The perpetrator’s distinctive mustache in his mugshot makes it clear that he is an admirer of Adolf Hitler, as if that weren’t already clear when he painted swastikas on the wall of a synagogue and on the grounds of a Jewish high school in Chicago. The man who did this, however, is not a white supremacist neo-Nazi out of establishment media central casting; instead, he is a Muslim named Shahid Hussain. Hussain’s attack on the synagogue follows closely after another Muslim, Malik Faisal Akram, took hostages in a Colleyville, Texas synagogue, demanding the release of convicted jihad terrorist Aafia Siddiqui. Is this the future for synagogues in this country?
Cook County Associated Judge Barbara Dawkins on Tuesday set Hussain’s bail at $250,000 and called his actions “a textbook case of a hate crime.” Hussain, who has previous convictions for burglary and driving under the influence, is accused of painting yellow swastikas on the wall of the F.R.E.E. Synagogue in Chicago, as well as on a shipping container used by the Hanna Sacks Bais Yaakov High School, which is down the street from the synagogue.
According to Fox32 Chicago, “Hussain is also accused of shattering a glass door and cracking another at a synagogue several blocks away, in the 2800 block of West North Shore, police said. He also allegedly kicked in a side window at a synagogue in the 3600 block of West Devon, where two teens in a dormitory saw Hussain wearing a cape and a red hat as he yelled outside about ‘Jews’ while breaking lights, Assistant State’s Attorney James Murphy said.” Hussain was also captured on video pantomiming firing a shotgun and making Nazi salutes. Really, what a charmer.
Hussain has been diagnosed with “mental health issues,” which was predictable. Malik Faisal Akram also supposedly had “mental health issues,” and the claim that jihadis are suffering from mental illness is an excuse that authorities frequently employ in order to avoid having to speak publicly about aspects of Islamic teaching that can incite violence. Last November in San Francisco, a knife-wielding Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” charged at police, who shot him in self-defense. The establishment media insisted he was mentally ill. Also in November, a Muslim named Emad Al Swealmeen blew himself up in a taxicab outside a Liverpool hospital; police told the public that he suffered from periods of mental illness. In Germany, a Muslim migrant stabbed four random people, and although authorities acknowledged that he could be an “Islamic extremist,” he was placed not in a prison but in a psych ward.
And so on and on. For years now, authorities who feared doing anything that might suggest a connection between Islam and terrorism consigned numerous obvious instances of jihad activity to mental illness. And no one even comes close to daring to explore the connection between Islam and anti-Semitism. Yet in the Qur’an, the Jews are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82). It claims that Jews fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); that they disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13); that Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29); that Allah turned disobedient Jews into apes and pigs (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166); and much more.
Shahid Hussain, like Malik Faisal Akram, likely believes that the Jews control the world. This idea is all too common in the Islamic world. Jordanian professor Ahmad Nofal last April ranted about “Zionist notions” and “Jewish notions” and asked, “See how they rule the world?” In a Friday sermon in 2016 at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Sheikh Muhammad Ma’moun Rahma declared: “Are you aware, oh Muslims and Arabs, that global Jewry holds the political reins in the world’s superpowers? The entire world knows that the Jews control the sources of knowledge and fortune, in order to take hold of the reins of culture and economy….Their goal is to uproot Islam and bring ruin upon its followers.”
Could that have formed any part of Shahid Hussain’s motivation for spray-painting swastikas on a synagogue and even led him to admire Hitler so much that he sported a Hitlerian mustache? Authorities will almost certainly not even consider this possibility, much less explore its implications for the future of the Jewish community in the United States. To do so would put the Biden administration’s Afghan refugee resettlement project, as well as other initiatives, in a bad light, and despite the fact that the establishment media is souring on the disingenuousness and incompetence of the Biden team, “journalists” aren’t willing to go that far. However, as incidents like this one become more common, the truth will be unavoidable.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 23 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is The Critical Qur’an. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.
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