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Far too many are still unaware of the structured, special interest activism to promote the Palestinian “resistance” movement against Israel. It is highly aggressive and determined, and has now gone global. Recall in 2018 when Michigan Democrat congressional candidate Rashida Tlaib openly stated that she favored a one-state solution, that is, the total destruction of Israel. She reiterated this again in 2022, this time accusing Israel of “apartheid,” when it is obvious that such an accusation is a lie. Arabs work in Israel and even hold seats in Knesset. Yet she got away with it, and sailed to a prominent position in American politics.
The propaganda against Israel has been effective, spreading across the globe. It hit a peak after October 7. Israel’s subsequent war against Hamas was and continues to be systematically turned against Israel, despite the fact that Hamas has been vocal about its intentions. After its goal of destroying Israel, Hamas seeks to continue to move toward a global caliphate. This was again reiterated by Hamas a week later. It is perhaps fair to say that there is nothing that Hamas or any jihadist could possibly say or do that would change the minds of antisemites. In the face of widely available information on the Internet, we still witness multitudes of disruptive pro-Hamas demonstrators throughout America and Canada, waving banners to a “resistance” that aims to murder Jews and annihilate Israel. A sinister regional imperative has gone global, in alignment with the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoot Hamas, in pursuing a vision of a global caliphate. The latter ambition is stated by Hamas itself; it was not invented by so-called “Islamophobes.” Here is an example from Canada of how the escalating global “resistance” against Jews and Israel is never presented as such: in a CBC article, “Liberal, NDP MPs to travel to West Bank to connect with Palestinians,” by Raffy Boudjikanian, CBC, January 14, 2024:
Five Canadian MPs are set to begin a week-long visit to Jordan and the West Bank today to meet with Palestinian refugees and progressive Israeli groups.
The group of MPs landing in Amman, Jordan’s capital, includes Liberal MPs Salma Zahid and Shafqat Ali and New Democrat MPs Heather McPherson (the party’s foreign affairs critic), Matthew Green and Lindsay Mathyssen.
“What we have seen in the last three months is that it is a humanitarian crisis, and the situation also in the West Bank has been worsening,” Zahid, chair of the Canada–Palestine Parliamentary Friendship Group, told CBC News prior to the MPs’ departure.
“I think it is really good to be on the ground to see, and to talk to some of the impacted families.”
The trip is sponsored travel paid for by Canadian Muslim Vote….
The Canadian Muslim Vote (TCMV), which funded this trip, is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. Aside from the Muslim MP’s, the New Democrat Party (NDP) MP’s belong to a party that ran a “peace” campaign calling upon Canada to “stop selling arms to Israel.” The NDP’s publication Spring, “a magazine of socialist ideas in action,” published an article less than a month after the horrors of October 7, entitled “Mass movement for Palestinian solidarity forces NDP in the right direction.” The NDP is pro-Palestinian, and the Liberals have not been far off from such a stance.
Are MP’s Zahid, Ali, McPherson, Green and Mathyssen also speaking to families of the victims of Hamas’ human shields and to Israeli victims of Hamas atrocities? Though presented as a “peace” mission, this delegation will likely serve to further heighten tensions in Canada and advance the lobbying to keep up the pressure on Israel for ceasefire, which is already supported by the Trudeau government. MP Salma Zahid states:
“I think it is important that Canada is known as a peacemaker, a peace-builder. So Canada should be a strong voice for a ceasefire in that region, to make sure that we put an end to the killing of innocent Palestinian people.”
The reason Israel went to war with Hamas was precisely because it seeks peace. Hamas does not want peace. Did Zahid forget the details and execution of Operation Al Aqsa Flood? of course not. The gruesome, calculated operation was advertised by al-Jazeera as a “provocation by Israeli aggression and occupation.” A top Hamas official, Ghazi Hamad, has stated: “Israel is affront to the Islamic nation and must be destroyed.” He then vowed more October 7 massacres. This was not widely published in the mainstream media, but it is a well understood fact among those who are advancing the pro-Hamas agenda, as well as among those who support Israel’s right to exist.
