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Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson includes half a million dollars in his budget to advance a “Commission on Restoration and Reparations.” He thinks that “reparations for descendants of slaves will help improve his city’s rising crime rate.” He’s wrong.
In a Daily Mail report: “Chicago’s progressive mayor Brandon Johnson claims REPARATIONS will help tackle ‘the cycle of violence’ amid a 17 per cent surge in crime,” by Nic White,, December 28, 2023:
The commission will study the issue and provide recommendations on whether and how to compensate Chicago’s descendants of slaves.
‘These are the first dollars spent in this city to begin the process of studying both restoration and reparations,’ Johnson said last month.
‘When residents who have experienced neglect and disinvestment for generations speak out of their pain and their trauma, this administration and the Black Caucus, we hear you.’
Johnson on Wednesday claimed reparations would also help reduce violent crime, though he was yet to directly explain how.
Johnson can’t explain how reparations would reduce violent crime, because there is no evidence for this. Reparations are a cash grab. Throwing money at the problem of mostly black-on-black crime in Chicago won’t solve the problem. A stable family and education would.
In a report by The Atlantic:
Before 1960, when poverty and racism were by all accounts far worse, the black family was considerably more stable.
In Africa, where slaves were not taken abroad, sheer greed and corruption, accompanied by savage violence, has been the norm throughout an extended history of African tribal wars. Indeed, the leftists who habitually blame whites for every problem that blacks experience will blame “colonialism” for African tribal wars. It’s the usual leftist soft bigotry of low expectations at play; it’s based on the notion that blacks are forever scarred by the deeds of whites, to the extent that they are unable to have productive lives and achieve goals, and cannot rise above any residue of “colonialism’ and historic slavery after more than a century and a half. Which other group is so shackled by historic oppressors that they’re forever victims and therefore committing an inordinate proportion of crime? The Chinese were severely abused by the Japanese, the Jews experienced the Holocaust, the Japanese were put in internment camps, and Indians were taken as indentured laborers. Yet these groups do not have problematic high crime rates.
Also, what might Mayor Brandon Johnson have to say about the rapid spread of Islam by the sword through Africa? Black jihadists rampage through villages and butcher blacks — including women and children. Black-on-black crime is a problem globally, including in predominantly black countries.
Once again, a stable family and education are the solutions for blacks in America. Johnson, a black man himself, has been married to the same woman since he was 22, went to college and became mayor in Chicago. Yet he’s calling for reparations (i.e., more handouts) for disadvantaged blacks, whom he knows actually have the opportunity to succeed in America.
The idea of every abused individual or group in history making a demand for reparations due to historic abuse is absurd. It’s no different for blacks. It’s time to put talk of reparations to rest. It’s a shameless way to squeeze cash out of the guilty-minded for crimes that were committed generations ago.
I have a better idea than reparations; a one way ticket back to Africa.
Problem is most African countries won’t take them in. Not everyone is a chump like us that takes in every destitute lowlife. They know they will be nothing but trouble. Lincoln wanted to send them back to Africa. A country called Liberia was set up for this purpose. Only a handful of black intellectuals like Eldridge Cleaver took the offer. He came back. A better idea would be to offer reparations in return for leaving but it would have to a country far away so they couldn’t easily come back easily. What would happen if they got a huge pile of money. They would probably blow it on every vice you could think of & a lot you can’t . How do know this ? William Woodson studied black athletes who received huge salaries & bonuses. These guys are probably a cut above the average black. It takes a fair amount of intelligence & self discipline to be a good athlete . Within 5 years of retirement from sport more than. half were bankrupt.
The majority of those who went to Liberia, did not survive.
Lincoln even considered sending the Black to Central and South America.
Friends of mine visited Africa and learned that just “being black” does not mean immediate acceptance in black Africa. Rather, is based on tribal affiliation. So, without tribal affiliation, American blacks are outsiders just as much as whites.
The intelligent moral and sane black people in America are not democrats.
Africa don’t need that Pinhead
Analyzing the economy of the Ghetto, government payments are probably the main monetary input to that community, which exports little of value.
