AFP reported Friday that the jihadists straggling out of the last stronghold of the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria remain defiant, still vowing to murder Americans. In fact, this has been their longstanding plan, as revealed in a guide to destroying the United States that the jihad group published in its heyday, back in 2015.
The AFP report quoted one woman leaving the tiny remaining ISIS domain declaring, “The caliphate will not end, because it has been ingrained in the hearts and brains of the newborns and the little ones.” Another exclaimed: “We have left, but there will be new conquests in the future….We will seek vengeance, there will be blood up to your knees.”
The Islamic State has aspired to that for a long time. In 2015, it published How to Survive in the West, a detailed manual for subterfuge and subversion, and ultimately, for jihad bloodshed, in the United States and Europe. The ominous epigraph:
Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah (God), so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ?
So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great success.
(Quran 9: 111)
How to Survive in the West began with a fanciful note of self-pity, claiming that Muslims were being unfairly targeted in the West:
A real war is heating up in the heart of Europe. Many Muslims are putting alot of effort into showing the world that we are peaceful citizens, we’re spending thousands of Euros to do Da’wah (invitation to Islam) campaigns to show how good we are in society, but we’re miserably failing. The leaders of disbelief repeatedly lie in the media and say that we Muslims are all terrorists, while we denied it and wanted to be peaceful citizens. But they have cornered us and forced us into becoming radicalised, and that will be the cause of their defeat and be the cause for the conquest of Rome.
Islam and Muhammad were being insulted, and it was time for Muslims to fight back:
As Muslims, we need to be prepared for what is coming our way. Media propaganda is the first step to justify what will happen later. So if Muslims are portrayed as evil terrorists, then the mass killing which happens to us afterwards will not be a big deal, infact [sic] it will be a sigh of relief for the fooled masses of people.
So what are Muslims supposed to do? Are we supposed to petition to a deaf ‘free press’ because our Prophet is being insulted day and night? Are we supposed to sit back until the police raids our homes for having the Quran and surah al-Tawbah [chapter nine of the Qur’an, which enjoins jihad warfare against Jews and Christians] on our shelves?
We as free Muslims cannot sit back and get locked up for something which is not a crime in the sight of Allah. In the Ummah (Nation) of Prophet Muhammad (saws), we have been taught to physically fight to defend ourselves and our religion, no matter where we are in the world.
How to Survive in the West then teaches Muslims “how to live a double-life, how to keep your Secret life private, how to survive in a threatening land, how you can Arm and strengthen the Muslims when the time for Jihad comes to your country, and neighborhood.”
A great deal of subterfuge would be needed: “If you are a convert to Islam, you should try to hide your Islam as much as possible.…If you are a born Muslim: then don’t make it too obvious you have become a practicing Muslim….if you are a practising Muslim, and you have a beard already, then don’t remove it if it will bring unwanted attention to yourself. I.e. your family, friends and colleagues will get more suspicious why you removed it, forcing them to spy on you more.”
This was all part of an effort at “making yourself look more friendly and open minded to the Western public. For example: Muslims who call themselves by a Western nickname gain more acceptances by their non Muslim colleagues. This can be an advantage because it reduces their suspicion of you as they consider you more open minded and less ‘extreme’ (religious.)”
To get money, the jihadi-in-waiting should steal from non-Muslims: “Do not feel guilty if you take back a small amount of what they have stolen from us. Easy money Ideas: If you are an expert in credit card fraud, paypal/ebay scams, Phishing, hacking, or you know the secrets of a big company, then take advantage of your skills. If you can claim extra benefits from a government, then do so. If you can avoid paying taxes, then do so.”
How to Survive in the West details how jihadis should carefully use the Internet, how they should communicate with each other, how they should keep in shape, and even how they should undertake weapons training using “Toy guns (Nerf guns), or Pellet guns or Paintball guns for target practice.” It also includes bomb-making instructions and tips on how to make sure one is not under surveillance. It goes into the Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre again, explaining how its perpetrators got their weapons and carried out their attack – making it clear that the author of How to Survive in the West, and the Islamic State in general, intends to train new cadres of jihadis to carry out an increasing number of jihad massacres in the United States and Europe.
Could any ISIS adherents be following this plan in the United States today? To think that would be “Islamophobic,” right?
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