Israel went to war against Hamas for the same reasons that the allied forces went to war against the Nazis. Up to 60 million civilians were killed in World War II. If Israel fails to decimate Hamas, Israel will be the one decimated, while the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot Hamas will move on to its vision of a global caliphate. Instead of pressuring Israel for a ceasefire, Canada should be expressing alarm over Hamas and its vision. In Canada, pro-Hamas protests are becoming increasingly organized, and protesters were discovered to be “paid to protest.” The Toronto Sun reported:
They’re being paid to protest. What many have suspected has now been confirmed by this newspaper and a few courageous Canadians: pro-Palestine — and, increasingly, pro-Hamas — protestors are being paid to protest. To block highways and roads. To intimidate and threaten Jews and non-Jews. To cause chaos.
Indeed, the goal is to “cause chaos.” Efforts to induce Canada to descend into chaos are now being exacerbated by certain politicians (whose jobs are to be public servants seeking Canada’s best interests), as well as by Islamic leaders. All of them are throwing kerosene on the fire. Prior to the Canadian delegation to Jordan and Judea and Samaria, the story about Toronto cops giving coffee to pro-Hamas protesters who blocked North America’s busiest highway and a major overpass circulated everywhere. Eventually, demonstrations were prohibited from carrying out such disruptions and charges were laid, but not before a public scandal which embarrassed the Toronto police. There were also meetings behind the scenes. Without such media attention and pressure, would there have been any such outcome? Canadians need to take a hard look at which authorities stand up for the rule of law and which authorities oppose antisemitism without being pressured to do so. Nonetheless, the pressure needs to be kept up to stop pro-Hamas agitators and antisemites from spreading their hate and propaganda in Canada.
It is also worthwhile to mention that support for Hamas among Palestinians in Judea and Samaria surged after October 7, despite the occasional article about rage against Hamas over its use of Palestinians as human shields. If Hamas would end its use of human shields and allow Palestinian civilians to escape, and if Egypt would take in Palestinian refugees instead of building a wall, the death toll of civilians in Gaza would be negligible. So where is the global outcry against Hamas and the surrounding Muslim countries?
For the benefit of the Canadian politicians who visited the Palestinian refugees and “progressive” Israeli groups, let’s take a quick look at the history of antisemitism in the region, which began long before the establishment of the state of Israel. Jew-hatred drove the prevention of all Jewish immigration to the region of their ancestry. The entire Middle East (with the exception to Israel) was conquered by the sword of Islam. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Ottoman South Syrians inhabited the region; they ultimately became renamed the “Palestinians.” The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, led the Arab revolt of the 1930’s in response to the arrival of many Jewish refugees who were escaping the worsening situation in Europe. In response, the British published the White Papers, “giving the Arabs what they had demanded. The papers claimed Jewish immigration to the British Mandate would be discontinued as long as the Arab population did not agree to their entrance.” Haj Amin al-Husseini incited pogroms, and later collaborated with Hitler to wipe out Jews.
After the founding of Israel, the neighboring Arab states immediately attempted to obliterate it. Documents of the period make it clear that this was a jihad against Israel, but was instead referenced as a “resistance” for optics. To this day, Hamas continues its mission to kill Jews and attempt to annihilate Israel, while the Palestinian Authority seeks to do so as well, as it invests global donations into a hefty fund, called a “Martyrs Fund” (aka the “Pay-for-Slay” program). The PA recently increased its “Pay-for-Slay” payments to jihad terrorists by $1.3 million per month, due to the escalation of the jihad war against Israel. According to Palestinian Media Watch, “the nearly 67% rise in the number of prisoners will initially cost the PA an additional $1,331,000 per month (4,970,000 shekels), adding $16 million to last year’s expenditure of $161 million (600,000,000 shekels) on terror salaries.”
Should Israel implement a ceasefire, which was already in progress when October 7 happened, it will surely be attacked again. There is plenty of evidence for this which is being ignored, as is Hamas’ devious and sinister use of human shields to rack up the tally of deaths of Palestinians to gain sympathies for its ambitions.
A dividing line has become apparent globally: on one side are those who have read their history about the Islamic jihad against Israel which ultimately seeks a global caliphate; and on the other side are those who read the statistics provided by Hamas about deaths without asking questions. It is the Hamas controlled Gaza-based Ministry of Health that continues to provide the world with its tally of civilian casualties. Those numbers clearly cannot be trusted. Also, the deaths reported include terrorists and victims of Hamas’ use of human shields — yet these facts are omitted from mention.
The picture should be clear by now. Nonetheless, Canada is extremely divided on this issue. Recently, the government’s go-to Islamic organization, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (formerly CAIR-CAN), announced that over 350 Canadian organizations had urged Canada to vote “yes” during a UN ceasefire vote. The overwhelming majority of these organizations are Muslim, along with a handful of far-left organizations.