The very slaves Owned Bought Sold Traded and Families Separated by his own Democrat Party make the DNC pay back the whole thing
This is a great argument against the perpetual victimization that is an element of the woke world view
“Let’s Go Brandon”
Another Democrat BRIBE$4VOTES PROGRAM which also includes Student Loan Forgiveness. They desperately need the Black vote especially now that polls are showing Blacks are leaving The Plantation. Native Americans are leaving The Reservation. Hispanics are leaving El Rancho Grande. Democrats need not worry because when we die, we’ll be voting for Democrats again!
If they did get money, would they build a house, fix up theirs, move to a safer city, a new start? LOL! I already have a way where I can double, triple it. Then I’d get the Gold Teeth I’ve always wanted.
Notice that Student Loan payments are not being made… why? Because the borrowers are waiting for FJB to forgive them. Why pay a penny. He did the same right before the 2022 Election and will do it again before 2024. The Democrats will come out with the talking points that the payments are holding these former students back in their mountain of debt.
Free tuition is another one. With this freebie and loan forgiveness, even Republican students and their parents will vote for that Bribe$4Vote Program. Millions of votes right there alone.
FJB COMMITTED BRIBERY when in 2020, he came out in support of the two men running for Senate in Georgia, but no one caught it: “IF YOU WANT YOUR $2000, YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR THESE SENATORS.” THAT’S A BRIBE! Statute of Limitations has run out on that one.
Democrat Campaign Platform: “FREE FREE FREE BUT YOU MUST VOTE FOR ME!”
“DEMOCRATS are addicting everyone to FREEBIES, as addictive as Heroin, so when we all become JUNKIES, we have to Vote for Them in order to GET OUR FIX!” sc
The covid funds , how much of that was not used to pay rent, buy food.
Same thing here
How much will the African countries who sold their own citizens into slavery be expected to contribute? Never mind…
But their descendants got their ancestors money.
The enslaved were first slaving for a black master. Then the slave ships brought them to the port in Massachusetts.
When Lincoln offered the Blacks a return trip, they refused the offer. They remember how hard life was in Africa.
Not to mention the Islamic slave traders who acted as middle men – and, on the subject of Islam and the slave trade, Turkey must owe gazillions in reparations to the Slavs who were enslaved by the Ottoman Empire over a period of several centuries. They will, of course, have to form an orderly queue behind the descendants of Armenian genocide victims. Myself, I have both Romany and Irish ancestors – so that will be reparations from the UK for the Potato Famine, and from Germany for the death of my first cousin eighteen times removed during the Holocaust. I hasten to add that I am not trivialising the appalling events in question, nor would I ever do so – but (1) there is no such thing as inherited victimhood, albeit that the next generation may suffer due to the loss or mental or physical disability of a parent, and (2) there are enough terrible events in history for most of us to owe something to someone.
I read recently that the Potato Famine was really due to bad politics, and unfairly blamed on the poor Potato.
This is the same mayor of a Dem-dominated sanctuary city who doesn’t want illegal aliens– sorry “undocumented immigrants”–coming to Chiraq.
Illinois is losing population. Maybe Governor Pritzker and the Dems can reverse that by advertising they failed to renew the tax credit program that provided school vouchers to poor families so they could escape Chiraq’s dismal public schools and send their children to the private schools attended by Pritzker’s and Obama’s kids…
Reparation is theft. A guy with thieving attitude in charge of a city full of violent criminals is not a good combination.
But I want them to receive reparations. They then can pay me back for my grandparents feeding and housing them. They did this at their cost, so I can be paid back for their expenses.
The poorest group in NYC, as per City metrics, are Hasidic Jews.
They have virtually no violent crime.
1) Male dominated household
2) Religion is at the core of the family’
I’m tired of hearing about black violence being caused by economics.
They are a violent race.
The Chicago Mayor appears well dressed with a good salary……Let him empty his closet and bank accounts to help these black folk who were never slaves…….. and have as good an opportunity as anyone else to succeed in America!
