The UN Migration Pact represents a catastrophic dismantling of key components of democratic institutions by the United Nations, a body that has increasingly allied with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The Pact — officially named the “_Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration_” — indicates that it “offers a 360-degree vision of international migration and recognizes that a comprehensive approach is needed to optimize the overall benefits of migration, while addressing risks and challenges for individuals and communities in countries of origin, transit and destination.” It also states that “No country can address the challenges and opportunities of this global phenomenon on its own.”
This means (sarcasm warning ahead) that all countries must depend on the competent, just and democratic United Nations to guide them to enjoying the benefits of mass migration. To do this, one would have to turn a blind eye to the globalist vision of open borders that has plunged Europe into crisis, a crisis that has led in turn to the rise of the so-called “populist” movement. Contrary to the media’s labeling of it as “racist” and “Nazi,” this movement supports democracy, supports Israel, and aims to defend free societies, marginalize Islamic supremacists, and stop their incursions into Western countries. So-called “populist” leaders have also sought to protect their citizens from the damage of unlimited, unvetted migration.
Canada, in contrast, has offered to “lead the charge” on the UN Migration Pact.
As a concerned, patriotic Canadian citizen and Royal Canadian Air Force F18 retired combat pilot, Major Russ Cooper — co-founder of the group Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms — wrote a summary of his concerns about the UN Migration Pact:
Objective 2 which commits destination nations to the elimination of poverty and social inequity in originating nations;
Objective 5 requirement to assist migrants with identifying the best host country for their needs;
Objective 7 stipulation that calls for “irregular” status migrants to be considered for “regular” status;
Objective 16 direction to accommodate family reunification programs thereby expanding, exponentially, the flow rate of migration;
Objective 17 requirement to eliminate “all forms of discrimination” in the host population including those that call into question the political opinions of migrants. Here we can see Motion M-103 as a precursor for a larger, more comprehensive Global Compact initiative;
Objective 17 direction to tightly control criticism of migrants and migration programs;
Objective 17 restrictions on media outlets and professionals to ensure they are properly “sensitized” and “educated” in matters pertaining to migration;
Objective 20 stipulations that faster, better, more efficient remittance programs be developed to funnel monies out of destination and into originating nations; and
Objective 22 requirement to make all migrant-gained social benefits and pensions portable to any other jurisdictions of his or her choice.
The Migration Pact can be read in full HERE.
Canada’s opposition Conservative leader Andrew Scheer advised Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: “Instead of signing international agreements that erode our sovereign right to manage our borders, the prime minister should focus on restoring order at home.” To that, Trudeau had no reply except to accuse Scheer of using “Rebel Media talking points.”
Restoring order in Canada and securing security, economic growth and jobs for Canadians, don’t appear to be on the agenda of the globalist Trudeau. It is well known that he welcomes anyone and everyone into Canada. Directly following Trump’s temporary immigration ban on Muslim countries, Trudeau tweeted: _“To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada.” Already, at least 25,000 Syrian refugees were accepted into the country in 2016, while there were over 20,000 illegal border crossings into Canada from the US through the Quebec border from early 2017 up to Spring 2018. Over the Easter weekend alone, 600 illegal migrants crossed into Canada. During the summer, such entries were expected to be around 400 per day. The crisis prompted even the Washington Post to publish an article: Nigerians are walking into Canada, prompting request for U.S. to take action._ Since Spring, there has been virtual radio silence on the matter. The U.S.-Canadian border is approximately 3,987 miles long. Add to that the Alaska-Canada border, at 1,538 miles. By way of comparison, the U.S.-Mexican border is roughly 1,933 miles.
Unfortunately, persecuted Christians and Yazidis have not been included in Trudeau’s big welcome. Instead, Trudeau has welcomed in Islamic State jihadists who kill, rape and torture, hoping that these jihadists would be a “_powerful voice_” in Canada once they became “deradicalized.” Trudeau also has an Islamic entryist problem in his own government. He even sent a delegation to the 44th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and imposed Islamic blasphemy laws on Canada via the anti-Islamophobia motion M-103. A followup to that motion documents the objective to “monitor citizens for compliance” and train law enforcement officers to investigate online and offline “hate speech.” Meanwhile, Trudeau discriminates against Christians — referring to them as the “worst part of Canadian society”; he cut off summer job funding to any organization who opposes abortion.
Some more appalling information: the Trudeau government has spent an astronomical amount of taxpayer money on self-serving media and social media campaigns: over $13,600,000 on sponsored social media posts, along with an earmarked $675,000,000 in funding for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 2016. And now with elections coming up in 2019, Trudeau has pledged a $595,000,000 media bailout for media news organizations of his choosing.
Now Canadians must pay for his migration project far into the future, just as Canada’s unemployment rate is the worst it has been in four decades.
This is the country, almost unrecognizable as Canada after three years of Trudeau, that now intends to lead the charge on the UN Migration Pact. President Trump has already rejected the pact, although since the U.S. shares a long border with Canada — as well as with Mexico — his administration’s work will clearly be cut out for it, amid his other battles against the relentless attacks from globalist Democrats. Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Israel, Austria, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Australia and Italy have also rejected the Pact.
A rally against the UN Migration Pact is set for this upcoming Saturday on Parliament Hill. Canadians are encouraged to sign a petition against the Pact HERE. Canada is set to sign the Pact in Morocco on December 10-11.
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