A Toronto Star article, How Muslim voters are exerting their growing political influence, explains:
There are lots of possible explanations for why Canada tilted away from Israel on the Gaza conflict this week by backing a UN resolution calling for a “sustained ceasefire……But the Trudeau government surely didn’t need much encouragement to move in that direction, and it didn’t necessarily have to do with geopolitical calculations. You only have to look at changing demographics in this country and their far-reaching political implications.
The Canadian delegation to Jordan, Judea and Samaria serves to embolden Hamas and its global supporters, so expect further “far-reaching political implications” as the Israeli war on terror drags on. Israel rightly warned: If we lose the war with Hamas, Europe is next, ‘as well as the US and Canada. Canada needs to wake up before it’s too late; its citizens need to look further than emotional headlines from the mainstream media to find out the truth. There is a war being waged by the red-green axis against Judeo-Christian societies. Consider communist China’s role in so-called “peace”. The word “peace” in this context is the epitome of deceit.
I am ashamed to admit it but I am from Toronto, I grew up in a very Jewish neighborhood in the 60s and 70’s. I recently was forced to visit the city, on the way to my destination there were 4 bridges covered in Hamas flags. The police do nothing, if you put up a Russian flag they would call in airstrikes. The situation is beyond belief, and completely unsustainable. Many of the people that I went to school with had grandparents with tattoos on their forearm, and they weren’t decorations. They thought they had found safety for they descendants in Canada, they were wrong. Self defense is a crime here.
Good column. As I have previously asked, “What has happened to Canada?” I grew up in Detroit and often visited Canada. Loved it then. Not so much anymore. Far be it from me to advise the citizens of another country how to vote but you MUST throw out the current Leftist coalition. Like the Left everywhere, it’s mission is to destroy you in order to clear the field for the building of a Leftist utopia which, somehow, never materializes.
Gazans= Hamas. There is no difference.
What a joke! Canadian politicians, some who are foreign born Muslims want to do everything except promote the end of Hamas and all Islamic extremist offshoots within the Middle East region.
Has it not occurred to these useful idiots that Islam and not Israel is the cause for all the violence in the Middle East? I have yet to find a single reference to a blood feud between the minority Jewish community living in the Arabian Peninsula and the Arab majority prior to Muhammad creating his religion.
The bottom-line is that no Jewish concessions will ever bring about peace, the end to war in the Middle East can only happen when Islam is done away with as Nazism was eliminated in Germany. People can always find justifications to hate the Jewish people in order to make war against them. But the fact is – everything being equal and Islam is removed from the equation, the Arabs justification to kill Jews just melts away.
Arabs to this very day, just spew out Muhammad’s dictates that he made against the Jews living in the north western region of the Arabian Peninsula. Muhammad is the source of all this hatred of the Jews – period.
If Western politicians really wanted to see peace in the Middle East, they would travel to Saudi Arabia and ask that the Kaaba be dismantled for starters. Then have an international conference on de-Islamizing the Arab world first and then do the same for the non-Arab world. But blaming Israel and the Jewish people is to scapegoat them for the sins of Islam, which is the source of all this hatred and warfare!
NDP’s and Liberals going on an all expense paid-for-by-Muslims trip to meet ‘Palestinians’ who are enemies of our ally Israel. Now what could be wrong with that?
Well, someone should tell them that ‘Palestinians’ don’t exist. Oh yeah. Talk to me in “Palestinian’. Show me ‘Palestinian’ currency, money from any era they claim they go back to, show me ‘Palestinian history going back even for just a couple hundred years. None of those things exist beacause they are simply Arabs from surrounding countries. And they do have a home. It’s called Jordan but thyy don’t want them. Why? Egypt doesn’t want them. None of their Arab brother nations want them. Why? I’m sure the know them better than you do. Hmmmmm.
Things that make you go hmmmmm??? (By the way, our politicians going to meet with the enemies of our ally Israel that is embroiled in a war with them mmakes them ‘traitors’, doesn’t it?
Oh well, not to worry. Jesus is coming back any day now to straighten things out, just like He promised.
Are ya ready ??
Rev. R oy…………….<
Progressives, leftists always side with the side of evil. They bow down to totalitarianism, dance with dictators and embrace and promote tyranny and cintolerance.
Intrinsically, they are weak cowards, and their fear drives them to side with the perceived stronger side (in the eyes of these fearful it is the dark side).