The Left’s racist war on America and its history continues as Charlottesville has voted to remove a statue of Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea, celebrating the pioneering expedition that opened the American West.
At a speech, Mayor Nikuyah Walker, a leftist racial nationalist, referenced critical race theory, a racist ideology which she falsely described as “actual history”.
The destruction of American history that we are seeing at Charlottesville is indeed critical race theory.
Critical race theory is a destructive racist ideology that is determined to destroy America.
It was never about Confederate statues. We’ve seen Black Lives Matter mobs and their leftist allies attack statues of Lincoln, Grant, and even the black Civil War soldiers who were made famous by the movie Glory.
It’s about destroying America.
Critical race theory is a racial nationalist and leftist radical plot against America. Remember that when you hear lies about “teaching challenging parts of our history”.
Critical race theory teaches nothing and destroys everything.
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