“Which other group is so shackled by historic oppressors that they’re forever victims?” How about the Palestinians? This is not to undermine the point of the article – it’s just that all of her arguments apply equally as much, give or take the historical details, to the Palestinians as to Chicago. As soon as we start applying a hereditary status, whether the person is a fifth generation “refugee”, courtesy of UNRWA, or the descendant of a slave, we imply that the individual is innately incapable of making his or her own way in life.
I could write an entire book as to why reparations are a bad idea. In a peanut shell: Most whites didn’t own slaves. What about those Black who owned Black slaves? How will it be determined which Black Americans are the descendants of slaves? What about those Black people who emigrated here from the Caribbean? Are they entitled to reparations? What form would reparations take? Basically, even bringing the issue up is a “go to” for leftanista progressive Democrats who want to make it seem like they’re doing something for their constituents when they ain’t doing squat. I don’t know what it is about Brandon Johnson’s face but every time I see him I wish I could slap the crap out of it.
Don’t muddle the scam up with a bunch of stupid questions. It’s about one thing and one thing only, milking the oppression/white supremacy canard for all it’s worth. Enough quilt ridden whites have given this hoax legs so why not ride it for all they can? When will white people stand up and tell these grifters “we don’t owe you shit”?
But I want them to receive reparations. They then can pay me back for my grandparents feeding and housing them. They did this at their cost, so I can be paid back for their expenses.
Yeah, reparations because no black person will ever become mayor of a big city like Chicago, right?
Let’s spend $500,000 of (working) taxpayers’ money for a Commission to study whether/how to give more (working) taxpayers’ money to people who don’t work!
This guy is a genius.
How convenient, they bring in all the illegals and break the law so they can get reparations and more handouts,. Crime is up and yet they keep adding to the cause of it!
The Japanese were not the only ones to abuse the Chinese. The very phrase “a Chinaman’s chance” comes from the brutal treatment of coolies in the Old West.
How about the Europeans demanding reparations from Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco for the Europeans enslaved by the Barbary pirates
In the years between 1861-1865, 700,000 Americans were Killed In Action, Died Of Wounds or were Killed By Disease. They were fathers, sons and brothers. They were soldiers, they were farmers, they were tradesmen. They all had dreams…….And they were laid waste and put in their graves.
So Johnson says that Johnson reparations would also help reduce violent crime. In other words, “Give us money or we’ll engage in violent crime.” Isn’t that called “extortion?” BTW, Johnson left out the sixty-years and trillions of dollars of War on Poverty payments and in-kind benefits we’ve already paid largely to help black people.
Reparations for all those places who lost entire places of business to those mobs of thieves and looters make the DNC pay back for the Slaves their the party that were t he Slave Owners
Frankly, if I were black, I’d be seriously considering getting in on this urban protection racket.
“This is a nice city you’ve got here. It’d be s shame if something were to happen to it.”
There’s zero correlation between the today’s youth committing crimes (where the super majority were born since the year 2000) and slavery, which at minimum is 135 years after the end of the civil war (2000 minus 1865). Forget about crime, there should bear no connection between a person’s great, great, great ancestor and someone’s personal choices today. If your long long long lost ancestor was a swindler, does that mean your personal life choices are connected to that person’s actions that go way back in history? So if your ancestry connects you to a person who was a slave, how is that relevant to you making the choice to rob a liquor store today? It’s not, this is just a way for criminals to rationalize their behavior. It’s the same thing as young African Americans looting stores and saying this is reparations. No it’s not, it’s stealing and such people are just finding a way to rationalize away their criminality.
The same goes for politicians like Mayor Brandon Johnson, who just rationalizes away giving money to African Americans in a hope that if you bribe them enough, they won’t commit crimes. This is the same type of policy Democrats use with Iran, they think if we just throw enough money at Iran, they’ll agree to stop pursuing the building of a nuclear weapon.
Crime in America is committed by all races and creeds, the only way to reduce crime is to clamp down on criminals – period. Criminals take advantage of: no cash bail, DA’s that don’t prosecute misdemeanor theft and cities that hand out bribes in the hope that criminals will reduce their activities.
This is either a bribe or a subsidy. They’re either bribing criminals not to commit crime or they’re subsidizing crime by paying for it. Which is it? Btw, it’s a known fact that what you subsidize, you get more of.