. Its entire agenda is destruction. It builds nothing decent or good.
RAM says
Still nothing to brag about. Let him restrain his immoral urges.
Jeff Bargholz says
There’s nothing immoral about homosexuality. It’s like eye color. It’s meaningless.
Lightbringer says
He is a remarkably intelligent and articulate American. We need more like him.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, and he’s intelligent, competent, honorable and good looking. I admire him. Who should give a fuck that he’s gay? That doesn’t mean anything.
David Ray says
Does it not register to these extremely perverted Democrat politicians that they kinda need to change their last names!??
SNL could’ve done skits with these lechers named “Weiner”.
Speaking of SNL blowing opportunities; it appears Hunter once again forgot something.
Last time it was:
“Dude. Where’s my laptop?”
This time it’s:
“Hey dad, um, I just remembered that I forgot something in the W.H. library.”
Steve says
The Left sees him as just another cisgender white male, which means the scum of the earth in their book. Made if he were transgender….
Mo de Profit says
Try not to use the cis term. The word is ‘normal’
Bob says
Grenell succeeded due too ability, not sexual orientation. Obviously, that is unacceptable to the left.
Onzeur Trante says
Forget the rainbow, Dems favorite color is hatred. Especially hatred of those who succeed without their “help.”
Mike says
This is so obvious I shouldn’t even have to say it out loud, but I guess I have to because things are so crazy:
Sex, race, sexual preference, or being gender fluid, non binary or whatever else you want to call it, IS NOT A TALENT OR QUALIFICATION FOR ANY JOB, POSITION OR OFFICE!!
No one should vote vote or or hire anyone for any job because of what they are. We should vote for a person because of who they are, and there talent, experience, qualifications, character and personality.
It is insulting to black people to think they all think the same and all vote the same, and will automatically vote for a black person simply because they are black. It is insulting to women to think they all think the same, all vote the same and will automatically vote for a woman simply because they are a woman. It is insulting to gay people to think they all think the same, all vote the same, and will automatically vote for someone because they are gay.
Every person should be judged on their own merits. I can’t believe this is even a controversial statement.
Jeff Bargholz says
It is true that many people think and vote according to their meaningless demographics. Sadly so.
THX 1138 says
The crucial issue for the Left is not the legal acceptance, tolerance, and protection of homosexuality but the legally forced acceptance of all sexual abnormality as normal.
What the Left seeks is the destruction of reason and the denial of reality. The Left is a rebellion against reality and reason.
Does Ric Grennell realize that homosexuality is an abnormal desire that goes against the physical, biological, reality of the human condition? I don’t know but by downplaying his homosexuality the implication is there; that we really are a heterosexual species, and our bodies are in reality heterosexual bodies.
Any fundamental degree of reason on a fundamental issue of reality and the acceptance of those fundamental facts of reality is an affront to those fundamentally dedicated to wiping out reason and evading the facts of reality.
Intrepid says
Maybe, instead of trashing Conservatives and Republicans with the same abandon that you trash Christians and Jews, and get behind true non-RINO conservatives running locally and the statewide and national levels, we might get a few more conservatives in office who won’t support legalized acceptance of perversion.
But that is probably too much ask from our Spock wannabe.
Antagonizt says
That wandering statement made no sense whatsoever..
RAM says
I keep hearing we’re in a cultural war to the finish. There’s a moral component to culture.
David Ray says
One aspect of that is that I’m only just now finding out that one of those mass shooters was a trans-freak. (No surprise the DNC stenographers are running cover.)
The press love deviants & hate virtue.
RAM says
See this from the late, great Charles Krauthammer in Defining Deviancy Up, September 13, 1993
“…:Moynihan’s powerful point is that with the “moral deregulation” of the 1960s, we have had an explosion of deviancy in family life, criminal behavior, and publicly displayed psychosis. And we have dealt with it in the only way possible: by redefining deviancy down so as to explain away and make “normal” what a more civilized, ordered, and healthy society would long ago have labeled–and once long ago did label–deviant.
Moynihan is right. But it is only half the story. There is a complimentary social phenomenon that goes with defining deviancy down. As part of the vast social project of moral leveling, it is not enough for the deviant to be normalized. The normal must be found to be deviant. Therefore, while for the criminals and the crazies deviancy has been defined down (the bar defining normality has been lowered), for the ordinary bourgeois deviancy has been defined up (the bar defining normality has been raised). Large areas of ordinary behavior hitherto considered benign have had their threshold radically redefined up, so that once innocent behavior now stands condemned as deviant. Normal middle class life then stands exposed as the true home of violence, abuse, misogyny, a whole of catalog deviant acting and thinking.”
I want my country back! says
So it’s got nothing to do with gender, sexuality, race or creed; if you’re not a Leftist, you’re trash. If you’re a minority of any sort, you are just a useful idiot, if you consent to being so.
John David Liebling says
Would it be correct or an oxymoron to say that Scott Weiner is a dick?
Nathan Z says
I get your play on words, but that would not be correct. Male parts shouldn’t be something that are associated with stupidity or a bad person.
God made us and we are made in His image. God gave men their manly parts and women theirs and though society puts down masculinity, masculinity is not toxic. Neither is femininity.
Some also call male parts, the man’s “junk.” That’s incorrect as well. Those who are women, should be happy to be women. Everyone who’s a man, also be glad. And don’t go thinking you should have your body parts removed because you view them as “junk.” Cancer could be called “junk.” A foot so infected with gangrene it can’t be saved perhaps could be called junk. Normal male body parts are not junk.
John Eddy says
The Left hates ALL of humanity. Pure and simple.
Alex Gofen says
How does it sound:
First America’s Hero with Diarrhea? Or with Flatulence? Or with Erotic Apotemnophilia, or Necrophilia, or…
That’s how deranged this nation, this author, and all “parties” have become in this dark time!
“Republican lawmakers announced they were honoring Ambassador … the first openly SОDОMITЕ blah-blah-blah.” May you be dаmned Repoooplicans also for this!
Jan Peduzzi says
I’m not interested in Ric Grennell’s sexuality, don’t know him personally, but realize he is a great patriot who loves his country. He honors the USA by speaking with poise, clarity, and actual honesty without loudly declaring “fact”, as so many Democrat. party members do with their foul mouthed untruths, and rude assumptions about things they often know little or nothing about! Ric is an example of a real statesman in his great knowledge of government for the people, of the people, and BY THE PEOPLE The decent way he attempts to condemn the present failing political, self-serving bunch of those who would bring the greatest country in the history of the world DOWN is strategic!! PLEASE GOD don’t let it happen!!!! God bless Ambassador Grennell!
RS says
This shows the utter hypocrisy of the left. Grenell knew foreign policy like the back of his hand. We now have totally iincompetent people serving in the Biden administration who have totally betrayed America, and the their policies are an utter failure on every level.
Gay is Okay says
Christian America rejected homosexuality…until it didn’t. Christian America will accept the variant of homosexuality known as “transgender” and pedophilia. The comment thread here demonstrates this amply.