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In Nashville this week, six pro-life activists were convicted in federal court of conspiracy to violate the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act when they peacefully prayed and sang at the entrance to an abortion clinic in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, in March 2021. Those convicted now face a possible prison sentence of 10 and 1/2 years and up to $250,000 in fines.
The Biden administration’s Justice Department, which is remarkably blase about prosecuting those responsible for the 2020 riots or investigating dozens of violent attacks against pro-life crisis pregnancy centers, seems to view some Christians — specifically as a subset of conservative Americans generally — as a threat to the peace and security of the United States.
This time last year, FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin leaked an intelligence memorandum that originated within the Richmond, Virginia Field Office of the FBI. The memorandum purported to address concerns about “extremism” within segments of the Roman Catholic Church in America. Its title is a mouthful and reveals much: “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.”
Those “opportunities” to “mitigate” violent extremism included recruiting spies or having federal agents “infiltrate” certain churches to provide intelligence about potential domestic terrorism. According to the memo, “Radical Traditionalist” (or “Rad-Trad”) Catholics — defined as those who attend the Latin Mass, oppose abortion, express dissatisfaction with the papacy of Pope Francis and dislike the modernizing reforms produced by the Second Vatican Council — are secretly “white supremacists” who are plotting violence against Jews and members of other faiths, Blacks and other minorities, and gay people.
The memo appeared to rely on definitions and other information about “hate groups” provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a leftist organization notorious for its sloppy and baseless accusations of racism and smears against conservative groups and individuals.
Embarrassed, the FBI subsequently disavowed the document as not meeting their “exacting standards,” and removed it from their systems. But one cannot help but wonder what the FBI would have done had the memorandum not been made public.
It isn’t just the federal government.
A family in Montana lost custody of their 14-year-old daughter last fall after being told that gender transition was the appropriate treatment for the child’s mental and emotional disorders. The family objected, telling government officials and health care workers that “transitioning” their daughter to a boy violated their “values, morals and our religious beliefs.” Their daughter was taken from them and placed in the custody of Child and Family Services.
Christian baker Jack Phillips continues to be harassed in the state of Colorado. Phillips won a Supreme Court case in 2018 after he refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, arguing that it violated his religious beliefs. He is being sued again — this time because he has refused (also on religious grounds) to make a cake celebrating an individual’s gender transition.
The media loves to inflame this narrative as well. After Donald Trump won the recent Iowa caucus by a record-breaking margin, MSNBC co-host Joy Reid argued that the result was explicable because the state is “overrepresented by white Christians” who want people of color to “bow down” to them.
The primary reasons Christians are under attack are 1) because they refuse to bend the knee to a culture that exalts sex as the apex of all human activity, and 2) because they insist that there is a higher authority than government. Those two positions place Christians (as well as members of some other religious faiths) at odds with contemporary American culture.
The founding documents of this country make the underlying philosophy of our government clear. The Declaration of Independence, for example, states explicitly that all men are “endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” While it does not specify who or what that “Creator” might be, it is very specific that our rights come from that Creator, and not from the government.
Government in the United States today, however, will not tolerate the notion that anything — or anyone — limits its powers. That is, frankly, the source of much of the conflict behind the current push for “transgender” policies; nothing — not parental rights, not the needs of young people with mental illness, not fairness to biological women in sports, not even chromosomal biology — trumps the power of the government to declare that a man can become a woman and vice versa.
In other words, even the truth is whatever they say it is. Anyone who claims otherwise is an extremist, a “Christian nationalist,” a “white supremacist” or a threat.
One need not be a Christian — or Jew or Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist — or indeed, a member of any organized religion to understand the wisdom of the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, and the corresponding limits placed on government in our Constitution. Millions of Americans who do not see themselves as religious nevertheless hold those principles near and dear to their hearts.
They should nevertheless be just as concerned about the government’s attacks on Christians and other religious believers. Faithful Christians are not the enemies of Americans. But they are increasingly viewed as the enemies of government with an authoritarian bent that recognizes few limits to its power. The government’s attacks on freedom may be starting with Christians, but if not reined in quickly, they will not stop there.
It’d be entertaining if these leftist pricks tried an ounce of the bullshit they pull on red-blooded, patriotic Americans, on some “religion-of-peace” muslims.
Don’t worry about it. They won’t, as they lack courage for crossing islamic thugs.
Since they know what’d happen, they go after the actual peaceful Christians/Patriots/Peaceful Protesters like they did on Jan 6th.
This article documents one more example among MANY – too many.
(Me? I’m peaceful, right up until an America-hating leftist, or America-hating illegal alien makes the mistake of thinking I’ll respond like Bush43, if attacked, or blocked.)
Americas biggest enemy sit right here on American Soil its the United Nations
Perhaps our biggest enemy is a federal government that borrows 40 cents of every dollar it spends, consumes far too much of the economy and produces only chaos, and is bankrupting our children and grandchildren.
This is another intersection between islam and leftist ideology. Muslims abort baby girls not baby boys. This was observed by the organisation I worked for and we encouraged doctors to not reveal the sex of the babies to reduce the number of abortions. That was more than twenty years ago, I suspect that they don’t do that anymore.
And what’s the betting that the expectant woman has no say in whether her female infant is aborted?
Remember the 1980’s, leftist yammered on about how the Constitution is a living document. Now days, they would call it a dead duck, if they were to consider it at all.
This is the best time ever to claim Jesus as Savior and the Bible His Word. The persecutions mounting against Christians and conservative Jews will filter and therefore strengthen we that remain through the storm. So to the immoral alphabets, CRTs, BLMs, corrupt U.N. bureaucrats, etc. I say, “Bring it!”
Strike this fire burning for the Lord and spread burning embers around creating new fires. We know they hated the Lord before they hated us.
If abortion clinics obtained properly free and informed consent from their patients, having first sent them to a counsellor who is not on the clinic’s payroll and who does not have any targets to meet, those patients would feel confident that they had made the right decision, and would not be dissuaded by a few people praying or handing out leaflets about pregnancy help centres. In Biblical times babies were sacrificed to Moloch, now it’s Mammon, as clinics seek to optimise their profits.
America needs more Puritans like John Winthrop and William Bradford today than ever before in order
to save itself from the depraved psychopathic woke leftist dems and DEI racist CRT lunatics.
Without people like John Winthrop of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and William Bradford of Plimoth
Plantation, America probably would never have happened.
Also, the Mathers did much good in the development of Colonial Massachusetts.
The Puritan’s legacy in the founding and development of America was most important and essential.
America needs the Puritans more than ever now.
Christians may not be enemies of the state, but the state is most assuredly the enemy of Christians. Despite the historic truth that individual freedom and self-worth are exclusively the fruit of Judaeo-Christian beliefs and practices, and despite the frankly Christian founding of the American Republic, our federal behemoth is at war with Christ and His disciples.