The revelation from last week that China had been covertly backing Trudeau’s party just got a lot worse.
The documents say the Chinese Communist Party leadership in Beijing was “pressuring its consulates to create strategies to leverage politically [active] Chinese community members and associations within Canadian society.”…
CSIS also explained how Chinese diplomats conduct foreign interference operations in support of political candidates and elected officials. Tactics include undeclared cash donations to political campaigns or having business owners hire international Chinese students and “assign them to volunteer in electoral campaigns on a full-time basis.”
Sympathetic donors are also encouraged to provide campaign contributions to candidates favoured by China – donations for which they receive a tax credit from the federal government. Then, the CSIS report from Dec. 20, 2021 says, political campaigns quietly, and illegally, return part of the contribution – “the difference between the original donation and the government’s refund” – back to the donors.
Canada’s CSIS knew that the Chinese plot went all the way up to Trudeau.
Canadian Security Intelligence Service captured a conversation in 2014 between an unnamed commercial attaché at one of China’s consulates in Canada and billionaire Zhang Bin, a political adviser to the government in Beijing and a senior official in China’s network of state promoters around the world.
They discussed the federal election that was expected to take place in 2015, and the possibility that the Liberals would defeat Stephen Harper’s Conservatives and form the next government. The source said the diplomat instructed Mr. Zhang to donate $1-million to the Trudeau Foundation, and told him the Chinese government would reimburse him for the entire amount…
Mr. Trudeau’s Liberals swept to power in October, 2015, with a majority government. Seven months later, Mr. Zhang attended a Liberal Party fundraiser at the Toronto home of Chinese Business Chamber of Canada chair Benson Wong, where Mr. Trudeau was the guest of honour.
Just weeks after the May fundraiser, the Trudeau Foundation and the University of Montreal announced that Mr. Zhang and another wealthy Chinese businessman, Niu Gensheng, would donate $1-million “to honour the memory and leadership” of Pierre Trudeau, who as prime minister opened diplomatic relations with China in 1970.
Trudeau’s plan was to put the fox in charge of the henhouse.
Mr. Trudeau told reporters Monday that Morris Rosenberg, a former head of the Trudeau Foundation, had been selected in summer 2022 to write an independent report that will assess the effectiveness of a government panel that monitored the 2021 election for foreign threats. The Privy Council said in a statement that the report is complete and will soon be released.
Mr. Rosenberg, a former deputy minister of foreign affairs, was chief executive of the Trudeau Foundation between 2014 and 2018. He was “involved in facilitating a controversial $200,000 donation from influential CCP official Bin Zhang, who was also intimately involved in Trudeau’s 2016 billionaire cash-for-access scandal,” the Conservatives said in a Monday news release. That scandal revolved around private fundraisers the government held with wealthy donors, who were given opportunities to meet with Mr. Trudeau and other senior ministers.
Trudeau has refused to declassify CSIS documents or authorize an independent inquiry. And has been trying to cover up and shut down media reporting on his ties to China.
Guy Saint-Jacques, who was Canada’s ambassador to China until October, 2016, said Mr. Zhang had told him before the 2015 election that he planned to make donations in Canada in memory of the senior Mr. Trudeau.
Mr. Saint-Jacques said that during this period of time Chinese officials would often tell him they wanted Mr. Trudeau to become prime minister.
The beautiful Mao-Trudeau vision would have become a statue.
The politically connected Chinese donors who pledged $1-million to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and the University of Montreal did not only want to build a statue of the former prime minister.
They also sought to erect a statue at the university’s law school of chairman Mao Zedong, the Chinese leader who brought his country under Communist control and, in his decades as the Great Helmsman, oversaw policies that led to huge numbers of deaths from famine and violence.
“They suggested one of Trudeau and Mao together,” Geneviève O’Meara, a spokesperson said.
The rollout is just beginning. Conservatives are pressing for the CSIS documents. And the Globe and Mail has been professional and effective at getting the story, nailing it down and dispensing it step by step. American conservatives who wonder why Biden scandals don’t get any traction could learn some lessons here. This is old-school journalism without the memes or the hollow posturing and it’s proving to be effective.
Another election stolen by the ChiComs.
Be warned, The Globe and Mail is on the Government payroll, like most of Canada’s media.
Will our Deep State then reach out and tweak it? What’s their reach?
World domination through subterfuge. The CCP are the enemies of God and humanity. People are seen by them as biological equipment.
They are seen more like cattle to be disposed of as the dictator pleases. All Communist leader/dictators are like that. Nothing is sacred to Communists, except the dictator of the state.
Selling out is a growth industry.
The USofA sports a leader in this field. As an established careerist actually, worthy of matching credentials with the notables of history, Joe’s lifetime of preparation is paying handsome benefits.
He learned a trade then mastered it. What a country!
And the world does nothing whatsoever
They call it “elite capture.” Gee, “foundations” named for politicians. Chinese donations to those universities. Where have we seen this elsewhere? Oh yeah, I think I remember.
Please beware of dealing with Commies they have the tendency to cheat
They won’t even have the fire a shot.
We have an everyone in congress and the executive branch CCP problem.